Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Forex Bsp

BSP modifica las regulaciones cambiarias
MANILA, Filipinas - El Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas modificó ayer las regulaciones sobre las transacciones de divisas (FX) para un marco más eficiente y apropiado para estos acuerdos.
"La revisión continua de las regulaciones cambiarias es consistente con el compromiso del BSP de mantener un sistema financiero seguro y sólido, un mercado de divisas estable y una política monetaria apropiada que apoye un crecimiento económico sostenido e inclusivo", dijo el gobernador del BSP, Amando M. Tetangco Jr. una declaración.
El banco central ahora permite la venta de divisas por parte de los bancos a los residentes sin la aprobación previa del BSP, siempre y cuando se utilice para liquidar las deudas en virtud de "acuerdos de compensación entre compañías" específicamente relacionados con el comercio.
"Se espera que la política facilite aún más las transacciones comerciales legítimas y permitirá al BSP captar mejor los datos sobre las transacciones comerciales mediante el reporte de importaciones brutas", dijo el banco central.
Los que pertenezcan a un grupo de empresas también podrán incluir los centros de pago de su grupo en sus beneficiarios de pagos de divisas o remesas.
"El objetivo es acelerar la liquidación de transacciones entre entidades relacionadas considerando las tendencias actuales que implican el uso de una unidad de compensación para pagos / transacciones financieras como los centros de pago / tesorería / centros por parte de miembros de un grupo de empresas", dijo el BSP.
Negocios (Artículo MRec), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
La venta de divisas a los residentes para liquidar las obligaciones de tarjetas de crédito a las compañías de tarjetas de crédito residentes también será permitida, dijo el BSP.
Al mismo tiempo, el BSP dijo que las empresas no bancarias del sector privado tendrán que adoptar un ratio deuda / capital de 75/25 durante la duración de sus préstamos en moneda extranjera.
"Esto tiene como objetivo proporcionar una mejor orientación para los posibles prestatarios no bancarios del sector privado", dijo el BSP.
El banco central dijo que también ha ampliado la cobertura de préstamos interbancarios a corto plazo que no necesitan aprobación previa del BSP, y también simplificó las pautas para reportar las importaciones.

Forex - Flujos de Filipinas: USD / PHP más suave; BSP revisa la balanza de pagos de 2014 a déficit por superávit
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Los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad intelectual contenidos en este informe pertenecen a FXMarketAlerts, 4Cast Limited, 4Cast Inc y / o Forecast pte ( "4Cast"). El material no podrá, en ningún caso, ser reproducido o distribuido en su totalidad o en parte sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de 4Cast.
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Forex - Flujos de Filipinas: USD / PHP; BSP: listos para implementar medidas bien calibradas, reformas importantes de política monetaria para el próximo año
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Los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad intelectual sobre el material de este informe pertenecen a FXMarketAlerts, 4Cast Limited, 4Cast Inc y / o pronóstico del pte ( "4Cast"). El material no podrá, en ningún caso, ser reproducido o distribuido en su totalidad o en parte sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de 4Cast.
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BSP facilita reglas de forex de nuevo
MANILA (Filipinas) - Las normas cambiarias del país se liberalizaron de nuevo sobre lo que el Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) dijo que era parte de los esfuerzos para preparar a Filipinas para la integración financiera de las economías del sudeste asiático para 2015.
"El objetivo es ampliar aún más el alcance de las transacciones regionales e internacionales a medida que nos integramos con los mercados financieros a nivel mundial", dijo el gobernador del BSP, Amando Tetangco Jr., en un mensaje de texto a los periodistas.
El vicegobernador del BSP, Diwa Guinigundo, en un mensaje de texto separado, dijo que las nuevas normas tenían por objeto "preparar a Filipinas para un mercado financiero más integrado" de la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático (ASEAN) para 2020.
Tetangco dijo que el banco central está permitiendo que los no residentes inviertan en compañías extranjeras que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Filipinas. Las ganancias en pesos de estas inversiones también pueden convertirse ahora en dólares.
Antes de esto, Guinigundo dijo que sólo los residentes de Filipinas podrían registrarse con bancos custodios para comprar acciones de compañías no residentes en la lista de PSE.
