Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Grupo Forex 1818

Resultados mensuales del Grupo Exencial

A continuación, encontrará los resultados de rendimiento mensuales de las cuentas administradas de Exial Group & # 8230;

Como puede ver, nuestras cuentas cuentan con baja rebaja histórica, mientras que demuestran el retorno excepcional de la inversión. Nuestro software comercial profesional está realizando consistentemente para ser provechoso para usted.

Cómo son posibles estos retornos?

Una cuenta administrada forex de Exential Group se comercializa en un software especializado para lograr una consistencia excepcional. El software utiliza las pérdidas de parada dura y toma órdenes de beneficios en cada comercio dependiendo de la estrategia utilizada.

El período de tenencia típico para cualquier comercio es generalmente menos de 30 minutos diarios. ¡No hay ningún apalancamiento imprudente o insostenible tomado para lograr estas actuaciones!

Aún mejor, nuestras cuentas administradas también utilizan sofisticadas metodologías propietarias para seguir las tendencias a corto plazo. Constantemente investigamos y desarrollamos nuestros modelos comerciales para siempre tener un mejor desempeño.

Esto incluye la evaluación continua de nuevos pares de monedas en combinación con pares ya negociados.

Ejecutamos solo operaciones de alta probabilidad durante períodos de tiempo específicos y optimizados. Utilizando estos Intervalos hemos identificado cuidadosamente como las tendencias más rentables con la metodología subyacente!

En combinación con nuestras herramientas propietarias, esto constituye la base de nuestras excepcionales ganancias de divisas ajustadas al riesgo.

* Los puntos antes mencionados están sujetos a estrategias de negociación.



Tenemos un equipo de soporte dedicado para que nuestros usuarios se comuniquen. Simplemente llámenos o envíenos un correo electrónico y le daremos una respuesta lo antes posible para ayudarle con cualquier pregunta o pregunta que pueda tener con su inversión.

Siéntete libre de contactarnos


Exential Mideast Commercial Brokers Torre Arenco, Oficina # 003 Dubai Media City, Dubai Emiratos Árabes Unidos

Tel: +971 4 276 6055 Correo electrónico: clientservices@exentialgroup. com


Invertir en una cuenta forex gestionada con Exential Group. Nuestro negocio ha sido optimizado para hacer frente a todos los desafíos que los inversionistas enfrentan hoy en día - liquidez, accesibilidad y fuertes retornos en cualquier mercado.

Te podemos ayudar hoy…


Torre de Arenco, Oficina # 003 Dubai Media City,

customerservices@exentialgroup. com

+971 4 276 6055


Es con gran honor y orgullo que Exential desee presentar a nuestro socio de negocios FC Prime Markets como el patrocinador principal del FC Goa.

Familia Exencial, aspira a trabajar como EQUIPO y nuestra pasión por el deporte es lo que nos impulsa.

1818 (EUR) Euro (EUR) Para Dólar estadounidense (USD)

Euro (EUR) Para Dólar estadounidense (USD)

Esta es la página de Euro (EUR) a Dólar estadounidense (USD) de conversión, a continuación encontrará las últimas tasas de cambio entre ellos y se actualiza cada 1 minutos. Muestra el tipo de cambio de la conversión de dos monedas. También muestra el historial gráfico de esta divisa pares, eligiendo el período de tiempo se puede obtener información más detallada. Desea invertir los pares de divisas? Por favor, visite Dólar estadounidense (USD) A Euro (EUR).

Venta 1818 EUR obtiene 2029.01786 USD Comprando 1818 EUR usted paga 2029.47086 USD

Tasas de Cambio Actualizado: Mar 25,2016 06:11 UTC

Bonos negociables hasta un 30% y ninguna comisión por retiro de fondos en enero

30 de diciembre de 2015

Estimados clientes y socios!

¡RoboForex le desea un Feliz Año Nuevo! Deja que la fortuna te favorezca en el Año Nuevo - establezca nuevos registros comerciales, aumente su depósito y sus ganancias. Nuestros regalos de Año Nuevo le ayudarán en esto: estamos ampliando los períodos de las ofertas más populares, para que usted pueda beneficiarse de sus programas favoritos y bonos durante todo el enero de 2016.

Reciba más fondos de bonificación para cada uno de sus depósitos

Hasta 115% a partir de 100 USD

bono clásico

Reciba el 50% para depósitos de hasta 100 USD.

Hasta 30% desde 100 USD

Bonos negociables

Reciba el 15% para depósitos de hasta 100 USD.

Ninguna comisión por retiro de fondos en enero

5 de enero 12 de enero 19 de enero 26 de enero

Cada martes de enero, compensamos los gastos del cliente por una solicitud de retiro de fondos.

El período de todas las ofertas es del 1 de diciembre de 2015 al 31 de enero de 2016.

Trouvé une erreur? Seleccione-le y pulse sobre Ctrl + Enter.

El comercio en el mercado Forex y en los otros mercados financieros está en un gran riesgo de perdón Su depósito inicial y no puede convenir a cada inversor. Usted debe ser informado de todos los riesgos en el consultor, en caso de necesidad, las fuentes independientes. Prévention des Risques. Política de confidencialidad. Convención de Registro.

1818 (SEK) Corona sueca (SEK) A Euro (EUR)

Corona Sueca (SEK) A Euro (EUR)

Esta es la página de Swedish Krona (SEK) a Euro (EUR) de conversión, a continuación encontrará la última tasa de cambio entre ambos y se actualiza cada 1 minutos. Muestra el tipo de cambio de la conversión de dos monedas. También muestra el historial gráfico de esta divisa pares, eligiendo el período de tiempo se puede obtener información más detallada. Desea invertir los pares de divisas? Por favor, visite Euro (EUR) Para corona sueca (SEK).

Vendo 1818 SEK obtendrá 196.02836 EUR Compra 1818 SEK que usted paga 196.20438 EUR

Tasas de Cambio Actualizado: Mar 25,2016 06:11 UTC


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Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Servicios al Cliente.

Copyright y copia; 2016 Zoom Information, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados

El canal EUR / JPY presenta una oportunidad

Qué tan estable es la gama EUR / JPY? • Niveles a Vigilar: - Range Top: 129.00 (Trend, Pivot) - Range Bottom: 123.15 (Trend, Pivot, Fibo) • Las preocupaciones persistentes sobre Grecia y un vuelo más amplio a la seguridad han puesto al EUR / JPY bajo presión. El yen se ha beneficiado en general de un retroceso en el apetito de riesgo tras el anuncio de la SEC de un caso de fraude contra Goldman Sachs. El caso aislado puede ser ignorado por los mercados que conduce a una reanudación de la tendencia alcista más amplia, lo que dejaría al par dentro de su canal actual. • Se ha desarrollado un canal ascendente obvio para el EUR / JPY, con el límite superior definido por la conexión (2 / 9,2 / 17,4 / 2 máximos) y con el límite inferior (3 / 2,3 / 22,3 / 24 lows ). Un rebote del nivel de soporte tiene el par de comercio de vuelta por encima de la SMA de 50 días en 123.86, que también ha servido de apoyo y podría evitar una segunda prueba.

Estrategia sugerida • Larga duración. Coloque una entrada en 124.00 después de otra prueba fallida. • Detener . Establezca la parada a 123.00-100 pips en riesgo y por debajo del soporte de línea de tendencia. • Objetivo. El primer objetivo es 125.50-1.5 veces el riesgo, seguido de 127.69-4 / 15 de alto.

Consejo de Negociación - El rebote de hoy podría haber sido el comienzo de la inversión deseada, haciéndonos llegar tarde a la fiesta. Existe la posibilidad de que la SMA de 50 días que entra en juego en 123.86 suplanta el límite inferior del canal como el nivel de soporte al objetivo. Sin embargo, mirando por encima del canal vemos que los movimientos extendidos hacia arriba han seguido una segunda prueba fallida que es la configuración que esperaremos para activar una posición larga. Las tendencias de riesgo continúan dictando la acción de los precios y si hay consecuencias adicionales del caso de fraude de Goldman Sachs o problemas de Grecia, entonces podríamos ver una ruptura del canal. A juzgar por la reacción relativamente tímida de hoy en los mercados de renta variable, el menguante pesimismo abre la puerta a un retorno de optimismo que sería necesario para que nuestra estructura fuera rentable.

Riesgo de eventos para Europa y Japón

Europa - La lectura del sentimiento de los inversionistas alemanes Zew será el próximo riesgo potencial del evento y si los operadores siguen siendo optimistas a pesar de los problemas en Grecia, entonces podríamos ver el apoyo de Euro generado. Sin embargo, el mayor potencial de movimiento del mercado puede provenir de la encuesta de negocios alemán IFO donde las previsiones son de una mejora de 102,1 desde 101,9. A pesar de que sería una ganancia modesta, cualquier lectura de más de 100 señales de que la perspectiva está mejorando para la economía en los próximos seis meses. Los líderes empresariales optimistas pueden traducirse en contrataciones adicionales, que son la clave para una recuperación sostenible.

Japón - El yen rara vez negocia con datos fundamentales japoneses, ya que la acción de la moneda en los precios está dictada por las tendencias de riesgo. Sin embargo, si hay una lectura que tiene potencial de mercado es el próximo Indice de la Industria Terciaria. El indicador del sector de servicios es una medida importante del crecimiento interno, que es la pregunta más importante para la economía impulsada por las exportaciones, ya que la demanda del exterior se ha mantenido firme. La balanza comercial de mercancías también merece ser observada para determinar si la demanda de exportaciones sigue fortaleciéndose.

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Unión monetaria

ROMPIENDO "Unión Monetaria"

Un grupo de países (o regiones) que utilizan una moneda común. Por ejemplo, en 1979, ocho países europeos crearon el Sistema Monetario Europeo (SME). Este sistema consistía en tipos de cambio mutuamente fijos entre estos países. En 2002, 12 países europeos acordaron una política monetaria común, formando así la Unión Económica y Monetaria Europea. Una de las razones por las que los países forman estos sistemas es reducir los costos de transacción del comercio transfronterizo.

Rasgos de la unión monetaria

Una unión monetaria o una unión monetaria se distingue de una unión económica y monetaria de pleno derecho en la medida en que implica el intercambio de una moneda común entre dos o más países, pero sin una mayor integración entre los países participantes. Una mayor integración puede incluir la adopción de un mercado único para facilitar el comercio transfronterizo, lo que implica la eliminación de barreras físicas y fiscales entre los países para liberar los movimientos de capital, mano de obra, bienes y servicios para fortalecer las economías globales. Los ejemplos actuales de las uniones monetarias incluyen el euro y el franco CFA. entre otros.

Historia de la Unión Monetaria

Las uniones monetarias a menudo han sido adoptadas en el pasado con el objetivo de facilitar el comercio y fortalecer las economías. Mientras que también ayuda a unificar estados previamente divididos.

En el siglo XIX, la antigua unión aduanera de Alemania ayudó a unificar los estados dispares de la Confederación alemana con el objetivo de incrementar el comercio. A partir de 1818, más estados posteriormente se unieron, desencadenando una serie de actos para estandarizar los valores de monedas utilizados en la zona. El sistema fue un éxito y ayudó a asegurar la unificación política de Alemania en 1871, seguido por la creación del Reichsbank en 1876 y la moneda nacional el Reichsmark.

Del mismo modo en 1865, Francia encabezó la Unión Monetaria Latina, que abarcó Francia, Bélgica, Grecia, Italia y Suiza. Las monedas de oro y plata se normalizaron y se hicieron de curso legal, y libremente intercambiadas a través de las fronteras con el fin de aumentar el comercio. La unión monetaria tuvo éxito y otros países se unieron; Sin embargo, se disolvió eventual en los años 20 con las tensiones de la guerra y de otras dificultades políticas y económicas.

Otras uniones monetarias históricas incluyen la Unión Monetaria Escandinava de la década de 1870 basada en una moneda de oro común y la eventual adopción de una moneda nacional por los Estados Unidos en 1863.

Evolución de la Unión Monetaria Europea

La unión monetaria europea en su forma contemporánea puede ser trazada a través de diversas estrategias de unificación económica a lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. El Acuerdo de Bretton Woods. Adoptada por Europa en 1944, se centró en una política cambiaria fija con el fin de evitar las especulaciones del mercado salvaje que causaron la Gran Depresión. Otros acuerdos reforzaron la unidad económica europea, como el Tratado de París de 1951 por el que se crea la Comunidad Europea del Acero y del Carbón (CECA), posteriormente consolidada en la Comunidad Económica Europea (CEE) en 1958. Sin embargo, Integración económica europea hasta que se emprendieran esfuerzos a finales de los años ochenta.

La eventual creación de la moderna Unión Económica y Monetaria Europea (UEM) fue posible gracias a la firma del Tratado de Maastricht de 1992. Así, el Banco Central Europeo (BCE) fue creado en 1998, con conversión fija y tipos de cambio establecidos entre los Estados miembros.

En 2002, la adopción del euro, una moneda única europea, fue implementada por 12 estados miembros de la UE.

Grecia y la crisis de la deuda soberana europea

Algunos economistas han criticado la adopción de la unión monetaria y la posterior integración económica europea establecida por el Tratado de Maastricht. Grecia es citada como un ejemplo de la política de la UEM defectuosa, así como los demás Estados miembros de Irlanda, Portugal, España y Chipre durante la crisis de la deuda soberana europea a partir de 2009. Tales críticos hacen hincapié en la inflexible política monetaria de la UEM que prohíbe a los Estados miembros imprimir Dinero para compensar la deuda pública, entre otras restricciones. Sin embargo, paradójicamente, cada Estado miembro tiene sus propias políticas fiscales independientes, incluidas las estructuras fiscales y las políticas de gasto. Los economistas keynesianos y postkeynesianos en particular argumentan que el gasto público deficitario - una práctica que la política de la UEM no permite - estimula el crecimiento económico y ayuda a las tasas de desempleo durante las dificultades económicas.

A medida que la crisis de la deuda soberana europea se intensificó, la situación económica de Grecia se deterioró. La UEM proporcionó rescates a Grecia ya otros estados con problemas, al mismo tiempo que impuso estrictas medidas de austeridad que afectaron poderosamente a los sectores económicos y, finalmente, políticos y sociales de Grecia. Frente a la fuerte inestabilidad social, el liderazgo político dividido y una economía aún flailing, Grecia ha sido incapaz de recuperarse. En junio de 2015 Grecia se enfrentó a un incumplimiento soberano, así como un rechazo de más medidas de austeridad de la UEM por el pueblo griego el 5 de julio de 2015. El futuro de la economía de Grecia y la membresía en la UEM, .

La ventaja competitiva que una empresa tiene sobre otras empresas de la misma industria. Este término fue acuñado por renombrado.

Un crédito fiscal en los Estados Unidos que beneficia a ciertos contribuyentes que tienen bajos ingresos de trabajo en un año fiscal determinado.

Un cálculo de impuestos que agrega ciertos elementos de preferencia de impuestos de nuevo al ingreso bruto ajustado. Utilización de los impuestos mínimos alternativos (AMT).

La fecha de vencimiento de varios futuros de índices bursátiles, opciones de índices bursátiles, opciones sobre acciones y futuros sobre acciones individuales. Todas las acciones.

La tasa de rendimiento de una propiedad de inversión de bienes raíces sobre la base de los ingresos que la propiedad se espera que genere.

Cambio de moneda extranjera

Con tasas de hasta un 5% mejor que los bancos de calle, y como una institución de dinero electrónico autorizada por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera, no es de extrañar que miles de personas elijan Foremost Currency Group para ayudarles con sus necesidades de cambio de moneda extranjera.

Herramientas de divisas actualizadas 24/7

Blogs en moneda de nuestros expertos

Publicado el Jueves 19 de Marzo de 2015

'Gran Bretaña, el país de vuelta': Osborne entrega el presupuesto de 2015 George Osborne entregó su sexto y posiblemente más. (Lee mas )

Martes 17 de marzo de 2015 Incertidumbre moviendo los mercados Fue ayer un día bastante lento en los mercados de divisas. (Lee mas )

Publicado el Viernes, 13 de Marzo de 2015

Hubo un déficit de datos esta semana de ambas economías, sin embargo, aunque hubo una falta de datos de las cifras relevantes. (Lee mas )

La eliminación de la clavija de SNB tiene un impacto continuo Con la reciente falta de noticias y datos emergentes de Suiza, el franco ha estado encendido. (Lee mas )

Publicado el Jueves 12 de Marzo de 2015

GBP / AUD Trading Subdued No hay mucho que reportar para cualquiera de estas dos monedas, ya que ha sido bastante q. (Lee mas )

Libra se sitúa en $ 1.96s Sterling / Aussie ha negociado bastante plana en los últimos días, como los jugadores del mercado esperan un monetar. (Lee mas )

Publicado el Martes 17 de Marzo de 2015

Sterling ha estado en el pie trasero hasta ahora esta semana con una falta de datos que ha estado a merced de sus contrapartes, co. (Lee mas )

Aumento de la tasa improbable después de la liberación Después de una sesión de negociación agitada la semana pasada, GBP / NZD continuó su reciente tendencia cuando wea. (Lee mas )

Publicado el Jueves 19 de Marzo de 2015

19 de marzo de 2015 Una libra fuerte tal vez un riesgo Ayer vimos los minutos de la última del Banco de Inglaterra Monetario. (Lee mas )

18 de marzo de 2015 Fabricación canadiense decepciona Después de que Sterling perdiendo terreno contra el dólar canadiense sobre el l. (Lee mas )

16 de marzo de 2015 Qué va a mover los tipos de cambio esta semana Los tipos de cambio de la libra esterlina a dólar canadiense se han mantenido b. (Lee mas )

Propiedad en el extranjero? podemos ayudar

La búsqueda de la propiedad perfecta es fácil con el grupo de propiedad Foremost. Con más de 100.000 propiedades en todo el mundo de los mejores agentes y desarrolladores, tenemos una amplia gama de propiedades para ver en línea. Simplemente busque de acuerdo a sus criterios y guarde los resultados que le interesan. Los agentes pertinentes se pondrán en contacto para guiarlo a través del proceso de visualización y compra. Obtenga más información en

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Los precios se muestran en moneda local y Sterling

Los compradores se benefician de los tipos de cambio más importantes

Está usted listo para comenzar a hacer un ingreso serio como un comerciante de divisas y recibir señales 24/5?

Permita que Forex Source Group le ayude a alcanzar sus metas. Ofrecemos las señales diarias de la divisa que tienen una tarifa muy alta del triunfo. Consulte la página Rendimiento para obtener resultados detallados.

Lo que su membresía incluye:

Señales de divisas a corto y largo plazo 24/5. Las señales se envían a través de Twitter, que también se puede configurar para enviar notificaciones móviles directamente a su dispositivo móvil. Señales a corto plazo son de bajo riesgo con un alto potencial de recompensa que por lo general duran horas a 1 día de duración y son una ventaja de Slick Trade Online Trading Academy. Las señales a largo plazo por lo general duran varias semanas a más de un mes de duración & # 8211; Se proporciona la configuración de MetaTrader 4 para que pueda ver la mejor entrada para varias señales de una semana a un mes

Qué significa esto? Puede cargar el asesor experto en su MT4 y obtener señales en todos los activos de su elección 24/5. Tenga en cuenta que el paquete de archivos se actualizará cada último domingo de cada mes. Tendrá que descargar la nueva versión para continuar con el uso de EA.

Configurar su cuenta con nosotros es una brisa:

Haga clic en el botón de abajo SUSCRIPCIÓN Follow @ ForexSource2015 en Twitter (Si aún no dispone de una cuenta de Twitter, por favor vaya a www. Twitter. com y crear uno ... sólo toma minutos) Enviar un ticket o haciendo clic AQUÍ Contacto, y mucho nosotros sabemos que usted acaba de incorporarse, junto con el mango de su Twitter y vamos a aprobar su solicitud de seguir con nosotros *** Atención: - Configuración de su cuenta después del pago ha sido procesado por completo, puede tomar hasta 48 horas de oficina *** Nuestro horario De apoyo son 9 am-4pmEST

¡Empiece hoy!

Permita que Forex Source Group le proporcione un servicio de primera categoría con algunas de las mejores señales de la industria. Proteja sus inversiones y observe cómo crecen rápidamente cada mes con fácil seguir señales además de la configuración completa de MetaTrader 4.

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Es usted un Miembro de la Academia de Comercio Online de Slick Trade? Si es así, entonces obtendrá este servicio GRATIS!

Forex Source Group Descargo de responsabilidad:

Al negociar cualquier activo financiero, existe la posibilidad de que pueda sufrir una pérdida parcial o total de sus fondos de inversión cuando se negocie. Como resultado, se aconseja que nunca debe invertir con, o el comercio de, el dinero que no puede permitirse el lujo de perder a través de esta forma de comercio.

El comercio implica un riesgo real de pérdida. Asegúrese de leer cuidadosamente nuestros términos y condiciones de uso antes de realizar inversiones. Es responsabilidad de todos los visitantes del sitio web para asegurarse de que su interacción con la divisa Group Fuente es estrictamente dentro de la ley y corresponde a las restricciones impuestas en su propio país de residencia. Los clientes deben ser conscientes de sus posibles pasivos impositivos de ganancia de capital individual en su país de residencia. El rendimiento pasado no garantiza resultados futuros.

EN LA MEDIDA MÁXIMA PERMITIDA POR LA LEY, FOREX FUENTE GRUPO EXPRESAMENTE TODAS LAS GARANTÍAS DE CUALQUIER TIPO, EXPRESA, IMPLÍCITA O LEGAL, EN RELACIÓN CON EL SITIO, PLATAFORMA, contenido y servicios, incluyendo y sin limitación, LAS GARANTÍAS DE TÍTULO, COMERCIALIZACIÓN, IDONEIDAD PARA UN FIN EN PARTICULAR, NO VIOLACIÓN DE DERECHOS DE PROPIEDAD, CURSO DE NEGOCIACIÓN O CURSO DE RENDIMIENTO. FOREX FUENTE GRUPO renuncia a cualquier garantía, expresa o implícita con respecto a: (I) EL seguridad, precisión, fiabilidad, puntualidad y el rendimiento del sitio, el contenido, la plataforma, y ​​los servicios; Y (II) EL SITIO, Y PLATAFORMA DE SERVICIOS será ininterrumpido, libre de errores o que cualquier errores serán corregidos; Y (iii) CON RESPECTO A LA EJECUCIÓN O PRECISIÓN, calidad, actualidad, integridad o utilidad de ninguna información proporcionada por EL SITIO, PLATAFORMA Y SERVICIOS.

Forex Source Group Política de reembolso:

Le agradecemos su visita a nuestro sitio web. Queremos que usted se sienta cómodo acerca de la transacción de negocios con Forex Source Group. Debido a la naturaleza de la empresa Grupo Fuente de la divisa y la accesibilidad de nuestros productos inmediatamente después de la compra, hay una estricta política de no reembolso, que comienza en la fecha de compra y se factura mensualmente a partir de entonces (si se ha suscrito a una membresía mensual) . Sin embargo, puede cancelar en cualquier momento al hacerlo a través de la pasarela de pago que utilizó para registrarse en sus servicios.

Forex Source Group se compromete a proporcionar a cada cliente un servicio excepcional. Si tiene alguna pregunta relacionada con el soporte al cliente, envíe un ticket de soporte.

Mensaje de navegación


Noticias en tiempo real después de las horas previas al mercado

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& Raquo; 1818 CAD a USD Conversion - Calculadora de cambio de dinero

Convertir 1818 Dólar canadiense (CAD) a Dólar estadounidense (USD)

Tipos de cambio utilizados para conversión de divisas actualizados el 25 de marzo de 2016 (25/03/2016)

A continuación encontrará las tasas de cambio más recientes para la conversión de Dólar canadiense (CAD) a Dólar estadounidense (USD). Una tabla que contiene las conversiones más comunes y un gráfico con la evolución del par. Las tarifas de Dólar canadiense (CAD) a Dólar estadounidense (USD) se actualizan cada minuto utilizando nuestra tecnología avanzada para la conversión de divisas en vivo. Compruebe de nuevo en unos pocos días para que las cosas para comprar con esta cantidad e información sobre dónde exactamente puede intercambiar monedas y offline.

1818 CAD = 1645,1082 USD

* Descargo de responsabilidad: PROMEDIO cotizaciones intradía se utilizaron para esta conversión. El tipo de cambio que el sistema calculó entre Dólar Canadiense y Dólar Americano el 25/03/2016 es 1 CAD = 0.9049 USD

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Convertir 1818 CAD / 1818 USD a principales monedas

Acerca del dólar canadiense (CAD)

El Banco de Canadá maneja la circulación y la política monetaria de la moneda flotante pero altamente dependiente. El dólar canadiense (CAD) está fuertemente entrelazado con la evolución económica en los Estados Unidos y el USD esto se agrava con la alta dependencia comercial que Canadá comparte con los EE. UU. y sólo se mitiga por el precio de los productos básicos como el petróleo en el que Canadá es una red Exportador y por lo tanto puede aprovechar estas exportaciones para apoyar el CAD independiente del USD. El Banco de Canadá sigue su mandato de promover el bienestar económico de la nación en yuxtaposición al mandato de muchos bancos centrales como la estabilidad de precios.

Acerca del dólar estadounidense (USD)

El Banco de la Reserva Federal de los Estados Unidos, administrado por el gobierno privado, administra la política monetaria del dólar de los Estados Unidos (USD). El USD es la moneda de reserva más extendida del mundo y la moneda más negociada en los mercados de comercio de divisas mundiales. El USD es moneda oficial en 14 países y la moneda no oficial o de facto en 37 otros. El dólar de los Estados Unidos es la segunda moneda más grande en circulación, habiendo sido superado por el euro. El USD es una moneda fiat flotante.

Últimas consultas de conversión CAD a USD

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Señales de Forex gratuitas


El orden pendiente debe colocarse a medida que llega la señal (en el tiempo "De"). El tiempo "Till" está destinado a la salida forzada. Cualquier comercio abierto es "llenado" cuando el tiempo "hasta" está a punto de ser alcanzado. Cualquier orden pendiente es "Cancelada" cuando el tiempo "Hasta" está a punto de ser alcanzado. Use trailing-stop para maximizar los beneficios.

Tenga en cuenta que los diferentes corredores dan diferentes cotizaciones en un punto específico del tiempo. La diferencia suele ser alrededor de 5 pips y tal vez más. Para superar este problema Foresignal trata de cotizaciones promedio de diferentes corredores y proporciona resultados "promedio". Sin embargo, es posible que su comercio alcance el nivel de ingreso / toma-beneficio / stop-loss cuando el comercio de Foresignal no y viceversa debido a la diferencia de cotización.

Actuación actual


Usuarios en línea


Existencias, Opciones, Opciones binarias, Forex y Futuro de comercio tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en acciones, opciones binarias o mercados de futuros. No negocie con el dinero que no puede permitirse perder especialmente con instrumentos apalancados tales como negociar de las opciones binarias, negociar de los futuros o negociar de la divisa. Este sitio web no es una solicitud ni una oferta para comprar / vender acciones, futuros u opciones. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. Usted podría perder todo su dinero rápido también: las malas condiciones del mercado, el error mecánico, los errores inducidos emocionalmente, las sorpresas de noticias y los lanzamientos de ganancias.


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Todos los derechos reservados. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario.

Groupe Caisse d'Epargne

Groupe Caisse d & # 8217; Epargne es un grupo bancario semi-cooperativo francés, fundado en 1818, con alrededor de 4700 sucursales en el país. El grupo es activo en la banca minorista y privada, así como en una participación significativa en el banco de inversión Natixis. En 2007, el grupo se encuentra en la lista de sociedades mutuales y cooperativas de la ICA Global 300, Es el segundo grupo bancario cooperativo más grande del mundo, tras el Crédit Agricole. Fue el cuarto banco francés y el vigésimo quinto banco en el mundo por activos totales en 2008.

Dirección: 50, avenue Pierre Mendès Francia, 75201 Paris Cedex 13, Francia Teléfono: +33 (0) 1 58 40 41 42 Fax: +33 (0) 1 58 40 48 00

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Consejos para Sobrevivir a la Deuda

Los valores ocultos de la consolidación de deuda

Algunas ideas negativas sobre AmeriDebt

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Error en tiempo de ejecución

Descripción: Se produjo un error de aplicación en el servidor. La configuración de error personalizado actual para esta aplicación evita que los detalles del error de aplicación se vean de forma remota (por razones de seguridad). Sin embargo, podría ser visto por los navegadores que se ejecutan en la máquina del servidor local.

Detalles: Para permitir que los detalles de este mensaje de error específico se puedan ver en máquinas remotas, cree un & lt; customErrors & gt; Dentro de un "web. config" Archivo de configuración ubicado en el directorio raíz de la aplicación web actual. Este & lt; customErrors & gt; Etiqueta debe tener su "modo & quot; Atributo establecido en & quot; Off & quot ;.

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1818 (USD) Dólar estadounidense (USD) Para Peso argentino (ARS)

Dólar estadounidense (USD) Para Peso argentino (ARS)

Esta es la página de Dólar estadounidense (USD) Para el peso argentino (ARS) la conversión, una continuación se encuentra la tasa de cambio entre ellos y se actualiza cada 1 minuto. Muestra el tipo de cambio de la conversión de dos monedas. También se muestra el gráfico de la historia de esta pareja de divisas, eligiendo el período de tiempo puede obtener información más detallada. Te gustó invertir los pares de divisas? Por favor, visite Peso argentino (ARS) Por Dólar estadounidense (USD).

Venta 1818 USD obtiene 26335.548 ARS Compra 1818 USD que usted paga 26466.444 ARS

Tipo de Cambio Actualizado: Mar 25,2016 06:11 UTC

Grupo FxPro


FxPro Group es un corredor forex regulado. Para abrir una cuenta, debe cumplir con un mínimo depósito inicial de $ 500, que es ligeramente superior al promedio. Además, FxPro Group ofrece un apalancamiento máximo de 500: 1, que está por encima de la media, lo que significa que un comerciante puede comprar grandes posiciones con una pequeña cantidad de capital.

El nivel de llamada de margen ofrecido de 40% podría ser bastante riesgoso para los operadores inexpertos. Un nivel de margen por debajo del 100% indica que el comerciante puede seguir abriendo nuevas posiciones incluso cuando su patrimonio total ha caído por debajo del margen abierto. Si decide invertir con FxPro Group, le recomendamos que supervise su nivel de margen y tenga cuidado con las posiciones de apertura cuando su capital esté por debajo de su margen abierto.

Configuracion de cuenta

Tamaño mínimo de la cuenta

Tamaño de la posición mínima

Libra de Gran Bretaña

Dólar de los Estados Unidos

Información comercial estándar

Nivel de llamada de margen

Número de pares de monedas

Servicios de Broker

Plataformas disponibles

Servicios de apoyo

Consideraciones de riesgo

Credio revisó las opciones y limitaciones ofrecidas por FxPro Group a sus clientes con el fin de llegar a una puntuación de riesgo para el corredor. El puntaje de riesgo toma en consideración múltiples factores. Esto es lo que se destacó con respecto a FxPro Group:

Regulación. Este corredor está regulado

Posición. El corredor hace cumplir un tamaño de posición mínimo de 0,1 Lote, limitando el control del comerciante

Apalancamiento. El corredor permite un apalancamiento máximo de 500: 1 que es grande y puede causar oficios fuera de control si no se comprueba

Nivel de llamada de margen. El nivel de llamada de margen se establece en el 40%, lo que permite al operador seguir abriendo posiciones incluso una vez que su margen se ha extendido más allá de su patrimonio

Nivel de parada. El nivel de parada se establece en 30%, lo cual es bastante seguro

En general, FxPro Group obtuvo una puntuación de riesgo de 4,52. Esto indica que FxPro Group no ofrece opciones de corredores de riesgo.

Para obtener más información sobre nuestras evaluaciones, consulte también nuestro desglose detallado en la guía.


FxPro Group ofrece un conjunto muy diverso de opciones comerciales que beneficiarían enormemente a todos los comerciantes. Además de la amplia gama de valores disponibles, la capacidad de cuero cabelludo es especialmente ventajoso para los comerciantes a corto plazo que buscan cometer un alto volumen de operaciones diarias. Mientras tanto, los beneficios de la cobertura pueden atraer a los inversores a largo plazo que buscan ser capaces de salvaguardar sus operaciones.

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 10 comentarios

Por: gregfarow2014 | 4/5 | Hace 18 meses

Yo estaba pasando por muchas dificultades en mi negocio cuando llegué a conocer FxPro una gran opción para la crisis en pequeñas y grandes empresas también. Después, proporcionaron soluciones personalizadas según las necesidades y deseos de mi negocio. Aparte de eso, como he aumentado mi cantidad de depósito inicial, me atendieron con más servicios. Utilicé la mayoría de la plataforma de comercio líder y renombrada como Meta Trader 4. Ofrecer entrega oportuna junto con soluciones centradas en el cliente son algunas de sus cualidades. Sin FxPro, no sería capaz de manejar y manejar las dificultades y la crisis de mi negocio.

Por: gringoire | 5/5 | hace 11 meses

Soy el cliente VIP de Rusia que negocia con este corredor alrededor de 1 año. FxPro es uno de los jugadores justos en el mercado fx que he negociado con. Prefiero FxPro por su modelo de agencia y regulación de la UE (aquí en Rusia los corredores más populares se registran en países de la costa). No he visto los altos deslizamientos negativos o cualquier otro problema con cotizar negociando órdenes del límite de la mayoría. Ahora comercio en el reparto se extiende MT4, parece ser un poco más amplio en otros corredores, pero mi EAs ahora trabajo perfecto en él. El apoyo de Rusia que debería decir también es muy bueno, gracias a ustedes por su ayuda y paciencia!

Por: David King4 | 5/5 | Hace 18 meses

He estado con FxPro desde 2009, todavía muy feliz. También como la nueva plataforma cTrader y MasterCard. Excelente servicio al cliente, nunca tuvimos problemas. Los spreads en MT4 podrían ser mejores.

Por: vovkfx | 4/5 | hace 3 meses

Corredor regulado con una larga historia de hacer negocios en la industria de la divisa. Buenas condiciones comerciales y registro rápido. La ejecución muy rápida y sin requotes, por lo que no tienen muchos problemas con ellos. Mi gerente es muy capacitado y profesional. Si buscas un corredor fiable, agregame en skype, vovkfx, te ayudaré a elegir el mejor para ti.

Por: Dani Greage | 1/5 | hace 4 meses

Son dejar de perder los cazadores número 1 por no hablar de la ampliación spreed ser conscientes de que otro fabricante de mercado que pretenden ser corredor ECN

Por: preeti Subedi | 5/5 | hace 7 meses

Corredor de Forex bueno y confiable. Los fondos son seguros aquí y la plataforma de negociación es excelente, fijo y apretado se extiende para la mayoría de los pares, retiro en línea dentro de un día laboral muy fácilmente. 50% de rescate de bonificación de retirada es tan útil a todos los clientes. 5Stars Forex es realmente el mejor corredor de Forex en el mundo.

Por: rymit | 5/5 | Hace 13 meses

Uno de los mejores corredores. Ellos han compensado mi saldo negativo después del movimiento del franco suizo

Por: Yay | 5/5 | Hace 13 meses

Plataforma no puede fallar cuando solicita su dinero, retiros no son nada que ver con el comercio. Yo comercio con ellos durante los últimos 7 años, gran corredor, gran ejecución. Y por supuesto las retiradas se procesan en el acto

Por: FX_ HuHu | 1/5 | Hace 22 meses

When I requested to withdraw my money. The platform would crashed sometimes but worse was when I entered a trade and the price feed stopped before I could get my stop orders. I also noticed the trade entries where getting amazingly slow, so I decided it was time get out.

By: Jonathan Starck | 5 / 5 | Hace 2 años

already 6 years using FxPro to trade the markets. And it's the best choice !

By consumers, for consumers.

Concorde Forex Group - Don Snellgrove CFG trading is the worst kind of scam Ripoff Glen Allen Virginia

If your business is willing to make a commitment to customer satisfaction Click here now..

Concorde Forex Group (CFG) is operated by Don Snellgrove in Richmond Virginia. My spouse and I took his program. We could never make any money trading, and the person who taught us never made money trading. I have not met one person who made money with his group. Don't waste your $5,500 ($7,500 for a couple) and monthly chart fee of $350.00 a month.

Many people have been scammed out of large sums of money. If you listened carefully, Don slips up and makes you wonder. He did not dream up the candle sticks as he stated in the training class I attended, he copied it from another company. The company avoids legal liability by making sure that any claims they make are not documented or video taped.

His company is sugar coated with Christianity, but their actions are not of true Christians. They just keep telling you they are Christians. Real Christians do not have to tell you, they show you by their actions.

I am very sorry for all of those like us who have lost money and hope someone reading this will not do as we and many others did.

Jo Richmond, Virginia U. S.A.

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 08/23/2007 04:44 PM and is a permanent record located here: http://www. ripoffreport. com/r/Concorde-Forex-Group-Don-Snellgrove/Glen-Allen-Virginia-23095/Concorde-Forex-Group-Don-Snellgrove-CFG-trading-is-the-worst-kind-of-scam-Ripoff-Glen-Al-269818. El tiempo de contabilización indicado es hora local de Arizona. Arizona no observa los ahorros de la luz del día así que el tiempo del poste puede ser Montaña o el Pacífico dependiendo de la época del año.

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0 Author 1 Consumer 0 Employee/Owner

Updates & Rebuttals

AUTHOR: Paul - (U. S.A.)

SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 25, 2007

POSTED: Saturday, August 25, 2007

Jo, so sorry to here tht you spent so much money with this company. I am not familiar with them but I can say that the pricing is outrageous. I would just urge all others reading this in interested in Forex trading to do their research. There are a number of good books on Forex trading and a number of legitimate course on Forex trading on. available sites like e-bay, amazon etc. I am trading on the forex market and I am making money. I paid around $300.00 for a DVD course and study the market daily. Beware of any company wanting to charge large amounts to take a Forex trading course. There are also numerous online brokerage houses that will allow you to set up a practice account and try trading in real time with practice money. The moral of the story is do your homework research research research!

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Programa corporativo de la defensa: La mejor manera de manejar y de reparar su reputación del negocio. Esconder las quejas negativas es solo una Band-Aid. Los consumidores quieren ver cómo las empresas se encargan de los negocios. Todas las empresas tendrán quejas. Cómo las empresas se encargan de esas quejas es lo que separa las buenas empresas de las malas empresas.

Remove Reports? ¡No! Better yet! Arbitrar para dejar las cosas claras!

KGI Ong Capital (previously known as OngForex) Featured

With more than 30 years of experience in Futures and Derivatives industry, KGI Ong Capital was the first Futures Brokerage in Singapore and the pioneer Clearing Member of Singapore Exchange-Derivatives Trading (SGX-DT). Since its inception, KGI Ong Capital was bestowed the member number "001" from GES and SIMEX and is the first clearing member of ICE Clear Singapore. KGI Ong Capital works with world-renowned exchanges such as SGX, ICE, CME, EUREX and LME to provide a comprehensive suite of products for our clients.

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of KGI Securities Co. Ltd. ("KGI Securities") - the second largest securities company in Taiwan, KGI Ong Capital strengthens KGI Group's regional advantage in South East Asia and ensures clients enjoy a complete line of futures and derivatives product offerings, including foreign exchange and securities (options on equity indices).


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Divulgación de riesgos: La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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The online Forex market is a complex market of currencies that has infinite number of factors that influence them. Nobody can get to know all of these factors but you should know the most important things about the online Forex market. First of all, to become a Forex expert you need to get to find out the most important online Forex concepts. The Forex market is the largest market in the world spanning over 1.9 billion dollars. When you are investing through forexrider. com, you'll be able to make online trades easily. You will need to open as Forex online account and check out the graph and charts available for the online market.

These include the bar charts, candlestick charts and other charts that you use to analyze the online Forex market when you use it. The online Forex market charts are analyzed by your preference, so you can see the market's development through the last 4 hours for example, 15 minutes, or last week. Viewing several charts at once gives you additional knowledge about where the online Forex currencies are and where they are going. The online Forex market is hard to analyze. This is because it is contrived of various factors, both economic and social.

If a country has a large unemployment rate, it surely will influence the online Forex market, and is a fine example how factors like these can affect it. If you are worrisome about your cash being lost, do not worry. In the Forex market, there is a way to stop and sell your online Forex currencies before you lose much money. This is called the stop loss option, and is widely used by online Forex investors. Another way you can profit the market is by using leveraged account. This means your investment is worth more than you put in the forex currency.

Top Selected Articles

1818(SEK) Corona sueca(SEK) Para Euro(EUR)

Corona sueca(SEK) Para Euro(EUR)

Esta es la página de Corona sueca (SEK) Para Euro (EUR) la conversión, a continuación se encuentra la tasa de cambio entre ellos y se actualiza cada 1 minuto. Muestra el tipo de cambio de la conversión de dos monedas. También se muestra el gráfico de la historia de esta pares de divisas, eligiendo el periodo de tiempo se puede obtener información más detallada. Le gustaría invertir los pares de divisas? Por favor, visite Euro(EUR) Para Corona sueca(SEK) .

Selling 1818 SEK you get 196.02836 EUR Buying 1818 SEK you pay 196.20438 EUR

Tipo de Cambio Actualizado: Mar 25,2016 06:12 UTC

Trading online – Your way to better returns!

Not that long ago, one would have needed to go to their local, physical branch of their stock broker in order to find what they needed in terms of investment products. If they did not go to see an individual like this, they would not be able to put their money to work in the market. It would simply not be possible for them to start online trading properly and have their money start to work for them. That is no longer the case.

Online Trading

In today’s world, the majority of traders are conducting their trading online. They do not have to travel to the offices of some investment broker in order to get things done. They simply need to go to their computer screen and log on to the website of their favorite investment broker. By doing so, they will be able to get those trades put out in the market, and the shares will quickly belong to them. It really is as simple as that.

What Are The Advantages Of Online Trading?

When it comes to online trading, there are some very obvious advantages. For example, one does not have to leave home in order to conduct their trading business. That saves on time as well as gasoline. They are going to be more comfortable and more in control when they are trading from their own home. Those who wish to be can be self-directed, and this means that they do not have to answer to anyone when it comes to how they are investing.

How Does It Work?

Online trading is not something that you should be intimidated by. It is just like any other type of stock trading. One still chooses to buy or sell their shares whenever they feel comfortable with it. At that time, they are able to enter in this trade into their computer via their online broker. That broker may then enter the trade for the investor. At all points in time, the investor is in full control.

Many online brokers are kind enough to offer extra services and features such as informational services that may be helpful to those who are investing. These features are great because they allow the person to gain extra information about the investments that they are considering. That is what everyone wants in the end. The most information possible is what all people should be looking for.

Look For Free Options

Believe it or not, there are some online brokers that offer free ways to get invested. Although most brokers charge a small commission for every trade that is entered, there are certain types of trades that one may be able to enter for free. These could include things like mutual funds that the broker sponsors or has some stake in. They may be happy to let you invest in these for free because they know that they are going to gain something from it in the end. Still, as a small investor, this can be a great way to get started in the market.

Institutional FX

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EBS Trading Volumes Slingshot Higher in January, Solidifying Upward Trend

Blade retrofitting, forex losses hit Suzlon

BS Reporter | Mumbai Jan 31, 2009 12:00 AM IST

Damaged rotor blades and forex losses caused the world's fifth-largest wind turbine maker Suzlon Energy post a consolidated net loss of Rs 34.90 crore for the quarter ended December 2008 against a Rs 142.8 crore profit in the corresponding previous quarter.

However, consolidated revenues grew 117 per cent to Rs 6,893 crore for the quarter from Rs 3,169 crore in the corresponding previous quarter.

Suzlon was forced to spend Rs 233.14 crore during the quarter to rectify faulty blades in the US, besides incurring foreign exchange loss on zero coupon convertible bonds worth Rs 91.75 crore and a mark-to-market exchange loss of Rs 123.97 crore. Together, exceptional items worth Rs 448.85 crore pushed the company into the red.

Suzlon has also provided for an additional Rs 170.88 crore till March 2009 to cover additional costs arising from the blade retrofitting programme.

Cracks were detected in 170 of the 1,250 blades for 400 turbines of the S88 V2 model supplied by Suzlon in 2007 to two of its major clients in the US -- Edison International and John Deere.

"We did a full root cause analysis of the problem and are implementing a retrofit and replacement programme to strengthen all V2 blades. About 85 per cent of the programme will be completed by March and the rest by June, this year. The additional provision is enough to fund the entire project," said Chief Operating Officer Sumant Sinha.

Earlier, Suzlon had retrofitted blades for around five clients in the US, Portugal and Brazil, spending around Rs 120 crore. The company has abandoned sale of V2 blades and moved to V3 new generation blades in early 2008. About 342 units of the S88 V3 blade have been commissioned in Australia and the US, he said.

Currently, the Suzlon Energy Wind Group, which excludes subsidiaries Hansen and REpower, has an order book position of 1,916 MW of total capacity (including 1,818 mw international orders) worth Rs 10,387 crore. Suzlon had an order book position of Rs 17,016 crore for 3,357 MW in the third quarter of 2007-08 and orders worth Rs 15,131 crore as on October 29, 2008.

Suzlon expect orders for over 2,000 MW across the US, Europe, China and Australia, of which 1,000 MW is likely to come in the next six months. Revenue growth in the US market is likely to drop to 15 per cent in 2009-10, from the so far 30 per cent in this financial year. The European market will also remain stagnant due to the recession. Suzlon expects substantial growth in business from countries such as Australia, China, Brazil and South Africa to cover de-growth in the US and European markets, said Sumant.

The share prices of the company rose 5.94 per cent on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) today to close at Rs 47.30, from its previous close of Rs 44.65.

Thank you for your interest in our Forex Trading Group. We offer our classes 3 times per year beginning in Jan, June, and Sept. Each class is 12 weeks, with one live 2 hour classroom each week. Prior to each weeks class you will receive a study guide via email. This reading will prepare you for the upcoming class. Throughout the 12 week session you are encouraged to take advantage of our unlimited email support; sending us both questions and charts. We are happy review your questions and any supporting charts, responding ASAP. This will be a valuable tool to help you engage actively, with a full understanding of the current weeks study material.

Those that opt for Level 2 receive private 1 hour live webinars each week. At that time students can review issues pertaining to Forex trading. This is another opportunity to review any classroom material that you may need additional help with. These private classes are helpful prior the regularly scheduled group class.

Prior to your enrollment we require a phone interview. This gives us the opportunity to familiarize with each other; tell us about your trading knowledge, and ask questions. Class size is 20 students maximum. We find that this gives everyone ample opportunity to ask questions, allows the instructor to address those questions fully, and still cover all the material for that weeks class.

Once we have completed the entry interview we will email you a student profile which will reflect the information you provided us. You should review this form for any errors and return if needed or keep for your records if correct.

Once we have completed the interview we will verify your contact information and complete your registration. As soon as we receive notice that the tuition has been paid you are registered for class! You will then receive email confirmation that you are enrolled.

Again THANK YOU for taking this step and entrusting us to educate you with the skills needed to achieve the level of trading success you are seeking.

Ablin's Asset Allocations

CIO & Exec. VP, BMO Private Bank

Jack Ablin establishes investment policy for Harris Private Bank. He takes a "top-down" approach, by looking at major global trends to determine over - and undervalued asset classes to isolate markets that are expected to outperform. Here's his macro-outlook.

"We are global macro-allocators, which means we tend to take a top down view on various markets – looking for undervalued asset classes or where markets are overvalued. It’s frustrating that the spread between the best performing asset classes to the worst performing asset classes is extremely narrow. In fact, year to date, the spread in returns is about 12%. When you look at an average year, that spread typically ranges from 45% to 70%. So the opportunity to make a lot of money by going long or short markets is somewhat subdued, which is probably the reason that hedge fund returns will be pretty lackluster.

"I’m in the defensive camp. I tend to believe the bond market here, and not the Fed so much. It would seem to me that a lot of the better elements driving the stock market are behind us. We look at earnings growth. While it will still come in at around 14% this quarter, that’s down from 28% at the beginning of the year. We look at the slope of the yield curve and the relationship between short term to intermediate term Treasuries and that’s flattened. Generally the stock market likes the yield curve to be steep. Liquidity is pretty much neutral.

"That said, the equity market, fundamentally is fairly valued, any maybe slightly bullish. If you are in the market, I wouldn’t worry that the bottom is going to fall out. I think we’re at fair value. In fact, I could make a case that the market could sustain a 10-year Treasury rate as high as 5% without stumbling. However, the best metrics on the stock market are probably behind us. As for specific asset allocation recommendations, I’d note that my time frame is generally 12 months and within that horizon, I like several exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and a commodity play:

"The Dow Jones Select Dividend Index ( DVY NYSE) is related to a theme that has been working this year, in an environment with flat to subdued returns. In this environment, capturing as much dividend income as possible is the right thing to do. Within the S&P 500, energy is fairly valued compared to the rest of the market. But it still has a lot of favorable momentum and reasonable psychology behind it. Health care is actually cheap, trading at a discount to the S&P. We suggest the Energy SPDR ( XLE AMEX) and the Health Care SPDR ( XLV AMEX)."

"The Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Index ( EEM AMEX) is a valuation play. Emerging market economies are certainly stronger. Also, the credit shape and balance sheets of many of these countries and their respective companies are in pretty strong shape. We’ve seen many more upgrades than downgrades within this sector. And valuations relative to our market, while not as cheap as they were, are still relatively cheap. The p/e multiples of many of these markets trade at about 60% of the p/e of our market.

" PIMCO Commodity Real Return Fund ( PCRAX ) is a proxy for the Dow Jones AIG index. Unfortunately, you can’t sit and determine if commodities are expense or cheap – there is no fundamental value for them. But what you can do is look at a favorable environment for commodities. The key here is that as long as short-term interest rates are set below the rate of inflation, then we have a favorable environment for commodities. The Fed has kept short-term interest rates below the rate of inflation for about 2 years and it appears they will keep them there. If you look at the breakeven expectation on inflation based on the TIPS spread to Treasuries, it’s about 2.6%, so if you start to see the Fed funds rate go substantially above the 2.6% level, you may want to scale back or sell this commodity fund."

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1818(EUR) Euro(EUR) A Cambogia Riel(KHR)

Euro(EUR) A Cambogia Riel(KHR)

Questa è la pagina di Euro (EUR) a Cambogia Riel (KHR) di conversione, di seguito puoi trovare le ultime tasso di cambio tra di loro e viene aggiornata ogni 1 minuti. Esso mostra il tasso di cambio della conversione di due valute. Essa mostra anche il grafico di storia di questo coppie di valute, scegliendo il periodo di tempo è possibile ottenere informazioni più dettagliate. Ti piacerebbe invertire le coppie di valute? Si prega di visitare Cambogia Riel(KHR) A Euro(EUR) .

Selling 1818 EUR you get 8218638.28125 KHR Buying 1818 EUR you pay 8363855.73074 KHR

Tasso di cambio Aggiornato: Mar 25,2016 06:12 UTC

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Var. Moving Average (VMA)

VMA allows you to get very creative with the moving averages. You may specify the length, type, (exponential, normal, or smoothed) and price for each moving average. You may specify 1, 2, or 3 distinct moving averages. These moving averages may overlay the bar chart or display individually.

The moving average crossover buy/sell signals are as follows. A buy signal is flashed when the short and intermediate term averages cross from below to above the longer term average. Conversely, a sell signal occurs when the short and intermediate term averages cross from above to below the longer term average.

You can use the crossover approach with only two moving averages, however market technicians suggest using longer term averages, i. e. longer intervals, when trading only two moving averages in a crossover system.

Another approach is to use closing prices with the moving average(s). When the closing price is above the moving average(s), you maintain a long position. If the closing price falls below the moving average, you liquidate any long position and establish a short position.

Remember, any moving average system works best in trending markets. If you would like to read more about moving averages and optimized parameters, you should read Technical Analysis in Commodities by P. J. Kaufman. The optimization studies were performed between 1970 and 1976 by a large brokerage firm. The book also details other studies available within Technical.


Period1 (5) - the number of bars, or period, used to calculate the first moving average

Period2 (10) - the number of bars, or period, used to calculate the second moving average

Period3 (20) - the number of bars, or period, used to calculate the third moving average.

The formulae to calculate a normal, exponential, and smoothed moving average are below. The normal moving average is:

Mat = (P1 +. + Pn) / n

Mat is the simple moving average for the current period.

Pn es el precio para el enésimo intervalo.

n is the length of the moving average.

Zaner computes the average of the past n intervals using the price specified for that period. Remember, you specify the price. It can be the open, high, low, close, midpoint, or average price.

The exponential moving average is: EMAt = EMAt-1 + (k * (Pt - EMAt-1))

EMAt is the exponential moving average for the current period.

EMAt-1 is the exponential moving average for the previous period.

Pt is the price for the current interval.

K is the exponential smoothing constant.

Zaner does not use an assigned weight (smoothing constant) to compute the exponential moving average. Instead, it asks you to specify the length of the moving average. You can then determine the weight from the formula listed below.

If you specify a moving average length of 10, the smoothing constant is 0.18. Here is how to determine the smoothing constant. k = 2 / (n + 1)

k is the smoothing constant.

n is the length of the moving average.

Now, substitute the values in the formula. k = 2 / (10 + 1) = 2 / 11 =.1818 Conversely, if you know the smoothing constant, you must derive the length of the moving average. In this example, use a smoothing constant of .125. You can solve the above equation for the value of n, which produces the following formula: n = (2 / k) - 1 Now, substitute the above values in the equation. n = (2 /.125) - 1 = 16 - 1 = 15 Please remember that Zaner always asks for the length of moving average, not the smoothing constant. If you know the smoothing constant, use the above formula to determine the length of the moving average. If you know the length of the moving average and want to know the smoothing constant, use the formula to solve for the smoothing constant or k.

The smoothed moving average is: Mat = ( (Mat-1 * (S-1)) + Pt ) / S

Mat is the moving average for the current period.

Mat-1 is the moving average for previous period.

Pt is the price for the current interval.

S is the period for smoothing.

Nota . You may find variations of the above formula.

Event: GDP Period: 4 quarter Previous Reading: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y Forecast: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y Actual Reading:

The Gross Domestic Product is a comprehensive measure of an overall production and consumption of goods and services. GDP serves as one of the primary measures of overall economic well-being. While GDP announcements generally conform to expectations, unanticipated changes in this metric can move markets.

Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of economic activity and often a higher demand for the domestic currency. At the same time, economic expansion raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead monetary authorities to increase interest rates. Thus better than expected GDP figures are generally bullish for the Euro, while negative readings are generally bearish.

Technically, Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way:

GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM)

C = private consumption, I = private investment, G = government expenditure, EX = exports of goods and services, IM = imports of goods and services.

French GDP figures, officially called Quarterly National Accounts, are released quarterly. The headline figures are annualized percentage changes in real and nominal GDP.

Event: GDP Period: 4 quarter Previous Reading: 1.0% q/q; 1.9% y/y Forecast: 1.0% q/q; 1.9% y/y Actual Reading:

The GDP for the United States is a gauge of the overall output (goods & services) of the US economy on the continental US GDP is the most comprehensive overall measure of economic output and provides key insight into the driving forces of the economy.

GDP Influence On Markets If the figure increases, then the economy is improving, and thus the dollar tends to strengthen. If the number falls short of expectations or meets the consensus, dollar bearishness may be triggered. This sort of reaction is again tied to interest rates, as traders expect an accelerating economy, consumers will be affected by inflation and consequently interest rates will rise. However, much like the CPI, a negative change in GDP is more difficult to trade; just because the pace of growth has slowed does not mean it has deteriorated. On the other hand, a better than expected number will usually result in the dollar rising as it implicates that a quickly expanding economy will sooner or later require higher interest rates to keep inflation in check. Overall though, the GDP has fallen in significance and its ability to move markets since most of the components of the report are known in advance

Due to the untimeliness of this report and because data on GDP components are available beforehand, the actual GDP figure is usually well anticipated. But given its overall significance GDP has the tendency to move the market upon release, acting to confirm or upset economic expectations. Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of activity that is generally associated with a healthy economy. However economic expansion also raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead to monetary policy tightening.

Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM) where C = private consumption I = private investment G = government expenditure EX = exports of goods and services IM = imports of goods and services

The figure is commonly reported in headlines as an annualized percentage, based on quarterly data.

On a technical note: The GDP can be reported in either real or nominal terms, real GDP being adjusted for inflation. GDP actually has three releases, as an Advanced, Preliminary, and Final figure. The Advanced figure is released four weeks following the quarter's end. One month later, the Preliminary GDP is released, followed by the Final GDP measure at the end of the quarter following the reporting quarter. As the most timely measure, the Advanced GDP tends to move markets the most.

Technical analysis of USD/CHF for February 12, 2016

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The USD/CHF pair fell from the level of 0.9800 to bottom at 0.9660 yesterday. Today, the USD/CHF pair has faced strong support at the level of 0.9660. So, the strong support has been already faced at the level of 0.9660 and the pair is likely to try to approach it in order to test it again and form a double bottom. Hence, the USD/CHF pair is continuing to trade in a bullish trend from the new support level of 0.9660; to form a bullish channel. According to the previous events, we expect the pair to move between 0.9660 and 0.9800. Also, it should be noted major resistance is seen at 0.9887, while immediate resistance is found at 0.9800. Then, we may anticipate potential testing of 1.9800 to take place soon. Moreover, if the pair succeeds in passing through the level of 1.9800, the market will indicate a bullish opportunity above the level of 1.9800. A breakout of that target will move the pair further upwards to 0.9887.

Buy orders are recommended above the area of 0.9660 with the first target at the level of 1.9800; and continue towards 0.9887. On the other hand, if the USD/CHF pair fails to break out through the resistance level of 1.9800; the market will decline further to the level of 0.9603 (daily support 2).

Performed by analytical expert: Mourad El Keddani

Published: 12 Feb 2016, 09:12 UTC+00

Recommend: Forex Analytics

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China Yuan fix firmer again as PBoC pledges two-way trade

Asian Mid-session Update: Japan Q2 GDP back in contraction after two quarters of growth; China Yuan fix firmer again as PBoC pledges two-way trade

Economic Data

- (JP) JAPAN Q2 PRELIMINARY GDP Q/Q: -0.4% (first contraction in 3 quarters) V -0.5%E; ANNUALIZED GDP: -1.6% V -1.8%E


- (TH) THAILAND Q2 GDP Q/Q: 0.4% V 0.2%E; Y/Y: 2.8% V 2.8%E


Index Snapshot (as of 02:30 GMT)

- Nikkei225 +0.4%, S&P/ASX +0.4%, Kospi -0.4%, Shanghai Composite -0.7%, Hang Seng -1.0%, Sept S&P500 -0.1% at 2,086

Commodities/Fixed Income

- Dec gold +0.3% at $1,115/oz, Sept crude oil -1.4% at $41.91/brl, Sept copper -1.0% at $2.33/lb

- USD/CNY: (CN) PBoC sets yuan mid point at 6.3969 v 6.3975 prior setting; 2nd straight firmer Yuan setting

- (KR) South Korea sells 10-yr govt bond, avg yield at 2.315%

Market Focal Points/FX

- Asian equity markets are mixed, as the worries over Chinese devaluation last week abated and the focus turning back on monetary policy - US releases FOMC meeting minutes and BOJ announcing its latest policy statement on Wednesday. For the 2nd straight day, the PBoC set its Yuan fix slightly firmer than the day before and very close (less than 1% away) to the closing rate of prior session. PBoC chief economist Ma Jun stated just that much over the weekend, reiterating the depreciation of the exchange rate is over and anticipating a period of two-way volatility with "chances for appreciation and depreciation." Ma added China has no desire to participate in a currency war while also affirming commitment to meet 7% 2015 GDP target in spite of some doubt in those plans expressed by the IMF over the weekend.

- Also of note in China, the NEA put out its July power consumption data showing its first decline since May at -1.3% y/y v +1.8% prior. Note the electricity use data is one of Beijing's preferred economic "heat map" components. NEA did suggest that August will see a return to positive growth. China's (and global) top property developer Vanke reported H1 results showing a 23% rise in sales but less than 1% rise in profits. New construction growth of 5% was also eclipsed by contracted sales growth of 9%, even though Vanke president said China "cities have emerged from their lows and market confidence has gradually picked up." Shares of Vanke were down over 2% in the morning session.

- Japan put out its initial estimate of Q2 GDP that showed its economy returning to contraction after 2 quarters of expansion. While the slump was slightly less than analyst consensus, the key GDP components of private consumption and corporate CAPEX were especially troubling at -0.8% v -0.4%e and -0.1% v 0.0%e respectively. Exports were also notably weaker, falling over 4% after a near 2% rise in Q2. Japan Econ Min Amari attributed slower spending to bad weather, slower external demand, and tax hike on mini vehicles, anticipating recovery in both components going forward. Amari did add that more efforts are needed to boost wages.

- USD majors are seeing little volatility in the early going of the new week. USD/JPY firmed up about 15pips above 124.40 following GDP release, while EUR/USD retreated modestly for the 2nd straight day to trade below 1.11. AUD/USD and NZD/USD were little changed from Friday levels above 0.7360 and 0.6530. Markets will tune in for tomorrow's RBA policy meeting minutes from this month tomorrow, closely followed by Fonterra dairy auction in early US hours on Tuesday.

- BXLT: Shire was reportedly asked to boost its bid for Baxalto to $35B (about 16% premium to prior offer) or $50/shr - UK press

- WMB: Reportedly Spectra Energy planning bid for Williams Companies - press

Notable movers by sector:

- Consumer discretionary: China Eastern Airlines 600115.CN +0.2% (H1 result, to buy new jets); Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co 002236.CN +5.8% (H1 result)

- Financials: China Vanke Co 000002.CN -2.3% (H1 result); Beijing Urban Construction Investment & Development Co 600266.CN -3.1% (H1 result); Shimao Property 813.HK -1.6%(July result); Westpac Banking WBC. AU +1.5% (CET1 update); Newcrest Mining FXL. AU +4.2% (FY15 result)

- Industrials: China Merchants Energy Shipping Co 601872.CN +2.6% (H1 result); Luxshare Precision Industry Co 002475.CN -7.1% (H1 result); China Haisum Engineering Co 002116.CN +5.0% (H1 result); Shenzhen Yantian Port Holding Co 000088.CN +2.3% (H1 result); Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine 042660.KR -0.2% (exec resignations); Macquarie Group AZJ. AU +4.6% (FY15 result)

- Technology: BesTV New Media Co Ltd:Technology 600637.CN -2.0% (H1 result); Shaanxi Aerospace Power Hi-Tech Co 600343.CN +2.9% (H1 result); Shanghai Great Wisdom Co 601519.CN -3.7% (H1 result); Beijing Ultrapower Software Co 300002.CN -3.0% (H1 result); Mesoblast Ltd MSB. AU -3.2% (FY15 result)

- Materials: Zhaojin Mining Industry 1818.HK -2.0% (H1 result); China National Materials Company 1893.HK +1.4% (H1 result); Newcrest Mining NCM. AU +4.2% (FY15 result)

- Healthcare: Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co 600332.CN +10.0% (H1 result); Tianjin ZhongXin Pharmaceutical Group Co 600329.CN +7.7% (H1 result)

- Utilities: Guangdong Investment 270.HK +4.1% (H1 result)

-Energy: Datang International Power Generation 601991.CN -1.0% (H1 result); Santos Ltd STO. AU -0.3% (clarification); Energy Developments ENE. AU -0.1% (FY15 result)

Morning Grains 2/23/16

Jack Scoville - IF - Tue Feb 23, 11:20AM CST

DJ USDA Grain Inspections for Export in Metric Tons – Feb 22 COUNTRY OF DESTINATION IS REPORTED AS KNOWN AT THE TIME OF EXPORTATION. INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT REFLECTS EXPORTED GRAIN INSPECTED AND WEIGHED THROUGH GIPSA’S AUTHORITY UNDER THE U. S. GRAIN STANDARDS ACT. NO ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS, COMPILATIONS OR DATA IS AVAILABLE. GRAINS INSPECTED AND/OR WEIGHED FOR EXPORT REPORTED IN WEEK ENDING FEB 18, 2016 — METRIC TONS — ————————————————————————- CURRENT PREVIOUS ———– WEEK ENDING ———- MARKET YEAR MARKET YEAR GRAIN 02/18/2016 02/11/2016 02/19/2015 TO DATE TO DATE BARLEY 0 514 4,890 29,702 147,320 CORN 900,323 691,641 908,797 14,014,417 17,305,014 FLAXSEED 24 24 24 4,080 6,059 MIXED 0 0 0 0 0 OATS 0 0 0 1,799 200 RYE 0 0 0 0 0 SORGHUM 212,278 172,869 268,807 5,043,511 4,558,714 SOYBEANS 1,531,401 1,760,174 979,052 37,407,597 41,271,946 SUNFLOWER 0 0 0 8 0 WHEAT 245,464 385,635 529,038 14,399,715 16,517,239 Total 2,889,490 3,010,857 2,690,608 70,900,829 79,806,492 ————————————————————————- CROP MARKETING YEARS BEGIN JUNE 1 FOR WHEAT, RYE, OATS, BARLEY AND FLAXSEED; SEPTEMBER 1 FOR CORN, SORGHUM, SOYBEANS AND SUNFLOWER SEEDS. INCLUDES WATERWAY SHIPMENTS TO CANADA.

DJ Table of China January Oilseed, Vegoil, Grain Exports Table of Exports by Grain, Oil Type and Destination (All figures in metric tons) Jan Change Jan-Jan Change in Tons on Year in Tons on Year Wheat Total 1,883 +491.17% 1,883 +491.17% Ethiopia 1,883 – 1,883 – Barley Total 5 +89.1% 5 +89.1% USA 5 +89.1% 5 +89.1% Corn Total – -100% – -100% Rice Total 22,216 +15.04% 22,216 +15.04% Japan 12,000 – 12,000 – South Korea 5,000 +132.34% 5,000 +132.34% Hong Kong 2,390 +5.38% 2,390 +5.38% South Sudan 1,700 – 1,700 – North Korea 374 +138.11% 374 +138.11% Mongolia 354 -68.67% 354 -68.67% Pakistan 116 +261.11% 116 +261.11% Australia 88 +319.05% 88 +319.05% USA 44 -84.99% 44 -84.99% Macau 44 – 44 – Netherlands 35 – 35 – Vietnam 27 -78.57% 27 -78.57% Canada 21 -93.66% 21 -93.66% UK 18 – 18 – Uganda 6 +195.28% 6 +195.28% Soybean Total 11,324 +69.53% 11,324 +69.53% Japan 2,837 -1.09% 2,837 -1.09% South Korea 2,360 – 2,360 – USA 2,011 +11.53% 2,011 +11.53% Canada 1,545 +16583.31% 1,545 +16583.31% Indonesia 700 – 700 – Taiwan 475 +61.44% 475 +61.44% Italy 455 +3272.15% 455 +3272.15% Hong Kong 343 +93.87% 343 +93.87% Netherlands 231 -42.75% 231 -42.75% Spain 145 -21.97% 145 -21.97% Malaysia 116 -55.31% 116 -55.31% UK 44 -31.4% 44 -31.4% Germany 29 -8.23% 29 -8.23% Thailand 24 -42.17% 24 -42.17% Singapore 6 – 6 & # 8211; Macau 2 -42.42% 2 -42.42% Rapeseed Total 615 +205000% 615 +205000% USA 610 – 610 – South Korea 5 – 5 & ​​# 8211; Italy 1 +100% 1 +100% Rapeseed Oil Total 207 -65.37% 207 -65.37% Mongolia 103 – 103 – Hong Kong 88 -83.5% 88 -83.5% Macau 15 -75.71% 15 -75.71% Rapeseed Meal Total 18,795 – 18,795 – South Korea 10,993 – 10,993 – Vietnam 7,693 – 7,693 – Myanmar 102 – 102 – Tonga 6 – 6 & # 8211; Soyoil Total 6,189 -41.31% 6,189 -41.31% North Korea 5,875 +8.94% 5,875 +8.94% Hong Kong 291 -94.05% 291 -94.05% South Korea 13 -62.97% 13 -62.97% Macau 10 -79.74% 10 -79.74% Soy Meal Total 112,020 -30.91% 112,020 -30.91% Japan 57,752 -48.96% 57,752 -48.96% Vietnam 18,636 -20.01% 18,636 -20.01% Netherlands 8,483 +119.14% 8,483 +119.14% USA 8,066 +40.83% 8,066 +40.83% UK 3,932 +170.51% 3,932 +170.51% Denmark 3,521 +168.81% 3,521 +168.81% South Korea 2,799 -47.51% 2,799 -47.51% Italy 2,446 +225.33% 2,446 +225.33% North Korea 1,303 -47.82% 1,303 -47.82% Canada 800 – 800 – Norway 651 +20.76% 651 +20.76% Ireland 617 – 617 – Germany 609 -38.34% 609 -38.34% Switzerland 568 +179.35% 568 +179.35% France 446 – 446 – Sweden 307 – 307 – Sri Lanka 301 – 301 – Mongolia 220 +237.39% 220 +237.39% Spain 211 +2.98% 211 +2.98% Slovenia 153 -63.52% 153 -63.52% Palm Oil Total 613 +174.9% 613 +174.9% Mongolia 437 – 437 – Hong Kong 156 +166.67% 156 +166.67% Japan 20 – 20 – The tables above are based on selected data provided by China’s General Administration of Customs.

WHEAT General Comments: Wheat closed a little lower as the US Dollar moved higher. Some initial buying was seen in reaction to the strength in Crude Oil and the US stock market, but weak export inspections and the Dollar pushed prices lower after the initial buying. US export demand remains poor as witnessed by another week of poor export sales. Only traditional buyers are showing any interest in buying from the US and paying its prices. US prices remain generally above the world competition. EU Wheat is usually the lowest offer and is keeping prices very cheap right now. Analytical organizations in France note that the country has a lot of Wheat left to sell, and could have a big crop coming again this Summer. The same is true for other EU countries, although France appears to have the biggest supplies to move. They are having a lot of trouble selling right now. The world market has been able to be short bought for a long time, and that is a strategy that has paid dividends as prices keep going lower. The current oversupply situation does not appear ready to go away anytime soon, so demand will most likely continue to be hand to mouth for an extended period. Overnight News: The southern Great Plains should see mostly dry weather, but rain on Tuesday. Temperatures should be above normal today, then trend to below normal. Northern areas should get mostly dry weather. Temperatures should average above normal today, then trend to below normal. The Canadian Prairies should see light snows this week. Temperatures will average near normal. Chart Analysis: Trends in Chicago are mixed. Support is at 455, 450, and 444 March, with resistance at 463, 466, and 471 March. Trends in Kansas City are mixed to up with objectives of 467 and 504 March. Support is at 451, 449, and 446 March, with resistance at 460, 463, and 469 March. Trends in Minneapolis are mixed. Support is at 485, 482, and 476 March, and resistance is at 495, 503, and 505 March.

RICE General Comments: Futures closed sharply lower in response to news that Iraq had passed on tenders for US Rice the day after the tenders had been submitted. The US offers were just below or just above $600.00 per ton delivered. However, one Company offering US Rice also offered from Argentina and Uruguay at prices between $503.00 and $511.00 per ton. That made it easy for Iraq to reject the USS offers and they wasted no time in passing. The domestic cash market remains quiet and bids from mills and other users are mostly about unchanged and near the $11.00 per hundredweight area near the Gulf of Mexico and a Little cheaper in the Mid South. Only some farmers are selling at that level as most are holding out for better prices. Focus is also on new crop planted area, with almost everyone in agreement that there will be more Rice planted. Texas has had much better weather and reservoirs are full enough now to expand plantings for Rice. Better weather is also hoped for in other Delta and Mid South states where some area was not planted due to wet and cold conditions last year. Rice has a good Support program in the US this year, which will also encourage planting. Charts show that the trends turned down with the price action yesterday. Overnight News: Mostly dry, except rain and Snow on Wednesday. Temperatures should average above normal today and tomorrow, then near to below normal. Chart Analysis: Trends are down with objectives of 1028 and 974 March. Support is at 1060, 1050, and 1036 March, with resistance at 1074, 1085, and 1095 March.

CORN AND OATS General Comments: Corn futures closed higher again yesterday, but failed to give a stiff test of resistance near 370 March. The rally came in response to strong price action in Crude Oil and the US stock market and despite a stronger US Dollar. Demand news remains solid as Colombia bought 100,000 tons of US Corn. US prices remain competitive in the world market. The competitive price might not last more than a few weeks as both Brazil and Argentina will be harvesting soon. Producers in Brazil are currently focused on the Soybeans harvest that is moving ahead, and have also been dealing with rain that has delayed the main crop harvest and could delay the Safrinha planting progress. Argentine crops need more time to get to maturity. Weekly charts show that futures are in a sideways trend. The focus of the world market is on the demand that has not been real strong. Many US analysts looking for more Corn to be planted this year due to price spreads against Soybeans. Prices can continue to strengthen for the short term until US and South American producers become more ready sellers and make delivery. Corn futures should hold recent lows and could remain in a longer term trading range until March. Prices can start to fall at that time unless some weather problems develop in the US or if South American producers do not wish to sell Corn. Overnight News: Chart Analysis: Trends in Corn are mixed to up with objectives of 368, 373, and 391 March. Support is at 365, 363, and 358 March, and resistance is at 370, 372, and 374 March. Trends in Oats are mixed to down with objectives of 184 March. Support is at 185, 182, and 179 March, and resistance is at 196, 199, and 201 March.

SOYBEANS AND PRODUCTS General Comments: Soybeans and products were higher in response to stronger Crude Oil and a stronger US stock market. The market is waiting for the Brazil harvest to make its way to the ports. Rains have been reported in areas that are ready for harvest, so progress has turned a little slower. Yield reports have been mixed, with most analysts reporting higher yields, but with producers reported to be not real impressed. Overall, it looks like a big crop is still coming, the question is how big is big. Port lineups are reported to be very long and the wait will become onerous, and perhaps bad enough to promote some new sales and shipments from the US. Basis levels in Brazil ports are moving lower, and US Gulf export basis was lower yesterday. It will take a couple of months after the exports start in earnest from South America to get the port situation straightened out, so it is possible that US demand in the end might not be all that far from USDA projections and that Brazil and Argentina export a little less than expected even with a favorable currency environment. Even so, that does not mean that Soybeans and Soybean Meal prices need to rally all that much. There are still a lot of both to go around. Overnight News: Chart Analysis: Trends in Soybeans are mixed to up with objectives of 889, 903, and 908 March. Support is at 878, 874, and 866 March, and resistance is at 887, 889, and 897 March. Trends in Soybean Meal are mixed to up with objectives of 279.00, 281.00, and 287.00 March. Support is at 263.00, 261.00, and 259.00 March, and resistance is at 268.00, 270.00, and 274.00 March. Trends in Soybean Oil are mixed. Support is at 3120, 3090, and 3050 March, with resistance at 3180, 3220, and 3230 March.