El registro de inversiones de cartera - entradas a acciones, bonos y depósitos en pesos - a través de los bancos custodios es necesario para permitir la remisión de ganancias y convertirlas en otras monedas.
Negocios (Artículo MRec), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
"Estamos preparando el escenario para la eventualidad de que se establezcan los vínculos comerciales (entre las naciones de la ASEAN)", dijo a los periodistas.
"Esto se relaciona también con la lista cruzada prevista" en las bolsas regionales previstas en la integración financiera de la ASEAN, explicó Guinigundo.
Además, el BSP también permite el pago anticipado de préstamos a corto plazo registrados por el banco central con vencimientos inferiores a un año. Guinigundo dijo originalmente, el pago anticipado no estaba permitido.
"Esto facilitará el acceso al sistema bancario para las transacciones legítimas que requieren el pago en divisas", dijo Tetangco.
Los requisitos de los documentos bancarios también fueron relajados, dijo, esta vez al renunciar a la necesidad de que los prestamistas apoyen los informes sobre las importaciones bajo documentos contra la aceptación y los arreglos de cuentas abiertas.
"La medida simplificará y reducirá la carga de informes sobre los bancos", señaló Tetangco.
El BSP se ha embarcado en seis oleadas de liberalización de divisas desde 2007 orientadas a proporcionar un ambiente empresarial propicio y hasta hace poco tiempo, atenuar las entradas de capital inundando mercados emergentes como Filipinas.
Las nuevas normas entrarán en vigor con la publicación de una circular pertinente.

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BSP baja previsión de reservas forex
Zeno Ronald Abenoja, director del Departamento de Estudios Económicos del BSP, dijo que el banco central está buscando ahora a un nivel GIR de $ 80,7 mil millones en lugar de los $ el 81,6 millones de dólares para este año, desde el 79,5 $ millones en el 2014.
El GIR es la suma de todas las divisas que fluyen hacia el país. Las reservas sirven como amortiguador para asegurar que el gobierno no se quedaría sin moneda extranjera que podría usar para pagar por bienes y servicios importados o por obligaciones de vencimiento en caso de crisis externas.
Si lo considera necesario, el BSP compra dólares del mercado de divisas para evitar una fuerte depreciación del peso frente al dólar. También puede vender para evitar una apreciación aguda de la moneda local.
Abenoja dijo que el nivel de GIR revisado sería suficiente para cubrir 9,7 meses de importaciones de bienes, así como pagos de servicios e ingresos.
las reservas de divisas del país se redujo a $ 80.57 mil millones en noviembre, desde casi un máximo de dos años de $ 81.09 mil millones debido a los pagos de la deuda externa superior por el gobierno nacional, así como los precios más bajos de oro en el mercado mundial.
El valor de las tenencias de oro de BSP cayó un 6,7 por ciento, a 6,700 millones de dólares en noviembre, frente a los 7,18 mil millones de octubre. Las inversiones extranjeras del banco central también cayeron a 71.080 millones de dólares desde los 71.360 millones de dólares.
Por otro lado, las operaciones de divisas del BSP arrojaron $ 1,17 mil millones a fines de noviembre, un 25,3 por ciento más alto que el nivel de octubre de $ 931.6 millones.
Por un lado, el BSP ahora espera que las remesas en efectivo de los filipinos en el extranjero crezcan un cuatro por ciento en lugar de la proyección original del cinco por ciento este año.
Las remesas subieron un 3,7 por ciento a 20.640 millones de dólares en los primeros 10 meses, frente a los 19.910 millones de dólares del mismo período del año pasado, debido a la debilidad continuada de otras monedas en los principales países anfitriones frente al dólar.
El banco central redujo su objetivo de superávit en cuenta corriente (CA) a 8.900 millones de dólares, o el 3 por ciento del producto interno bruto (PIB), en lugar del 14.2 por ciento o 4.4 por ciento del PIB este año debido al creciente déficit comercial del país.