CANOLA AND PALM OIL General Comments Canola closed higher, but well off its highs as producers and some speculators took the chance with the breakout on the charts to get some selling done. Futures broke above some strong resistance in the early trade and exploded higher, but could not hold the gains. The close back below the breakout level was a little disappointing. Otherwise slow offers from producers combined with enough demand from processors supported the nearby month. Chart patterns are mixed. Canola is generally moving lower as it try to stay in the world demand mix in competition with the prospect of big crops in South America. Palm Oil was lower on weak export data. The trade still expects lower production and ending stocks due to El Nino drought losses, and also expects prices to generally work higher over the next few weeks. Weak demand is the main negative. Trends are mostly up on daily and weekly charts. Overnight News: Chart Analysis: Trends in Canola are mixed to up with objectives of 494.00, 500.00, and 501.00 March. Support is at 466.00, 462.00, and 460.00 March, with resistance at 470.00, 475.00, and 478.00 March. Trends in Palm Oil are mixed to up with no objectives. Support is at 2560, 2530, and 2500 May, with resistance at 2610, 2625, and 2650 May.

Midwest Weather Forecast: Mostly dry weather expected except for some Snow over the middle of the week. Temperatures should average above normal today, then trend to near normal.

FOB Gulf Basis Levels-Cents per Bushel Corn HRW SRW Soybeans Soybean Meal Soybean Oil February 39 Mar 91 Mar 55 Mar 50 Mar 30-Mar 50 Mar March 41 Mar 55 Mar 49 Mar April 41 May 70 May 48 May All basis levels are positive unless noted as negative

Brazil Premiums Soybeans Soybean Meal Soybean Oil Corn Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Santos February March plus 35 May minus 15 May minus 2 May April plus 28 May minus 15 May minus 7 May

Argentina Premiums Soybeans Soybean Meal Soybean Oil Corn Wheat-12% Upriver Upriver Upriver February Plus 54 May $197.00 March plus 14 May plus 54 May $197.00 April plus 87May plus 7 May plus 52 May $202.00

DJ ICE Canada Cash Grain Close – Feb 22 Winnipeg–Following are the closing cash grain prices from ICE Futures Canada. Values are based on the commodity being delivered at Thunder Bay, Ontario, unless otherwise noted. Source: ICE Futures Canada Price Change CANOLA *Par Region 456.60 up 2.40 Basis: Thunder Bay 1 Can 474.30 up 1.70 2 Can 461.30 up 1.70 Basis: Vancouver 1 Can 493.30 up 1.70 2 Can 480.30 up 1.70 FEED WHEAT Lethbridge 225.00 unchanged Can Feed 228.00 unchanged WESTERN BARLEY Lethbridge 210.00 unchanged All prices in Canadian dollars per metric ton. *Quote for previous day Source: Commodity News Service Canada (cnscanada@shaw. ca, or 204-414- 9084)

DJ Malaysian PM Cash Market Prices for Palm Oil – February 23 The following are prices for Malaysian palm oil in the cash market at 1000 GMT Tuesday, supplied by commodity broker Matthes & Porton Bhd. Prices are quoted in U. S. dollars a metric ton, except for crude palm oil and palm kernel oil, which are in ringgit a ton. Palm kernel oil prices are in ringgit a pikul, a Malaysian measurement equivalent to 60 kilograms. Refined, bleached and deodorized palm oil, FOB, Malaysian ports Offer Change Bid Change Traded Mar 617.50 -05.00 unquote – & # 8211; Apr/May/June 620.00 -15.00 Unquoted – & # 8211; July/Aug/Sep 607.50 -07.50 Unquoted – & # 8211; RBD palm olein, FOB, Malaysian ports Offer Change Bid Change Traded Mar 622.50 -05.00 Unquoted – & # 8211; Apr/May/June 625.00 -15.00 Unquoted – & # 8211; Jul/Aug/Sept 612.50 -07.00 Unquoted – & # 8211; RBD palm stearin, FOB, Malaysian ports Offer Change Bid Change Traded Mar 585.00 -05.00 Unquoted – & # 8211; Palm Fatty Acid Distillate, FOB Malaysian ports Offer Change Bid Change Traded Mar 555.00 00.00 Unquoted – & # 8211; Crude palm oil, Delivered Basis, South Malaysia Offer Change Bid Change Traded Mar 2480.00 -30.00 Unquoted – & # 8211; Palm kernel oil, Delivered Basis, South Malaysia Offer Change Bid Change Traded Mar 254.00 +02:00 Unquoted – & # 8211; ($1=MYR4.2049)

DJ China Dalian Grain Futures Closing Prices, Volume Soybean No. 1 Turnover: 97,546 lots, or 3.42 billion yuan Open High Low Close Prev. Settle Ch. Vol Open Settle Interest Mar-16 3,390 3,390 3,360 3,390 3,382 3,369 -13 46 1,778 May-16 3,540 3,552 3,508 3,538 3,520 3,526 6 77,424 142,230 Jul-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 3,535 3,535 3,535 0 0 10 Sep-16 3,446 3,447 3,421 3,437 3,422 3,432 10 17,332 75,490 Nov-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 3,399 3,395 3,399 4 0 8 Jan-17 3,425 3,437 3,412 3,428 3,409 3,425 16 2,612 16,394 Mar-17 3,436 3,436 3,416 3,421 3,428 3,424 -4 22 192 May-17 3,443 3,443 3,429 3,440 3,437 3,437 0 110 1,128 Jul-17 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 3,455 3,455 3,455 0 0 0 Soybean No. 2 Turnover: 0 lots, or 0 yuan Open High Low Close Prev. Settle Ch. Vol Open Settle Interest Mar-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 3,197 3,197 3,197 0 0 0 May-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 3,222 3,222 3,222 0 0 4 Jul-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 3,220 3,220 3,220 0 0 0 Sep-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 3,237 3,237 3,237 0 0 2 Nov-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 3,246 3,246 3,246 0 0 4 Jan-17 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 3,315 3,315 3,315 0 0 8 Corn Turnover: 886,636 lots, or 14.99 billion yuan Open High Low Close Prev. Settle Ch. Vol Open Settle Interest Mar-16 1,941 1,971 1,931 1,958 1,958 1,960 2 50 644 May-16 1,905 1,917 1,893 1,905 1,912 1,904 -8 281,936 687,318 Jul-16 1,832 1,833 1,818 1,833 1,840 1,826 -14 50 1,894 Sep-16 1,647 1,649 1,626 1,642 1,652 1,637 -15 402,216 842,842 Nov-16 1,606 1,609 1,597 1,603 1,611 1,602 -9 118 1,116 Jan-17 1,494 1,510 1,484 1,505 1,492 1,497 5 202,266 536,020 Soymeal Turnover: 1,207,606 lots, or 28.84 billion yuan Open High Low Close Prev. Settle Ch. Vol Open Settle Interest Mar-16 2,517 2,519 2,499 2,519 2,506 2,510 4 14 224 May-16 2,404 2,415 2,382 2,385 2,399 2,396 -3 843,964 1,491,418 Jul-16 2,423 2,437 2,407 2,407 2,427 2,418 -9 14 530 Aug-16 2,412 2,412 2,410 2,410 2,409 2,411 2 8 50 Sep-16 2,369 2,376 2,346 2,350 2,366 2,358 -8 327,314 1,312,096 Nov-16 2,406 2,406 2,388 2,388 2,395 2,404 9 24 242 Dec-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 2,428 2,428 2,428 0 0 36 Jan-17 2,454 2,463 2,436 2,439 2,450 2,445 -5 36,268 287,108 Palm Oil Turnover: 975,850 lots, or 48.88 billion yuan Open High Low Close Prev. Settle Ch. Vol Open Settle Interest Mar-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 4,362 4,362 4,362 0 0 0 Apr-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 5,040 5,040 5,040 0 0 6 May-16 5,044 5,050 4,978 5,010 5,028 5,012 -16 893,020 663,908 Jun-16 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,030 5,000 -30 2 26 Jul-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 5,020 5,050 5,020 -30 0 0 Aug-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 4,936 4,964 4,936 -28 0 8 Sep-16 5,000 5,008 4,948 4,978 5,000 4,978 -22 80,762 235,108 Oct-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 5,002 5,024 5,002 -22 0 0 Nov-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 5,020 5,020 5,020 0 0 2 Dec-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 5,006 5,028 5,006 -22 0 0 Jan-17 4,940 4,946 4,898 4,930 4,944 4,918 -26 2,066 7,872 Feb-17 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 4,924 4,950 4,924 -26 0 0 Soybean oil Turnover: 555,504 lots, or 31.90 billion yuan Open High Low Close Prev. Settle Ch. Vol Open Settle Interest Mar-16 5,580 5,582 5,580 5,582 5,562 5,580 18 4 6 May-16 5,774 5,776 5,712 5,740 5,772 5,740 -32 437,638 596,416 Jul-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 5,772 5,804 5,772 -32 0 0 Aug-16 5,748 5,748 5,748 5,748 5,784 5,748 -36 6 4 Sep-16 5,760 5,762 5,710 5,742 5,754 5,738 -16 108,110 412,230 Nov-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 5,748 5,764 5,748 -16 0 2 Dec-16 – & # 8211; & # 8211; 5,784 5,800 5,784 -16 0 6 Jan-17 5,810 5,810 5,776 5,800 5,794 5,792 -2 9,746 69,286 Notes: 1) Unit is Chinese yuan a metric ton; 2) Ch. is day’s settlement minus previous settlement; 3) Volume and open interest are in lots; 4) One lot is equivalent to 10 metric tons.

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Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions

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Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking.


The FDIC is proposing regulations that would impose requirements for foreign currency futures, options on futures, and options that an insured depository institution supervised by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation engages in with retail customers. Pursuant to section 742(c) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, such transactions will be prohibited as of July 16, 2011, in the absence of the proposed requirements. The proposed regulations would also impose requirements on other foreign currency transactions that are functionally or economically similar to futures, options on futures, or options. These similar transactions include so-called “rolling spot” transactions that an individual enters into with a foreign currency dealer, usually through the Internet or other electronic platform, to transact in foreign currency. The regulations would not apply to traditional foreign currency forwards or spot transactions that a depository institution engages in with business customers to hedge foreign exchange risk.

Table of Contents Back to Top

DATES: Back to Top

Comments must be received by June 16, 2011.

ADDRESSES: Back to Top

You may submit comments by any of the following methods:

Agency Web Site: http:www. fdic. gov/regulations/laws/federal/propose. html . Follow instructions for submitting comments on the Agency Web Site.

E-mail: Comments@FDIC. gov . Include “Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions” in the subject line of the message.

Mail: Robert E. Feldman, Executive Secretary, Attention: Comments, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street, NW. Washington, DC 20429.

Hand Delivery/Courier: Guard station at the rear of the 550 17th Street Building (located on F Street) on business days between 7 a. m. and 5 p. m. (EDT).

Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www. regulations. gov . Follow the instructions for submitting comments.

Public Inspection: All comments received will be posted without change to http://www. fdic. gov/regulations/laws/federal including any personal information provided. Paper copies of public comments may be ordered from the Public Information Center by telephone at (877) 275-3342 or (703) 562-2200.


Nancy W. Hunt, Associate Director, (202) 898-6643, Bobby R. Bean, Chief, Policy Section, (202) 898-6705, John Feid, Senior Capital Markets Specialist, (202) 898-8649, Division of Risk Management Supervision, David N. Wall, Assistant General Counsel, (703) 562-2440, Thomas Hearn, Counsel, (202) 898-6967, Diane Nguyen, Counsel, (703) 562-6102, Legal Division, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street, NW. Washington, DC 20429.


I. Background Back to Top

On July 21, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank Act). [1] As amended by the Dodd-Frank Act, [2] the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) provides that a United States financial institution [3] for which there is a Federal regulatory agency [4] shall not enter into, or offer to enter into, a transaction described in section 2(c)(2)(B)(i)(I) of the CEA with a retail customer [5] except pursuant to a rule or regulation of a Federal regulatory agency allowing the transaction under such terms and conditions as the Federal regulatory agency shall prescribe [6] (a “retail forex rule”). Section 2(c)(2)(B)(i)(I) includes “an agreement, contract, or transaction in foreign currency that * * * is a contract of sale of a commodity for future delivery (or an option on such a contract) or an option (other than an option executed or traded on a national securities exchange registered pursuant to section 6(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U. S.C. 78 f(a)).” [7] A Federal regulatory agency's retail forex rule must treat all such futures and options and all agreements, contracts, or transactions that are functionally or economically similar to such futures and options, similarly. [8]

This Dodd-Frank Act amendment to the CEA takes effect 360 days from the enactment of the Act. [9] After that date an institution for which the FDIC is the “appropriate Federal banking agency” pursuant to § 3(q) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U. S.C. 1813 (q) (FDIC-supervised IDI) may not engage in off-exchange foreign currency futures and options with a customer who does not qualify as an eligible contract participant (ECP) under the CEA (ECP) except pursuant to a retail forex rule issued by the FDIC. [10] The restrictions in the Proposed Rule do not apply to (1) transactions with a customer who qualifies as an ECP, or (2) transactions that are spot contracts or forward contracts irrespective of whether the customer is or is not an ECP. The retail forex rule does, however, apply to “rolling spot” transactions in foreign currency. The discussion of the definition of “retail forex transaction” below elaborates on the distinctions between rolling spot transactions and spot and forward contracts.

Any retail forex rule must prescribe appropriate requirements with respect to disclosure, recordkeeping, capital and margin, reporting, business conduct, and documentation requirements, and may include such other standards or requirements as the Federal regulatory agency determines to be necessary. [11]

On September 10, 2010, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) adopted a retail forex rule for persons subject to its jurisdiction. [12] After studying and considering the CFTC's retail forex rule, and being mindful of the desirability of issuing comparable rules, the FDIC is proposing to adopt a substantially similar rule for FDIC-supervised IDIs wishing to engage in retail forex transactions. The Dodd-Frank Act does not require that retail forex rules be issued jointly, or on a coordinated basis, with any other Federal regulatory agency. While each Federal banking agency is issuing a separate proposed rule, the Federal banking agencies are coordinating their efforts. The FDIC's notice of proposed rulemaking is substantially similar to the OCC's notice of proposed rulemaking regarding retail foreign currency transactions published on April 22, 2011. [13]

The requirements in this proposed rule may overlap with applicable expectations contained in the Interagency Statement on Retail Sales of Nondeposit Investment Products (NDIP Policy Statement). [14] The NDIP Policy Statement describes the FDIC's expectations for an FDIC-supervised IDI that engages in the sale of nondeposit investment products to retail customers. The NDIP Policy Statement addresses issues such as disclosure, suitability, sales practices, compensation, and compliance. The FDIC preliminarily views retail forex transactions as nondeposit investment products, but the terms “retail forex customer” in this proposed rule and “retail customer” in the NDIP Policy Statement are not necessarily co-extensive. After the effective date of the final version of this proposed rule, the FDIC will expect FDIC-supervised IDIs engaging in or offering retail forex transactions to also comply with the NDIP Policy Statement to the extent such compliance does not conflict with the requirements of the FDIC's final retail forex rule.

Question I.1: Does the proposed rule create issues concerning application of the NDIP Policy Statement to retail forex transactions that the FDIC should address in this rule or through updates to the NDIP Policy Statement? Does the Agencies' proposed method for developing retail forex rules create material confusion for the marketplace?

II. Section-by-Section Description of the Rule Back to Top

Structure and Approach

The FDIC's proposed retail forex rule is designed to promote consistent treatment of retail forex transactions regardless of whether a retail forex customer's dealer is an FDIC-supervised IDI or a CFTC registrant. While the FDIC's proposed rule is modeled on the CFTC's retail forex rule, the FDIC has adapted the CFTC's rule to reflect differences between FDIC and CFTC supervisory regimes and differences between FDIC-supervised IDIs and CFTC registrants. Por ejemplo:

The FDIC's proposed retail forex rule does not include registration requirements, because FDIC-supervised IDIs are already subject to comprehensive supervision by the FDIC. Instead of a registration requirement, the proposed rule would require an FDIC-supervised IDI to obtain the FDIC's consent prior to conducting a retail forex business.

Because FDIC-supervised IDIs are already subject to various capital and other supervisory requirements, [15] proposed § 349.8 would require institutions wishing to engage in retail forex transactions to be “well capitalized.”

Proposed § 349.6 would require that the risk disclosure statement highlight that a retail forex transaction is not insured by the FDIC. The CFTC's regulations do not address FDIC insurance because financial intermediaries under the CFTC's jurisdiction are not insured depository institutions.

Proposed § 349.9 would prohibit cross-collateralization or set-off against a retail customer's other property or accounts held at the financial institution. This is consistent with the heightened customer protection provided to banking customers.

Proposed Rule 349.1—Authority, Purpose, and Scope

This section would provide that an FDIC-supervised IDI that engages in covered retail forex transactions with retail customers would be subject to requirements contained in part 349.

The FDIC notes that some FDIC-supervised IDIs may wish to engage in retail forex transactions through a foreign branch. The CEA does not clearly define whether foreign branches of FDIC-supervised IDIs may be considered United States financial institutions that can be included in the rule. [dieciséis]

Question II.1.1: Should foreign branches of FDIC-supervised IDIs that wish to conduct retail forex transactions abroad, whether with U. S. or foreign customers, be permitted to engage in the activity?

Proposed Rule 349.2—Definitions

This section proposes definitions of terms specific to retail forex transactions and to the regulatory requirements that apply to retail forex transactions.

The definition of “retail forex transaction” generally includes the following transactions in foreign currency between an FDIC-supervised IDI and a person that is not an ECP: [17] (a) A future or option on such a future; [18] (b) options not traded on a registered national securities exchange; [19] and (c) certain leveraged or margined transactions. [20] This definition has several important features.

First, certain transactions in foreign currency are not “retail forex transactions.” For example, a “spot” forex transaction where one currency is bought for another and the two currencies are exchanged within two days would not meet the definition of a “retail forex transaction,” since actual delivery occurs as soon as practicable. [21] Similarly, a “retail forex transaction” does not include a forward contract with a commercial entity that creates an enforceable obligation to make or take delivery, provided the commercial counterparty has the ability to make delivery and accept delivery in connection with its line of business. [22] In addition, the definition does not include transactions executed on an exchange or designated contract market; those transactions are subject to CFTC regulation.

Second, rolling spot forex transactions (so-called Zelener [23] contracts), including without limitation such transactions traded on the Internet, through a mobile phone, or on an electronic platform, could fall within the definition's third category. This notice of proposed rulemaking proposes that rolling spot transactions with retail customers (non-ECPs) should be regulated as retail forex transactions. [24] A rolling spot forex transaction nominally requires delivery of currency within two days, like spot transactions. However, in practice, the contracts are indefinitely renewed every other day and no currency is actually delivered until one party affirmatively closes out the position. [25] Therefore, the the FDIC believes that these contracts are better viewed as economically more like futures than spot contracts, although some courts have held them to be spot contracts in form. [26]

This section would also define several terms by reference to the CEA, the most important of which is “eligible contract participant.” Foreign currency transactions with ECPs are not considered retail forex transactions and are therefore not subject to this rule. In addition to a variety of financial entities, certain governmental entities, businesses, and individuals may be ECPs. [27]

Question II.2.1: What types of customers engage in retail forex transactions, including rolling spot transactions? Should regulations governing retail forex transactions cover additional categories of retail customers, that is, those customers that are ECPs? If so, which eligible contract participants should be considered retail forex customers?

Proposed Rule 349.3—Prohibited Transactions

This section would prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI and its institution-affiliated parties from engaging in fraudulent conduct in connection with retail forex transactions. This section would also prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI from acting as a counterparty to a retail forex transaction if the institution or its affiliate exercises discretion over the customer's retail forex account because the FDIC views such self-dealing as inappropriate.

Proposed Rule 349.4—Filing Procedures

The proposed rule would require that, before engaging in a retail forex business, as defined in proposed § 349.2, an FDIC-supervised IDI shall provide prior written notice and obtain the FDIC's prior written consent. Under the proposed rule, the notice would be filed with the appropriate FDIC office and would include: (1) A brief description of the FDIC-supervised IDI's proposed retail forex business and the manner in which it will be conducted; (2) the amount of the institution's existing or proposed direct or indirect investment in the retail forex business as well as calculations sufficient to indicate compliance with all capital requirements in proposed § 349.8, discussed below, and all other applicable capital standards; (3) a copy of the institution's comprehensive business plan that includes a discussion of, among other things, conflict of interest and how the operation of the retail forex business is consistent with the institution's overall strategy; (4) a description of the institution's target customers for its proposed retail forex business and related information, including without limitation credit evaluations, customer appropriateness, and “know your customer” documentation; (5) a resolution by the institution's board of directors that the proposed retail forex business is an appropriate activity for the institution and that the institution's written policies, procedures, and risk measurement and management systems and controls address conducting retail forex business in a safe and sound manner and in compliance with this part; and (6) sample disclosures sufficient to demonstrate compliance with proposed § 349.6, discussed below.

The FDIC may request additional information, as necessary.

Question: The FDIC invites comment on whether additional specific information should be required in the notice.

For FDIC-supervised IDIs that have an existing retail forex business, the proposed rule would allow the entity to continue to operate the business for up to six months if it provides the written notice and requests the FDIC's written consent within 30 days of the effective date of this rule.

Question IV. I.I: With respect to FDIC-supervised IDIs that have an existing retail forex business, does a 30-day time period provide adequate time to provide notification to the FDIC?

Proposed Rule 349.5—Application and Closing Out of Offsetting Long and Short Positions

This section would require an FDIC-supervised IDI to close out offsetting long and short positions in a retail forex account. The institution would have to offset such positions regardless of whether the customer has instructed otherwise. The CFTC concluded that “keeping open long and short positions in a retail forex customer's account removes the opportunity for the customer to profit on the transactions, increases the fees paid by the customer and invites abuse.” [28] The FDIC agrees with this concern. Under the proposed rule, an FDIC-supervised IDI may offset retail forex transactions as instructed by the retail forex customer or the customer's agent if the instructions do not come from the institution.

Proposed Rule 349.6—Disclosure

This section would require an FDIC-supervised IDI to provide retail forex customers with a risk disclosure statement similar to the one required by the CFTC's retail forex rule, but tailored to address certain unique characteristics of retail forex in FDIC-supervised IDIs. The prescribed risk disclosure statement would describe the risks associated with retail forex transactions. The disclosure statement would make clear that an FDIC-supervised IDI is prohibited from applying customer losses arising out of retail forex transactions against any property of a customer other than money or property specifically transferred to the FDIC-supervised IDI as margin for retail forex transactions; the FDIC-supervised IDI may not use rights of set-off to collect margin against other assets it may hold for the retail forex customer to cover losses arising out of retail forex transactions. Under the proposed rule, the risk disclosure must be provided as a separate document and be signed by the retail forex customer.

In its retail forex rule, the CFTC requires its registrants to disclose to retail customers the percentage of retail forex accounts that earned a profit, and the percentage of such accounts that experienced a loss, during each of the most recent four calendar quarters. [29] The CFTC initially explained that “the vast majority of retail customers who enter these transactions do so solely for speculative purposes, and that relatively few of these participants trade profitably.” [30] In its final rule, the CFTC found this requirement appropriate to protect retail customers from “inherent conflicts embedded in the operations of the retail over-the-counter forex industry.” [31] The FDIC generally agrees with the CFTC and this proposed rule requires this disclosure; however, the FDIC invites comments regarding this approach.

Question II.6.1: Would this disclosure provide meaningful information to retail customers of FDIC - IDIs? Would alternative disclosures more effectively accomplish the objectives of the disclosure?

Similarly, the CFTC's retail forex rule requires a disclosure that when a retail customer loses money trading, the dealer makes money on such trades, in addition to any fees, commissions, or spreads. [32] The proposed rule includes this disclosure requirement.

Question II.6.2: Would this disclosure provide meaningful information to retail customers of FDIC-supervised IDIs? Would alternative disclosures more effectively accomplish the objectives of the disclosure?

Question II.6.3: Should FDIC-supervised IDIs be allowed to combine the retail forex risk disclosure with other disclosures that institutions make to their customers? Or would combining disclosures diminish the impact of the retail forex disclosure?

Question II.6.4: Should the rule require disclosure of the fees the FDIC-supervised IDI charges retail forex customers for retail forex transactions? What fees do FDIC-supervised IDIs currently charge retail forex customers for retail forex transactions? Are there other costs to retail forex customers of engaging in retail forex transactions that FDIC-supervised IDIs should disclose? If so, what are these costs?

Proposed Rule 349.7—Recordkeeping

This section would specify which documents and records an FDIC-supervised IDI engaged in retail forex transactions must retain for examination by the FDIC. This section would also prescribe document maintenance standards.

Proposed Rule 349.8—Capital Requirements

This section would require that an FDIC-supervised IDI that offers or enters into retail forex transactions must be “well capitalized” as defined in the FDIC's prompt corrective action regulation [33] or the FDIC-supervised IDI must obtain an exemption from the FDIC. In addition, under the proposed rule, an FDIC-supervised IDI must continue to hold capital against retail forex transactions as provided in the FDIC's capital regulation. [34] This rule does not amend the FDIC's prompt corrective action regulation or capital regulation.

Proposed Rule 349.9—Margin Requirements

Under the proposed rule, paragraph (a) would require an FDIC-supervised IDI that engages in retail forex transactions, in advance of any such transaction, to collect from the retail forex customer margin equal to at least 2 percent of the notional value of the retail forex transaction if the transaction is in a major currency pair, and at least 5 percent of the notional value of the retail forex transaction otherwise. These margin requirements are identical to the requirements imposed by the CFTC's retail forex rule. A major currency pair is a currency pair with two major currencies. The major currencies currently are the U. S. Dollar (USD), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Euro (EUR), United Kingdom Pound (GBP), Japanese Yen (JPY), Swiss franc (CHF), New Zealand Dollar (NZD), Australian Dollar (AUD), Swedish Kronor (SEK), Danish Kroner (DKK), and Norwegian Krone (NOK). [35] An evolving market could change the major currencies, so the FDIC is not proposing to define the term “major currency,” but rather expects that FDIC-supervised IDIs will adhere to standard market interpretations. [36]

Question II.9.1: The FDIC requests comment on whether it should explicitly define the major currencies or major currency pairs in the proposed rule and whether commenters have any other suggestions on how the FDIC should identify a major currency or major currency pair.

For retail forex transactions involving rolling spots, for example, higher margin requirements protects the retail forex customer from the risks related to trading with excessive leverage. The volatility of the foreign currency markets exposes retail forex customers with high leverage to greater risk of substantial losses. High leverage ratios can significantly increase a customer's losses and gains. Even a small move against a customer's position can result in a substantial loss. Even with required margin, losses can exceed the margin posted, and if the account is not closed out, and depending on the specific circumstances, the customer could be liable for additional losses. Given the risks involved in the trading of retail forex transactions by retail customers using high leverage, the only funds that should be invested in such transactions are those that the customer can afford to lose.

Prior to the CFTC's rule, non-bank dealers routinely permitted customers to trade with 1 percent margin (leverage of 100:1) and sometimes with as little as 0.25 percent margin (leverage of 400:1). When the CFTC proposed its retail forex rule in January 2010, it proposed a margin requirement of 10 percent (leverage of 10:1). In response to comments, the CFTC reduced the required margin in the final rule to 2 percent (leverage of 50:1) for trades involving major currencies and 5 percent (leverage of 20:1) for trades involving non-major currencies.

Question II.9.2: Will the proposed margin requirements provide adequate protection for retail customers engaged in this particular type of trade or should the requirements be adjusted and how?

Under the proposed rule, paragraph (b) would specify the acceptable forms of margin that customers may post. FDIC-supervised IDIs must establish policies and procedures providing for haircuts for noncash margin collected from customers and must review these haircuts annually. It may be prudent for FDIC-supervised IDIs to review and modify the size of the haircuts more frequently.

Question II.9.3: Should the FDIC provide for haircuts for noncash margin posted for retail forex transactions? If so, how should those haircuts be determined?

In proposed rule 349.9(c), the FDIC would require an FDIC-supervised IDI to hold each retail forex customer's retail forex transaction margin in a separate account that contains only that customer's retail forex margin. This paragraph is designed to work with the prohibition on set-off in paragraph (e), so that an FDIC-supervised IDI may not have an account agreement that treats all of a retail forex customer's assets held by a bank as margin for retail forex transactions.

Paragraph (d) would require an FDIC-supervised IDI to collect additional margin from the customer or to liquidate the customer's position if the amount of margin held by the institution fails to meet the requirements of paragraph (a). The proposed rule would require the institution to mark the customer's open retail forex positions and the value of the customer's margin to the market daily to ensure that a retail forex customer does not accumulate substantial losses not covered by margin.

Question II.9.4: How frequently do FDIC-supervised IDIs currently mark retail forex customers' open retail forex positions and the value of the customers' margin to the market? Should the rule require marking customer positions and margin to the market daily, or would more frequent marks be more appropriate in light of the speed at which currency markets move? What is the most frequent mark to market requirement that is practical in light of the characteristics of the forex markets and the assets that retail forex customers may pledge as margin for retail forex transaction?

Paragraph (e) would prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI from applying a retail forex customer's losses against any asset or liability of the retail forex customer other than money or property given as margin. An FDIC-supervised IDI's relationship with a retail forex customer may evolve out of a prior relationship of providing financial services or may evolve into such a relationship. Thus it is more likely that an FDIC-supervised IDI acting as a retail forex counterparty will hold other assets or liabilities of a retail forex customer, for example a deposit account or mortgage, than it is for a retail forex dealer regulated by the CFTC to hold such other assets. The FDIC believes it would be inappropriate to allow an FDIC-supervised IDI to leave trades open and allow additional losses to accrue that can be applied against a retail forex customer's other assets or liabilities held by the FDIC-supervised IDI.

Question II.9.5: The FDIC requests comment on whether this section provides sufficient incentives for FDIC-supervised IDIs to liquidate a retail forex customer's losing position within a reasonably short period of time in an effort to minimize such losses. Do the proposed rules accomplish that objective? Are there more effective methods of achieving the objective?

Proposed Rule 349.10—Required Reporting to Customers

This section would require an FDIC-supervised IDI engaging in retail forex transactions to provide each retail forex customer a monthly statement and confirmation statements.

Question II.10.1: Does proposed § 349.10 provide meaningful statements that would be useful to retail customers, or, in light of the distinctive characteristics of retail forex transactions, would other information be more appropriate? If so, what information would be more appropriate?

Proposed Rule 349.11—Unlawful Representations

Under the proposed rule, this section would prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI and its institutional-affiliated parties from representing that the Federal government, the FDIC, or any other Federal agency has sponsored, recommended, or approved retail forex transactions or products in any way. This section also would prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI from implying or representing that it will guarantee against or limit retail forex customer losses or not collect margin as required by section 349.9. However, this section would not prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI from sharing in a loss resulting from error or mishandling of an order, and guaranties entered into prior to effectiveness of the prohibition would only be affected if an attempt is made to extend, modify, or renew them. Further, this section would not prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI from hedging or otherwise mitigating its own exposure to retail forex transactions or any other foreign exchange risk.

Proposed Rule 349.12—Authorization to Trade

This section would require an FDIC-supervised IDI to have specific written authorization from a retail forex customer before effecting a retail forex transaction for that customer.

Proposed Rule 349.13—Trading and Operational Standards

This section largely follows the trading standards of the CFTC's retail forex rule, which were developed to prevent some of the deceptive or unfair practices identified by the CFTC and the National Futures Association.

Under paragraph (a) of the proposed rule, an FDIC-supervised IDI engaged in retail forex transactions would be required to establish and enforce internal rules, procedures and controls (1) to prevent front running, in which transactions in accounts of the FDIC-supervised IDI or its related persons are executed before a similar customer order; (2) to establish settlement prices fairly and objectively; and (3) to record and maintain transaction records and make them available to customers.

Paragraph (b) would prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI engaging in retail forex transactions from disclosing that it holds another person's order unless disclosure is necessary for execution or is made at the FDIC's request.

As written, paragraph (c) would ensure that institution-affiliated parties of another retail forex counterparty do not open accounts with an FDIC-supervised IDI without the knowledge and authorization of the account surveillance personnel of the other retail forex counterparty to which they are affiliated. Similarly, paragraph (d) would ensure that institution-affiliated parties of an FDIC-supervised IDI do not open accounts with other retail forex counterparties without the knowledge and authorization of the account surveillance personnel of the FDIC-supervised IDI to which they are affiliated.

Paragraph (e) would prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI engaging in retail forex transactions from (1) entering a retail forex transaction to be executed at a price that is not at or near prices at which other retail forex customers have executed materially similar transactions with the FDIC-supervised IDI during the same time period, (2) changing prices after confirmation, (3) providing a retail forex customer with a new bid price that is higher (or lower) than previously provided without providing a new ask price that is similarly higher (or lower) as well, and (4) establishing a new position for a retail forex customer (except to offset an existing position) if the FDIC-supervised IDI holds one or more outstanding orders of other retail forex customers for the same currency pair at a comparable price.

However, paragraph (e)(3) would not prevent an FDIC-supervised IDI from changing the bid or ask prices of a retail forex transaction to respond to market events. The FDIC understands that market practice among CFTC-registrants is not to offer requotes, but to simply reject orders and advise customers they may submit a new order (which the dealer may or may not accept). Similarly, an FDIC-supervised IDI could reject an order and advise customers they may submit a new order.

Question II.13.1: Would this requirement appropriately protect retail forex customers? If not, how it should be modified? Would it be simpler for the rule to simply prohibit requoting, because FDIC-supervised IDIs may instead reject an order and accept new orders from their retail forex customers?

Paragraph (e)(4) would require an FDIC-supervised IDI engaging in retail forex transactions to execute similar orders in the order they are received. The prohibition would prevent an FDIC-supervised IDI from offering preferred execution to some of its retail forex customers but not others.

Proposed Rule 349.14—Supervision

This section would impose on an FDIC-supervised IDI and its agents, officers, and employees a duty to supervise subordinates with responsibility for retail forex transactions to ensure compliance with the FDIC's retail forex rule.

Question II.14.1: Would this section impose any additional requirements not already encompassed by safety and soundness standards applicable to FDIC-supervised IDIs and their agents, officers, and employees?

Proposed Rule 349.15—Notice of Transfers

This section describes the requirements for transferring a retail forex account. Generally, an FDIC-supervised IDI would be required to provide retail forex customers 30 days' prior notice before transferring or assigning their account. Affected customers may then instruct the FDIC-supervised IDI to transfer the account to an institution of their choosing or liquidate the account. There are three exceptions to the above notice requirement: A transfer in connection with the receivership or conservatorship under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act; a transfer pursuant to a retail forex customer's specific request; and a transfer otherwise allowed by applicable law. An FDIC-supervised IDI that is the transferee of retail forex accounts generally would be required to provide the transferred customers with the risk disclosure statement of proposed § 349.6 and obtain each affected customer's written acknowledgement within 60 days.

Proposed Rule 349.16—Customer Dispute Resolution

This section would prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI from entering into any agreement or understanding with a retail forex customer in which the customer agrees, prior to the time a claim or grievance arises, to submit the claim or grievance to any settlement procedure.

This provision differs from the applicable CFTC dispute settlement procedures, which permit pre-dispute settlement procedures under certain conditions. [37] The substance of the CFTC dispute settlement resolution regulation, however, dates back to August 10, 2001. Since that time, concerns about predispute settlement resolution agreements have emerged. Congress addressed these concerns in seven provisions in the Dodd-Frank Act that prohibit, or give the agency involved the authority to prohibit, the use of predispute arbitration provisions. [38] Consonant with this demonstrated Congressional concern with such agreements, the FDIC is proposing, pursuant to its authority to adopt “such other standards or requirements as [it] shall determine to be necessary,” to prohibit a FDIC-supervised IDI from entering into a pre-dispute settlement dispute resolution agreement with a retail forex customer.

III. Request for Comments Back to Top

The FDIC requests comment on all aspects of the proposed rule, including the questions posed in the preamble. In addition, the FDIC requests comments on the following questions:

Question III.1: Would the proposed rule appropriately protect retail forex customers of FDIC-supervised IDIs?

Question III.2: Are the proposed rule's variations from the CFTC retail forex rule appropriately tailored to the differences between FDIC-supervised IDIs and CFTC registrants and the regulatory regimes applicable to each?

Question III.3: Should the proposed rule include further disclosure requirements with respect to whether or not retail forex transactions or margin for retail forex transactions are insured by the FDIC?

Question III.4: Should the proposed rule limit the ability of an FDIC-supervised IDI to enter into speculative retail forex transactions, such as rolling spot transactions, with only certain retail forex customers? Do FDIC-supervised IDIs limit customer access to these transactions at this time? How do FDIC-supervised IDIs determine if these types of trades may be appropriate for those customers?

To assist in the review of comments, the FDIC requests that commenters identify their comments by question number.

IV. Regulatory Analysis Back to Top

A. Regulatory Flexibility Act

The Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U. S.C. 601 et seq. (RFA) generally requires an agency that is issuing a proposed rule to prepare and make available for public comment an initial regulatory flexibility analysis that describes the impact of the proposed rule on small entities. The RFA provides that an agency is not required to prepare and publish an initial regulatory flexibility analysis if the agency certifies that the proposed rule will not, if promulgated as a final rule, have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Under regulations issued by the Small Business Administration, a small entity includes an FDIC-supervised IDI with assets of $175 million or less. [39] The proposed rule would impose recordkeeping and disclosure requirements on any FDIC-supervised IDI, including one that engages in retail forex transactions with their customers.

Pursuant to section 605(b) of the RFA, the FDIC certifies that this proposed rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of the small entities it supervises. Accordingly, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required. In making this determination, the FDIC estimated that there are no small banks currently engaging in retail forex transactions with their customers. Therefore, the FDIC estimates that no small banks under its supervision would be affected by the proposed rule.

Persons wishing to submit written comments regarding the FDIC's certification under the RFA should refer to the instructions for submitting comments in the front of this release. Such comments will be considered and placed in the same public file as comments on the proposal itself.

B. Paperwork Reduction Act

Request for Comment on Proposed Information Collection

In accordance with section 3512 of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U. S.C. 3501 -3521), the FDIC may not conduct or sponsor, and a respondent is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The information collection requirements contained in this notice of proposed rulemaking have been submitted by the FDIC to OMB for review and approval under section 3506 of the PRA and § 1320.11 of OMB's implementing regulations (5 CFR 1320 et seq. ). The information collection requirements are found in §§ 349.4-349.7, 349.9-349.10, 349.13, 349.15-349.16.

Comments are invited on:

(a) Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the FDIC's functions, including whether the information has practical utility;

(b) The accuracy of the estimate of the burden of the information collection, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used;

(c) Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected;

(d) Ways to minimize the burden of information collection on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; y

(e) Estimates of capital or startup costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and purchase of services to provide information.

Proposed Information Collection

Title of Information Collection: Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions.

Frequency of Response: On occasion.

Affected Public: Businesses or other for-profit.

Respondents: State nonmember insured banks and foreign banks having insured branches.

Filing Requirements

The filing requirements in proposed § 349.4 would require that, prior to initiating a retail forex business, an FDIC-supervised IDI provide the FDIC with prior notice, obtain the FDIC's prior written consent, and submit the documents provided for in proposed § 349.4(c). The FDIC-supervised IDI must also provide other information required by the FDIC, such as documentation of customer due diligence. An FDIC-supervised IDI already engaged in a retail forex business may continue to do so, provided it request the FDIC's written consent.

Disclosure Requirements

Proposed § 349.5, regarding the application and closing out of offsetting long and short positions, would require an FDIC-supervised IDI to promptly provide the customer with a statement reflecting the financial result of the transactions and the name of the introducing broker to the account. The customer would provide specific written instructions on how the offsetting transaction should be applied.

Proposed § 349.6 would require that an FDIC-supervised IDI furnish a retail forex customer with a written disclosure before opening an account that will engage in retail forex transactions for a retail forex customer and receive an acknowledgment from the customer that it was received and understood. It also requires the disclosure by an FDIC-supervised IDI of its fees and other charges and its profitable accounts ratio.

Proposed § 349.10 would require an FDIC-supervised IDI to issue monthly statements to each retail forex customer and to send confirmation statements following transactions.

Proposed § 349.13(b) would allow disclosure by an FDIC-supervised IDI that an order of another person is being held by them only when necessary to the effective execution of the order or when the disclosure is requested by the FDIC. Proposed rule 349.13(c) would prohibit an FDIC-supervised IDI engaging in retail forex transactions from knowingly handling the account of any related person of another retail forex counterparty unless it receives proper written authorization, promptly prepares a written record of the order, and transmits to the counterparty copies all statements and written records. Proposed Rule 349.13(d) would prohibit a related person of an FDIC-supervised IDI engaging in forex transactions from having an account with another retail forex counterparty unless it receives proper written authorization and copies of all statements and written records for such accounts are transmitted to the counterparty.

Proposed § 349.15 would require an FDIC-supervised IDI to provide a retail forex customer with 30 days' prior notice of any assignment of any position or transfer of any account of the retail forex customer. It would also require an FDIC-supervised IDI to which retail forex accounts or positions are assigned or transferred to provide the affected customers with risk disclosure statements and forms of acknowledgment and receive the signed acknowledgments within 60 days.

The customer dispute resolution provisions in § 349.16 would require certain endorsements, acknowledgments, and signature language. It also would require that within 10 days after receipt of notice from the retail forex customer that they intend to submit a claim to arbitration, the FDIC-supervised IDI provide them with a list of persons qualified in the dispute resolution and that the customer must notify the FDIC-supervised IDI of the person selected within 45 days of receipt of such list.

Policies and Procedures; Recordkeeping

Proposed §§ 349.7 and 349.13 would require that an FDIC-supervised IDI engaging in retail forex transactions keep full, complete, and systematic records and establish and implement internal rules, procedures, and controls. Proposed § 349.7 also would require that an FDIC-supervised IDI keep account, financial ledger, transaction and daily records, as well as memorandum orders, post-execution allocation of bunched orders, records regarding its ratio of profitable accounts, possible violations of law, records for noncash margin, and monthly statements and confirmations. Proposed § 349.9 would require policies and procedures for haircuts for noncash margin collected under the rule's margin requirements, and annual evaluations and modifications of the haircuts.

Estimated PRA Burden

Estimated Number of Respondents: 3 FDIC-supervised IDIs; 1 service provider.

Total Reporting Burden: 48 hours.

Total Disclosure Burden: 5,326 hours.

Total Recordkeeping Burden: 664 hours.

Total Annual Burden: 6,038 hours.

C. Plain Language

Section 722 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requires the FDIC to use plain language in all proposed and final rules published after January 1, 2000. The FDIC invites comment on how to make this proposed rule easier to understand. For example, the FDIC requests comment on such questions as:

Have we organized the material to suit your needs? If not, how could the material be better organized?

Have we clearly stated the requirements of the rule? If not, how could the rule be more clearly stated?

Does the rule contain technical language or jargon that is not clear? If so, which language requires clarification?

Would a different format (grouping and order of sections, use of headings, paragraphing) make the regulation easier to understand? If so, what changes would make the regulation easier to understand?

What else could we do to make the regulation easier to understand?

List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 349 Back to Top

For the reasons stated in the preamble, the FDIC proposes to add part 349 to Title 12, Chapter III of the Code of Federal Regulations to read as follows:


§a; 349.1 Authority, purpose and scope.

(a) Authority. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution that engages in retail forex transactions shall comply with the requirements of this part.

(b) Purpose. This part establishes rules applicable to retail forex transactions engaged in by FDIC-supervised insured depository institutions and applies on or after the effective date.

(c) Scope. This part applies to FDIC-supervised insured depository institutions.

§a; 349.2 Definitions.

For purposes of this part, the following terms have the same meaning as in the Commodity Exchange Act: “affiliated person of a futures commission merchant”; “associated person”; “contract of sale”; “commodity”; “eligible contract participant”; “futures commission merchant”; “security”; and “security futures product.”

Affiliate has the same meaning as in section 2(k) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U. S.C. 1841 (k)).

Commodity Exchange Act means the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U. S.C. 1 et seq. ).

FDIC-supervised insured depository institution means any insured depository institution, or foreign bank having an insured branch for which the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is the appropriate Federal banking agency pursuant to section 3(q) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U. S.C. 1813 (q).

Forex significa cambio de divisas.

Institution-affiliated party or IAP has the same meaning as in 12 U. S.C. 1813 (u)(1), (2), or (3).

Insured depository institution or IDI has the same meaning as in 12 U. S.C. 1813 (c)(2).

Introducing broker means any person who solicits or accepts orders from a retail forex customer in connection with retail forex transactions.

Related person, when used in reference to a retail forex counterparty, means:

(1) Any general partner, officer, director, or owner of 10 percent or more of the capital stock of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution;

(2) An associated person or employee of the retail forex counterparty, if the retail forex counterparty is not an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution;

(3) An IAP, if the retail forex counterparty is an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution; y

(4) Any relative or spouse of any of the foregoing persons, or any relative of such spouse, who shares the same home as any of the foregoing persons.

Retail foreign exchange dealer means any person other than a retail forex customer that is, or that offers to be, the counterparty to a retail forex transaction, except for a person described in item (aa), (bb), (cc)(AA), (dd), or (ff) of section 2(c)(2)(B)(i)(II) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U. S.C. 2 (c)(2)(B)(i)(II)).

Retail forex account means the account of a retail forex customer, established with an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution, in which retail forex transactions with the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution as counterparty are undertaken, or the account of a retail forex customer that is established in order to enter into such transactions.

Retail forex account agreement means the contractual agreement between an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution and a retail forex customer that contains the terms governing the customer's retail forex account with the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution.

Retail forex business means engaging in one or more retail forex transactions with the intent to derive income from those transactions, either directly or indirectly.

Retail forex counterparty includes, as appropriate:

(1) An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution;

(2) A retail foreign exchange dealer;

(3) A futures commission merchant; y

(4) An affiliated person of a futures commission merchant.

Retail forex customer means a customer that is not an eligible contract participant, acting on his, her, or its own behalf and engaging in retail forex transactions.

Retail forex proprietary account means a retail forex account carried on the books of an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution for one of the following persons; a retail forex account of which 10 percent or more is owned by one of the following persons; or a retail forex account of which an aggregate of 10 percent or more of which is owned by more than one of the following persons:

(1) The FDIC-supervised insured depository institution;

(2) An officer, director or owner of ten percent or more of the capital stock of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution; o

(3) An employee of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution, whose duties include:

(i) The management of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's business;

(ii) The handling of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's retail forex transactions;

(iii) The keeping of records, including without limitation the software used to make or maintain those records, pertaining to the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's retail forex transactions; o

(iv) The signing or co-signing of checks or drafts on behalf of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution;

(4) A spouse or minor dependent living in the same household as of any of the foregoing persons; o

(5) An affiliate of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution;

Retail forex transaction means an agreement, contract, or transaction in foreign currency that is offered or entered into by an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution with a person that is not an eligible contract participant and that is:

(1) A contract of sale of a commodity for future delivery or an option on such a contract;

(2) An option, other than an option executed or traded on a national securities exchange registered pursuant to section 6(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U. S.C. 78 (f)(a)); o

(3) Offered or entered into on a leveraged or margined basis, or financed by an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution, its affiliate, or any person acting in concert with the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution or its affiliate on a similar basis, other than:

(i) A security that is not a security futures product as defined in section 1a(47) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U. S.C. 1 a(47)); o

(ii) A contract of sale that—

(A) Results in actual delivery within two days; o

(B) Creates an enforceable obligation to deliver between a seller and buyer that have the ability to deliver and accept delivery, respectively, in connection with their line of business.

§a; 349.3 Prohibited transactions.

(a) Fraudulent conduct prohibited. No FDIC-supervised insured depository institution or its IAPs may, directly or indirectly, in or in connection with any retail forex transaction:

(1) Cheat or defraud or attempt to cheat or defraud any person;

(2) Willfully make or cause to be made to any person any false report or statement or cause to be entered for any person any false record; o

(3) Willfully deceive or attempt to deceive any person by any means whatsoever.

(b) Acting as counterparty and exercising discretion prohibited. If an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution can cause retail forex transactions to be effected for a retail forex customer without the retail forex customer's specific authorization, then neither the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution nor its affiliates may act as the counterparty for any retail forex transaction with that retail forex customer.

§a; 349.4 Filing procedures.

(a) General. Before commencing a retail forex business, an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall provide the FDIC prior written notice and obtain the FDIC's prior written consent.

(b) Where to file. A notice required by this section shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate FDIC office.

(c) Contents of filing. A complete letter notice shall include the following information:

(1) Filings generally. (i) A brief description of the FDIC-supervised institution's proposed retail forex business and the manner in which it will be conducted;

(ii) The amount of the institution's existing or proposed direct or indirect investment in the retail forex business as well as calculations sufficient to indicate compliance with all capital requirements in § 349.8 and all other applicable capital standards;

(iii) A copy of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's comprehensive business plan that includes a discussion of, among other things, how the operation of the retail forex business is consistent with the institution's overall strategy;

(iv) A description of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's target customers for its proposed retail forex business and related information, including without limitation credit evaluations, customer appropriateness, and “know your customer” documentation;

(v) A resolution by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's board of directors that the proposed retail forex business is an appropriate activity for the institution and that the institution's written policies, procedures, and risk measurement and management systems and controls address conducting retail forex business in a safe and sound manner and in compliance with this part;

(vi) Sample risk disclosures sufficient to demonstrate compliance with § 349.6.

(2) Copy of application or notice filed with another agency. If an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution has filed an application or notice with another regulatory authority which contains all of the information required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the institution may submit a copy to the FDIC in lieu of a separate filing.

(3) Additional information. The FDIC may request additional information to complete the processing of the notification.

(d) Treatment of existing retail forex Business. Any FDIC-supervised insured depository institution that is engaged in retail forex business on the effective date of this part may continue to do so for up to six months, subject to an extension of time by the FDIC, provided that it notifies the FDIC of its retail forex business and requests the FDIC's written consent in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.

(e) Compliance with the Commodities Exchange Act. Any FDIC-supervised insured depository institution that is engaged in retail forex business on the effective date of this part shall be deemed, during the six-month period (including any extension) provided in paragraph (d) of this section, to be acting pursuant to a rule or regulation described in section 2(c)(2)(E)(ii)(I) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U. S.C. 2 (c)(2)(E)(ii)(I)).

§a; 349.5 Application and closing out of offsetting long and short positions.

(a) Application of purchases and sales. Any FDIC-supervised insured depository institution that—

(1) Engages in a retail forex transaction involving the purchase of any currency for the account of any retail forex customer when the account of such retail forex customer at the time of such purchase has an open retail forex transaction for the sale of the same currency;

(2) Engages in a retail forex transaction involving the sale of any currency for the account of any retail forex customer when the account of such retail forex customer at the time of such sale has an open retail forex transaction for the purchase of the same currency;

(3) Purchases a put or call option involving foreign currency for the account of any retail forex customer when the account of such retail forex customer at the time of such purchase has a short put or call option position with the same underlying currency, strike price, and expiration date as that purchased; o

(4) Sells a put or call option involving foreign currency for the account of any retail forex customer when the account of such retail forex customer at the time of such sale has a long put or call option position with the same underlying currency, strike price, and expiration date as that sold shall:

(i) Immediately apply such purchase or sale against such previously held opposite transaction; y

(ii) Promptly furnish such retail forex customer with a statement showing the financial result of the transactions involved and the name of any introducing broker to the account.

(b) Close-out against oldest open position. In all instances where the short or long position in a customer's retail forex account immediately prior to an offsetting purchase or sale is greater than the quantity purchased or sold, the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall apply such offsetting purchase or sale to the oldest portion of the previously held short or long position.

(c) Transactions to be applied as directed by customer. Notwithstanding paragraph (b) of this section, the offsetting transaction shall be applied as directed by a retail forex customer's specific written instructions. These instructions may not be made by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution or an IAP.

§a; 349.6 Disclosure.

(a) Risk disclosure statement required. No FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may open or maintain open an account that will engage in retail forex transactions for a retail forex customer unless the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution has furnished the retail forex customer with a separate written disclosure statement containing only the language set forth in paragraph (d) of this section and the disclosures required by paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section.

(b) Acknowledgement of risk disclosure statement required. The FDIC-supervised insured depository institution must receive from the retail forex customer a written acknowledgement signed and dated by the customer that the customer received and understood the written disclosure statement required by paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) Placement of risk disclosure statement. The disclosure statement may be attached to other documents as the initial page(s) of such documents and as the only material on such page(s).

(d) Content of risk disclosure statement. The language set forth in the written disclosure statement required by paragraph (a) of this section shall be as follows:





(1) TRADING IS A NOT ON A REGULATED MARKET OR EXCHANGE—YOUR FDIC-SUPERVISED INSURED DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION IS YOUR TRADING COUNTERPARTY AND HAS CONFLICTING INTERESTS. The retail forex transaction you are entering into is not conducted on an interbank market, nor is it conducted on a futures exchange subject to regulation as a designated contract market by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The foreign currency trades you transact are trades with your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution as the counterparty. WHEN YOU SELL, THE FDIC-SUPERVISED INSURED DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION IS THE BUYER. WHEN YOU BUY, THE FDIC-SUPERVISED INSURED DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION IS THE SELLER. As a result, when you lose money trading, your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution is making money on such trades, in addition to any fees, commissions, or spreads the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may charge.

(2) AN ELECTRONIC TRADING PLATFORM FOR RETAIL FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS IS NOT AN EXCHANGE. IT IS AN ELECTRONIC CONNECTION FOR ACCESSING YOUR FDIC-SUPERVISED INSURED DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION. THE TERMS OF AVAILABILITY OF SUCH A PLATFORM ARE GOVERNED ONLY BY YOUR CONTRACT WITH YOUR FDIC-SUPERVISED INSURED DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION. Any trading platform that you may use to enter into off-exchange foreign currency transactions is only connected to your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution. You are accessing that trading platform only to transact with your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution. You are not trading with any other entities or customers of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution by accessing such platform. The availability and operation of any such platform, including the consequences of the unavailability of the trading platform for any reason, is governed only by the terms of your account agreement with the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution.

(3) YOU MAY BE ABLE TO OFFSET OR LIQUIDATE ANY TRADING POSITIONS ONLY THROUGH YOUR BANKING ENTITY BECAUSE THE TRANSACTIONS ARE NOT MADE ON AN EXCHANGE OR REGULATED CONTRACT MARKET, AND YOUR FDIC-SUPERVISED INSURED DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION MAY SET ITS OWN PRICES. Your ability to close your transactions or offset positions is limited to what your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution will offer to you, as there is no other market for these transactions. Your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may offer any prices it wishes, including prices derived from outside sources or not in its discretion. Your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may establish its prices by offering spreads from third party prices, but it is under no obligation to do so or to continue to do so. Your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may offer different prices to different customers at any point in time on its own terms. The terms of your account agreement alone govern the obligations your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution has to you to offer prices and offer offset or liquidating transactions in your account and make any payments to you. The prices offered by your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may or may not reflect prices available elsewhere at any exchange, interbank, or other market for foreign currency.

(4) PAID SOLICITORS MAY HAVE UNDISCLOSED CONFLICTS. The FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may compensate introducing brokers for introducing your account in ways that are not disclosed to you. Such paid solicitors are not required to have, and may not have, any special expertise in trading, and may have conflicts of interest based on the method by which they are compensated. You should thoroughly investigate the manner in which all such solicitors are compensated and be very cautious in granting any person or entity authority to trade on your behalf. You should always consider obtaining dated written confirmation of any information you are relying on from your FDIC-supervised insured depository institution in making any trading or account decisions.






I hereby acknowledge that I have received and understood this risk disclosure statement.

Signature of Customer

(e)(1) Disclosure of profitable accounts ratio. Immediately following the language set forth in paragraph (d) of this section, the statement required by paragraph (a) of this section shall include, for each of the most recent four calendar quarters during which the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution maintained retail forex customer accounts:

(i) The total number of retail forex customer accounts maintained by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution over which the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution does not exercise investment discretion;

(ii) The percentage of such accounts that were profitable for retail forex customer accounts during the quarter; y

(iii) The percentage of such accounts that were not profitable for retail forex customer accounts during the quarter.

(2) The FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's statement of profitable trades shall include the following legend: PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS. Each FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall provide, upon request, to any retail forex customer or prospective retail forex customer the total number of retail forex accounts maintained by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution for which the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution does not exercise investment discretion, the percentage of such accounts that were profitable, and the percentage of such accounts that were not profitable for each calendar quarter during the most recent five-year period during which the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution maintained such accounts.

(f) Disclosure of fees and other charges. Immediately following the language required by paragraph (e) of this section, the statement required by paragraph (a) of this section shall include:

(1) The amount of any fee, charge, commission, or spreads that the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may impose on the retail forex customer in connection with a retail forex account or retail forex transaction;

(2) An explanation of how the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution will determine the amount of such fees, charges, commissions, or spreads; y

(3) The circumstances under which the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may impose such fees, charges, commissions, or spreads.

(g) Future disclosure requirements. If, with regard to a retail forex customer, the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution changes any fee, charge, commission or spreads required to be disclosed under paragraph (f) of this section, then the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall mail or deliver to the retail forex customer a notice of the changes at least 15 days prior to the effective date of the change.

(h) Form of disclosure requirements. The disclosures required by this section shall be clear and conspicuous and designed to call attention to the nature and significance of the information provided.

(i) Other disclosure requirements unaffected. This section does not relieve an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution from any other disclosure obligation it may have under applicable law.

§a; 349.7 Recordkeeping.

(a) General rule. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution engaging in retail forex transactions shall keep full, complete and systematic records, together with all pertinent data and memoranda, of all transactions relating to its retail forex business, including:

(1) Retail forex account records for each customer reflecting:

(i) The name and address of the person for whom such retail forex account is carried or introduced and the principal occupation or business of such person.

(ii) The name of any other person guaranteeing such retail forex account or exercising trading control with respect to such account;

(iii) The establishment or termination of each retail forex account; y

(iv) For each retail forex account the records must also show the name of the person who has solicited and is responsible for the account or assign account numbers in such a manner as to identify that person.

(2) Financial ledger records that show separately for each retail forex customer all charges against and credits to such retail forex customer's account, including but not limited to retail forex customer funds deposited, withdrawn, or transferred, and charges or credits resulting from losses or gains on closed transactions.

(3) Transaction records that show separately for each retail forex account and each retail forex proprietary account:

(i) All retail forex transactions that are futures transactions executed for such account, including the date, price, quantity, market, currency pair, and delivery date;

(ii) All retail forex transactions that are option transactions executed for such account, including the date, whether the transaction involved a put or call, expiration date, quantity, underlying contract for future delivery or underlying physical, strike price, and details of the purchase price of the option, including premium, mark-up, commission, and fees; y

(iii) All other retail forex transactions that are executed for such account, including the date, price, quantity, and currency pair.

(4) Daily records which show for each business day complete details of:

(i) All retail forex transactions that are futures transactions executed on that day, including the date, price, quantity, market, currency pair, delivery date, and the person for whom such transaction was made;

(ii) All retail forex transactions that are option transactions executed on that day, including the date, whether the transaction involved a put or call, the expiration date, quantity, currency pair, delivery date, strike price, details of the purchase price of the option, including premium, mark-up, commission and fees, and the person for whom the transaction was made; y

(iii) All other retail forex transactions executed on that day for such account, including the date, price, quantity, currency and the person for whom such transaction was made.

(5) Memorandum order (order ticket). Except as provided in paragraph (a)(6) of this section, immediately upon the written or verbal receipt of a retail forex transaction order, an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall prepare a separate written memorandum order (order ticket) for the order (whether unfulfilled, executed or canceled), including:

(i) Account identification (account or customer name with which the retail forex transaction was effected);

(ii) Order number;

(iii) Type of order (market order, limit order, or subject to special instructions);

(iv) Date and time, to the nearest minute, the retail forex transaction order was received (as evidenced by timestamp or other timing device);

(v) Time, to the nearest minute, the retail forex transaction order was executed; y

(vi) Price at which the retail forex transaction was executed.

(6) Post-execution allocation of bunched orders. Specific customer account identifiers for accounts included in bunched orders need not be recorded at time of order placement or upon report of execution as required under paragraph (a)(5) of this section if the following requirements are met:

(i) The FDIC-supervised insured depository institution placing and directing the allocation of an order eligible for post-execution allocation has been granted written investment discretion with regard to participating customer accounts and makes the following information available to customers upon request:

(A) The general nature of the allocation methodology the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution will use;

(B) Whether the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution has any interest in accounts which may be included with customer accounts in bunched orders eligible for post-execution allocation; y

(C) Summary or composite data sufficient for that customer to compare its results with those of other comparable customers and, if applicable, any account in which the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution has an interest.

(ii) An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution must allocate orders eligible for post-execution allocation in accordance with the following:

(A) Allocations must be made as soon as practicable after the entire transaction is executed;

(B) Allocations must be fair and equitable; no account or group of accounts may receive consistently favorable or unfavorable treatment; y

(C) The allocation methodology must be sufficiently objective and specific to permit independent verification of the fairness of the allocations using that methodology by the FDIC.

(7) Other records. Other records covered by this section include written acknowledgements of receipt of the risk disclosure statement required by § 349.6(b), trading cards, signature cards, street books, journals, ledgers, payment records, copies of statements of purchase, and all other records, data and memoranda that have been prepared in the course of the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's retail forex business.

(b) Ratio of profitable accounts. (1) With respect to its active retail forex customer accounts over which it did not exercise investment discretion and that are not retail forex proprietary accounts open for any period of time during the quarter, an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall prepare and maintain on a quarterly basis (calendar quarter):

(i) A calculation of the percentage of such accounts that were profitable;

(ii) A calculation of the percentage of such accounts that were not profitable; y

(iii) Data supporting the calculations described in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (b)(1)(ii) of this section.

(2) In calculating whether a retail forex account was profitable or not profitable during the quarter, the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall compute the realized and unrealized gains or losses on all retail forex transactions carried in the retail forex account at any time during the quarter, and subtract all fees, commissions, and any other charges posted to the retail forex account during the quarter, and add any interest income and other income or rebates credited to the retail forex account during the quarter. All deposits and withdrawals of funds made by the retail forex customer during the quarter must be excluded from the computation of whether the retail forex account was profitable or not profitable during the quarter. Computations that result in a zero or negative number shall be considered a retail forex account that was not profitable. Computations that result in a positive number shall be considered a retail forex account that was profitable.

(3) A retail forex account shall be considered “active” for purposes of paragraph (b)(1) of this section if and only if, for the relevant calendar quarter, a retail forex transaction was executed in that account or the retail forex account contained an open position resulting from a retail forex transaction.

(c) Records related to possible violations of law. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution engaging in retail forex transactions shall make a record of all communications, including customer complaints, received by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution or its IAPs concerning facts giving rise to possible violations of law related to the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's retail forex business. The record shall contain: the name of the complainant, if provided; the date of the communication; the relevant agreement, contract, or transaction; the substance of the communication; the name of the person who received the communication, and the final disposition of the matter.

(d) Records for noncash margin. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall maintain a record of all noncash margin collected pursuant to § 349.9. The record shall show separately for each retail forex customer:

(1) A description of the securities or property received;

(2) The name and address of such retail forex customer;

(3) The dates when the securities or property were received;

(4) The identity of the depositories or other places where such securities or property are segregated or held, if applicable;

(5) The dates in which the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution placed or removed such securities or property into or from such depositories; y

(6) The dates of return of such securities or property to such retail forex customer, or other disposition thereof, together with the facts and circumstances of such other disposition.

(e) Record of monthly statements and confirmations. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall retain a copy of each monthly statement and confirmation required by § 349.10.

(f) Manner of maintenance. The records required by this section must clearly and accurately reflect the information required and provide an adequate basis for the audit of the information. Record maintenance may include the use of automated or electronic records provided that the records are easily retrievable, readily available for inspection, and capable of being reproduced in hard copy.

(g) Length of maintenance. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall keep each record required by this section for at least five years from the date the record is created.

§a; 349.8 Capital requirements.

An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution offering or entering into retail forex transactions must be well capitalized as defined by 12 CFR part 325. unless specifically exempted by the FDIC in writing.

§a; 349.9 Margin requirements.

(a) Margin required. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution engaging, or offering to engage, in retail forex transactions must collect from each retail forex customer an amount of margin not less than:

(1) Two percent of the notional value of the retail forex transaction for major currency pairs and 5 percent of the notional value of the retail forex transaction for all other currency pairs;

(2) For short options, 2 percent for major currency pairs and 5 percent for all other currency pairs of the notional value of the retail forex transaction, plus the premium received by the retail forex customer; o

(3) For long options, the full premium charged and received by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution.

(b)(1) Form of margin. Margin collected under paragraph (a) of this section or pledged by a retail forex customer in excess of the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section must be in the form of cash or the following financial instruments:

(i) Obligations of the United States and obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States;

(ii) General obligations of any State or of any political subdivision thereof;

(iii) General obligations issued or guaranteed by any enterprise, as defined in 12 U. S.C. 4502 (10);

(iv) Certificates of deposit issued by an insured depository institution, as defined in section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U. S.C. 1813 (c)(2));

(v) Commercial paper;

(vi) Corporate notes or bonds;

(vii) General obligations of a sovereign nation;

(viii) Interests in money market mutual funds; y

(ix) Such other financial instruments as the FDIC deems appropriate.

(2) Haircuts. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall establish written policies and procedures that include:

(i) Haircuts for noncash margin collected under this section; y

(ii) Annual evaluation, and, if appropriate, modification of the haircuts.

(c) Separate margin account. Margin collected by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution from a retail forex customer for retail forex transactions or pledged by a retail forex customer for retail forex transactions shall be placed into a separate account containing only such margin.

(d) Margin calls; liquidation of position. For each retail forex customer, at least once per day, an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall:

(1) Mark the value of the retail forex customer's open retail forex positions to market;

(2) Mark the value of the margin collected under this section from the retail forex customer to market;

(3) Determine if, based on the marks in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section, the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution has collected margin from the retail forex customer sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this section; y

(4) Collect such margin from the retail forex customer as the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may require to satisfy the requirements of this section, or liquidate the retail forex customer's retail forex transactions.

(e) Set-off prohibited. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may not:

(1) Apply a retail forex customer's losses on retail forex transactions against any funds or other asset of the retail forex customer other than margin in the retail forex customer's separate margin account described in paragraph (c) of this section;

(2) Apply a retail forex customer's losses on retail forex transactions to increase the amount owed by the retail forex customer to the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution under any loan; o

(3) Collect the margin required under this section by use of any right of set-off.

§a; 349.10 Required reporting to customers.

(a) Monthly statements. Each FDIC-supervised insured depository institution must promptly furnish to each retail forex customer, as of the close of the last business day of each month or as of any regular monthly date selected, except for accounts in which there are neither open positions at the end of the statement period nor any changes to the account balance since the prior statement period, but in any event not less frequently than once every three months, a statement that clearly shows:

(1) For each retail forex customer:

(i) The open retail forex transactions with prices at which acquired;

(ii) The net unrealized profits or losses in all open retail forex transactions marked to the market;

(iii) Any money, securities or other property in the separate margin account required by § 349.9(c); y

(iv) A detailed accounting of all financial charges and credits to the retail forex customer's retail forex accounts during the monthly reporting period, including: money, securities, or property received from or disbursed to such customer; realized profits and losses; and fees, charges, commissions, and spreads.

(2) For each retail forex customer engaging in retail forex transactions that are options:

(i) All such options purchased, sold, exercised, or expired during the monthly reporting period, identified by underlying retail forex transaction or underlying currency, strike price, transaction date, and expiration date;

(ii) The open option positions carried for such customer and arising as of the end of the monthly reporting period, identified by underlying retail forex transaction or underlying currency, strike price, transaction date, and expiration date;

(iii) All such option positions marked to the market and the amount each position is in the money, if any;

(iv) Any money, securities or other property in the separate margin account required by § 349.9(c); y

(v) A detailed accounting of all financial charges and credits to the retail forex customer's retail forex accounts during the monthly reporting period, including: money, securities, or property received from or disbursed to such customer; realized profits and losses; premiums and mark-ups; and fees, charges, and commissions.

(b) Confirmation statement. Each FDIC-supervised insured depository institution must, not later than the next business day after any retail forex transaction, send:

(1) To each retail forex customer, a written confirmation of each retail forex transaction caused to be executed by it for the customer, including offsetting transactions executed during the same business day and the rollover of an open retail forex transaction to the next business day;

(2) To each retail forex customer engaging in forex option transactions, a written confirmation of each forex option transaction, containing at least the following information:

(i) The retail forex customer's account identification number;

(ii) A separate listing of the actual amount of the premium, as well as each mark-up thereon, if applicable, and all other commissions, costs, fees and other charges incurred in connection with the forex option transaction;

(iii) The strike price;

(iv) The underlying retail forex transaction or underlying currency;

(v) The final exercise date of the forex option purchased or sold; y

(vi) The date the forex option transaction was executed.

(3) To each retail forex customer engaging in forex option transactions, upon the expiration or exercise of any option, a written confirmation statement thereof, which statement shall include the date of such occurrence, a description of the option involved, and, in the case of exercise, the details of the retail forex or physical currency position which resulted therefrom including, if applicable, the final trading date of the retail forex transaction underlying the option.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section, a retail forex transaction that is caused to be executed for a pooled investment vehicle that engages in retail forex transactions need be confirmed only to the operator of such pooled investment vehicle.

(d) Controlled accounts. With respect to any account controlled by any person other than the retail forex customer for whom such account is carried, each FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall promptly furnish in writing to such other person the information required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

(e) Introduced accounts. Each statement provided pursuant to the provisions of this section must, if applicable, show that the account for which the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution was introduced by an introducing broker and the name of the introducing broker.

§a; 349.11 Unlawful representations.

(a) No implication or representation of limiting losses. No FDIC-supervised insured depository institution engaged in retail foreign exchange transactions or its IAPs may imply or represent that it will, with respect to any retail customer forex account, for or on behalf of any person:

(1) Guarantee such person or account against loss;

(2) Limit the loss of such person or account; o

(3) Not call for or attempt to collect margin as established for retail forex customers.

(b) No implication of representation of engaging in prohibited acts. No FDIC-supervised insured depository institution or its IAPs may in any way imply or represent that it will engage in any of the acts or practices described in paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) No Federal government endorsement. No FDIC-supervised insured depository institution or its IAPs may represent or imply in any manner whatsoever that any retail forex transaction or retail forex product has been sponsored, recommended, or approved by the FDIC, the Federal government, or any agency thereof.

(d) Assuming or sharing of liability from bank error. This section shall not be construed to prevent an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution from assuming or sharing in the losses resulting from the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's error or mishandling of a retail forex transaction.

(e) Certain guaranties unaffected. This section shall not affect any guarantee entered into prior to the effective date of this part, but this section shall apply to any extension, modification or renewal thereof entered into after such date.

§a; 349.12 Authorization to trade.

(a) Specific authorization required. No FDIC-supervised insured depository institution may directly or indirectly effect a retail forex transaction for the account of any retail forex customer unless, before the transaction occurs, the retail forex customer specifically authorized the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution, in writing, to effect the retail forex transaction.

(b) A retail forex transaction is “specifically authorized” for purposes of this section if the retail forex customer specifies:

(1) The precise retail forex transaction to be effected;

(2) The exact amount of the foreign currency to be purchased or sold; y

(3) In the case of an option, the identity of the foreign currency or contract that underlies the option.

§a; 349.13 Trading and operational standards.

(a) Internal rules, procedures, and controls required. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution engaging in retail forex transactions shall establish and implement internal rules, procedures, and controls designed, at a minimum, to:

(1) Ensure, to the extent reasonable, that each order received from a retail forex customer that is executable at or near the price that the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution has quoted to the customer is entered for execution before any order in any retail forex transaction for any proprietary account, any other account in which a related person has an interest, or any account for which such a related person may originate orders without the prior specific consent of the account owner (if such related person has gained knowledge of the retail forex customer's order prior to the transmission of an order for a proprietary account), an account in which such a related person has an interest, or an account in which such a related person may originate orders without the prior specific consent of the account owner;

(2) Prevent FDIC-supervised insured depository institution related persons from placing orders, directly or indirectly, with another person in a manner designed to circumvent the provisions of paragraph (a)(1) of this section;

(3) Fairly and objectively establish settlement prices for retail forex transactions; y

(4) Record and maintain essential information regarding customer orders and account activity, and to provide such information to customers upon request. Such information shall include:

(i) Transaction records for the customer's account, including:

(A) The date and time each order is received by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution;

(B) The price at which each order is placed, or, in the case of an option, the premium paid;

(C) If the transaction was entered into by means of a trading platform, the price quoted on the trading platform when the order was placed, or, in the case of an option, the premium quoted;

(D) The customer account identification information;

(E) The currency pair;

(F) The size of the transaction;

(G) Whether the order was a buy or sell order;

(H) The type of order, if the order was not a market order;

(I) If a trading platform is used, the date and time the order is transmitted to the trading platform;

(J) If a trading platform is used, the date and time the order is executed;

(K) The size and price at which the order is executed, or in the case of an option, the amount of the premium paid for each option purchased, or the amount credited for each option sold; y

(L) For options, whether the option is a put or call, the strike price, and expiration date.

(ii) Account records that contain the following information:

(A) The funds in the account, net of any commissions and fees;

(B) The net profits and losses on open trades; y

(C) The funds in the account plus or minus the net profits and losses on open trades. (In the case of open option positions, the account balance should be adjusted for the net option value);

(iii) If a trading platform is used, daily logs showing each price change on the platform, the time of the change to the nearest second, and the trading volume at that time and price; y

(iv) Any method or algorithm used to determine the bid or asked price for any retail forex transaction or the prices at which customer orders are executed, including, but not limited to, any premium and markups, fees, commissions or other items which affect the profitability or risk of loss of a retail forex customer's transaction.