Abenoja dijo que las autoridades monetarias ahora esperan que las exportaciones de mercancías del país se contraigan en un cuatro por ciento en lugar de crecer un cinco por ciento, mientras que las importaciones se espera que sean planas en lugar de un 1 por ciento este año.
El superávit de la CA del país disminuyó un 18,7 por ciento, a 5.600 millones de dólares, o un 2,6 por ciento en los primeros nueve meses, frente a los 6.800 millones de dólares en el mismo período del año pasado debido al creciente déficit comercial.
Agregó que el BSP mantuvo su perspectiva para el superávit de la BdP en $ 2 mil millones este año de un déficit de $ 2,9 mil millones en 2014.
Abenoja dijo que las últimas previsiones tomaron en consideración los últimos datos disponibles al mismo tiempo que refleja los recientes y futuros desarrollos globales y nacionales.
Las revisiones, explicó, tomaron en consideración la revisión a la baja de las perspectivas de crecimiento global para este año, así como la disminución de los precios de las materias primas, especialmente el petróleo y el metal.
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Los algoritmos de negociación son inclusivos para el comercio de swing y también se utiliza para el comercio de día y el comercio a largo plazo. La investigación para la inversión en algoritmos que negocian está avanzando en una velocidad grande junto con desarrollo tecnológico. Los algoritmos y las estrategias predominantemente de la comercialización están skyrocketing porque las compañías de la banca de inversión como Goldman Sachs pasan decenas de millones en la investigación del algoritmo que negocia. El enfoque del principio básico incluye una estrategia que mide las actividades de la tendencia de precios de un instrumento utilizando tres diferentes promedios móviles de los precios de cierre. El instrumento sólo se negocia mucho tiempo cuando los tres promedios están alineados en una dirección ascendente, y sólo se negocian corto cuando los tres promedios se están moviendo hacia abajo. Distinguir el momento de cuándo comprar y cuándo vender es el principal reto para todos los intercambios de swing, así como a largo plazo de tendencia después de las estrategias de negociación. Sin embargo, los comerciantes de swing no necesitan timing ideal para comprar en la parte inferior y vender en la parte superior de oscilaciones de precios para ser ventajoso. Las pequeñas ganancias constantes que implican estrictas reglas de administración de dinero pueden obtener retornos múltiples apreciablemente. Normalmente se reconoce e implícita que todo modo matemático.

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Hay alguien por ahí con datos fiables y completos de historial de garrapatas forex. Con la investigación anterior encontré Dukascopy pero descubrí que está lleno de agujeros. Encuestas BSP Metadatos Calendario para Publicaciones Estadísticas y Publicaciones Política de Revisión Glosario y Abreviaturas Estadísticas Económicas y Financieras. I. Externo.
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El Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) ha relajado aún más sus reglas que gobiernan las transacciones de divisas en el país para ayudar a financiar proyectos de infraestructura muy necesarios y aumentar su programa de inclusión financiera.
El gobernador del BSP, Amando Tetangco Jr., dijo que la continua revisión de las regulaciones cambiarias es consistente con el compromiso del banco central de mantener un sistema financiero seguro y sólido, así como un mercado estable de divisas.
Tetangco agregó que las revisiones en las reglas aprobadas por la Junta Monetaria también ayudarían a mantener una política monetaria apropiada que apoye un crecimiento económico sostenido e inclusivo.
Bajo las reglas revisadas, explicó que la aprobación previa del BSP ya no es necesaria para los préstamos de fuentes extraterritoriales o unidades de depósito en moneda extranjera (FCDU) de los bancos.
La enmienda cubriría los préstamos del sector privado, en particular aquellos sin garantía del sector público o de los bancos destinados a financiar proyectos relacionados con la energía o el poder.
& # 8220; La política es en apoyo de la creciente economía del país y la creciente necesidad de infraestructura, & # 8221; Dijo el jefe del BSP.
Agregó que las instituciones financieras no bancarias privadas que participan en actividades de microfinanciación también están exentas de buscar la aprobación del BSP, siempre y cuando los recursos del préstamo se utilicen para préstamos microfinancieros.
Esto ayudará a promover la financiación de las actividades de microfinanzas de acuerdo con el programa insignia del BSP para la inclusión financiera y el alivio de la pobreza, & # 8221; Dijo Tetangco.