(b) Disclosure of retail forex transactions. No FDIC-supervised insured depository institution engaging in retail forex transactions may disclose that an order of another person is being held by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution, unless the disclosure is necessary to the effective execution of such order or the disclosure is made at the request of the FDIC.

(c) Handling of retail forex accounts of related persons of retail forex counterparties. No FDIC-supervised insured depository institution engaging in retail forex transactions shall knowingly handle the retail forex account of any related person of another retail forex counterparty unless it:

(1) Receives written authorization from a person designated by such other retail forex counterparty with responsibility for the surveillance over such account pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section;

(2) Prepares immediately upon receipt of an order for such account a written record of such order, including the account identification and order number, and records thereon to the nearest minute, by time-stamp or other timing device, the date and time the order is received; y

(3) Transmits on a regular basis to such other retail forex counterparty copies of all statements for such account and of all written records prepared upon the receipt of orders for such account pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(d) Related person of FDIC-supervised insured depository institution establishing account at another retail forex counterparty. No related person of an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution engaging in retail forex transactions may have an account, directly or indirectly, with another retail forex counterparty unless:

(1) It receives written authorization to maintain such an account from a person designated by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution of which it is a related person with responsibility for the surveillance over such account pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section; y

(2) Copies of all statements for such account and of all written records prepared by such other retail forex counterparty upon receipt of orders for such account pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) of this section are transmitted on a regular basis to the retail forex counterparty of which it is a related person.

(e) Prohibited trading practices. No FDIC-supervised insured depository institution engaging in retail forex transactions may:

(1) Enter into a retail forex transaction, to be executed pursuant to a market or limit order at a price that is not at or near the price at which other retail forex customers, during that same time period, have executed retail forex transactions with the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution;

(2) Adjust or alter prices for a retail forex transaction after the transaction has been confirmed to the retail forex customer;

(3) Provide a retail forex customer a new bid price for a retail forex transaction that is higher than its previous bid without providing a new asked price that is also higher than its previous asked price by a similar amount;

(4) Provide a retail forex customer a new bid price for a retail forex transaction that is lower than its previous bid without providing a new asked price that is also lower than its previous asked price by a similar amount; o

(5) Establish a new position for a retail forex customer (except one that offsets an existing position for that retail forex customer) where the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution holds outstanding orders of other retail forex customers for the same currency pair at a comparable price.

§a; 349.14 Supervision.

(a) Supervision by the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution engaging in retail forex transactions shall diligently supervise the handling by its officers, employees, and agents (or persons occupying a similar status or performing a similar function) of all retail forex accounts carried, operated, or advised by at the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution and all activities of its officers, employees, and agents (or persons occupying a similar status or performing a similar function) relating to its retail forex business.

(b) Supervision by officers, employees, or agents. An officer, employee, or agent of an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution must diligently supervise his or her subordinates' handling of all retail forex accounts at the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution and all the subordinates' activities relating to the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution's retail forex business.

§a; 349.15 Notice of transfers.

(a) Prior notice generally required. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution must provide a retail forex customer with 30 days' prior notice of any assignment of any position or transfer of any account of the retail forex customer. The notice must include a statement that the retail forex customer is not required to accept the proposed assignment or transfer and may direct the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution to liquidate the positions of the retail forex customer or transfer the account to a retail forex counterparty of the retail forex customer's selection.

(b) Exceptions. The requirements of paragraph (a) of this section shall not apply to transfers:

(1) Requested by the retail forex customer;

(2) Made by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver or conservator under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act; o

(3) Otherwise authorized by applicable law.

(c) Obligations of transferee FDIC-supervised insured depository institution. An FDIC-supervised insured depository institution to which retail forex accounts or positions are assigned or transferred under paragraph (a) of this section must provide to the affected retail forex customers the risk disclosure statements and forms of acknowledgment required by this part and receive the required signed acknowledgments within 60 days of such assignments or transfers. This requirement shall not apply if the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution has clear written evidence that the retail forex customer has received and acknowledged receipt of the required disclosure statements.

§a; 349.16 Customer dispute resolution.

(a) Prohibition on predispute arbitration agreements. No FDIC-supervised insured depository institution shall enter into any agreement with a retail forex customer in which the parties agree to arbitrate any future dispute between them arising related to the customer's retail forex account.

(b) Election of forum. (1) Where the parties agree to arbitrate a dispute after it has arisen, within ten business days of the agreement, the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution must provide the customer with a list of persons qualified in dispute resolution.

(2) The customer shall, within 45 days after receipt of such list, notify the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution of the person selected. The customer's failure to provide such notice shall give the FDIC-supervised insured depository institution the right to select a person from the list.

(c) Counterclaims. An agreement to arbitrate a customer's claim against an FDIC-supervised insured depository institution after the claim has arisen may permit the submission of a counterclaim in the arbitration by a person against whom a claim or grievance is brought. Such a counterclaim may be permitted where it arises out of the transaction or occurrence that is the subject of the customer's claim or grievance and does not require for adjudication the presence of essential witnesses, parties, or third persons over which the settlement process lacks jurisdiction.

Dated at Washington, DC, this 10th of May 2011.

By order of the Board of Directors.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Footnotes Back to Top

2. Dodd-Frank Act § 742(c)(2) (to be codified at 7 U. S.C. 2 (c)(2)(E)). In this preamble, citations to the retail forex statutory provisions will be to the section where the provisions will be codified in the CEA.

3. The CEA defines “financial institution” as including “a depository institution (as defined in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U. S.C. 1813 )).” 7 U. S.C. 1 a(21)(E).

4. Section 2(c)(2)(E)(i)(III) of the CEA, as amended by § 742(c), defines a “Federal regulatory agency” to mean the CFTC, the Securities and Exchange Commission, an appropriate Federal banking agency, the National Credit Union Association, and the Farm Credit Administration. Section 1a(2) of the CEA defines an “appropriate Federal banking agency” by incorporation of § 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U. S.C. 1813 (q)).

When the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register. the FDIC is the appropriate Federal banking agency for any State nonmember insured bank and any foreign bank having an insured branch. 12 U. S.C. 1813 (q)(3). When the powers of the Office of Thrift Supervision are transferred to the Office of Comptroller of the Currency, the FDIC and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the FDIC will be the appropriate Federal banking agency for any State nonmember insured bank, any foreign bank having an insured branch and any State savings association. See Dodd-Frank Act § 312(c) (amending 12 U. S.C. 1813 (q) to redefine “appropriate Federal banking agency”).

5. A retail customer is a person who is not an “eligible contract participant” under the CEA.

9. See Dodd-Frank Act 754.

10. Under 12 U. S.C. 1813 (q), the FDIC is the “appropriate Federal banking agency” for a foreign bank having an insured branch.

12. Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions and Intermediaries, 75 FR 55409 (Sept. 10, 2010) (Final CFTC Retail Forex Rule). The CFTC proposed these rules prior to the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act. Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions and Intermediaries, 75 FR 3281 (Jan. 20, 2010) (Proposed CFTC Retail Forex Rule).

13. See Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions, 76 FR 22633 (Apr. 22, 2011).

14. FDIC FIL-61-95 (Sept. 13, 1995).

21. See generally CFTC v. Int'l Fin. Servs. (New York), Inc., 323 F. Supp. 2d 482, 495 (S. D.N. Y. 2004) (distinguishing between foreign exchange futures contracts and spot contracts in foreign exchange, and noting that foreign currency trades settled within two days are ordinarily spot transactions rather than futures contracts); see also Bank Brussels Lambert v. Intermetals Corp., 779 F. Supp. 741, 748 (S. D.N. Y. 1991).

22. See generally CFTC v. Int'l Fin. Servs. (New York), Inc., 323 F. Supp. 2d 482, 495 (S. D.N. Y. 2004) (distinguishing between forward contracts in foreign exchange and foreign exchange futures contracts); see also William L. Stein, The Exchange-Trading Requirement of the Commodity Exchange Act, 41 Vand. L. Rev. 473, 491 (1988). In contrast to forward contracts, futures contracts generally include several or all of the following characteristics: (i) Standardized nonnegotiable terms (other than price and quantity); (ii) parties are required to deposit initial margin to secure their obligations under the contract; (iii) parties are obligated and entitled to pay or receive variation margin in the amount of gain or loss on the position periodically over the period the contract is outstanding; (iv) purchasers and sellers are permitted to close out their positions by selling or purchasing offsetting contracts; and (v) settlement may be provided for by either (a) cash payment through a clearing entity that acts as the counterparty to both sides of the contract without delivery of the underlying commodity; or (b) physical delivery of the underlying commodity. See Edward F. Greene et al. U. S. Regulation of International Securities and Derivatives Markets § 14.08[2] (8th ed. 2006).

23. CFTC v. Zelener, 373 F.3d 861 (7th Cir. 2004); see also CFTC v. Erskine, 512 F.3d 309 (6th Cir. 2008).

24. 7 U. S.C. 2 (c)(2)(E)(iii) (requiring that retail forex rules treat all functionally or economically similar transactions similarly); see 17 CFR 5.1 (m) (defining “retail forex transaction” for CFTC-registered retail forex dealers).

25. For example, in Zelener, the retail forex dealer retained the right, at the date of delivery of the currency to deliver the currency, roll the transaction over, or offset all or a portion of the transaction with another open position held by the customer. See CFTC v. Zelener, 373 F.3d 861, 868 (7th Cir. 2004).

26. See, e. g. CFTC v. Erskine, 512 F.3d 309, 326 (6th Cir. 2008); CFTC v. Zelener, 373 F.3d 861, 869 (7th Cir. 2004).

27. The term “eligible contract participant” is defined at 7 U. S.C. 1 a(18), and for purposes most relevant to this proposed rule generally includes:

(a) a corporation, partnership, proprietorship, organization, trust, or other entity—

(1) that has total assets exceeding $10,000,000;

(2) the obligations of which under an agreement, contract, or transaction are guaranteed or otherwise supported by a letter of credit or keepwell, support, or other agreement by certain other eligible contract participants; o

(i) has a net worth exceeding $1,000,000; y

(ii) enters into an agreement, contract, or transaction in connection with the conduct of the entity's business or to manage the risk associated with an asset or liability owned or incurred or reasonably likely to be owned or incurred by the entity in the conduct of the entity's business;

(b) subject to certain exclusions,

(1) a governmental entity (including the United States, a State, or a foreign government) or political subdivision of a governmental entity;

(2) a multinational or supranational governmental entity; o

(3) an instrumentality, agency or department of an entity described in (b)(1) or (2); y

(c) an individual who has amounts invested on a discretionary basis, the aggregate of which is in excess of—

(2) $5,000,000 and who enters into the agreement, contract, or transaction in order to manage the risk associated with an asset owned or liability incurred, or reasonably likely to be owned or incurred, by the individual.

28. Proposed CFTC Retail Forex Rule, 75 FR at 3287 n.54.

35. See National Futures Association, Forex Transaction: A Regulatory Guide 17 (Feb. 2011); New York Federal Reserve Bank, Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume tbl. 3e (Jan. 2011); Bank for International Settlements, Report on Global Foreign Exchange Market Activity in 2010 at 15 tbl. B.6 (Dec. 2010).

36. The Final CFTC Retail Forex Rule similarly does not define “major currency.”

37. 17 CFR 166.5. The CFTC's regulation permits predispute dispute settlement agreements with a customer with certain restrictions such as that signing the agreement must not be made a condition for the customer to utilize the services offered by the CFTC registrant.

38. See Dodd-Frank Act section 748 (amending CEA section 23(n)(2) to provide: “No predispute arbitration agreement shall be valid or enforceable, if the agreement requires arbitration of a dispute arising under this section.”); section 921(a) (adding similar provisions to section 15(o) to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and section 205(f) to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940); section 922(c) (adding a similar provision to 18 U. S.C. 1514 A, which provides employee protections, including a right to a jury trial to enforce such protections, to employees of publicly registered companies and nationally recognized statistical rating organizations); section 1028(requiring the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to conduct a study and report to Congress on the use of predispute arbitration agreements “between covered persons and consumers in connection with the offering or providing of consumer financial products or services” and giving the CFPB authority to adopt regulations prohibiting such agreements; section 1057(d) (prohibiting predispute arbitration agreements that affect the employee protection rights of a person that is employed by an entity subject to CFPB regulation; and section 1414 (amending section 129C of the Truth in Lending Act to prohibit predispute arbitration agreements with respect to residential mortgage loans and home equity loans).

39. Small Business Administration regulations define “small entities” to include banks with a four-quarter average of total assets of $175 million or less (13 CFR 121.201 ).

Barclays axes CEO


Wednesday 8 July 2015 - 9:16am

File: Barclays PLC Group Chief Executive Antony Jenkins speaks during the 2012 Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting on September 23, 2012 in New York. Barclays announced Wednesday that he had been fired. Photo: AFP PHOTO/STEPHEN CHERNIN


File: Barclays PLC Group Chief Executive Antony Jenkins speaks during the 2012 Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting on September 23, 2012 in New York. Barclays announced Wednesday that he had been fired. Photo: AFP PHOTO/STEPHEN CHERNIN

Troubled British bank Barclays, plagued by the forex and Libor rigging scandals, announced Wednesday that it has fired chief executive Antony Jenkins.

Barclays management has "concluded that new leadership is required" to accelerate an overhaul of the beleaguered group, it revealed in a statement on the surprise decision.

"I reflected long and hard on the issue of group leadership and discussed this with each of the non-executive directors," said deputy chairman Sir Michael Rake.

"Notwithstanding Antony's significant achievements, it became clear to all of us that a new set of skills were required for the period ahead."

Jenkins replaced Bob Diamond in July 2012 -- who himself was forced to resign after the damaging Libor rate-fixing scandal.

The retail banking veteran had vowed to bring a new culture of decency to Barclays, and oversaw drastic restructuring that shrank its investment bank.

Barclays was fined £290 million by British and US regulators in 2012 for attempted manipulation of Libor and Euribor interbank rates 2005 and 2009.

Jenkins has struggled to restore the group's damaged reputation which was also tarnished by forex rigging.

"In the summer of 2012, I became group chief executive at a particularly difficult time for Barclays," Jenkins said in Wednesday's statement.

"It is easy to forget just how bad things were three years ago both for our industry and even more so for us."

Under Jenkins, Barclays slashed more than 19,000 jobs, but the group has struggled to recover from the Libor fallout.

In another damaging blow, Barclays was slapped in May with a $2.4 billion (2.2 billion euro) fine by US and UK regulators for foreign exchange market manipulation.

Six major global banks, including Barclays and British peer Royal Bank of Scotland, were fined a total of almost $6 billion, mostly for rigging the foreign exchange market.

Barclays added Wednesday that chairman John McFarlane has been appointed executive chairman until a successor to Jenkins is found.

COMMENTS Discussion Policy


Barclays Africa buys controlling stake in First Assurance of Kenya for R374 million

Barclays Africa announced on Wednesday that it would acquire a 63, 3% stake in First Assurance of Kenya for about R374 million.

Barclays to slash jobs at investment bank unit

Scandal-hit Barclays said on Thursday it will shrink its investment bank unit as part of plans to axe a larger-than-expected 14,000 jobs across the entire group this year.

Barclays to announce 20,000 job losses

Britain's scandal-hit Barclays bank is expected on Thursday to announce 20,000 job losses over the next three years in a major shake-up of its investment division.

Today is the 324th day of 2014. There are 41 days left in the year.

1818: Simon Bolivar formally declares Venezuela independent of Spain.

1616: Cardinal Richelieu becomes France's minister of state for foreign affairs and war.

1637: Peter Minuit and the first Swedish settlers to the New World set sail for Delaware.

1789: New Jersey becomes the first US state to ratify the Constitution's Bill of Rights.

1818: Simon Bolivar formally declares Venezuela independent of Spain.

1873: Rival cities of Buda and Pest are united to form the capital of Hungary.

1901: Second Hay-Pauncefoot Treaty provides for construction of the Panama Canal by the United States.

1910: Revolution breaks out in Mexico, led by Francisco I Madero.

1917: The Ukrainian Republic is proclaimed.

1924: Kurdish Revolt in Turkey is crushed.

1929: Spanish artist Salvador Dali has his first one-man show.

1945: International War Crimes Tribunal begins as 24 accused Nazi World War II criminals go on trial in Nuremberg, Germany.

1947: England's Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten are married in London's Westminster Abbey.

1959: Britain, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and Sweden meet to form European Free Trade Association.

1975: General Francisco Franco dies. Two days later Alfonso XIII's grandson, Juan Carlos, becomes King of Spain.

1977: Egypt's President Anwar Sadat becomes the first Arab leader to speak before the Israeli Parliament, telling them Egypt seeks peace.

1980:- A special tribunal begins the two-month trial of "the Gang of Four", led by Jiang Qing, Chairman Mao Tse-tung's wife, for masterminding the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution in China.

1990: Saddam Hussein orders another 250,000 Iraqi troops into Kuwait.

1992: A fire at Windsor Castle destroys one of Britain's biggest attractions, but rescuers help save the castle's art treasures.

1994: Angola's Government and rebels sign a peace accord.

1995: Polish President Lech Walesa loses to Aleksander Kwasniewski in the presidential run-off; the Hubble.

1996: Flames roar through a high-rise in Hong Kong, killing 39 people and injuring at least 81.

1999: Anti-US protests rock Greece as US President Bill Clinton is due to arrive. He says the United States was wrong to back the military junta that took control in 1967.

2001: Colleagues identify the bodies of four international journalists forced from their cars by armed men and killed in an ambush on the road to the Afghan capital, Kabul.

2003: Car bombs explode outside the British consulate and the offices of London-based bank HSBC in Istanbul, Turkey, killing 27 people and wounding nearly 450.

2005: Widespread violence mars the second round of Egypt's parliamentary vote as clashes break out nationwide between Muslim Brotherhood supporters, ruling party supporters and police. At least one person is killed.

2007: More than 3,000 people jailed in Pakistan under emergency rule are released, the latest sign that President Gen. Pervez Musharraf was rolling back some of the harsher measures taken against his opponents.

2010: Pope Benedict XVI opens the door on the previously taboo subject of condoms as a way to fight HIV, saying male prostitutes who use condoms may be beginning to act responsibly. It's a stunning comment for a pontiff who has blamed condoms for making the AIDS crisis worse.

2011: Spain's opposition conservatives sweep commandingly into power as voters enduring a 21.5 per cent jobless rate and stagnant economy dump the Socialists -- the third time in as many weeks Europe's debt crisis has claimed a government.

2012: The Church of England's governing body blocks a move to permit women to serve as bishops in a vote so close it fails to settle the question of female leadership and likely condemns the institution to years more debate on the issue.

2014: US weather experts say the globe is rushing hell-bent toward its warmest year on record.

Selma Lagerlof, Swedish novelist and Nobel laureate (1858-1940); Edwin Hubble, US astronomer (1889-1953); Alistair Cooke, English journalist and television personality (1908-2004); Bo Derek, US actress (1956- ); Sean Young, US actress (1959- ); Ming-Na, US actress (1967- )

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The key to successful trades is to diversify your portfolio and only trade assets you know well and have the ability to monitor in terms of market fluctuations. T is the time to expiration, r is the risk-free return rate, denotes thecumulative distribution function of the normal aout is the initial price, K denotes the strike price, q is the dividend rate, and is atatements volatility of the option price.

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Chinese Gold Miners Look Overseas for Expansion Opportunities

S HANGHAI (Interfax-China) -- Chinese gold miners intend to expand their gold reserves through acquisitions and mergers, particularly in overseas countries, and take advantage of high gold prices, domestic Chinese gold mining official told Interfax today.

Hong Kong-listed Shandong Zhaojin Mining Industry Co. Ltd. [HKE:1818 ] is looking to expand into overseas mining, and is currently in talks over gold mining projects in Australia and Canada.

Zhaojin Mining produced a record high of approximately 15,648 kilograms of gold in 2006, up 25.4% from the previous year.

Zijin Mining Corp. China's leading gold mining company, has long been expanding its overseas mineral resource acquisitions. Recent overseas projects include a MOU with Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co. for a gold project in Philippines in November, an MOU with the Republic of Tuva government to develop the Kyzyl-Tashtygskoe lead and zinc mine in September, and an agreement to acquire Avocet Mining Plc's [LSE:AVM ] gold mine in Tajikistan inked in June.

In April, 2007, Zijin Mining [HKE:2899 ], together with Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group [SZE:000630 ], completed the purchase of London-listed Monterrico Metals [LSE:MNA ], and gained access to the Rio Blanco copper project in Peru.

Henan Lingbao Gold Co. Ltd. [HKE:3330 ], the second largest gold smelter in China, is also expanding its gold reserves through acquisitions and mergers in China, and expects a profit hike this year, on the back of increased gold prices, a company securities department official, said.

In August, Lingbao Gold acquired an 80% stake in Inner Mongolia's Chifeng Zhengji Mining Co. Ltd. a subsidiary of Sino-QZ Group Pty, Ltd., including prospecting rights to several gold mines in Inner Mongolia.

The global outlook for gold continues to be encouraging, and the pursuit of overseas assets is a must. China does have considerable proven reserves, yet will not produce nearly enough to satisfy domestic demand. Competition over the metal from the likes of India will only further bolster bullion price.

Commentary provided by Interfax analyst David Harman.

Interfax-China 2007. For further information regarding Interfax China Commodities Daily Reports, contact David Harman at david. harman@interfax-news. com or (852) 2537-2262.

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IKON FX Group is a regulated forex broker. To open an account, you must fulfill a minimal first deposit of $150, which is slightly lower than the average. Additionally, IKON FX Group offers a maximum leverage of 500:1, which is above average, meaning that a trader can purchase large positions with a small amount of capital.

The offered margin-call level of 10% could be risky for unexperienced traders and we suggest you amend it higher when opening your account. A margin level below 100% indicates that the trader can continue to open new positions even when their overall equity has dropped below the open margin. If you choose to invest with IKON FX Group, we recommend that you monitor your margin level and beware of opening positions when your equity is below your open margin.

Account Setup

Minimum Account Size

Minimum Position Size

United States Dollar

Standard Trade Information

Margin Call Level

Number of Currency Pairs

Broker Services

Platforms Available

Support Services

Consideraciones de riesgo

Credio reviewed options and limitations offered by IKON FX Group to its clients in order to come up with a risk score for the broker. El puntaje de riesgo toma en consideración múltiples factores. This is what stood out with regards to IKON FX Group:

Regulación. This broker is regulated

Position. The broker enforces a minimum position size of 0.01 Lot, limiting trader control

Leverage. The broker permits a max leverage of 500:1 which is large and may cause runaway trades if not checked

Margin Call Level. The margin call level is set at 10%, which allows the trader to continue opening positions even once their margin has extended beyond their equity

Stop-Out Level. The stop-out level is set at 10%, which is not very safe

Overall, IKON FX Group scored a risk score of 4.16. This indicates that IKON FX Group is a fairly risky broker option.

Para obtener más información sobre nuestras evaluaciones, consulte también nuestro desglose detallado en la guía.


IKON FX Group offers a very diverse set of trade options that would greatly benefit all traders. In addition to the wide range of available securities, the ability to scalp is especially advantageous to short-term traders looking to commit a high volume of daily trades. Meanwhile, the benefits of hedging may appeal to longer-term investors looking to be able to safeguard their trades.

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 reviews

By: Mmmm Tzatziki | 1 / 5 | 45 hours ago

There is something fishy going on in this company. There are two UK IKON's and the FCA website says ikonfx. com is a clone scam. I spoke to IKONFX support chat and they said that the ikonfinance is the scam. But the clone warning is against them. I would stay far away from ikonfx. com their support chat seems to not know anything about the market or regulation either. Just hate speech towards competitors.

By: Trader2013 | 5 / 5 | Hace 2 años

Broker with stable platforms and a large variety of products, currency pairs added upon request.

By: IKON FX | 5 / 5 | 22 months ago

IKON FX Group and MultiBank merge under the new name of IKON MultiBank GroupIKON FX Group the well-known worldwide onlineTrading company and MultiBank Group have announced official merger that will put them on top of the online financial services' sector under the name: IKON MultiBank Group. The new IKON MultiBank Group will develop more licensed financial companies around the world for traders to choose from. Current companies include: IKON USA in the United States of America (Partner of NASDAQ), IKON Finance in the United Kingdom (licensed by the Financial Conduct Authority), MultiBank Australia (Licensed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission), and IKON Financial Services in China (licensed by the Chinese financial government in Tianjin). By the end of 2013 there will also be IKON Middle East (will be licensed by the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre), and MultiBank Europe (will be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of the UK).This merger will give birth to the new IKON MultiBank Group which will care for more than 120,000 clients worldwide in over 90 countries with an expected nominal trading value of over $1.5 trillion, for the year 2013. IKON MultiBank Group will provide products including but are not limited to: Forex, Gold, Precious Metals, CFDs, Options, Futures, NDFs, Binary Options Contracts, and much moreThis iconic merger will allow IKON MultiBank Group to become one of the most organized and financially stable providers of online financial derivatives in the world. The Group shall provide the best, most comprehensive and most advanced products, tools and platforms for individual and corporate clients; all for the IKON MultiBank Group clients' best interest. On top of which, we will work on facilitating the merger in order to be able to focus our efforts and present the best services and products to our clients. " Stated Naser Taher, CEO and Vice president of IKON MultiBank Group. The discussions leading to the merger began back in 2012 until the agreement was actually signed on the 31st of March, 2013, after much deliberation between both parties. It is estimated that this merger will give IKON MultiBank Group a minimum net value of more than $1.3 billion, making it one of the biggest financial groups in the electronic financial sector. We are expecting to announce a high value initial public offering in the near future." Mr. Naser continues: "We are very excited and we expect this merger to strengthen the core values and advantages of IKON MultiBank Group." IKON MultiBank Group invites you to communicate with the group to learn more information about this important step.

Review IKON FX Group

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Hello, I am Dan and I trade Forex, mainly during news events. I am based in the UK and I was thinking why should we create a skype group call every day at a certain hour where we could chat about our trading for the day and help each other out to succeed.

If interested please reply and I will get back as soon as possible.

Muchas gracias,

Noticias en tiempo real después de las horas previas al mercado

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VIX Speculative Positions

Speculative positions taken by Hedge Funds on the VIX market. Weekly commitment of traders on VIX.

Speculative positions on VIX taken by speculators. The size of a contract is VIX index x 100$.

Data published by the CFTC in the weekly report regarding the commitment of traders on the CBOE. Hereunder, we consider only non commercial and future only open positions, widely named “hedge Funds speculative positions”.

Chart on Hedge Funds positions are charted for short only, long only and net (long minus short). Moreover, the VIX weekly average price is added.

Mark the area you wish to enlarge (selected period will turn into yellow).

VIX Hedge Funds Positions | VIX Commitment of Traders

EUR/USD speculative positions

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Acerca del Grupo IFCM

IFCM Group es un grupo de empresas que participan en el desarrollo e implementación de nuevos proyectos efectivos en el campo de las tecnologías financieras por más de 10 años.

La actividad de IFCM Group cumple con los requisitos unificados establecidos por la legislación internacional para proporcionar servicios de corretaje y financieros.

El Grupo IFCM consta de:


Desde 2006 IFCMARKETS. CORP. has been providing its customers with services in the sphere of trading financial instruments both at organized market places and beyond, using two trading-analytical platforms: NetTradeX and MetaTrader 4 .

IFCMARKETS. CORP. Es el licenciatario para el uso de la plataforma de nueva generación NetTradeX y la popular plataforma MetaTrader 4.

IFCMARKETS. CORP. Está constituida en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas (BVI) bajo el número de registro 669838.

IFCMARKETS. CORP está licenciada por la Comisión de Servicios Financieros de las Islas Vírgenes Británicas (BVI FSC), Certificado No. SIBA / L / 14/1073. to carry out investment business of the following categories: Category 1: Dealing in Investments Sub-category B: Dealing as Principal Category 2: Arranging Deals in Investments

Infin Markets Limited.

Infin Markets Limited provides the complete range of financial trading as well as supplementary services with the use of NetTradeX trading station and MetaTrader 4 trading platform.

Infin Markets Limited complies with the European Commission's MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) and is licensed by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) under the license number 147/11.

Infin Markets Limited is a Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) registered under the number HE 276909.

NetTradeX Corp.

NetTradeX Corp. is a developer of advanced software for trading in financial markets including a multi-functional trading station NetTradeX.

NetTradeX Corp. is registered in Seychelles under the registration number 022316.

IFC Markets es un Forex Internacional y CFD Broker que brinda a los clientes la oportunidad de realizar operaciones desde diferentes regiones del mundo. Obtenga más información sobre los idiomas admitidos del Global Broker en Forex Trading.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2016 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

IFC Markets no presta servicios a los residentes de los Estados Unidos.

Por qué los mercados de IFC?

Company Info

The Forex Optimum company was created in 2009 to become innovative and advanced online broker, offering clients the most modern and high-quality services, unique and the most favorable conditions for the partners of the company on the market.

Forex Optimum is a team of professionals, who gathered to unite the ideas and use the experience of the largest finance companies to create the broker of new generation with essentially new approach for work in the Forex market.

Learning on experience of other broker companies and being guided by the needs of modern trader, we created hi-tech services with unique products.


We are an independent platform for realization of abilities and satisfaction of needs of each trader and investor. Transparent and user friendly ratings of education centers, analytics, expert advisers, personal traders and fund managers define independence of our service. We give opportunity for traders to attract large investors, and for investors - to find profitable traders.

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Risk Warning There is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as Forex/CFDs. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose more than your entire investment. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice.

This website contains general information, which refers to the following companies of RoboForex group:

RoboForex (CY) Ltd is regulated by the CySEC, license No. is 191/13.

RoboTrade Ltd is regulated by the IFSC, license IFSC/60/271/TS/15.

The website is the property of RoboForex (CY) Ltd.


You’re about to visit the website of RoboForex (CY) Ltd (regulated by the CySEC, license No. 191/13).

Always go to this website without confirmation


FOREX MMCIS group foundation was initiated in 2007 by "MMCIS investments" investment fund. In the course of MMCIS investments Funds work it appeared that many people wanted to make their own decisions

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Review on FOREX MMCIS group

First of all, lets understand: why are you here?

Perhaps, you just clicked an ad banner. Or, perhaps, you were purposefully looking for a way to earn?

Anyway, you are where you need to be!

On our website you will find the information to change your life, to solve all your problems, and to become wealthy and happy! You do want it, dont you?

When you learn the details of our website, you will understand and acknowledge how to change your life. After you study our website, you will know what our interaction can give you and what benefits you will receive from it. And the most important, you will learn how to earn in Forex market, earning stable and high income!

Forex is the place where you can become a millionaire! Or multiply your capital!

And it is not easy, it is very easy!

Want to know how? Then, all you need to do is just to learn the basics of Forex, and the answer to this question will become obvious!

In this article, I will try to explain to you what Forex is all about, briefly and in simple words!

Ready to make the first step on your path to wealth and prosperity? Lets begin then.

Forex is a market, but not a regular one. Instead of the goods and services we are accustomed to, currencies are traded in Forex, the market itself being speculative. Producers do not trade in it! People trade in it with the purpose of making money.

It all comes to buying one or another currency cheaper and selling it more expensive.

Where can we find a Forex analogue in our everyday life? It is bank currency exchange services that buy currency from us a little cheaper and sell it a little more expensive.

So, will we have any difference from them trading in Forex market? Practically none, except for several advantages! The most important of them is leverage that our dealing center offers you. Leverage is the possibility to increase the funds turnover in your new buy-sell business up to 500 times. It means, if you have a thousand dollars, you can deal with half a million in Forex market. Naturally, you will get more profit thanks to it! What often happens is that people multiply their initial capital in the very first day! Tempting, isnt it?

The next important advantage, comparing to currency exchanges is that you can earn not only when the currency price increases, but when it decreases as well.

In fact, you just predict the market decline and stake on it, and when the currency price goes down - you gain.

All you need to do is just guess where the currency chart will go.

It is not difficult, is it?

Some use all kinds of analysis methods, and some just intuition. And our research shows that those who use their intuition are much more successful traders. (All currency charts, as well as market news online will be available to you in our trading terminal).

Another significant advantage of Forex market is automation of trading. In other words, you receive your personal assistant that will track the situation and execute all your orders when you are on a vacation or sleeping, for instance.

I will give you an example! You see that the dollar goes down, but you understand that it will not cost less than 92 Japanese yens. Then, you give an order to buy dollars when the price reaches 92 Japanese yens. And thats it! The rest will be done for you automatically. At once, you can give an order to sell it later when it reaches, say, 98 yens.

These are the fluctuations people make money on in Forex! It is not as difficult as it might seem at first!

Still thinking it is difficult or you wont make it? Then, read the stories of people who changed their lives and became successful traders!

Retired people, housewives, students all trade in our dealing center. They have figured out what its all about, and you will, too!

Actually, all you need to do to start working in Forex market is to download our trading terminal and learn how it works! It will provide 95% of what you need to know in order to receive stable and high profits.

It is very easy to study the terminal. You can find easy-to-understand detailed directions here*.

And the last thing I would like to tell you is that Forex isnt more difficult than any of the subjects we took at school! The algorithm of working in Forex is much simpler than the problems we solved in high school! So do not give up, you can do it!

Try! Figure it out! And you will make it!

Sincerely, Robert Philips FOREX MMCIS group deputy director.

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Forex Pivot Points Fibonacci

The page below is home to our Fibonacci forex pivot point table. Next to each currency pair, three support levels are listed, as are three resistance levels. The middle column is the pivot point where support becomes resistance and vice versa. The table can be tailored to different traders’ needs through the time frame drop-down menu. Time frames range from one minute to monthly.

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the way that myfxbook calculate their gain is completly wrong.

example . See More lets say you have deposited 1000$ in your account and you buy 0.1 Lot eurusd.

now your money after 6-8 months trade grow to 5000$.

as you have more money in your account, you start trading bigger size. for example 0.8 lot. otherwise, why you still have the profit in your account. you must withdraw it if you not going to use it again in trading.

1- the profit now you are making on 5000$ is diffrent than when you had on first deposit of 1000$ 2- before you were risking only 1000$ of your account. now if you not keeping the stop, and keep changing it, we can say you are risking the 5000$. because if the momey keep going against you, you can loose all your money in the account (simple logic).

The way its calculated on myfxbook. is wrong, your current profit is still based on your original 1000$ deposit so the % gain they show is always wrong. Show less

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For the purpose of proposing a settlement of rule violations alleged by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA"), without admitting or denying the findings, prior to a regulatory hearing, and without an adjudication of any issue, Melanie Susan Smith submitted a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent ("AWC"), which FINRA accepted. In the Matter of Melanie Susan Smith, Respondent (AWC 2012031053501; January 8, 2013).

Smith first became registered in 1997 and during the relevant time of 2010 through January 9 2012, was registered as a General Securities Representative with FINRA member firm LPL Financial. The AWC asserts that Smith had no prior FINRA disciplinary history.

From The Horse's Mouth

I don't like this case for a number of reasons. As a result, I want to ensure that I do not unfairly prejudice your own analysis of the facts - so, let me quote in unedited fashion the substance of the AWC:


From approximately August 2011 through October 2011, Smith solicited loans from three customers of the Firm. Smith drafted promissory notes in connection with the proposed loans, but the customers determined not to loan her the money and the notes were never signed. Smith did not disclose the proposed loans to the Firm. Moreover, the Firm had a policy prohibiting representatives from borrowing money from customers without permission from the Firm. By attempting to borrow money from her customers, Smith violated FINRA Rule 2010.


In accordance with the terms of the AWC, FINRA imposed upon Smith a ten-business-day suspension from association with any FINRA member in any capacity. In consideration of her sworn financial statement and demonstrated inability to pay a fine, no monetary sanction was imposed.

Bill Singer 's Comment

Since the onset of the Great Recession . registered persons have been financially hit along with the rest of the population, and financial pressures have not discriminated among large or small firms. Amidst a souring economy, the loss of commission business, and the closing of firms and branches, whether employed at Merrill Lynch. Morgan Stanley. JP Morgan, Wells Fargo. UBS. or smaller firms, the need for cash pushed many brokers to the limit and prompted arrangements with customers to borrow money. The legacy of those ongoing hard times will likely keep this violation on the front burner at FINRA for years to come.

Here is the current iteration of FINRA's "Borrowing Rule":

FINRA Rule 3240: Borrowing From or Lending to Customers

(a) Permissible Lending Arrangements; Condiciones

No person associated with a member in any registered capacity may borrow money from or lend money to any customer of such person unless:

(1) the member has written procedures allowing the borrowing and lending of money between such registered persons and customers of the member;

(2) the borrowing or lending arrangement meets one of the following conditions:

(A) the customer is a member of such person's immediate family;

(B) the customer (i) is a financial institution regularly engaged in the business of providing credit, financing, or loans, or other entity or person that regularly arranges or extends credit in the ordinary course of business and (ii) is acting in the course of such business;

(C) the customer and the registered person are both registered persons of the same member;

(D) the lending arrangement is based on a personal relationship with the customer, such that the loan would not have been solicited, offered, or given had the customer and the registered person not maintained a relationship outside of the broker-customer relationship; o

(E) the lending arrangement is based on a business relationship outside of the broker-customer relationship; y

(3) the requirements of paragraph (b) of this Rule are satisfied.

(b) Notification and Approval

(1) The registered person shall notify the member of the borrowing or lending arrangements described in paragraphs (a)(2)(C), (D), and (E) above prior to entering into such arrangements and the member shall pre-approve in writing such arrangements. The registered person shall also notify the member and the member shall pre-approve in writing any modifications to such arrangements, including any extension of the duration of such arrangements.

(2) With respect to the borrowing or lending arrangements described in paragraph (a)(2)(A) above, a member's written procedures may indicate that registered persons are not required to notify the member or receive member approval either prior to or subsequent to entering into such borrowing or lending arrangements.

(3) With respect to the borrowing or lending arrangements described in paragraph (a)(2)(B) above, a member's written procedures may indicate that registered persons are not required to notify the member or receive member approval either prior to or subsequent to entering into such borrowing or lending arrangements, provided that, the loan has been made on commercial terms that the customer generally makes available to members of the general public similarly situated as to need, purpose and creditworthiness. For purposes of this subparagraph, the member may rely on the registered person's representation that the terms of the loan meet the above-described standards.

(c) Definition of Immediate Family

The term "immediate family" means parents, grandparents, mother-in-law or father-in-law, husband or wife, brother or sister, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, son-in law or daughter-in-law, children, grandchildren, cousin, aunt or uncle, or niece or nephew, and any other person whom the registered person supports, directly or indirectly, to a material extent.

01 Record Retention. For purposes of paragraph (b)(1) of this Rule, members shall preserve the written pre-approval for at least three years after the date that the borrowing or lending arrangement has terminated or for at least three years after the registered person's association with the member has terminated.

Now that you have the exact words of accusation and allegation from the AWC and the current "Borrowing Rule," let's discuss why I don't like this case.

The AWC charges Smith with having "solicited loans" from three customers. In connection with such loan solicitation, she purportedly drafted promissory notes. As best I can interpret all of that, Smith engaged in conduct that was in preparation to borrow, in contradistinction to actually borrowing. Not only did money never change hands in this case, but the requisite promissory notes were never executed.

Before the promissory notes were signed, the customers apparently backed out. Why is that important to a legal analysis of this case? As a lawyer, I want to determine whether there was a meeting of the minds such that there was a done deal here. I just don't see that because the proposed lenders backed out when the refused to sign off on the proposed notes.

If, in fact, Smith had borrowed money from customers, then, clearly, she would have violated her employer's policy requiring prior approval of such loans. The thing is, however, that Smith didn't borrow money - consequently, how did she violate her firm's policy? Yeah, I know it's the spirit of the thing and, yeah, I agree, she should have gotten prior permission before drafting up the promissory notes that never got signed. On the other hand, how many folks go to jail for buying marijuana that turns out to be oregano or cocaine that turns out to be powdered milk?

Take a look at the wording of the current Borrowing Rule . "No person associated with a member in any registered capacity may borrow money from or lend money to any customer of such person unless. " You note that the prohibition is against borrowing or lending money? Did Smith actually borrow a penny from any customer?

Now to be fair and professional, FINRA found that Smith violated its Rule 2010, which imposes an obligation upon registered persons to "observe high standards of commercial honor and just and equitable principles of trade." Oh yeah, we're all familiar with Wall Street 's honored high standards of honor and equity. Yeah, right.

To the extent that FINRA can truly look me or anyone else in the eye and say with a straight face that Smith's proposed loan transaction was dishonorable, hey, good luck with that. To the extent that the sanctimonious self-regulatory organization would prefer to discuss this case on more appropriate grounds, I would return to the analysis of the Borrowing Rule . and would suggest that there might be some merit if this AWC were premised upon this language:

(b) Notification and Approval

(1) The registered person shall notify the member of the borrowing or lending arrangements described in paragraphs (a)(2)(C), (D), and (E) above prior to entering into such arrangements and the member shall pre-approve in writing such arrangements.

Even I will concede that Smith didn't notify her firm of the borrowing arrangements prior to entering into such arrangements ; however, there's still the interpretive problem that she never actually entered into any borrowing arrangement. FINRA's Borrowing Rule contemplates that an actual loan occurred and that the registered person failed to obtain prior firm approval for that loan. All of which presents us with the conundrum of whether you can properly charge a registered person with failing to provide prior notice to an employer firm about a proposed loan that never happened. The way I read the rule, that ain't what it says.

As "Street Sweeper " readers know, I have a penchant for using the expression: If my aunt were a man, she'd be my uncle. This is yet another classic example of that point. If Smith had borrowed money from customers and failed to obtain prior approval from her firm for that transaction, I would concur that there had been a violation of FINRA's Borrowing Rule rules - except, you know, she didn't borrow money and the promissory notes were never signed.

When all is said and done, I truly don't understand why FINRA is so heavy-handed in this case. As if, what - the totality of the circumstances here didn't warrant the self-regulatory organization simply admonishing Smith as to the appearance of impropriety with her proposed transaction and extracting an undertaking from her that, henceforth, she will first seek her firm's approval? On top of whatever personal stress this woman was enduring, she deserved having FINRA come down on her like a ton of bricks and force her to incur legal fees and the humiliation of a suspension?

See these "Street Sweeper " borrowing columns :

Oil Price Report

Oil prices came under pressure this week from concerns about Greece’s future in the eurozone and the possibility of higher Iranian crude supplies.

Gold failed to benefit from its status as a haven investment.

US markets were shut Friday ahead of the July 4 Independence Day celebrations.

OIL: Prices slumped with focus on high US output as traders looked ahead to Greece’s weekend referendum that could determine whether it remains in the eurozone.

Traders are worried about a global supply glut and the first rise in the US oil-rig count this year.

The US government meanwhile revealed a surprise weekly build of 2.4 million barrels for the country’s commercial crude inventories.

“This was the first build in stockpiles since the end of April, ending a run of eight weekly declines,” said Fawad Razaqzada, technical analyst at Forex. com.

Saxo Bank analyst Ole Hansen added Friday that the US situation combined with “OPEC producing the most since 2012… leaves the upside potential for crude oil (prices) still very limited”.

There are concerns also over a return to the market of Iranian crude.

Talks between six world powers and Iran aimed at curbing the country’s nuclear ambitions were this week handed a deadline extension to July 7.

Iran rejects allegations that it has been seeking to develop nuclear arms, and has resisted moves to give the International Atomic Energy Agency unbridled access to sensitive military sites to verify its claims.

Successful outcome of the talks could see the lifting of sanctions that have forced the country to cut by half its oil exports.

The Greece situation has meanwhile weighed on the euro this week, making dollar-denominated crude more expensive for holders of the single currency.

By Friday on London’s Intercontinental Exchange, Brent North Sea crude for delivery in August slid to 60.39 a barrel from 63.25 a week earlier.

On the New York Mercantile Exchange, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) or light sweet crude for August retreated to 55.41 a barrel from 59.59 a barrel.

& # 8211; No gold rush –

PRECIOUS METALS: Gold struggled to attract demand from investors.

“In spite of the continual uncertainty over the situation in Greece, there remains no signs of increased appetite for gold,” said Jameel Ahmad, chief market analyst at trading group FXTM.

“You would normally expect demand for safe-haven assets to improve significantly when events such as the Greece crisis occur, but this has not happened. There is clearly hesitation from buyers to even consider purchasing gold as we approach the timing of a US interest rate rise and the outlook for gold remains weak.”

By Friday on the London Bullion Market, the price of gold eased to 1,167.95 an ounce from 1,170.50 a week earlier.

Silver dropped to 15.64 an ounce from 15.83.

On the London Platinum and Palladium Market, platinum gained to 1,083 an ounce from 1,074.

Palladium grew to 701 an ounce from 676.

BASE METALS: Nickel hit a six-year low point at 10,795 a tonne in a dramatic drop, before pulling back considerably.

“The weak Chinese equity markets are clearly preventing metal prices from making any noticeable recovery,” said analysts at Commerzbank.

Capital Economics added: “Weak demand from the stainless steel sector has been one factor in the price weakness” of nickel. “Growth in China’s stainless steel output ground to a halt last year and producers drew down nickel inventories,” they added in a note to clients.

Shanghai stocks plunged almost six percent Friday, capping their worst three weeks in 23 years as analysts warned panic was setting in and authorities pledged more support after recent moves to staunch the blood-letting failed.

By Friday on the London Metal Exchange, copper for delivery in three months rose to 5,803.50 a tonne from 5,758.50 a week earlier.

Three-month aluminium gained to 1,728 a tonne from 1,709.50.

Three-month lead fell to 1,775 a tonne from 1,787.

Three-month tin decreased to 14,400 a tonne from 14,865.

Three-month nickel slid to 12,125 a tonne from 12,560.

Three-month zinc dipped to 2,025 a tonne from 2,026.

& # 8211; Cocoa hits high –

COCOA: London-traded cocoa hit a four-year high at 2,191 a tonne as supplies tighten in Ghana.

By Friday on LIFFE, London’s futures exchange, cocoa for delivery in September reached 2,171 a tonne from 2,161 a week earlier.

By Thursday on the ICE Futures US exchange, cocoa for September edged up to 3,288 a tonne from 3,274 the previous Friday.

SUGAR: Prices extended recent gains.

By Friday on LIFFE, a tonne of white sugar for delivery in August grew to 372.60 from 362.80 a week earlier.

By Thursday on ICE Futures US, unrefined sugar for October rose to 12.30 US cents from 12.09 cents the previous Friday.

COFFEE: Prices fell as the dollar strengthened.

By Thursday on ICE Futures US, Arabica for delivery in September slid to 127.40 US cents a pound from 136.75 cents the previous Friday.

By Friday on LIFFE, Robusta for September decreased to 1,744 a tonne from 1,818.

RUBBER: Prices declined as the ringgit strengthened and on fears over the Greek debt crisis, traders said.

On Friday, the Malaysian Rubber Board’s benchmark SMR20 fell to 149.90 US cents per kilo from 155.00 US cents a week ago.

US Stocks: Russell 2000 leads the upside stampede

The Federal Open Market Committee announcement was dovish yet hawkish enough to rally the markets, which brought new upside momentum back into the majority of the US stock market. On Friday the party continued, albeit at a slower rate, yet good enough for a large outperformance of the Russell 2000 (RUT. I) to rear its head, as the index rallied to and closed at a fresh all-time high, up 1.87 percent on the day.

The S&P 500 too hit a new all-time record closing high of 1,818.32 today on the back of good economic numbers. Specifically, the third-quarter GDP was revised upward to 4.1 percent, from the previous 3.6 percent consensus forecast. The news was good enough to send the last of the bears running for cover, leaving the bulls fully in charge two days in-a-row and to close out a strong week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average also hit a new high, while the Nasdaq Composite pushed to a new multi-year high. Bond yields too got jiggy with it as they ramped toward 3 percent on the 10 year US Treasury Notes, before closing the day off the highs.

Today we enter a holiday-riddled week, with US markets open only half a day on December 24 and fully closed Christmas day. As I have discussed over the past few weeks, this lower volume trading environment, while it can lead to unexpected choppiness, can also offer up uncrowded trades. These are usually not so easily found during the year when all market participants are focused on the tape. For my part, while I will certainly do much less trading this week, I will play a few select stocks that are showing relative strength and trading in technically tight patterns.

The S&P 500 (SPX. I) on Friday pushed past its year-to-date highs and technically staged a clean, yet somewhat marginal breakout. Momentum remains on its side of the consolidation area made up of the rising 50-day simple moving average and lateral support, currently around 1,775, is good first support while upside toward 1,825-1,850 remains the upside target into year-end.

Source: Saxo Bank

The Russell 2000 (RUT. I) played catch-up in a big way last week as it pushed to new highs and also has support at its rising 50-day moving average (yellow line), with the immediate next upside target remaining 1,150 followed by somewhere in the region of 1,160.

Source: Saxo Bank

Technology, after lagging somewhat in the early going last week, quickly got back on its legs on Wednesday with a bullish candle, followed by more buying on Thursday and Friday, which now looks to send the S&P 500 Technology ETF (XLK:arcx) to higher highs still.

Source: Saxo Bank

A plethora of single name technology stocks got back on their feet in a meaningful way late last week, making this sector a prime candidate to look for outperforming stocks this week. One name that I have put back on my watch-list is Microsoft Corp (MSFT:xnas), which last Wednesday developed a bullish reversal with an intra-day push below its 50-day moving average and follow-through buying on Friday. The stock is now setting up one of my 'rocket-launch' trades.

Source: Saxo Bank


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Finding a circle of friends 28 Jun 2006

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COMMUNITY: London, with good cause, is often touted as one of the best cities in the world, but for all its shopping, history, culture and nightlife many Londoners lead a limited social life.

The Unilever Family Report, Home Alone? found that London has the highest number of people living alone in the country.

In the boroughs of Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea, almost half the population live alone. It also revealed that 94 per cent of Londoners thought it was important to live alone before settling down.

I moved to London 10 years ago and was unsurprised by these statistics. So I set up a modern day social club – www. myexpandedcircle. com. I believe the problem is due to four main factors:

• There is so much pressure put on people today by their work;

• People go travelling for long periods more than ever before;

• The population these days is so transient, due to the fact that people change jobs and move house so frequently. That many of us have to move out of London to get on to the property ladder doesn’t help;

• In our late 20s and early 30s many of our friends settle down and start families. This means you can have a great social life one month but this can dwindle quite quickly over a relatively short period of time.

In London day-to-day life, it can be really difficult to get to know people. All too often, people embark on a blinkered path to and from work seldom taking the chance to talk to anybody while commuting or taking in much of what London has to offer.

At www. myexpandedcircle. com, we offer a quick and easy way to meet people. For those that already have active social lives we offer the chance to try something that your present group of friends aren’t into, which could be anything from wine tasting to white water rafting.

Stacey, a New Zealander in her 30s, is a member of the club.

"When I first came to London, I found it easy to find a good group of friends through work but times changed and London’s not the kind of place where it’s easy to go out and meet people. The longer you stay, the more social circles tend to shrink. People get married, have children and move out," she says.

It’s a fast track into London-based activities and social events I believe we have made the process as simple as possible. For example, via the site, people can email other members before meeting up, so as to get to know each other. Members can also view each other’s profile, which gives brief information about them and they can do searches for members with specific interests or who live in their locality.

We organise lots of events, many of them are free, like historic walks around London, forest walks, pub crawls and museum visits.

Paid events include theatre nights, meals out, paintballing and weekend breaks. As there’s a one month’s free trial, I’d encourage people to try it out.

Come along and if you like what they see then tell your mates, there is nothing like word of mouth to promote something that works.

We offer a safe, credible way to meet people and for many an opportunity to try some stuff that their mates aren’t into.

There’s a lot of research showing that a bit of exercise and a healthy social life make for a healthier and happier life.

As you get both with MEC as well as a free one month trial, you really have nothing to lose by giving it a try.

Once you’ve had your trial it costs £4.50 a month or £35 for the year, making it a good value social club.

• For more information check out www. myexpandedcircle. com.

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Fraser Securities Pte Ltd was established in 1873 when it was known as Fraser & Co, a household name then and the oldest financial firm in the Far East. It was founded by John Fraser, who set up businesses in Singapore and Malaya, ranging from light commercial trades to heavy industrial production.

In June 1987, Fraser was converted from a partnership into a corporate entity. The Company’s name was changed to Fraser Roach & Co Pte Ltd and it became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Frasers International Pte. Limitado.

In July 1991, Arab-Malaysian Merchant Bank Berhad (AMMB) bought a 49% stake in Frasers International Pte. Ltd (FIPL), thus making Arab-Malaysian Merchant Bank Berhad FIPL’s largest single shareholder. Following this transaction, Fraser was renamed Fraser Securities Pte Ltd. The ownership structure changed in September 2006 when Arab-Malaysian Merchant Bank Berhad, restructured as AmInvestment Bank Berhad under the Amlnvestment Group, bought the remaining 51% stake in FIPL making the Fraser Securities Pte Ltd a wholly owned subsidiary. In July 2007, the Fraser Securities Pte Ltd’s name was changed to AmFraser Securities Pte. Ltd .

AmFraser Securities Pte Ltd Address

4 Shenton Way #13-01 SGX Centre 2 Singapore (068807)

General Enquiries / Account Opening at AmFraser Securities Pte Ltd:

Tel: (65) 6236 2688


With Trading Representative For clients who have a Trading Representative in AmFraser Securities Pte Ltd, please either call the remisier directly or call the Receptionist at: (65) 6535 9455 to get transferred to your respective Trading Representative.

Without Trading Representative Telephone number for clients without a Trading Representatives in AmFraser Securities: (65) 6533 3522.

Technical Assistance: Tel. (65) 6533 3522

Indicator displays the Market Profile charts for the daily trading sessions painting different time sessions in gradient colors. Draw value area and point of control (median).

Traders tend to return to those areas if the volume of the breakout movement isn’t too high. High-volume breakout out of these areas signifies a real breakout.

Should be attached to M5, M15 or M30 timeframes. M30 is recommended.

Designed for standard currency pairs. May work incorrectly with very exotic pairs, CFDs or commodities. Be careful: it will delete all rectangle objects on the chart upon deinitialization.

StartFromDate – specify a date from when it should draw market profile histograms

StartFromToday (true/false) – if set to true the start day is ‘today’. Set to false if you want to use with StartFromDate value

DaysToCount – how many days back to process

ColorScheme (0,1,2) – different color schemes for gradients

MedianColor . ValueAreaColor – colors for median and value area

Informational indicator in separate window that shows currency changes on different timeframes for 4 different currencies (or products), and information panel that shows: – overall deposit statistic – profit for different currencies – time sessions – clock is moving between the line – different stats about each currency (spread, digits, stop level, maximum number of lots you can open, points to stopout)

Indicator emulates volume histogram and drawing histogram in 3 different colors – for different sessions, they are Asia, Europe and USA. Also draw TPO line.

Input parameters are: StartDate – from where to begin (optional parameter) lastdayStart (true/false) CountProfile – how many days to show Asia – color for Asia session Europe – color for Europe session America – color for America session Moda – color for maximum volume

Forex Forum mt5.com – Introducción. Forex market is high-yield and risky mean of taking profit by operations with the currency rates. Instruments of work at Forex market in many ways determine the result of currency trading made by Forex market participants – brokers’ clients. Every Forex broker offers its own terminal, however the most part of brokers and traders concur in choosing MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 terminals. This forum is created for those who prefer the terminal of MetaTrader series in trading on Forex.

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Japan gets go-ahead for first passenger jet

Japan has launched a $1 billion (£500 million) project to build its first ever home-grown passenger jet aircraft, a next-generation regional airliner that aims to meet growing demand for fuel efficient planes.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (MHI) said it had decided to proceed with the commercial development of the plane after landing its first order from Nippon Airlines for up to 25 aircraft.

The 70-90 seat plane will use the new energy-saving ‘geared turbofan‘ engine designed by US giant Pratt & Whitney. Mitsubishi said it plans to get the first planes into service by 2013.

The Mitsubishi Regional Jet will target the short and medium-haul market for smaller aircraft dominated by Brazil’s Embraer and Canada’s Bombardier.

China and Russia are also working on the development of similar new regional jets, which is one of the fastest growing sectors of the aircraft industry.

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Risk Warning: Trading financial instruments, including foreign exchange on margin, carries a high level of risk and is not suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en instrumentos financieros o divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Celebrus Capital

Celebrus Capital Trading Platform, Demat, Brokerage, Charges and Reviews

Commodity Online India Limited (COIL) is the flagship company of the Commodity Online Group. COIL began operations in 2007 on a simple idea: create an online platform around commodities in the world. The flagship project of the Group is www. commodityonline. com, arguably the world’s largest information portal on commodities from India. Today, COIL operates a network of companies and verticals in the technology-centric, next-generation commodities and financial markets.

The Group has set up India’s largest research house specialized on agricultural commodities, bullion and metals. The Group companies operate in trading in commodities, stocks, currencies and spot commodities market.

Celebrus Capital Account opening Charges:-

Trading Account:- NIL Trading & Demat:- NA Commodity Trading:- NA AMC Charges:- Rs.300 /Year

Celebrus Capital Brokerage Charges:-

2% or min of 5 paisa per share, whichever is higher

2% or min of 5 paisa per share, whichever is higher

2% or min of 5 paisa per share, whichever is higher

2% or min of 5 paisa per share, whichever is higher

2% or min of 5 paisa per share, whichever is higher

2% or min of 5 paisa per share, whichever is higher

0.02-0.05% for intraday & 0.04-0.06% for carry forward

Celebrus Capital Leverage/Margin:-

Upto 15-20 times for intraday & 4-5 times for delivery

Celebrus Capital Trading Platform Or Software:-

Trading software Platform:- ODIN Web Based:- trade. celebrus. in Mobile Application:- YES

Celebrus Capital Some Useful Services

Reporting For Client:-

Online Trade Reports:- YES Online PNL Reports:- YES

3 in 1 Account:- NO Instant Fund withdrawal:- NO Relationship Managers:- YES

Celebrus Capital Useful Details

Headquarters City (Head Office)

Total Branches (Presence)

8 + bank branches

Yes, Research Provided

Total Experience in Broking

8 Years of experience

Year of Incorporation

Celebrus Capital Client Info & NRI Account opining Regulations

Current Active Client Base?

NRI Account Opining Allowed Or Not

YES, It is Allowed in Celebrus

Celebrus Capital Fund Transfers Service

Number of bank linked to account

Mode of payment (Withdraw & Deposit)

Cheque, no info about other modes

Fund Payin processing time

Fund Payout processed (Working Days)

Celebrus Capital Turnover and Other Charges

Equity (Cash & Delivery) Turnover charges

Not Specified Based on Risk factors

Equity Futures Turnover charges

Not Specified Based on Risk factors

Equity Options Turnover charges

Not Specified Based on Risk factors

Equity Options Turnover charges

Not Specified Based on Risk factors

Currency Options Turnover charges

Not Specified Based on Risk factors

Forex Training by Todd Hanson Ph. D at LiveTradeSignals

Aug. 11, 2010 - PRLog -- Livetradesignals is a Forex Trade Signal and Trader Education Firm. Livetradesignals has a proven track record of developing automated trading platforms for over a decade. Livetradesignals has a variety of automated strategies that can be tailored to client preferences and desired risk/reward needs. Let Livetradesignals show you how to Trade What You Want, Trade When You Want and Trade How You Want. That's the Livetradesignals difference.

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Normally reserved for institutions, now retail subscribers can have access to our hosted Livetradesignals system to discretionarily trade their own personal accounts regardless of trading platform or broker. Trade signals for Stocks, Futures and Forex have a proven track record for taking trades with a high success rate. Beginning traders take these signals as a means of supporting the profitability ratio in their accounts as they learn to trade with discipline. Experienced traders often take advantage of these signals to enhance their own trading methods.

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The Trade signals can be accessed in numerous ways, via web, java and email and offers a web based edition and java based edition. All trade signals can also be delivered to the subscriber by email. Once an entry signal is generated, the Trade system actively tracks and manages the trade with a proprietary set of stop/loss and limit/take profit rules. When these rules are triggered, the system will generate an exit signal which is posted to the web, java and email in both audible and visible manners.

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Trader has full discretion to take the signal or wait for another signal. The signals presented can be utilized by anyone, regardless of their account size, in practice or in live accounts. Making use of Livetradesignals will help enforce the strict discipline it takes to be successful in trading.

Subscribers to any of our proprietary signals can attend weekly lectures on a variety of topics that both reinforce the basics and expand their knowledge with new information and techniques.

Livetradesignals offer a broad range of live educational seminars that are presented over the Internet. The course offerings will teach you the proper foundation through advanced and professional level tactics and techniques in order to succeed in Stocks, Futures and Forex.

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Livetradesignals also offers recorded, on-demand educational opportunities, using professional instructors with years of real trading experience. Increase your knowledge and profitability with our on-demand course offerings.

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Join us every Thursday at 4:00 PM EDT for a FREE One Hour Seminar overview of the Livetradesignals technology.

About Todd Hanson Ph. D Todd Hanson is the CEO of Livetradesignals. He is a recognized authority in the trading industry, with his opinion regularly sought by media outlets including CNBC, Reuters, Barron’s, Fox News, and many others. Throughout his career Todd Hanson Ph. D has also performed numerous financial consulting projects for a myriad of companies in finance and has applied his expertise in statistical pattern recognition to projects ranging from mining financial transactions data to statistical arbitrage trading strategies.

Contact Todd Hanson PhD #Phone. (561) 212-1818 #email. todd@livetradesignals. com #Linkedin. http://hk. linkedin. com/ in/toddhansonphd #FaceBook. http://www. facebook. com/ people/Todd - Hanson/100000158858411

Livetradesignals is a Forex Trade Signal and Trader Education Firm. Livetradesignals has a proven track record of developing automated trading platforms for over a decade.

Forex Academy | ForexGen

Simple Moving Average (SMA)

the simple moving average is formed by calculating the average price of a security over a particular number of periods. While it is possible to create moving averages from the Open, the High and the Low data points, most moving averages are created using the closing price. For example: a 4-day simple moving average is calculated by adding the closing prices for the last 4 days and dividing the total by 4.

11+ 12 + 13 + 14 = 50

The calculation is repeated for each price bar on the chart. The averages are then joined to form a smooth curving line - the moving average line. Continuing our example, if the next closing price in the average is 15, then this new period would be added and the oldest day, which is 11, would be dropped. The new 4-day simple moving average would be calculated as follows:

12 + 13 + 14 +15 = 54

Over the last 2 days, the SMA moved from 12.5 to 13.5. As new days are added, the old days will be subtracted and the moving average will continue to move over time.

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Before we go any further we are going to be 100% honest with you and tell you the following before you consider trading currencies:

All forex traders, and we mean all traders LOSE money on trades . Ninety percent of traders lose money, largely due to lack of planning and training and having poor money management rules. Also, if you hate to lose or are a super perfectionist, you'll probably have a hard time adjusting to trading.

Trading forex is not for the unemployed, those on low incomes, or who can't afford to pay their electricity bill or afford to eat . You should have at least $10,000 of trading capital (in a mini account) that you can afford to lose. Don’t expect to start an account with a few hundred dollars and expect to become a kazillionaire.

The Forex market is one of the most popular markets for speculation. due to its enormous size, liquidity and tendency for currencies to move in strong trends. You would think traders all over the world would make a killing, but success has been limited to very small percentage of traders.

Many traders come with the misguided hope of making a gazillion bucks, but in reality, lack the discipline required for trading. Most people usually lack the discipline to stick to a diet or to go to the gym three times a week. If you can't even do that, how do you think you're going to succeed trading?

Short term trading IS NOT for amateurs, and it is rarely the path to “get rich quick”. You can't make gigantic profits without taking gigantic risks. A trading strategy that involves taking a massive degree of risk means suffering inconsistent trading performance and often suffering large loss. A trader who does this probably doesn’t even have a trading strategy - unless you call gambling a trading strategy!

By registering on ForexGen. you create your ForexGen profile and you can go ahead and open as many Demo accounts. and Live accounts as you need. All accounts can be created online and managed under your ForexGen profile. You can mix between Mini, Standard, Pro, Premium and No Dealing Desk accounts in one Profile. Instant Approval.

ForexGen strives to give incomparable professional and individualized trading services. As a professional online trading service, ForexGen provides several facilities for all kinds of traders

Exponential Moving Average (EMA)

In order to reduce the lag in simple moving averages, technicians often use exponential moving averages (also called exponentially weighted moving averages). exponential moving average reduce the lag by applying more weight to recent prices relative to older prices. The weighting applied to the most recent price depends on the specified period of the moving average. The shorter the exponential moving average's period, the more weight that will be applied to the most recent price. For example: a 10-period exponential moving average weighs the most recent price 18.18% while a 20-period EMA weighs the most recent price 9.52%. As we will see, the calculating and exponential moving average is much harder than calculating an simple moving average. The important thing to remember is that the exponential moving average puts more weight on recent prices. And so it will react quicker to recent price changes than a simple moving average. And that's the calculation formula

exponential Moving Average Calculation

Exponential Moving Averages can be specified in two ways - as a percent-based exponential moving average or as a period-based exponential moving average. A percent-based EMA(exponential moving average) has a percentage as it's single parameter while a period-based EMA has a parameter that represents the duration of the EMA.

The formula fot calculating an exponential moving average is:

EMA(current) = ( (Price(current) - EMA(previous) ) x Multiplier) + EMA(previous)

For a percentage-based EMA, "Multiplier" is equal to the EMA's specified percentage. For a period-based EMA, "Multiplier" is equal to 2 / (1 + N) where N is the specified number of periods.

For example, a 20-period EMA's Multiplier is calculated like this:

(2 / (Time periods + 1) ) = (2 / (20 + 1) ) = 0.095238

This means that a 10-period EMA is equivalent to an 9.5238 % EMA. xample 2

a 10-period EMA's Multiplier is calculated like this:

(2 / (Time periods + 1) ) = (2 / (10 + 1) ) = 0.1818 (18.18%)

This means that a 10-period EMA is equivalent to an 18.18% EMA. you can loot at the chart below

Account Size The minimum amount required for opening a ForexGen Live trading account is $2,500 for standard Account and $250 for Mini Account but the recommended minimum investment size is $10,000 for standard Account and $1,000 for Mini Account. That is because of the high leverage and the extremely volatile nature of the Forex market.

Trade Size All trades are executed in standard sizes of 100,000 base currency for standard Account and 10,000 base currency for Mini Account per one lot on the ForexGen trading platform . There is no maximum trading volume on the ForexGen trading platform.

Pip/Tick Value Trading on the ForexGen Platform facilitates calculating the profit and loss. In the EUR/USD and almost the other 17 currency pairs, a movement of one pip/tick value in the exchange rate equals ten dollar profit or loss for standard Account and one dollar profit or loss for Mini Account in the account value per lot.

Margin Requirement Guaranteed Limited Risk: The account equity, the total floating value of the account, is an important safety feature in the ForexGen system that prevents traders from losing more money than they have in the account. Should the account equity fall below the margin requirement of approximately 5%, the system will close all opened positions.

Long and Short Bodies

Long white candlesticks show strong buying pressure. The longer the white candlestick is, the further the close is above the open. This indicates that prices advanced significantly from open to close and buyers were aggressive. While long white candlesticks are generally bullish, much depends on their position within the broader technical picture. After extended declines, long white candlesticks can mark a potential turning point or support level. If buying gets too aggressive after a long advance, it can lead to excessive bullishness.

Long black candlesticks show strong selling pressure. The longer the black candlestick is, the further the close is below the open. This indicates that prices declined significantly from the open and sellers were aggressive. After a long advance, a long black candlestick can foreshadow a turning point or mark a future resistance level. After a long decline a long black candlestick can indicate panic or capitulation.

Even more potent long candlesticks are the Marubozu: Black and White. These candlesticks do not have upper or lower shadows and the high and low are represented by the open or close. Long and Short Shadows

Upper shadows represent the session high and lower shadows the session low. Candlesticks with short shadows indicate that most of the trading action was confined near the open and close. Candlestick with long shadows show that traded extended well past the open and close.

Candlesticks with a long upper shadow and short lower shadow indicate the following: buyers dominated during the session, and bid prices higher. However, sellers later forced prices down from their highs, and the weak close created a long upper shadow. Conversely, candlesticks with long lower shadows and short upper shadows indicate the following: sellers dominated during the session and drove prices lower. However, buyers later resurfaced to bid prices higher by the end of the session and the strong close created a long lower shadow.

Other type of Candlesticks are with a long upper shadow, long lower shadow and small real body. They are called spinning tops. One long shadow represents a reversal of sorts; spinning tops represent indecision. The small real body (whether hollow or filled) shows little movement from open to close price, and the shadows indicate that both bulls and bears were active during the session. Even though the session opened and closed with little change, prices moved significantly higher and lower in the meantime.

After a long advance or long white candlestick, a spinning top indicates weakness among the bulls and a potential change or interruption in trend. After a long decline or long black candlestick, a spinning top indicates weakness among the bears and a potential change or interruption in trend.

Candlesticks are formed using the open, high, low and close.

If the close is above the open, then a hollow candlestick (usually displayed as white) is drawn.

If the close is below the open, then a filled candlestick (usually displayed as black) is drawn.

The hollow or filled section of the candlestick is called the “real body” or body.

The thin lines poking above and below the body display the high/low range and are called shadows.

The top of the upper shadow is the “high”.

The bottom of the lower shadow is the “low”.

Candlestick chart patterns are very popular in forex trading because they are the main part of technical analysis. On all chart modules, users can toggle between line, bar and candlestick chart view.

The candle consists of two parts: the body and the shadows. The body reflects the open and closing price for the certain period. The candle body is black if the close price below the open, and white if the close was higher than the open for the period. The candlestick shadow reflects the intra-period high and low prices. (Note: In candlestick charting the following periods are often used; 5 min, 15 min, 1 hour, daily and weekly). Long shadows, show that the trading extended well beyond the opening and/or closing price, while short shadows, show that trading was confined closely to the open and/or closing price.

By registering on ForexGen. you create your ForexGen profile and you can go ahead and open as many Demo accounts. and Live accounts as you need. All accounts can be created online and managed under your ForexGen profile. You can mix between Mini, Standard, Pro, Premium and No Dealing Desk accounts in one Profile. Instant Approval.

ForexGen strives to give incomparable professional and individualized trading services. As a professional online trading service, ForexGen provides several facilities for all kinds of traders

FOREX MMCIS group Review

Forex MMCIS is a St. Vincent & the Grenadines registered Forex broker established in 2007. The company is headquartered in Russia but has sales centers and representative offices in the United Kingdom, France, Turkey, Bulgaria, Italia and several countries in the CIS. The broker’s operation and services are regulated by CROFR.

The broker attracts customers from different countries due to the range of offered services and possibilities. Forex MMCIS offers trading with the world’s most popular trading software MetaTrader4. The trading accounts start from $100. The spreads are variable and start from 1 pip on major currency crosses. The leverage reaches up to 100:1. Besides trading currency pairs, the broker offers more than a hundred financial tools and trading assets, such as energies, oil, precious metals and stocks. The broker allows its customers to use hedging and automated trading. Besides Forex MMCIS offers several partnership programs and trust management.

Depositing and profit withdrawal are possible with a wide range payment methods including all the most popular. The broker offers several attractive bonuses on depositing and charges interest on the balance. There are also several daily, weekly and monthly traders’ contests with valuable prizes.

FOREX MMCIS group — Forex Boker information

Perhaps Forex Bliss Formula is the best (but affordable) forex course in the market.

It is a complete course with videos, blueprints, templates, indicators. I had a review copy of this course a month ago. And no, it’s not just another junk system/outdated robot that you’ve been bombarded with everyday.

When I logged in the member area, I was stunned at what I saw. FBF team has done a phenomenal job in organizing the Members Area. They have thought of and covered everything that a customer may need. Some of the things they have:

1. Four course modules, each module is a forex mechanical system. And I can trade with one of them or all of them at the same time.

Each module comes along with a colorful manual that explains the system. There are also template files/indicators and software that does all the jobs installing these template files/indicators into the right folder.

I traded with all first three systems in the past few weeks. I made 120 pips with the System #1, 450 pips with the System #2, and 175 pips with the System #3.

I personally like System #2 the most, because it’s a daily system that only takes me 5 minutes to identify and set up trades.

System #1 and #3 can be used for all time frames. Infact, system #3 is a cool indicator and you just need to follow the instruction.

Jimmy, the creator of FBF, emphasizes the point that we must always look at the main trend before we determine the shorter trends. I totally agree with this point.

2. A Forex Basic report that covers everything about forex trading in the case you are new to forex.

3. Bonuses such as trading videos including the Ten Forex Commandments, Easy Profit System, The FOMC Announcement, Forex Correlation Trading.

Visit the Forex Bliss Formula website here: http://forexblissformula. com .

Shayne Heffernan Oil and Commodity Outlook

Shayne Heffernan Oil and Commodity Outlook

Oil prices came under pressure last week from concerns about Greece’s future in the eurozone and the possibility of higher Iranian crude supplies.

Gold failed to benefit from its status as a haven investment.

US markets were shut Friday ahead of the July 4 Independence Day celebrations.

OIL: Prices slumped with focus on high US output as traders looked ahead to Greece’s weekend referendum that could determine whether it remains in the eurozone.

Traders are worried about a global supply glut and the first rise in the US oil-rig count this year.

The US government meanwhile revealed a surprise weekly build of 2.4mn barrels for the country’s commercial crude inventories.

“This was the first build in stockpiles since the end of April, ending a run of eight weekly declines,” said Fawad Razaqzada, technical analyst at Forex. com.

Saxo Bank analyst Ole Hansen added Friday that the US situation combined with “Opec producing the most since 2012… leaves the upside potential for crude oil (prices) still very limited”.

There are concerns also over a return to the market of Iranian crude.

Talks between six world powers and Iran aimed at curbing the country’s nuclear ambitions were this week handed a deadline extension to July 7.

Iran rejects allegations that it has been seeking to develop nuclear arms, and has resisted moves to give the International Atomic Energy Agency unbridled access to sensitive military sites to verify its claims.

Successful outcome of the talks could see the lifting of sanctions that have forced the country to cut by half its oil exports. The Greece situation has meanwhile weighed on the euro this week, making dollar-denominated crude more expensive for holders of the single currency.

By Friday on London’s Intercontinental Exchange, Brent North Sea crude for delivery in August slid to 60.39 a barrel from 63.25 a week earlier.

On the New York Mercantile Exchange, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) or light sweet crude for August retreated to 55.41 a barrel from 59.59 a barrel.