Además, señaló que las reglas revisadas ahora permiten la conversión de moneda extranjera de pesos que surgen de las suscripciones rechazadas de inversionistas no residentes a la oferta de derechos de acciones de empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Filipinas.
& # 8220; La medida facilitará la remesa hacia el exterior del exceso de fondos que surjan de tales casos y en el proceso
Alentar a más inversionistas extranjeros a invertir en Filipinas, & # 8221; Añadió.
La Junta Monetaria del Banco Central también aprobó otras enmiendas de procedimiento o clarificación al Manual de Regulaciones sobre Transacciones de Divisas para una mejor orientación de los usuarios. & # 160; & # 160;
Tetangco dijo que el BSP emitiría pronto la circular de implementación.
El banco central ha estado revisando algunas de sus reglas cambiarias para transacciones comerciales y de liquidación como parte de un programa de liberalización más amplio que desplegó en los últimos años.
Las revisiones también apuntan a hacer las reglas más sensibles a las necesidades de la economía y más fáciles para las empresas y los individuos para hacer transacciones de divisas dentro del sistema bancario.
En febrero del año pasado, el BSP facilitó las reglas al permitir la venta de divisas a residentes para pagos con tarjeta de crédito a compañías de tarjetas de crédito residentes.
El BSP también simplificó las pautas para reportar los envíos de mercancías para una mejor comprensión y cumplimiento.

BSP elimina restricciones forex
El Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas aprobó nuevas enmiendas a las regulaciones sobre las transacciones de divisas en un intento de construir un sistema financiero sólido y estable mercado de divisas.
El gobernador de Bangko Sentral, Amando Tetangco Jr., dijo que el regulador permitió la venta de divisas, a domicilio y por adelantado, a bancos y corporaciones forex de afiliados sin la aprobación previa del regulador bancario para liquidar obligaciones netas o pagar en virtud de acuerdos de compensación entre compañías.
Los acuerdos de compensación entre empresas se refieren a transacciones comerciales como la importación y exportación de entidades residentes con empresas extranjeras relacionadas.
"Se espera que la política facilite aún más las transacciones comerciales legítimas y permitirá al BSP captar mejor los datos sobre las transacciones comerciales mediante la notificación de las importaciones de productos brutos", & rdquo; Dijo Tetangco.
Bangko Sentral se incluyó como beneficiario de los pagos de FX por residentes filipinos para liquidación de obligaciones comerciales y de cuentas corrientes no comerciales, los centros de pago / centros de tesorería de un grupo de empresas, sujeto a la presentación a la entidad vendedora de FX Acuerdo de pago con la unidad de liquidación centralizada.
Dijo que esta modificación apuntaba a "acelerar la liquidación de transacciones entre entidades vinculadas considerando las tendencias actuales que implican el uso de una unidad de compensación para pagos o transacciones financieras como los centros de pago / tesorería / centros por parte de miembros de un grupo de empresas".
El regulador también permitió la venta de FX a los residentes para el pago de sus obligaciones de tarjetas de crédito a las compañías de tarjetas de crédito residentes.
& Ldquo; Esto tratará los casos en que las obligaciones de los residentes a las compañías de tarjetas de crédito residentes contraídas con no residentes como contrapartes son facturadas y pagaderas en moneda extranjera & rdquo; decía.
Otras enmiendas incluyen la consolidación de las directrices para la presentación de informes de las importaciones de documentos con respecto a los acuerdos de aceptación / apertura de cuentas de los apéndices 6 y 6.1 del apéndice 6 del manual FX; Inclusión en el manual FX de la política general que exige un ratio deuda / capital a largo plazo de 75/25 o mejor para los prestatarios no bancarios del sector privado durante toda la duración de sus préstamos en moneda extranjera; Y ampliar la cobertura de los préstamos interbancarios a corto plazo que no requieren la aprobación previa del BSP.
Bangko Sentral también eximió del límite de P10.000 en la transferencia transfronteriza de peso filipino la cantidad de reembolso de peso a los pasajeros salientes exentos del pago del cargo de servicio internacional de pasajeros.
Dijo que la exención abordaría el posible incumplimiento del límite resultante de la aplicación de dicho reembolso.
Tetangco dijo que la revisión continua de las regulaciones cambiarias era consistente con su compromiso de mantener un sistema financiero seguro y sólido, un mercado de divisas estable y una política monetaria apropiada que apoye un crecimiento económico sostenido e inclusivo.
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BSP: Las reservas de Forex caen en el primer trimestre
Las reservas de divisas de Filipinas cayeron en el primer trimestre debido a los pagos hechos por el gobierno nacional por sus obligaciones de vencimiento y menor valor de las tenencias de oro, dijo el Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).
En un comunicado, el BSP dijo que las reservas internacionales brutas se situaron en $ 80.4 mil millones a fines de marzo, $ 400 millones menos que en $ 80.8 mil millones en febrero.
También disminuyó en comparación con $ 79.645 millones en marzo del año pasado.
El nivel de la RGI puede cubrir 10,5 meses de importaciones de bienes y pagos de servicios e ingresos. It is also equivalent to 4.9 times the country’s short-term external debt based on original maturity and 3.9 times based on residual maturity.
For this year, the BSP’s initial GIR projection was $88 billion.
GIR are foreign assets that are readily available to and controlled by the BSP for direct financing of payments imbalances and for managing the magnitude of such imbalances.
GIR consists of holdings of gold, special drawing rights(SDR), foreign investments, and foreign exchange, including Reserve Position in the Fund (RPF). These assets are valued mark-to-market.

BSP lowers forex reserves forecast
Zeno Ronald Abenoja, director of the BSP’s Department of Economic Research, said the central bank is now looking at a GIR level of $80.7 billion instead of the $81.6 billion for this year from $79.5 billion in 2014.
The GIR is the sum of all foreign exchange flowing into the country. The reserves serve as buffer to ensure the government would not run out of foreign exchange that it could use to pay for imported goods and services, or maturing obligations in case of external shocks.
If it deems necessary, the BSP buys dollars from the foreign exchange market to prevent sharp depreciation of the peso against the dollar. It can also sell to avoid sharp appreciation of the local currency.
Abenoja said the revised GIR level would be enough to cover 9.7 months’ worth of imports of goods as well as payments of services and income.
The country’s foreign exchange reserves declined to $80.57 billion in November from almost a two-year high of $81.09 billion due to higher foreign debt payments by the national government as well as the lower gold prices in the world market.
The value of the BSP’s gold holdings fell 6.7 percent to $6.7 billion in November from $7.18 billion in October. The central bank’s overseas investments likewise slipped to $71.08 billion from $71.36 billion.
On the other hand, the BSP’s foreign exchange operations yielded $1.17 billion in end November, 25.3 percent higher compared to the end October level of $931.6 million.
For one, the BSP now expects cash remittances from Filipinos abroad growing by four percent instead of the original projection of five percent this year.
Remittances inched up 3.7 percent to $20.64 billion in the first 10 months from $19.91 billion in the same period last year due to the continued weakness of other currencies in major host countries against the dollar.
The central bank has lowered its current account (CA) surplus target to $8.9 billion or three percent of gross domestic product (GDP) instead of 14.2 percent or 4.4 percent of GDP this year due to the country’s widening trade deficit.
Abenoja said monetary authorities now expect the country’s merchandise exports contracting by four percent instead of growing by five percent while imports are expected to be flat instead of inching up by one percent this year.
The country’s CA surplus declined 18.7 percent to $5.6 billion or 2.6 percent in the first nine months from $6.8 billion in the same period last year due to the widening trade-in-goods deficit.
He added the BSP maintained its outlook for the BOP surplus at $2 billion this year from a shortfall of $2.9 billion in 2014.
Abenoja said the latest forecasts took into consideration the latest available data at the same time reflects the recent and prospective global and domestic developments.
The revisions, he explained, took into consideration the downward revision in the global growth outlook for this year as well as the decline in commodity prices particularly oil and metal.