PRECIOUS METALS: Gold struggled to attract demand from investors.

“In spite of the continual uncertainty over the situation in Greece, there remains no signs of increased appetite for gold,” said Jameel Ahmad, chief market analyst at trading group FXTM.

“You would normally expect demand for safe-haven assets to improve significantly when events such as the Greece crisis occur, but this has not happened.

There is clearly hesitation from buyers to even consider purchasing gold as we approach the timing of a US interest rate rise and the outlook for gold remains weak.”

By Friday on the London Bullion Market, the price of gold eased to 1,167.95 an ounce from 1,170.50 a week earlier.

Silver dropped to 15.64 an ounce from 15.83.

On the London Platinum and Palladium Market, platinum gained to 1,083 an ounce from 1,074.

Palladium grew to 701 an ounce from 676.

BASE METALS: Nickel hit a six-year low point at 10,795 a tonne in a dramatic drop, before pulling back considerably.

“The weak Chinese equity markets are clearly preventing metal prices from making any noticeable recovery,” said analysts at Commerzbank.

Capital Economics added: “Weak demand from the stainless steel sector has been one factor in the price weakness” of nickel. “Growth in China’s stainless steel output ground to a halt last year and producers drew down nickel inventories,” they added in a note to clients.

Shanghai stocks plunged almost six% Friday, capping their worst three weeks in 23 years as analysts warned panic was setting in and authorities pledged more support after recent moves to staunch the blood-letting failed.

By Friday on the London Metal Exchange, copper for delivery in three months rose to 5,803.50 a tonne from 5,758.50 a week earlier.

Three-month aluminium gained to 1,728 a tonne from 1,709.50.

Three-month lead fell to 1,775 a tonne from 1,787.

Three-month tin decreased to 14,400 a tonne from 14,865.

Three-month nickel slid to 12,125 a tonne from 12,560.

Three-month zinc dipped to 2,025 a tonne from 2,026.

COCOA: London-traded cocoa hit a four-year high at 2,191 a tonne as supplies tighten in Ghana.

By Friday on LIFFE, London’s futures exchange, cocoa for delivery in September reached 2,171 a tonne from 2,161 a week earlier.

By Thursday on the ICE Futures US exchange, cocoa for September edged up to 3,288 a tonne from 3,274 the previous Friday.

SUGAR: Prices extended recent gains.

By Friday on LIFFE, a tonne of white sugar for delivery in August grew to 372.60 from 362.80 a week earlier.

By Thursday on ICE Futures US, unrefined sugar for October rose to 12.30 US cents from 12.09 cents the previous Friday.

COFFEE: Prices fell as the dollar strengthened.

By Thursday on ICE Futures US, Arabica for delivery in September slid to 127.40 US cents a pound from 136.75 cents the previous Friday.

By Friday on LIFFE, Robusta for September decreased to 1,744 a tonne from 1,818.

RUBBER: Prices declined as the ringgit strengthened and on fears over the Greek debt crisis, traders said.

On Friday, the Malaysian Rubber Board’s benchmark SMR20 fell to 149.90 US cents per kilo from 155US cents a week ago.

Shayne Heffernan Gerente de Fondos de HEFFX tiene un Ph. D. En economía y trae consigo más de 25 años de experiencia comercial en Asia y experiencia práctica en Venture Capital, ha participado en varias empresas de nueva creación que han visto capitalización de mercado de más de 500 millones de dólares y 1 que alcanzan un máximo de mercado de 15 dólares. Ha gestionado y supervisado las nuevas empresas en Minería, Transporte, Tecnología y Servicios Financieros.


Burza cenných papierov VIEDEŇ - WIENER BORSE

ViedenskГЎ burza bola zaloЕѕenГЎ v roku 1771 MГЎriou TerГ©ziou. Akcie sa tu prvГЅ krГЎt zaДЌali obchodovaЕҐ v roku 1818. HlavnГЅm indexom je ATX - Austrian Traded Index, skladГЎ sa z 21 akciГ­. Aktualizuje sa kaЕѕdГЅ rok v marci a Septembri. HlavnГЅmi kritГ©riami sГє kapitalizГЎcia a obchodovanГЅ objem. Pri kaЕѕdej zmene mГґЕѕu byЕҐ vymenenГ© maximГЎlne tri akcie. Medzi ostatnГ© indexy viedenskej burzy patria ATX Prime, ATX five, ViDX a inГ©.

Е tandardnГЅ termГ­n vysporiadania je T+3. Pri zadГЎvanГ ­ pokynu je moЕѕné cenu urДЌiЕҐ na maximГЎlne dve desatinnГ© miesta. В

Obchodovanie prebieha od 9:00 do 17:30 hod. SEДЊ.

Podrobnosti o prijГ­manГЅch pokynoch nГЎjdete tu.


NeobchodnГ© dni na rakГєskej burze v roku 2015 sГє:

Karl Dittmann’s Forex Group — Is The Buy Sell Arrow Scalper System Scam?

Buy/Sell Arrow Scalper Users Review

There are different trading strategies or trading systems out there — and scalping happens to be one. However, it is considered one of the most difficult methods of trading. This could be attributed to the speed at which trades are been triggered.

I know been here today reading the review on Buy Sell Arrow Scalper System is base on the simple reason(s) that you’ve tried other form of trading systems or forex black box out there. And still there seems to be no improvement in your trading experience. As a result, you’re forced to come online in search for a trading system that works.

Nonetheless, this is where the “Buy/Sell Arrow Scalper” comes into the scene. A program that revealed how you could trade the forex market profitably without losing a single trade; the forex market is a fast moving one for that matter. This implies that all you need to be a successful forex trader is at your disposal.

N. B . before you move on with the content on this page, if you’re here in the course of trying to get to the official download page of Buy/Sell Arrow Scalper. Then, you can CLICK HERE to get to the official download page.

Have you ever bought into forex trading systems in time past and still there seems to be no improvement in your trading account? Or perhaps; you’ve burnt out your trading accounts on several occasions just because you want to earn while trading forex ?

If this happens to be the case, I urge you to take your time and go through the entire review on this page…. You can move on to the next paragraph to learn more on Buy Sell Arrow Scalper System.

Buy/Sell Arrow Scalper Explained…

The Buy Sell Arrow Scalper Software is one built by Karl Dittmann’s Forex group in which they discloses powerful trading tools that could be used to trade the market easily without stress.

In other words, the Buy Sell Arrow Scalper system is trading system that generates both a buy and sells signals by utilizing an advanced secret algorithm that generates both buy and sell signals on the screen chart.

What Are The Features Of The Buy Sell Arrow Scalper?

The Buy Sell Arrow Scalper software is one that gives you simple and concise way on how to trade the forex market without having a prior knowledge of trading the forex market. The program teaches you how to enjoy the experience of trading in a clear form.

The Buy Sell Arrow Scalper implement the scalping trading strategies — though, scalping is one trading style that people are not advice to uses. However, still – it’s still one of the best ways you can easily and quickly use to earn a considerate amount of money while trading the FX spot market.

If you tried various scalping methods out there…. You’ll discover that the Buy Sell Arrow Scalper is one of the best if not the best scalping tools you’ll find out there. And more so, all that’s required is the arrow that points the directions of the market.

What are the Pros of The Buy Sell Arrow Scalper

Buy Sell Arrow Scalper trading software is one that generates simple and clear signals on the trading chart. All the grunt works have been taken care of. For instance, trying to analyze the fundamentals and technicals are taken care of. In addition to that, there are money management tips and tricks that you’re going to find very useful.

With the Buy Sell Arrow Scalper… you don’t need to stress yourself out trying to find the bias of the market. Rather, with the printed arrows, you’re sure of a clear direction as quickly as possible.

The Buy Sell Arrow Scalper Software that offers you the flexibility of trading the market. And for sure the secrets are powerful enough for you to become a successful forex trader.

Other Confirmation….

There’s a refund policy that’s placed on Buy Sell Arrow Scalper system…. this implies that you have nothing to lose and if peradventure you didn’t get the value of what you paid for within the stipulated time; you can send an email to the vendor requesting for a return of your money and there will be no question asked neither will there be any hassle felt towards you.

In addition to that, the official download page of Buy Sell Arrow Scalper known as (www. buysellarrowscalper. net ) is properly secured and this is because; clickbank was used as the payment processor. This indicates that you have nothing to be afraid of; and more so, no intruders will be able to gain access into your credit card payment details except for the bank that’s responsible for the processing of your transactions. And this is because, clickbank invest heavily into digital encryption system… this is one of the reasons they have an edge over other payment processors out there.

What Are The Cons Of Buy Sell Arrow Scalper System?

Having written the review on Buy Sell Arrow Scalper System…. in the course of putting things together, it was discovered the program does work. However, to get the very best out of the Buy Sell Arrow Scalper System, you’ve got to put in your very best into the Buy Sell Arrow Scalper Software in other for you to be able to gain the best out of the Buy Sell Arrow Scalper manual.


The Buy Sell Arrow Scalper System is forex system built by Karl Dittmann’s Forex group… a reputable teams of traders who have contributed immensely into the forex trading systems out there. However, in this system, the entire technicalities have been taken care of. Meaning, you don’t have to stress yourself out trying to locate the direction of the market.

Nevertheless, the market views so far have been of great help in coming with the review on Karl Dittmann’s Forex group forex system. so, without any farther ado, you can click on the link below to obtain a copy of the Buy/Sell Arrow Scalper.


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Grupo BFC

BFC Group is a Shariah - Compliant group of companies.

BFC Forex is part of BFC Group Holdings which was established in January 2009, when the Islamic Financial Services Group - Bank Alkhair B. S.C ©, successfully completed its acquisition of a significant stake in Bahrain Financing Company (BFC) in Bahrain, Bahrain Exchange Company (BEC) in Kuwait and BFC Exchange Limited (formerly named EzRemit Limited) in the United Kingdom. Since the acquisition BFC Group have also acquired BFC Forex & Financial Services Pvt Ltd (BFC Forex) in India and BFC Exchange Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (BFC Exchange) en Malasia.

BFC Group maintains a network of over 110 strategically located branches throughout Bahrain, Kuwait, Malaysia, the UK and India. Además, está presente en más de 30 países con más de 40.000 agentes en todo el mundo, a través de su propio producto de transferencia de dinero "EzRemit" y tiene un extenso alcance global de más de 200 países a través de su asociación con MoneyGram, una empresa líder internacional de transferencia de dinero.

BFC Group mantiene su liderazgo evolucionando continuamente para satisfacer las demandas del mercado y se esfuerza por obtener el reconocimiento como un líder regional en la industria de transferencia de dinero.

BFC Group is a Shariah - Compliant group of companies.

USD 66.55 67.15

GBP 94.01 95.01

EUR 74.30 75.15

AED 17.95 18.45

SAR 17.57 18.07

KWD 220.18 222.68

QAR 18.11 18.61

CHF 67.93 69.18

Last Updated rates at 11.30 AM 25th March 2016

Rates on the website are for the Head Office Branch and will vary from Branch to Branch


Displaying 121 - 220 of 584 results

abbess, reformer of the Poor Clares and founder of the Colettine Poor Clares. The daughter of a carpenter at the monastery of Corbie, she was orphaned at 17 and entered the third order of St. Francis, living in a hermitage given her by the abbot of Corbie.

Italian condottiere, at various times in Venetian and Milanese service and from 1454 general in chief of the Venetian republic for life, who is most important as a pioneer of field artillery tactics. He assigned light field pieces to the rear of his.

British politician, educational and agrarian reformer whose land policy was summarized in the slogan “three acres and a cow.” A partner in a Birmingham mercantile firm (1864–79), Collings served as mayor of the city (1878–80), succeeding Joseph Chamberlain.

French premier (1902–05) who presided over the separation of church and state in the wake of the Dreyfus affair. A seminarian in his youth, Combes published his doctoral thesis, La Psychologie de saint Thomas d’Acquin, in 1860, but before ordination.

French philosopher of the Enlightenment and advocate of educational reform and women’s rights. He was one of the major Revolutionary formulators of the ideas of progress, or the indefinite perfectibility of humankind. He was descended from the ancient.

Dutch Liberal statesman whose ministry (1913–18) settled controversies over state aid to denominational schools and extension of the franchise, central issues in Dutch politics since the mid-19th century. After having been employed as a solicitor in.

in the history of Christianity, the Roman Catholic efforts directed in the 16th and early 17th centuries both against the Protestant Reformation and toward internal renewal; the Counter-Reformation took place during roughly the same period as the Protestant.

French philosopher, educational reformer, and historian whose systematic eclecticism made him the best known French thinker in his time. At the École Normale in 1811 Cousin was influenced by his studies of the philosophers P. Laromiguière, E. B. de Condillac.

British administrator and diplomat whose 24-year rule in Egypt as British agent and consul general (1883–1907) profoundly influenced Egypt’s development as a modern state. Early career. Born of a family distinguished in politics and banking, Evelyn Baring.

English soldier and statesman who led parliamentary forces in the English Civil Wars; he was lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1653 to 1658 during the republican Commonwealth. As one of the generals on the parliamentary side in the.

principal adviser (1532–40) to England’s Henry VIII, chiefly responsible for establishing the Reformation in England, for the dissolution of the monasteries, and for strengthening the royal administration. At the instigation of his enemies he was eventually.

British statesman responsible for the first urban renewal authorization in Great Britain, the Artizans’ and Labourers’ Dwellings Improvement Act (generally known as the first Cross Act) of 1875. A lawyer and banker, Cross was a Conservative member of.

upheaval launched by Chinese Communist Party chairman Mao Zedong during his last decade in power (1966–76) to renew the spirit of the Chinese Revolution. Fearing that China would develop along the lines of the Soviet model and concerned about his own.

U. S. author, editor, and leader in civil service reform. Early in life Curtis spent two years at the Brook Farm community and school, subsequently remaining near Concord, Mass. for a time, to continue his association with Emerson. Later he travelled.

metropolitan of Moscow in 1381–82 and 1390–1406. Educated in Greece, Cyprian was appointed by Constantinople to be metropolitan of Kiev and Lithuania in 1375 and then of Moscow in 1381. In 1382 Cyprian was forced into exile by the prince of Moscow, Dmitry.

Thai prince, son of King Mongkut and brother of King Chulalongkorn. He was the founder of modern education and provincial administration and was Thailand’s leading intellectual of his generation. Damrong himself had only four years of formal education.

reign name (nianhao) of the sixth emperor of the Qing dynasty of China, during whose reign (1820–50) attempts to prevent governmental decline met with little success. The monarch ascended the throne in 1820, assuming the reign name Daoguang in 1821.

king of Persia in 522–486 bc, one of the greatest rulers of the Achaemenid dynasty, who was noted for his administrative genius and for his great building projects. Darius attempted several times to conquer Greece; his fleet was destroyed by a storm.

Spanish statesman, leader of the Conservative Party from 1913 to 1921, and three-time premier. He instituted various reforms but proved unable to deal effectively with unrest or to heal the divisions within his party. As undersecretary in the Home Office.

English pioneer in the movement to secure university education for women and chief founder of Girton College, Cambridge. She was responsible for University College, London, admitting women to classes in 1870 for the first time. Educated at home, Davies.

American feminist and social reformer, active in the early struggle for woman suffrage and the founder of an early periodical in support of that cause. Paulina Kellogg grew up from 1820, when her parents died, in the home of a strict and religious aunt.

American journalist and reformer, cofounder of the Catholic Worker newspaper, and an important lay leader in its associated activist movement. While a student at the University of Illinois on a scholarship (1914–16), Day read widely among socialist authors.

Hindu ascetic and social reformer who was the founder (1875) of the Arya Samaj, a Hindu reform movement advocating a return to the temporal and spiritual authority of the Vedas, the earliest scriptures of India. Dayananda received the early education.

political reform launched at the 20th Party Congress (February 1956) by Soviet Communist Party First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev that condemned the crimes committed by his predecessor, Joseph Stalin, destroyed Stalin’s image as an infallible leader.

Chinese communist leader, who was the most powerful figure in the People’s Republic of China from the late 1970s until his death in 1997. He abandoned many orthodox communist doctrines and attempted to incorporate elements of the free-enterprise system.

American reformer, best remembered for her activism in support of the ready and free availability of birth control and sex education. Mary Ware graduated from Miss Capen’s School for Girls in Northampton, Massachusetts, and entered the school of the.

great religious reformation instituted in the reign of King Josiah of Judah (c. 640–609 bc). It was so called because the book of the Law found in the Temple of Jerusalem (c. 622 bc), which was the basis of the reform, is considered by scholars to be.

founder of the Taman Siswa (literally “Garden of Students”) school system, an influential and widespread network of schools that encouraged modernization but also promoted indigenous Indonesian culture. Dewantoro was born into a noble family of Yogyakarta.

Canadian-born American reformer and politician, an organizer and campaigner in the Populist Movement of the late 19th century. Annie LePorte moved with her family to New Jersey in 1855. In 1873, after completing school, she went to Kansas, where in September.

Roman emperor (284–305 ce), who restored efficient government to the empire after the near anarchy of the 3rd century. His reorganization of the fiscal, administrative, and military machinery of the empire laid the foundation for the Byzantine Empire.

British statesman and novelist who was twice prime minister (1868, 1874–80) and who provided the Conservative Party with a twofold policy of Tory democracy and imperialism. Early life Disraeli was of Italian-Jewish descent, the eldest son and second.

American educator, social reformer, and humanitarian whose devotion to the welfare of the mentally ill led to widespread reforms in the United States and abroad. Dix left her unhappy home at age 12 to live and study in Boston with her grandmother. Por.

scholar instrumental in establishing Confucianism in 136 bce as the state cult of China and as the basis of official political philosophy—a position it was to hold for 2,000 years. As a philosopher, Dong merged the Confucian and Yinyang schools of thought.

committee sent by the British government to Ceylon in 1927 to examine the Ceylonese constitution and to make recommendations for its revision. The commission’s recommendations, reluctantly accepted by Ceylonese political leaders, served as the basis.

English diplomat and financial administrator who helped precipitate two wars with the Dutch and who instituted major reforms in public finance. Downing Street, London, where the residence of the British prime minister is located, is named for him. Los.

son of the tribune of 122 bc by the same name; as tribune in 91, Drusus made the last nonviolent civilian attempt to reform the government of republican Rome. Drusus began by proposing colonial and agrarian reform bills. He attempted to resolve the tensions.

Roman politician, tribune with Gaius Gracchus in 122 bc who undermined Gracchus’ program of economic and political reform by proposing reforms that were even more appealing to the populace but that he evidently did not seriously intend to be implemented.

French lawyer and political pamphleteer during the reign of Philip IV the Fair; his most important treatise, De recuperatione Terrae Sanctae (1306, “On the Recovery of the Holy Land”), dealt with a wide range of political issues and gave a good picture.

British reformist Whig statesman sometimes known as “Radical Jack,” governor-general and lord high commissioner of Canada, and nominal author of the Report on the Affairs of British North America (1839), which for many years served as a guide to British.

French scholar and public official who, as national minister of education (1863–69), initiated extensive and controversial reforms. Duruy taught at the Collège Henri IV from 1833 to 1861. He wrote textbooks and works on ancient Roman and Greek civilization.

soldier and president of Brazil (1945–50), whose administration was noted for its restoration of constitutional democracy. Dutra was commissioned a second lieutenant in the cavalry in 1910 and received routine assignments and promotions for the next.

American reformer and public official, a strong influence on behalf of woman suffrage and an important figure in securing and enforcing labour standards both in California and at the federal level. While studying music at a Chicago conservatory, Katherine.

king of England from 1461 until October 1470 and again from April 1471 until his death in 1483. He was a leading participant in the Yorkist-Lancastrian conflict known as the Wars of the Roses. Edward was the eldest surviving son of Richard, duke of York.

British official in India who did much to promote popular education and local administration of laws. Elphinstone entered the civil service in Calcutta (now Kolkata) with the British East India Company in 1795. A few years later he barely escaped death.

American economist who was noted for his belief that government, aided by economists, could help solve social problems. Ely was educated at Columbia University, graduating in philosophy in 1876, and at the University of Heidelberg, where he received.

Spanish statesman who, as prime minister from 1743 to 1754, pursued a vigorous reform policy that succeeded in advancing internal prosperity and promoting military strength. Ensenada owed his early advancement to the chief minister of King Philip V (reigned.

novelist, essayist, educator, and statesman, whose life and writings were devoted to the creation of a modern Hungarian literature and to the establishment of a modern democratic Hungary. During his studies in Buda (1826–31), Eötvös became inspired with.

Theban statesman and military tactician and leader who was largely responsible for breaking the military dominance of Sparta and for altering permanently the balance of power among the Greek states. He defeated a Spartan army at Leutra (371 bc) and led.

leader of the radical democrats at Athens in the 460s, who by his reforms prepared the way for the final development of Athenian democracy. His hostility toward Sparta and his advocacy of power for the Athenian common people made him the enemy of the.

economist and statesman who, as economics minister (1949–63), was the chief architect of West Germany’s post-World War II economic recovery. He served as German chancellor from 1963 to 1966. Following World War I, Erhard studied economics, eventually.

politician and prime minister of Sweden (1946–69). His tenure as prime minister coincided with the years when the Swedish welfare state was most successful and the so-called “Swedish Model” attracted international attention. Erlander, son of a schoolteacher.

duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, who, after the ravages of the Thirty Years’ War, sought to rebuild and reform his country. An ardent Lutheran, Ernest allied himself with the Swedes from 1631, fighting in the battles of Lech, Nürnberg, Lützen, and Nördlingen.

in Indonesian history, a program introduced by the Dutch in the East Indies at the turn of the 20th century aimed at promoting the welfare of the indigenous Indonesians (Javanese). Toward the end of the 19th century, leaders of the ethical movement argued.

Orthodox patriarch of Tŭrnovo, near modern Sofia, monastic scholar and linguist whose extensive literary activity spearheaded the late medieval renaissance in Bulgaria and erected the theological and legal bases for the Orthodox churches of Eastern Europe.

English politician who succeeded in partially abolishing capital punishment. Ewart was educated at Christ Church College, Oxford (B. A. 1821), was called to the bar in 1827, and sat in the House of Commons from 1828 to 1837 and from 1839 to 1868. His.

religious leader of the Jews who returned from exile in Babylon, reformer who reconstituted the Jewish community on the basis of the Torah (Law, or the regulations of the first five books of the Old Testament). His work helped make Judaism a religion.

French political figure and monarchist who served in various political roles but is best remembered as the sponsor of the important educational legislation known as the loi Falloux. As a young man, Falloux traveled throughout Europe and identified himself.

Chinese scholar-reformer who, as minister to the Song emperor Renzong (reigned 1022/23–1063/64), anticipated many of the reforms of the great innovator Wang Anshi (1021–86). In his 10-point program raised in 1043, Fan attempted to abolish nepotism and.

Chinese astrophysicist and dissident who was held by the Chinese leadership to be partially responsible for the 1989 student rebellion in Tiananmen Square. Fang attended Peking University in Beijing (1952–56) and won a position at the Chinese Academy.

French statesman of the early Third Republic, notable both for his anticlerical education policy and for his success in extending the French colonial empire. Ferry pursued his father’s profession of law and was called to the Paris bar in 1855. Soon.

jurist noted for his reform of criminal law in Germany. Feuerbach received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Jena in 1795. He was appointed to the Bavarian Ministry of Justice in 1805 and prepared a penal code for Bavaria (effective from.

radical British reformer, a notable proponent of legislation protecting the welfare of factory workers. On his father’s death in 1811, Fielden and his brothers inherited the family cotton-spinning business at Todmorden, which became one of the greatest.

English police magistrate and the younger half brother of novelist Henry Fielding, noted for his efforts toward the suppression of professional crime and the establishment of reforms in London’s administration of criminal justice. John Fielding was blinded.

American department-store entrepreneur, philanthropist, and social reformer. His father, William Filene (originally Filehne), emigrated from Prussia to the United States in 1848, opened (and closed) a series of stores in Massachusetts and New York, and.

Austrian political theorist, one of the principal leaders of the Viennese revolution of 1848. As a young assistant physician, Fischhof was the first speaker to address the crowd assembled outside the building of the Austrian estates in Vienna on the.

British historian, educator, government official, and author who was an influential representative of the historical liberalism of his time. Fisher became a fellow of New College, Oxford, in 1888 and tutor and lecturer in modern history in 1891. While.

American economist best known for his work in the field of capital theory. He also contributed to the development of modern monetary theory. Fisher was educated at Yale University (B. A. 1888; Ph. D. 1891), where he remained to teach mathematics (1892–95).

lawyer and reformer who, after helping open the California bar to women, became a pioneering force for women in the profession and a major influence in reforming the state’s criminal justice and prison systems. Clara Shortridge taught school in her youth.

Swiss statesman, twice elected federal president, who was a noted proponent of Swiss legal reform. A leader of Zürich radicalism and a lawyer of national prominence, Forrer served between 1873 and 1900 on the federal Nationalrat (national assembly).

Britain’s first foreign secretary (1782, 1783, 1806), a famous champion of liberty, whose career, on the face of it, was nevertheless one of almost unrelieved failure. He conducted against King George III a long and brilliant vendetta; for this reason.

founder of the Franciscan orders of the Friars Minor (Ordo Fratrum Minorum), the women’s Order of St. Clare (the Poor Clares), and the lay Third Order. He was also a leader of the movement of evangelical poverty in the early 13th century. His evangelical.

king of Sicily (1197–1250), duke of Swabia (as Frederick VI, 1228–35), German king (1212–50), and Holy Roman emperor (1220–50). A Hohenstaufen and grandson of Frederick I Barbarossa, he pursued his dynasty’s imperial policies against the papacy and the.

king of Prussia (1740–86), a brilliant military campaigner who, in a series of diplomatic stratagems and wars against Austria and other powers, greatly enlarged Prussia’s territories and made Prussia the foremost military power in Europe. An enlightened.

king of Denmark and Norway (1648–70) whose reign saw the establishment of an absolute monarchy, maintained in Denmark until 1848. In his youth Frederick served successively as bishop coadjutor (i. e. assistant bishop with the right of succession) of.

king of Denmark from 1848 who renounced absolute rule and adopted a representative government. The son of the future king Christian VIII and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Frederick in 1839 was appointed governor of the island of Fyn. As a crown.

elector of Brandenburg (1640–88), who restored the Hohenzollern dominions after the devastations of the Thirty Years’ War—centralizing the political administration, reorganizing the state finances, rebuilding towns and cities, developing a strong army.

second Prussian king, who transformed his country from a second-rate power into the efficient and prosperous state that his son and successor, Frederick II the Great, made a major military power on the Continent. The son of the elector Frederick III.

French political figure who served in 12 different governments, including four terms as premier; he was primarily responsible for important military reforms instituted in the last decade of the 19th century. Freycinet graduated from the École Polytechnique.

Danish statesman who, as chancellor under Christian III, king of Denmark and Norway, helped to establish the Lutheran Church as the state church in Denmark and to reform the state and local administrations. Friis served as secretary at the court of King.

Soviet army officer and military theorist, regarded as one of the fathers of the Red Army. Frunze took part in the Moscow insurrection in 1905 and, after frequent arrests for revolutionary activity, escaped in 1915 to conduct agitation in the Russian.

Roman emperor jointly with his father, Valerian, from 253 until 260, then sole emperor to 268. Gallienus ruled an empire that was disintegrating under pressures from foreign invaders. The Senate proclaimed him co-emperor because it saw that no one man.

distinguished American colonial attorney and legislator who remained loyal to Great Britain at the time of the American Revolution (1775–83). His effort in 1774 to settle differences peacefully narrowly missed adoption by the Continental Congress. Él.

Spanish colonial administrator particularly noted for his work as inspector general (visitador general) in New Spain (Mexico), 1765–71. Among his important accomplishments were the reorganization of the tax system, the formation of a government tobacco.

French republican statesman who helped direct the defense of France during the Franco-German War of 1870–71. In helping to found the Third Republic, he made three essential contributions: first, by his speeches and articles, he converted many Frenchmen.

archbishop of York and ecclesiastical writer who promoted a social conscience among the membership of the Church of England by his reports on the human misery in the areas he administered as bishop, particularly London’s Southwark district (1919–32).

American writer, reformer, and public official, a strong force in the service of woman suffrage and of feminism generally. Alice Chenoweth graduated from the Cincinnati (Ohio) Normal School in 1873. After two years as a schoolteacher she married Charles.

French finance minister throughout the French Consulate and the First Empire (1799–1814) and founder of the Bank of France (1800). From 1773 Gaudin worked in those bureaus of the Contrôle Générale des Finances that handled the collection of taxes, and.

American social reformer, remembered especially for her activism in the cause of prison reform. Abigail Hopper was born into a pious Quaker family with a deep tradition of good works, which was reflected throughout her life in her devotion to social.

American feminist, lecturer, writer, and publisher who was a leading theorist of the women’s movement in the United States. Charlotte Perkins grew up in poverty, her father having essentially abandoned the family. Her education was irregular and limited.

statesman and four-time prime minister of Great Britain (1868–74, 1880–85, 1886, 1892–94). Early life Gladstone was of purely Scottish descent. His father, John, made himself a merchant prince and was a member of Parliament (1818–27). Gladstone was sent.

Prussian field marshal and reformer, one of the key figures in rebuilding and reorganizing the Prussian army shattered by Napoleon in 1806 and the architect of its victory during the wars of liberation (1813–15). Of impoverished noble parentage, Gneisenau.

American reformer whose research contributed to the enactment of labour legislation. Goldmark was the daughter of a well-to-do and cultivated family. After her father died in 1881, she grew up under the influence of Felix Adler, founder of the Ethical.

(Prince) Russian statesman who unsuccessfully tried to transform the Russian autocracy into a constitutional monarchy. Having been sent to Italy in 1697 by Tsar Peter I the Great to study “military affairs,” Golitsyn was appointed commander of an auxiliary.

conservative Polish aristocrat and statesman who as Austria’s minister of the interior (or minister of state; August 1859–December 1860) was one of the principal authors of the “ October diploma ” of 1860, which granted diets to the Habsburg lands and.

the leader of Mexican liberalism in the mid-19th century, notable for his social reforms of 1833–34, which earned him the enmity of the clergy, the army, and the gentry. After training as a physician, he was influenced by French liberal political ideas.

scholar who helped establish Confucianism as the official doctrine of the Chinese state. According to tradition, Gongsun Hong was a poor swineherd who did not begin the study of the Confucian Classics until he was 40 years old. In 140 bc he placed first.

Soviet official, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) from 1985 to 1991 and president of the Soviet Union in 1990–91. His efforts to democratize his country’s political system and decentralize its economy led to the.

abbot and archbishop, who helped foster the development of Hildesheim and who played an important role in the imperial campaign to reform and reorganize the Bavarian church. Gotthard was educated in the monastery school of Niederaltaich and at the court.

French social reformer and writer who challenged conventional views on a number of matters, especially the role of women as citizens. That Marie was the natural daughter of Jean-Jacques Lefranc (or Le Franc), marquis de Pompignan, was public knowledge.

French soldier and statesman who distinguished himself in the Napoleonic Wars (1800–15). As minister of war in 1817–19 he was responsible for reorganizing recruitment procedures in the French army. An artist as a young man, Gouvion in 1792 enthusiastically.

The CAD/CHF is forming a new downtrend in the D1 time frame. Traders can set a price alert at 0.7350. When the alert hits check The Forex Heatmap:registered: for a confirmation sell signal. This pair has great potential of as much as 350 pips to the next support level. If you would like to learn more about our trading system go to Forexearlywarning. com.

The AUD/USD is trending higher on the W1 time frame as shown in the image. This pair has considerable upside pip potential going forward. You can look for a buy signal on The Forex Heatmap:registered: starting tomorrow in the main forex trading session. Full analysis of this pair is in the link below:

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on February 25th

A federal indictment in Hawaii charging Patrick H. Rakotonanahary, age 34, a resident of Florida, with 21 counts of wire fraud was unsealed late yesterday upon Rakotonanahary’s arrest in Florida. The indictment was previously returned by a federal grand jury on March 10, 2010, but sealed until his arrest.

According to the indictment, Rakotonanahary, as president and chief executive officer of Cyber Market Group, LLC, marketed an investment program which purported to pay investors six to 10 percent interest per week based on the trading of foreign currencies (Forex). The indictment alleges that between Dec. 20, 2007 and May 2009, Cyber received approximately $10,255,300 in investments from more than 100 individuals, which included $7,994,300 from 64 individuals or entities in Hawaii.

According to the indictment, instead of using investor money to engage in Forex trading, Rakotonanahary primarily paid investment returns to earlier investors with investment funds from later investors as part of a “Ponzi scheme,” using only about $1,864,000 for Forex trading, which generated losses of $814,806. Instead, Rakotonanahary used approximately $8,375,703 to pay investment returns and another $1 million personally.

The criminal case resulted from a joint investigative effort by the FBI, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and the State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA). Both the CFTC and DCCA filed related actions against Rakotonanahary. The CFTC filed a civil complaint in federal court, while the DCCA issued a preliminary order to cease and desist.

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Berita Fundamental - Rabu 14 Sept 2011

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Bursa saham Asia berayun dari kenaikan dan penurunan hari ini karena nilai saham perusahaan produsen minyak naik.

Nilai saham dan indeks

BHP Billiton Ltd (BHP), produsen minyak no 1 Australia, naik 0,6 persen di Sydney setelah harga minyak mentah mengalami kenaikan, dan produsen minyak Cina CNOOC Ltd naik 2,2 persen di Hong Kong. Wynn Makau Ltd melonjak 4,4 persen setelah broker meningkatkan peringkat investasi saham perusahaan tersebut. Tokyo Electric Power Co merosot 3,9 persen pada spekulasi menteri perdagangan Jepang yang baru dapat mengambil sikap lebih keras terhadap monopoli kekuasaan, memimpin saham perusahaan utilitas di Jepang turun. Korean Air Lines Co turun 3,1 persen setelah Goldman Sachs Group Inc memangkas rating saham perusahaan itu.

MSCI Asia Pacific Index turun 0,2 persen menjadi 118,04 pada 11:11 di Tokyo setelah sebelumnya naik dan turun sebanyak 0,3 persen. Indeks sudah merosot 8,6 persen bulan lalu, terbesar sejak Mei 2010, di tengah kekhawatiran pertumbuhan ekonomi global yang melambat karena krisis utang di Uni Eropa dan turunnya rating kredit AS oleh Standard & Poor.

Nikkei Jepang 225 (NKY) Stock Average turun 0,2 persen, membalikkan kenaikan sebelumnya 0,6 persen. Australia S & P / ASX 200 Index naik 0,3 persen. Korea Selatan indeks Kospi turun 1,3 persen setelah bursa Korea ditutup selama dua hari terakhir, dan MSCI Asia Pacific Index turun 2,1 persen.

Hong Kong Hang Seng Index menguat 0,8 persen, sedangkan China Shanghai Composite Index naik 0,5 persen. Standard & Poor 500 melemah 0,2 persen hari ini. Di New York, indeks menguat untuk hari kedua, naik 0,9 persen kemarin, setelah BNP Paribas SA, bank terbesar Perancis, dan Societe Generale SA, bank kredit terbesar ketiga Perancis, rebound di perdagangan Paris setelah kekhawatiran melemah karena ada spekulasi bank-bank Perancis itu akan mendapat bantuan dana.

MSCI Asia Pacific Index turun 14 persen tahun ini hingga kemarin, dibandingkan dengan penurunan 6,7 persen indeks S & P 500 dan 20% penurunan yang dialami Indeks Stoxx 600 untuk Eropa.

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Pada pukul 13.30 WIB siang nanti, Gubernur BoE, Kings akan menyampaikan pidatonya.

PPI(Producer Price Index) adalah suatu indikator ekonomi yang menghitung tingkat inflasi dari barang-barang yang dibeli oleh produsen atau perusahaan manufaktur(pengolah barang). Jika tingkat inflasi barang dan jasa yang dibeli oleh produsen naik, maka nantinya produsen juga akan menaikan harga barang dan jasa untuk menutup kenaikan harga bahan baku yang telah dibeli. Jika harga barang dan jasa naik maka itulah sebagai awal mula pemicu inflasi dan pemerintah bersama bank sentral akan mencoba menaikan tingkat suku bunga.

Jika nilai PPI m/m Swiss naik maka nilai mata uang CHF akan mengalami kenaikan.

Jika nilai PPI m/m AS turun maka nilai mata uang USD akan mengalami penurunan.

Claimant Count Change adalah sebuah indikator yang mengukur tingkat pengangguran yang ingin mendapatkan tunjangan dari pemerintah pada bulan lalu.

Jika nilai Claimant Count Change Inggris turun maka nilai mata uang GBP akan mengalami kenaikan.

Average Earnings Index (AEI) adalah sebuah indikator yang mengukur rata-rata upah, termasuk bonus yang dibayarkan kepada pekerja.

Jika nilai Average Earnings Index 3m/y Inggris naik maka nilai mata uang GBP akan mengalami kenaikan.

Industrial Production adalah data bulanan yang mengukur total produksi dari seluruh pabrik, pertambangan, dan perusahaan pelayanan publik (listrik, air, gas, transportasi, dan lain-lain).

Jika nilai Industrial Production m/m Eropa naik maka nilai mata uang Euro akan mengalami kenaikan.

Capacity Utilization Rate adalah sebuah indikator suber daya alam yang tersedia dari sektor industri, pertambangan dan pertanian.