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Exchange Currency
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
El Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) es el banco central de la República de Filipinas. Se estableció el 3 de julio de 1993 de conformidad con las disposiciones de la Constitución de Filipinas de 1987 y la Nueva Ley de Bancos Centrales de 1993.
El BSP se hizo cargo del Banco Central de Filipinas, que fue establecido el 3 de enero de 1949, como la autoridad monetaria central del país. El BSP goza de autonomía fiscal y administrativa del Gobierno Nacional en la consecución de sus responsabilidades obligatorias.
Un grupo de filipinos había conceptualizado un banco central para las Filipinas en 1933. Se dio con los rudimentos de un proyecto de ley para el establecimiento de un banco central para el país después de un estudio cuidadoso de las disposiciones económicas de la Hare-Hawes Cutting Proyecto de ley aprobado por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos.
Durante el período de la Commonwealth (1935-1941), continuó la discusión sobre un banco central filipino que promovería la estabilidad de precios y el crecimiento económico. El sistema monetario del país fue entonces administrado por el Departamento de Finanzas y el Tesoro Nacional. Filipinas estaba en el estándar de cambio utilizando el dólar estadounidense - que estaba respaldado por una reserva de oro del 100 por ciento - como moneda estándar.
En 1939, como lo exige la Ley Tydings-McDuffie, la legislatura filipina aprobó una ley que establece un banco central. As it was a monetary law, it required the approval of the United States president. Sin embargo, el presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt lo desaprobó debido a la fuerte oposición de intereses creados. Una segunda ley fue aprobada en 1944 durante la ocupación japonesa, pero la llegada de las fuerzas estadounidenses de liberalización abortó su implementación.
Poco después de que el Presidente Manuel Roxas asumiera el cargo en 1946, instruyó al entonces Secretario de Finanzas, Miguel Cuaderno, Sr., que elaborara una carta constitutiva para un banco central. The establishment of a monetary authority became imperative a year later as a result of the findings of the Joint Philippine-American Finance Commission chaired by Mr. Cuaderno. La Comisión, que estudió los problemas financieros, monetarios y fiscales de Filipinas en 1947, recomendó un cambio de la norma de cambio del dólar a un sistema monetario administrado. Un banco central era necesario para implementar el cambio propuesto al nuevo sistema.
Inmediatamente, el Consejo del Banco Central, que fue creado por el Presidente Manuel Roxas para preparar la carta de una autoridad monetaria propuesta, produjo un borrador. Fue presentado al Congreso en febrero de 1948. En junio del mismo año, el recién proclamado Presidente Elpidio Quirino, que sucedió al Presidente Roxas, firmó la Ley de la República Nº 265, la Ley de Bancos Centrales de 1948. El establecimiento del Banco Central de Filipinas fue un paso definitivo Hacia la soberanía nacional. Con los años, se introdujeron cambios para hacer que la carta respondiera mejor a las necesidades de la economía. El 29 de noviembre de 1972, el Decreto Presidencial No. 72 adoptó las recomendaciones de la Comisión Conjunta de Encuesta Bancaria del FMI-CB, que realizó un estudio sobre el sistema bancario filipino. La Comisión propuso un programa destinado a garantizar la solidez y el crecimiento saludable del sistema. Sus recomendaciones más importantes estaban relacionadas con los objetivos del Banco Central, sus estructuras de formulación de políticas, el alcance de su autoridad y los procedimientos para tratar con instituciones financieras problemáticas.
Posteriormente se intentó mejorar la capacidad del Banco Central, a la luz de una economía en desarrollo, para hacer cumplir las leyes y regulaciones bancarias y para responder a los problemas emergentes de la banca central. Thus, in the 1973 Constitution, the National Assembly was mandated to establish an independent central monetary authority. Later, PD 1801 designated the Central Bank of the Philippines as the central monetary authority (CMA). Años más tarde, la Constitución de 1987 adoptó las disposiciones sobre la CMA de la Constitución de 1973 que tenían como objetivo esencial establecer una autoridad monetaria independiente a través de una mayor capitalización y mayor representación del sector privado en la Junta Monetaria.