Jika nilai Capacity Utilization Rate Kanada tetap maka nilai mata uang CAD akan tetap nilainya.

Core Retail Sales adalah sebuah indikator yang mengukur pertumbuhan Retail Sales yang nilainya tetap. Nilainya didapat dari nilai Retail Sales dikurangi dengan total penjualan mobil di negara tersebut. Sektor penjualan mobil dinilai tidak tetap nilainya.

Jika nilai Core Retail Sales m/m AS turun maka nilai mata uang USD akan mengalami penurunan.

Retail Sales adalah sebuah indikator yang mengukur pertumbuhan penjualan sektor ritel disuatu negara.

Jika nilai Retail Sales m/m AS turun maka nilai mata uang USD akan mengalami penurunan.

Core PPI adalah sebuah indikator yang menghitung dari nilai PPI yang stabil nilainya. Nilainya didapat dari nilai PPI dikurangi dengan komponen makanan dan energi.

Jika nilai Core PPI m/m AS turun maka nilai mata uang USD akan mengalami penurunan.

Business Inventories adalah sebuah indikator yang mengukur tingkat produksi barang oleh perusahaan manufaktur, dan penjualan skala besar dan kecil.

Jika nilai Business Inventories m/m AS naik maka nilai mata uang CHF akan mengalami kenaikan.

Crude Oil Inventories adalah sebuah indikator yang dirilis mingguan yang mengukur kenaikan persediaan minyak mentah untuk dijual yang dimiliki perusahaan terkemuka di AS.

Jika nilai Crude Oil Inventories AS naik maka nilai mata uang CHF akan mengalami kenaikan.

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Prudential Spread Betting

Where Can I Find Live Spread Betting Prices and Charts for Prudential?

The live CFD trading chart below will provide you with a useful view of the Prudential share price.

The chart above is from Plus 500 and normally shows the near-term Prudential futures market.

If you want to look at live financial spread betting charts/prices for Prudential, you might require a spread betting account.

In addition, a spreads account will let you have access to the short-term daily prices. Users should note that opening an account is subject to status and credit checks.

Should your account application be accepted then, when you log on, you will be able to analyse the real time trading charts and prices. Usually, these are free, however, you will probably get an occasional letter and/or sales call from your chosen spread trading broker.

If you want to trade, be aware that financial spread betting and contracts for difference involve a significant level of risk to your capital and it's possible to lose more than your initial deposit.

Prudential Analysis & Noticias

Technical Charting Packages for Prudential Shares

Despite the fact that charts vary between platforms, they usually come with user friendly tools that include:

A range of intervals, for example, 2 minutes, 30 minutes, 4 hours etc

A variety of display styles, for example, line and candlestick charts

Tools for adding features, for example, Fibonacci Fans, Time Zones and Arcs

The charts on Inter Trader also have more advanced aspects like:

Customisable Indicators and BackTesting

Chart overlays, for example, Parabolic SAR, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Wilder's Smoothing etc

Secondary technical charts, for example, ADX, Stochastics, Aroon etc

Automatic alerts that trigger when a market hits a pre-set price

Example share trading chart from FinancialSpreads. com

Where Can I Spread Bet on Prudential for Free?

Speculating is never risk free, but if you'd like to open a free Test Account, where you can try financial spread betting on a large range of markets, see below for more details.

When thinking about which trading option might work for you, don't forget that, in the UK, spread betting is currently tax free*, i. e. it is exempt from capital gains tax, income tax and stamp duty.

Cuenta Demo Gratuita

If you want to have a look at an entirely free Test Account / Demo Account that allows you to trial online spread betting, and speculating on markets like Prudential, then take a look at:

City Index

GFT Markets

Each of the companies listed above currently offer a free Practice Account which investors can use to gain experience with a range of trading orders, study charts and test new ideas.

How to Spread Bet on Prudential?

Should you want to invest in UK listed companies like Prudential then one option could be to spread trade on the Prudential share price.

Looking at a site like Inter Trader. you can see that they have put the Prudential Rolling Daily market at 1159.4p - 1161.6p. As a result, you can put a spread bet on the Prudential share price:

Whilst spread betting on UK shares you trade in Јx per penny. Therefore, should you decide to invest Ј4 per penny and the Prudential share price moves 33p then that would alter your bottom line by Ј132. Ј4 per penny x 33p = Ј132.

Rolling Daily Equities Markets

You should note that this is a Rolling Daily Market which means that unlike a futures market, there is no settlement date. If you leave your trade open at the end of the day, it will stay open and roll over into the next day.

If your bet is rolled over and you are speculating that the market will:

Rise - then you will usually be charged a small overnight financing fee, or Fall - then a small payment is normally credited to your account

Prudential Rolling Daily - Shares Spread Betting Example

Now, if you think about the spread of 1159.4p - 1161.6p and make the assumptions that:

You've completed your analysis of the shares, and

You think that the Prudential shares will push higher than 1161.6p

Then you might choose to buy a spread bet at 1161.6p for a stake of Ј3 per penny.

With such a bet you make a profit of Ј3 for every penny that the Prudential shares increase and move above 1161.6p. Nevertheless, such a bet also means that you will make a loss of Ј3 for every penny that the Prudential market falls below 1161.6p.

Looking at this from another angle, should you buy a spread bet then your profits (or losses) are calculated by taking the difference between the closing price of the market and the price you bought the market at. You then multiply that price difference by your stake.

If after a few sessions the shares moved higher then you might want to close your trade so that you can lock in your profit. Taking this a step further, if the market rose then the spread, set by the spread betting company, could change to 1201.1p - 1203.3p. In order to close/settle your position you would sell at 1201.1p. Therefore, with the same Ј3 stake you would make:

Profit = (Final Price - Opening Price) x stake Profit = (1201.1p - 1161.6p) x Ј3 per penny stake Profit = 39.5p x Ј3 per penny stake Profit = Ј118.50 profit

Speculating on equities is not always simple. In the above example, you had bet that the share price would rise. Of course, it can also fall.

If the Prudential stock had started to fall then you could choose to close your position to stop any further losses.

So if the market dropped to 1126.8p - 1129.0p then this means you would close your spread bet by selling at 1126.8p. Therefore, you would make a loss of:

Loss = (Final Price - Opening Price) x stake Loss = (1126.8p - 1161.6p) x Ј3 per penny stake Loss = -34.8p x Ј3 per penny stake Loss = - Ј104.40 loss

Note: Prudential Rolling Daily spread taken as of 15-Mar-13.

Advert: Prudential Spread Betting, sponsored by FinancialSpreads. com . You can spread bet on Prudential with Financial Spreads.

'Prudential Spread Betting' edited by Jenna Cutly. updated 24-Mar-16

For related articles also see:

Barclays Spread Betting . updated 24-Mar-16 Barclays spread betting and trading guide with live BARC prices and charts. Plus, daily updates, broker recommendations on Barclays, where to spread bet on the UK shares tax-free* and commission-free, how to trade. » read guide .

Spread Betting on BP . updated 24-Mar-16 BP spread betting and trading guide with live LON:BP share prices and charts. Plus, daily updates, broker recommendations, where to spread bet on the UK shares tax-free* and commission-free, how to trade. » read guide .

HSBC Spread Betting . updated 24-Mar-16 HSBC spread betting and trading guide with live HSBA. L prices and charts. Plus, daily updates, broker recommendations on HSBC, where to spread bet on the UK shares tax-free* and commission-free, how to trade. » read guide .

Royal Mail Spread Betting . updated 24-Mar-16 Royal Mail spread betting and trading guide with live RMG prices and charts. Plus, daily updates, broker recommendations on Royal Mail, where to spread bet on the UK shares tax-free* and commission-free, how to trade. » read guide .

Lloyds Spread Betting . updated 24-Mar-16 Lloyds spread betting and trading guide with live LLOY prices and charts. Plus, daily updates, broker recommendations on Lloyds, where to spread bet on the UK shares tax-free* and commission-free, how to trade. » read guide .

RBS Spread Betting . updated 24-Mar-16 RBS spread betting and trading guide with live RBS prices and charts. Plus, daily updates, broker recommendations on Royal Bank Of Scotland, where to spread bet on the UK shares tax-free* and commission-free, how to trade. » read guide .

Rio Tinto Spread Betting . updated 24-Mar-16 Rio Tinto spread betting and trading guide with live LON:RIO share prices and charts. Plus, daily updates, broker recommendations, where to spread bet on the UK shares tax-free* and commission-free, how to trade. » read guide .

Vodafone Spread Betting . updated 24-Mar-16 Vodafone spread betting and trading guide with live VOD prices and charts. Plus, daily updates, broker recommendations on Vodafone, where to spread bet on the UK shares tax-free* and commission-free, how to trade. » read guide .

About this page:

Prudential Spread Betting Prudential spread betting and trading guide with live PRU prices and charts. Plus, daily updates, broker recommendations on Prudential, where to spread bet on the UK shares tax-free* and commission-free, how to trade. » read from top.

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Windows Dedicated Server Hosting. Hiring dedicated windows server hosting services is complex. There are a lot of factors to be taken into consideration before the final deal in inked on paper. The service provider ought to have the expertise and skilled IT professionals in the team who can create Windows Dedicated Servers and include all the features through which applications can be operated on without any hiccups. Some of the features that get included by companies providing Windows Dedicated Server Hosting Services are given below which would justify their reputation as a credible dedicated windows server hosting services provider. Companies provide personalized services and support. There ought to be a team that gets deployed categorically to assist the client and rectify shortcomings in the server regularly. This team of support professionals ensure that the client gets value for every penny invested in hiring dedicated windows server hosting services through efficient building.

What are Managed and Unmanaged Dedicated Servers? There’s one key difference between unmanaged Hosting Dedicated Server and managed dedicated servers: One puts all the effort on your shoulders, while the latter puts all the stress on the host’s end. With an unmanaged dedicated server, it’s up to you to perform server troubleshooting, maintenance, and security. If anything goes wrong, you’re on your own, Pilgrim. This sounds like a big downer, but the trade-off is that you have full control over everything that happens with your server, including what complex applications are installed there. A managed dedicated server, on the other hand, is kept up by the hosting company itself. They’ll do all of the security implantation, whistle checking, and updating. This frees up your anxieties, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business, rather than your server. The other benefit is that you can call up your provider at any point in time and more or less demand something be changed. Just try not to let the power go to your head, King Midas.

VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting allows the Forex traders to use the virtual environment on the hosting company's servers to run the MetaTrader expert advisors non-stop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The VPS is always on-line, it won't reboot during the trading week, it's not affected by the power outages and you don't need to worry about keeping your PC on permanently. If you want to run your expert advisors continuously without the unplanned interruptions then Forex VPS hosting for MetaTrader is what you really need. The purpose of the list presented below is to help traders in finding the best VPS hosting for MetaTrader 4 expert advisors.

Benefits of Dedicated Servers The shared web hosting is an inexpensive entry point for low traffic websites, running within the setup constraints of the standard accounts. As some sites expand, the shared hosting accounts become limiting. Some of the advantages of having a dedicated server are enumerated below: Performance You are not sharing the system resources such as processor power, memory and disk space with other sites on the same server. Greater Reliability You do not run the risk of the server being slowed down, swamped with traffic, or crashed by another site on a shared server. Security As nobody else has access to the server you can be sure of having a much greater degree of security. Custom Configuration If you need to install special software or configure the server to your own particular needs then often a dedicated server is the solution. Custom Firewall Run your own custom firewall to enforce your own access control policy. Your own IP address Most shared hosting sites share a single IP address, with site traffic directed by the server examining `host headers'. In contrast your dedicated server has its own unique IP address.

What is a Dedicated Server? In the web hosting business, the dedicated servers, also referred to as dedicated hosting, are the Rolls Royce. A dedicated server is a powerful computer that is used solely as a network server; a single computer in a network reserved for network needs. It refers to the rental and exclusive use of a computer and it provides services for only one account or domain name. It is therefore solely for use by one organization, and is leased and stored in the data centre of the host company A dedicated server includes an operating system (mostly some variants of Linux or Windows) a web server, related software (such as a SQL server, Control Panel and much more) and connection to the Internet, all housed in the web hosting company's data centers. Dedicated server hosting is typically required for a web site or a group of related company sites that develop a substantial amount of traffic. The server can usually be configured and operated remotely from the host company while still allowing for client customization. A dedicated server can be assigned to function only as a resource server and cannot be used as a client. It is important to note that the server is owned by the web host and you do not have physical access to it.

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Video name. Ш§Ш№Щ„Ш§Щ† ЩЃЩЉЩ„Щ… Ш§Щ„Ш­ЩЃЩ„Ш© Ш§Ш­Щ…ШЇ Ш№ШІ Щ€Ш±Щ€ШЁЩ‰ - Ш§Ш­ШЇШ« Ш§ЩЃЩ„Ш§Щ… 2013


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Ikon Group FX broker is regulated and licensed in 4 continents (FCA in the UK, ASIC in Australia, etc.) and operates in compliance with the financial regulatory authorities worldwide in aspects of safety and security of clients’ funds. Headquartered since 2013 in Hong Kong, the broker has representative offices in more than 15 countries (London, New York, Moscow, Sydney, Beijing, Istanbul and others).

Ikon Group Forex broker offers its clients direct access to global financial markets through the most advanced technologies. Traders have a choice of trading platforms: IKON Prodigy (Forex and derivatives, tight floating spreads), Turbo Meta (Forex and CFDs, custom indicators, fixed spreads), ECN Meta (custom indicators and tight floating spreads) and mobile apps.

The company offers an extended range of online trading products, such as Forex, CFDs, futures, metals, NDFs and Options along with a set of innovative solutions suitable for investors of all levels. Moreover, both institutional and individual traders might benefit from online trading tools, including PAMM and MAM accounts, VPS, Expert Advisors and others. Forex beginners have an opportunity to gain confidence and try different trading strategies with no risk to their funds using free Demo account.

Ikon Group reviews confirm leading positions of the broker, its reliability and the following advantages:

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In 2013 Global Banking and Finance Review named Ikon Group “The Best ECN Broker in Europe and Asia”.

Location: USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, UAE, China, Hong Kong

* - Our website does not bear any responsibility for erros in the provided information. Please visit the official website of a considered broker to get the most recent data on trading conditions.

International Revelation Congress – IRC

Ahead of the 7 May National Elections you would do well to acquaint yourself with the Political Parties registered on the National level for the elections.

Today we introduce you to: International Revelation Congress – IRC

International Revelation Congress

IEC Status: Registered Level: National

International Revelation Congress is a political organization that aims to bring change to all South African citizens. International Revelation Congress is a party that is willing and able to bring change in many ways and touch South Africans with better living.

The reason why IRC was formed is to make changes and development in all South African citizens. This political organization is aware of all the challenges that South Africans are facing, and has come up with a strategy to deliver better quality leadership and services to all citizens and work together with South African citizens to a better South Africa.

This information is gathered from the IEC and the above party website or publicly available documents.

Some essential links ahead of the elections:

Click here to see ALL 2014’s registered national parties.

After reading this article, Port Elizabethans then read:

Book Bits For Saturday: 3.19.2011

● The Little Book of Alternative Investments: Reaping Rewards by Daring to be Different By Ben Stein and Phil DeMuth Excerpt via publisher, John Wiley This book is largely about finding legitimate assets that will make your finances less tied to the churn of the stock market. To the extent that you succeed, the tradeoff is that you really will be less tied to the stock market. When stocks are rocketing to the stars, you won’t be. When stocks are melting through the earth, you won’t be. It will be less clear to you from day - to - day how you are doing. This can be liberating but also can be anxiety producing, especially if you’re used to checking the Dow Jones Industrial Average every 15 minutes or 15 seconds. It requires a leap of faith that there is life beyond stocks. We want to interest you in accepting a higher degree of stock market de - correlation into your life than you probably have at present.

● Guaranteed to Fail: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Debacle of Mortgage Finance By Viral V. Acharya, Matthew Richardson, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh & Lawrence J. White Excerpt via publisher, Princeton University Press In 1818, a nineteen-year-old English girl, Mary Shelley, published her first novel. The novel tells the story of a young, talented scientist who discovers how to create life from the inanimate. Collecting old human bones and tissue, the scientist constructs a man from scratch and brings him to life, only to be disgusted by his appearance and shape, calling him the Monster. The scientist deserts the monster, and, left to its own devices, his creation causes havoc and mayhem. In the finale of the story, as the scientist confronts the monster, the monster eventually destroys its creator and, stricken with grief, takes its own life. Shelley decided that the name of the talented scientist should be the title for the novel: Frankenstein. Former executives of Fannie and Freddie, members of Congress, and past administration officials all talk about the good work of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; and, they will add, if it were not for the equivalent of an economic asteroid hitting the markets, all would be fine. They will point to affordable housing goals and the benefits to the underprivileged. We are skeptics. ● Better by Mistake: The Unexpected Benefits of Being Wrong By Alina Tugend Audio interview with author via KUOR/Southern California Public Radio Does practice really make perfect? Or is perfection a mythical, unattainable goal? These are some of the questions author Alina Tugend explores in her new book, Better by Mistake: The Unexpected Benefits of Being Wrong. Also a columnist for the New York Times, Tugend once made a mistake in one of her articles, ultimately resulting in a dreaded public correction. Before ‘fessing up, she agonized over her error. She tried to ignore it. She contemplated keeping quiet about it. She even went so far as to rationalize that she was actually correct. Eventually, however, journalistic ethics won out and she told her editor. The internal struggle she experienced at the presence of a singular, superficial mistake led her to investigate further the nature of human error and how it’s perceived on both a personal and societal level. With the zeal of a recovering perfectionist, Tugend delved into how mistakes are dealt with from the dynamic of errors between parents and children, to those between corporations and consumers. Are mistakes really deserving of humiliation and punishment? Or should they be accepted – even revered – for their powerful learning potential? ● The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood By James Gleick Review via The New York Times Book Review The universe, the 18th-century mathematician and philosopher Jean Le Rond d’Alembert said, “would only be one fact and one great truth for whoever knew how to embrace it from a single point of view.” James Gleick has such a perspective, and signals it in the first word of the title of his new book, “The Information,” using the definite article we usually reserve for totalities like the universe, the ether — and the Internet. Information, he argues, is more than just the contents of our overflowing libraries and Web servers. It is “the blood and the fuel, the vital principle” of the world. Human consciousness, society, life on earth, the cosmos — it’s bits all the way down. Gleick makes his case in a sweeping survey that covers the five millenniums of humanity’s engagement with information, from the invention of writing in Sumer to the elevation of information to a first principle in the sciences over the last half-century or so. ● The Overloaded Liberal: Shopping, Investing, Parenting, and Other Daily Dilemmas in an Age of Political Activism By Fran Hawthorne Summary via publisher, Random House We live in a society that is at once the most politically aware and the most consumer oriented in human history. Twenty-first-century shoppers don’t just consume; we investigate and categorize the impact of our decisions on climate change, animals, our health, our political views, geopolitical relationships, working conditions, and more. Yet when we actually try to live according to our principles, it can be so overwhelming, contradictory, and demanding that we want to scream. Every step, every dollar, every swipe of a paper towel has become a decision that can make the world a better—or worse—place. Take one daily dilemma: what jacket should I buy? If it was made in El Salvador, China, or Vietnam, was it sewn by workers in a sweatshop at near-starvation wages, forced to labor twenty-hour days in dangerous conditions? Are those jobs actually considered desirable in those countries? Can I even find a jacket made in the United States? If I do, should I insist on union-made? But what if that’s more expensive? And what fabric is it made of? Does it contain animal skins? Is the cotton organic? What kind of dyes were used? Does it have fair-trade certification? Oh, and by the way: does it look good on me? Veteran journalist and levelheaded mom Fran Hawthorne sets out to answer these questions—and spark more.

Mensaje de navegación

Comercio de Educación

I believe many price action traders fail to succeed in this business because they do not have a firm grasp of the fundamental knowledge which professional price action strategies are built upon.

There is a vast difference between the strategies employed by the professionals versus strategies employed by the retail crowd which boils down to a) the mindset of a retail novice – always seeking rule based strategies and b) vendors who exploit this ‘herd’ mindset weakness for profit.

This is my attempt to re-balance the playing field – re-educating the herd to ‘think’ like and ultimately achieve the results a professional would achieve.

This section is in effect a whole course explaining the concepts behind basic price action trading together with three whole strategies capable of producing some very good monthly returns.

So forget all that you’ve learned from textbooks and public forums and start the re-education process here…

Foundations of Price Action Trading

Before developing trading strategies it is important to fully understand the fundamentals behind price action i. e. to learn the cause before the effect. Therefore this section seeks to explain the underlying concepts that I use in the 3 trading strategies that I have detailed on this website.

Collectively this is what I class as ‘basic’ price action trading and can be visualised as follows:

1. Supply and Demand

2. Order-Flow Dynamics

How Price Moves and Liquidity

Order-flow Dynamics and Price Action

Asking the Right Questions

The above concepts are explained directly within the First Time Back and False Breakout trading strategy videos.

3. The Mindset needed to be a Professional Trader.

The Objective of Trading

Entrepreneurial Mindset and Confidence

Expectancy and Win Rate

Risk Probabilities


Once the concepts explained above have been thoroughly understand it’s time to actually utilise these concepts within Trading Strategies

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Jo Midgley . Thank you for your help, I received my refund back from yourbiz website s after I emailed them again stating I had reported them. I also received my refund from Rapid Profit Pro as the money was taken through PayPal and I made a complaint to them who investigated and got my money back.

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Irene . I don't know if my claim/settlement was anything to do with your help but I recieved a full refund yesterday 31/01/2012 after posting my complaint on 27/01/2012, the company has cancelled all my details but I got the bank to issue a new bank card to be on the safe side so hopefully they will not try again to obtain money while blatentely breaching the contract on their side. Am happy the refund came through so quickly, thanks.

beverley cooper . Your site is a brilliant way of resolving complaints and receiving ones money back. I recently emailed 2 brokers my loans. co. uk and power loans / powermoney to tell them that I had reported them. 2 days later I received a email from power loans to ask me to contact them however i declined because it has cost me a fortune in the past, so I asked them instead to contact me. So I am still awaiting a refund from POWER LOANS. I have just looked into my online bank details only to find MY LOANS. CO. UK has refunded 61.00 back to my account. So only one more company to go. Thankyou for enabeling me to put them to name on your site.

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Linda . Anyone that is owed money from Networkhgv go to your bank for help, I did and got the full amount back of £1,597 within a week, we thought we had lost this money but thanks to our bank they claimed it back from Networkhgv

C Penney . This issue has been resolved by my credit card issuer.

STEVE ALAN CAWLEY . Just to let you know my complaint has been resolved, so thank you very much for all your help. I would also like to take this opportunity to let everybody know (specifically all airbrush artists "World wide") that Steve and Airbrush Megastore in Adelaide, Australia are completely genuine, honest and respectable suppliers of Airbrush equipment.

Since my report on a mini paint mixer that I purchased, I have communicated with Steve at Airbrush Megastore and now I regret that I didn't contact him back sooner. I will also admit that I acted a little hastily in the beginning and should of calmed down.

I would like to apologise to Steve at Airbrush Megastore for my hasty report, as I now realise that he would of resolved the situation earlier if I had contacted him soon after my complaint to talk it through more thoroughly and calmly.

Steve has since, sent me a replacement mini paint mixer, and very kindly sent me an IWATA airbrush with some dvd's. thank you Steve.

When I first found the Airbrush Megastore website I was very impressed with the Airbrush equipment and paint they supply, they sell accessories that I couldn't find in the Uk.

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I am happy to be able to buy from them again, and would recommend Airbrush Megastore to anyone. thank you for reading this report. Steve Cawley to

Alison Strachan . Have just received £69.75 back into my account from Power Loans, dont know if it was anything to do with this site but thanks anyway

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Candy Geiser . Back on 07/27/11 I wrote my claim Steal your money about an make money at home add I saw on Facebook. The company was nethostfee. After informing them by e-mail that I had written about my claim on your site, & that I was going to be getting a new card issued to make sure they could not take any more money. I got an e-mail back that I would be refunded. It took a little over a week, but I got my full $29.95 back. I still had a new card & number issued to be on the safe side. Muchas gracias.

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elaine . i have received a refund from premium personal finance not sure if contacting thames valley police regarding this fraud had anything to do with it

Robin Wilson . This is to inform you that my complaint has been settled through my bank.

Dee . Not sure whether it was down to you but thank you anyway - I wrote to the people behind ACTLOAN S demanding money back and telling them I had posted a complaint on this website . the money was put back into my account yesterday.

Susan Fort . Co-incidence? I don't think so - on the same day I contacted this website to post my complaint, SofabedsWorld kindly confirmed that they have refunded as requested. Prior to this they were insisting this would take 10 working days. Great website - Many thanks!

MRS SUSAN STAFFORD . Thank-you for your help, the money as now been retured, x

rob christopher . i have just received a teleph one call from the unsecure d loan company and they have offered me half the money back because of the work they say they carried out on my behalf, so i have decided to accept thier offer.

Mike Kane . Hi, thanks i got most of my money back from E Credit and Merlin money

gary dilkes . i have just received my money back from eze loans i wrote then gave them time did not resolve so threatened with financial ombudsman received chq two days later

Juliet Hopwood . Thank you so much for helping me. After listing my claim in March i had given up hope of ever getting my money back. Today 4 months later i hve recieved my money back from EZE LOANS . Not even my own bank would help me. Muchas gracias

sohoryan . I just received an email from this site asking me if my claim had been settled, so I am putting an update here. I have not given up hope of getting compensation. Follow my progress here http://electsohoryan. moonfruit. com/

The White Horse, Great Baddow, Chelmsford. . ( Ember Inns )The White Horse Horse at Great Baddow, Chelmsford, have very kindly resolved my complaint of "poor food & cold surroundings" as of my complaint on 20 Dec 2010 as posted on your website . gracias. Within days of my website complaint, I received a ph one call from the Manageress "Liz" sincerly apologising for our "bad experience" &erio; she invited us back for a free meal to resolve our complaint. We have only just returned to take up her offer (Fri 24 June 2011) & she helped personally to serve us herself & was very, very, helpful & polite. There was no charge at all to us for the food, which was 4 main courses & 4 deserts, & all cooked & served to a very good standard. Thank you Liz for your very kind gesture.

Penny . After giving Trimdown a good tongue-lashing by phone and email, and saying I would take it further if they did not refund they money they scammed from me, the £121 appeared in my account within a week (they had said it could take up to 30 days). So, I'm not sure if Can You Trust Them helped resolve the claim BUT it certainly gave me the confidence to pursue it when I saw how many people had fallen for the same "scam" I did with the Acai Berries. I encourage everyone tricked by them to do what I did.

So, thank you to CYTT for giving me a push to do it!

Browse complaints by company type

Enjoy relatively high yield: Receive higher interest from Long high-yield currencies while pay less interest for Short high-yield currencies. Client can execute carry-trade freely.

Lower transaction fee: Bid-ask spread may be lower than 1 pip. Please contact us at 2277 6667 directly for more commission details.

Lower entrance fee: Flexible fund management allow client to magnify their investment scale. P. ej. Initial margin is HK$5,000 for 1 lot EUR/USD while HK$4,000 for 1 lot AUD/USD.

Simple trading platform, user friendly and placing order freely.

High internet security standard, instantly account checking, margin analysis, trading P&L, and position status are provided.

A series of trading orders can be placed, facilitating different clients needs.

No intensive quota sale from agent is allowed.

Why Forex trading?

As a smart investor, you should not put all your eggs in one basket Some people think that buying stocks in different industries or to invest in stock markets in different countries are good ways to achieve the effect of risk diversification. In fact, all stock markets from different countries are closely linked. For instance, up and downs in the U. S. and Japanese stock markets have a great impact on Hong Kong stock market. This is an important reason why you need to invest in foreign exchange, such that investors achieve real risk diversification effect.

Trading Limit

Is there any trading limit in the LFX account? Yes, your LFX account trading limit is capped by the Margin Limit preset in your account. We will notify you by email of as stated on the LFX statement. p. ej. If Margin Limit is HK$100,000 your trading limit will be 25 lots ($100,000 margin limit / $4000 initial margin). If you would like to increase the limit, please contact LFX dealing room on 2277 6667.

About currency market

Foreign Exchange (Forex) market allow people to trade one currency in exchange to another currency. In 2007, the daily turnover made up more than 32,000 billion dollars, which was three times higher than the total turnover in New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

In foreign exchange market, buying one currency and selling another currency take place simultaneously. For example, buying EURO dollar/ dollar (EUR / USD) means short selling the U. S. dollars while buying EURO dollars; buying dollar / yen (USD / JPY) is purchasing U. S. dollars and short selling Japanese yen at the same time.

Unlike other financial markets, foreign exchange market does not provide specific location for trading. Investors are able to trade through banks, corporations and of course, trade by yourself using the online trading platform. As there is no specific location for currency trading, foreign exchange market operates 24 hours a day starting from Sydney, then Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, New York and other major financial centers. This allows investors to trade without any physical and time boundaries.

Leveraged foreign exchange

Leveraged foreign exchange trading allows investors to enjoy more flexibility because investors can maximize their portfolio returns through leverage effect. Unlike traditional stock market, investors can short sell currency; that is, when investor has a dim view on a currency, investor then can short sell the selected currency first and buy it back at a lower price level when the exchange rate for that currency goes down. On the contrary, of course, clients may also use the traditional method to trade; that is, to buy first then sell.

Trading Method

Clients may place order via our online trading platform (POEMS & XATS) or call our 24hrs dealing hotline directly at 2277-6667.

Los horarios comerciales

Hong Kong time :Monday 05:00 a. m. to Saturday 05:00 a. m. (Winter Time: postponed 1 hour)

The opening price (Tuesday to Friday) is determined by the price at 5:10 am HK time.

The daily highest and lowest price(Tuesday to Friday) are determined by the highest /lowest trading price between 05:10 a. m. to next day 05:00 a. m. HK time (Winter Time: postponed 1 hour).

No transaction will be processed during the system maintenance period, which is 5:00

5:10 am in the 24-hours trading day.

The Market is closed at Saturday, Sunday, and during the market holiday.

Under Trading Instruction:

For every single transaction, client may choose the way of order in struction by (1) day order, (2) good-till-cancel order: and the types can be (a) "market order", (b) "limit order", or (c) "stop order".

Order Duration:

Day order: Order instruction will only be valid until the end of trading day, i. e. next day 05:00 am HK time (Winter Time: postponed 1 hour).

Good Till Cancel order (GTC): Order instruction will be valid until it is filled or cancelled.

Order Type:

Market order: A buy or sell order to be executed immediately at current market prices.

Limit order: Order is placed at a specified price.

Stop order: The stop order will be triggered once the market hit the target price. Investor may use such an instruction to prevent a deep loss or to purchase a contract when the target price is triggered.

Multi Currency Options

Most investors buy higher yielding currencies in order to earn the interest. Of course, investors should be noted that when invested with wrong direction there is a loss. And the interest received is often insufficient to compensate the loss of wrong direction; so investor should first consider the movements of the currency then consider the interest.

Phillip is using (swap point) as a means to record client's interest earned or paid, if the client will receive interest, Phillip will reduce the client's purchase price (or selling price increase) to reflect client interest receivable.

Example 1 Buy one lot New Zealand against US dollar (NZD / USD) at 0.8015, and long positions swap point is -0.000037 (reference rate 1.68%). Open Position for ten days, the accumulated swap points is -0.000037 * 10 =- 0.00037.Client's purchasing price will become 0.8015 +(-0.00037) = 0.80113.

In the case of interest payable, Phillip will increase client's purchasing price or lower the selling price to reflect the interest payable.

Example 2 Sold one lot of Euro dollar against US dollar at 1.3015. and short positions swap point is -0.000007 (reference rate -0.20%). Open position for ten days, the accumulated swap points is -0.000007 * 10 = -0.00007. Client's selling price will become 1.3015 + (-0.00007) = 1.30143.

Buy one lot of Euro dollar against US dollar(EUR/USD) @ 1.3018 and long positions swap point is 0.000008 (reference rate -0.23%). Open position for ten days, the accumulated swap points is 0.000008 * 10 = 0.00008. Client's purchasing price will become 1.3018 + (0.00008) = 1.30188.

Order placing:

Order could be placed by either (1) POEMS or XATS or (2) call us directly at (852) 2277-6667.

Trading Limit

Is there any Trade limit for leverage forex account? Sí. There is an upper trading limitation for every single Forex account. The limitation is set according to the approved margin, and was specified in monthly statement or sent via independent email notification. Please do not hesitate to contact us at (852) 2277-6667 for more about Forex trading limitation.

For instance, the limited contract size equals to 25 if there is 100k margin for a specified client accordingly.

Interest Charge :

Margin requirement of Leveraged Foreign Exchange is based on Hong Kong Dollar. Please provide sufficient initial margin prior to holding positions over-night. Interest charge will be based on the difference between equity balance and initial margin requirement using the Hong Kong Prime Rate if equity balance is below initial margin.

Example 1:

If client buy one lak of Euro dollar against US dollar (EUR/USD), and then sold at the same day

Calculation method: (selling price - purchase price) X Contract Amount - Commission = profit / loss

Selling price: 1.2600 Purchase Price: 1.2500 Contract Amount: EUR 10,000

Profit and loss calculation: (1.2600 - 1.2500) X 10,000 - Commission = USD100 - Commission

Example 2:

If client buy US dollar against Japanese Yen (USD/JPY), and then sold at the same day

Calculation method: (selling price - purchase price) X Contract Amount - Commission = profit / loss

Selling price: 105.00 Purchase Price: 107.00 Contract Amount: USD 10,000

Profit and loss calculation: (105.00 - 107.00) X 10,000 - Commission = -20,000Yen - Commission

These examples do not cover the interest, if the client is not day trade, profit and loss calculation should be added to accounts receivable / payable interest.

Margin Table

Margin Calculation

Initial margin

The client is required to provide sufficient initial margin prior for Forex trading, and the equity balance must be at least kept at the maintenance margin level of all open positions. ;

In the case of margin shortage during order placing process, company may either:

For order placed via XATS platforms, reject automatically by central control office.

For market order via direct hotline, partial trade order may be executed according to the most updated margin status.

Margin Call

When the account equity falls below the maintenance margin level, Phillip will make best effort to issue margin call via phone, email or message (if applicable) etc. requesting client to restore the account equity to initial margin level within a specified time by one of the following action:

Deposit the margin amount; o

Transfer from other Phillip accounts; o

Close out the open positions.

Otherwise, Phillip will force liquidate the open positions. Client shall remain liable for any deficit in the account. Moreover, at volatile market conditions, Phillip reserves the right to call for margin deposit from time to time. Client should always pay attention to open positions and allow sufficient equity to cover potential margin shortfall.

Force Liquidation

Phillip will make best effort to call client margin, however, it may not be able to contact client in a timely manner due to various reasons (including volatile market conditions). If client cannot restore the account equity to initial margin level within specified time or if the account equity falls below the stop out level, Phillip may request client to or force close position(s).

If equity falls below the required margin level or has negative balance when market opens after weekend or holiday, Phillip will make best effort to call client margin or force close position(s) at market price. Client shall remain liable for any deficit in the account.

Phillip will notify client of any force liquidated position(s) by telephone, email or message, and also identified those transactions in the statement. If the force liquidation is not sufficient to cover negative balance in the account, client shall remain liable for any deficit in the account.

The risks associated with leveraged foreign exchange trading can be extremely high. During volatile market conditions, Phillip may not be able to immediately close positions on accounts that have fallen beyond the stop out level. The client may suffer a loss in excess of the initial margin amount.

You can open a Phillip Account via several ways:

(1) Visit our offices in person (Head office and branches information) (2) Download Account Opening Form f rom our Company website and submit it by post. (3) Please click to access our services in Japanese

Points to note:

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The Pools Lotto is based on Australian and European soccer matches. You don't need to know anything about Soccer though - it can be played just like a normal lottery game.

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Lotteries in Australia include various lottery related products licensed by Australian lottery companies. Lotteries operators are licensed at a state or territory level, and include both state government-owned and private sector companies. Most major Lotteries have now moved into the online marketplace

As of February 2015, the major players in the lotteries industry include:

-Tatts Group Limited, which operates under the "Tatts" brand in Victoria, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory, and the Northern Territory. It also manages Queensland's Golden Casket Lottery Corporation (which it took over from the Queensland government in 2007), New South Wales Lotteries in NSW and the ACT and South Australian Lotteries in South Australia and - Intralot Australia, which operates under "Intralot" in Tasmania; - The publicly listed Jumbo Interactive, operating online as Ozlotteries.

State government-owned corporations were once a major sector in the industry. However, with Tatts taking over operation of several state-owned lotteries (though the states still retain legal ownership), the only state owned-and-operated lottery in Australia is Lotterywest in Western Australia.

Although the organisations are predominantly state-based, Australia has a number of national lottery games. Currently, Tattersall's and the state-owned lotteries operate as a bloc to jointly conduct the national games, pooling their entries and winnings. For example, Tattersall's administers the Saturday Lotto (known as Tattslotto in its jurisdictions), Oz Lotto and Powerball games on behalf of the bloc; similarly, South Australian Lotteries operate the Australian Soccer Pools on behalf of the other operators. The major operators also market lottery games traditionally running in their own jurisdiction, however recently some of these have become "multi-state" games, if not national.

Australian lotteries are subject to many regulations, which generally vary by state. The minimum age to purchase lottery products is 18.

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