La administración que siguió al gobierno de transición del presidente Corazon C. Aquino vio el cambio de otro capítulo en la banca central filipina. De acuerdo con una disposición de la Constitución de 1987, el Presidente Fidel V. Ramos firmó la Ley de la República Nº 7653, la Nueva Ley de Bancos Centrales, el 14 de junio de 1993. La ley prevé el establecimiento de una autoridad monetaria independiente conocida como El Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, con el mantenimiento de la estabilidad de precios declarado explícitamente como su principal objetivo. Este objetivo sólo estaba implícito en la antigua Carta del Banco Central. La ley también otorga a Bangko Sentral la autonomía fiscal y administrativa que el antiguo Banco Central no tenía. El 3 de julio de 1993 entró en vigor la Ley del nuevo banco central.
El BSP pretende ser una autoridad monetaria de clase mundial y un catalizador para una economía globalmente competitiva y sistema financiero que ofrece una alta calidad de vida para todos los filipinos.
BSP está comprometido a promover y mantener la estabilidad de precios y proporcionar liderazgo proactivo en la creación de un sistema financiero fuerte que conduzca a un crecimiento equilibrado y sostenible de la economía. Con este fin, llevará a cabo una política monetaria sólida y una supervisión efectiva de las instituciones financieras bajo su jurisdicción.
The BSP’s primary objective is to maintain price stability conducive to a balanced and sustainable economic growth. The BSP also aims to promote and preserve monetary stability and the convertibility of the national currency.
El BSP proporciona directrices de política en las áreas de dinero, banca y crédito. Supervisa las operaciones de los bancos y ejerce competencias reguladoras sobre instituciones financieras no bancarias con funciones cuasi bancarias.
En virtud de la nueva Ley del Banco Central, el BSP desempeña las siguientes funciones, todas ellas relacionadas con su condición de autoridad monetaria central de la República.
Liquidity Management. El BSP formula e implementa una política monetaria dirigida a influir en la oferta monetaria de acuerdo con su objetivo principal de mantener la estabilidad de precios;
Emisión de divisas. El BSP tiene el poder exclusivo de emitir la moneda nacional. Todas las notas y monedas emitidas por el BSP están totalmente garantizadas por el Gobierno y se consideran moneda de curso legal para todas las deudas privadas y públicas;
Prestamista de última instancia. La BSP extiende descuentos, préstamos y anticipos a instituciones bancarias con fines de liquidez;
Supervisión Financiera. El BSP supervisa a los bancos y ejerce facultades reguladoras sobre instituciones no bancarias que desempeñan funciones cuasi bancarias;
Gestión de reservas en moneda extranjera. The BSP seeks to maintain sufficient international reserves to meet any foreseeable net demands for foreign currencies in order to preserve the international stability and convertibility of the Philippine peso ;
Determination of exchange rate policy. El BSP determina la política cambiaria de Filipinas. Currently, the BSP adheres to a market-oriented foreign exchange rate policy such that the role of Bangko Sentral is principally to ensure orderly conditions in the market;
Otras actividades. El BSP funciona como el banquero, asesor financiero y depositario oficial del Gobierno, sus subdivisiones políticas e instrumentalidad y corporaciones propiedad del gobierno y controladas.
Governance of the Bank
La Junta Monetaria ejerce los poderes y funciones del BSP, tales como la conducción de la política monetaria y la supervisión del sistema financiero. Su presidente es el Gobernador del BSP, con cinco miembros de tiempo completo del sector privado y un miembro del Gabinete.
The Governor is the chief executive officer of the BSP and is required to direct and supervise the operations and internal administration of the BSP. Un vicegobernador encabeza cada uno de los sectores operativos del BSP de la siguiente manera:
El Sector de Estabilidad Monetaria se encarga de la formulación e implementación de la política monetaria del BSP, incluyendo el servicio de las necesidades bancarias de todos los bancos a través de la aceptación de depósitos, el mantenimiento de retiros y la ampliación de crédito a través de la facilidad de descuento.
El Sector de Supervisión y Examen hace cumplir y monitorea el cumplimiento de las leyes bancarias para promover un sistema bancario sólido y saludable.
Sector de Gestión de Recursos sirve las necesidades de recursos humanos, financieros y físicos de la BSP.
El Gobernador es el director ejecutivo de BSP y está obligado a dirigir y supervisar las operaciones y la administración interna de BSP. Specifically, the Governor:
Prepara el orden del día de las reuniones de la Junta Monetaria y presenta las recomendaciones de política para su examen por la Junta;
executes and administers policies and measures approved by the Monetary Board;
Nombra y fija las remuneraciones y otros emolumentos del personal, así como impone medidas disciplinarias al personal del Bangko Sentral;
renders opinions, decisions, or rulings, which shall be final and executor until reversed or modified by the Monetary Board, on matters regarding application or enforcement of laws pertaining to institutions supervised by the BSP and laws pertaining to quasi-banks, as well as regulations, policies or instructions issued by the Monetary Board, and the implementation thereof;
exercises such other powers as may be vested in him by the Monetary Board.
El Gobernador es el principal representante de la Junta Monetaria y del BSP. Como tal, el Gobernador está facultado para:
Representar a la Junta Monetaria y al BSP en todas las relaciones con otras oficinas, organismos e instrumentalidades del Gobierno y de todas las demás personas o entidades públicas o privadas, nacionales, extranjeras o internacionales;
Firmar contratos celebrados por el BSP, pagarés y valores emitidos por el BSP, todos los informes, balances, cuentas de pérdidas y ganancias, correspondencia y otros documentos del BSP.
La política monetaria
El objetivo principal de la política monetaria de BSP es promover una inflación baja y estable que conduzca a un crecimiento económico equilibrado y sostenible. La adopción de un marco de metas de inflación para la política monetaria en enero de 2002 tiene como objetivo lograr este objetivo.
The Bangko Sentral has supervision over the operations of banks and exercises such regulatory powers as provided in the New Central Bank Act and other pertinent laws over the operations of finance companies and non-bank financial institutions performing quasi-banking functions.
Enlaces útiles
Moneda de Filipinas: Peso filipino Lista de bancos centrales: Bancos Centrales Sitio oficial de Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas: www. bsp. gov. ph Departamento de Finanzas: www. dof. gov. ph Instituto de Ejecutivos Financieros de Filipinas: www. finex. org. ph
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BSP: Forex rules liberalized further
February 14, 2016 8:33 pm
Rules governing foreign exchange transactions have been further liberalized to encourage investments in the Philippines, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas said on Friday.
In a statement, Governor Amando Tetangco Jr. said the continuing review of forex regulations was consistent with the central bank’s commitment to maintain a safe and sound financial system, a stable foreign exchange market and a monetary policy supportive of sustained and inclusive economic growth.
“The measure will facilitate outward remittance of excess funds arising from such cases and in the process encourage more foreign investors in investing in the Philippines,” the central bank said of the Monetary Board-approved rules.
Prior central bank approval will no longer be required for borrowings from offshore sources or foreign currency deposit units of banks.
The exemption will be for purely private sector loans—those without a bank or public sector guarantee—that are intended to finance energy - or power-related projects.
“The policy is in support of the country’s growing economy and increasing need for infrastructure,” the central bank said.
Private non-bank financial institutions engaged in microfinance activities are also exempted from securing central bank approval provided that the loan proceeds will be used for microfinance lending.
The central bank said the exemption would help promote the financing of microfinance activities in line with a flagship program for financial inclusion and poverty alleviation.
Lastly, the amended rules now allow the conversion to foreign exchange of pesos arising from disapproved subscriptions of non-resident investors to stock rights offering of Philippine Stock Exchange-listed firms.

BSP further eases forex rules for foreigners
By: Paolo G. Montecillo. October 22nd, 2013 10:06 PM
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has further relaxed foreign exchange regulations to allow more nonresidents to participate in the local stock market.
The new memorandum circular approved by the Monetary Board (MB), the BSP’s policymaking body, would facilitate the entry and exit of foreign investors in the country ahead of the Southeast Asian region’s economic integration in 2015.
“The new FX liberalization policy aims to facilitate cross-border investment transactions consistent with our commitments under the Asean Economic Blueprint 2015,” BSP Deputy Governor Diwa C. Guinigundo said Tuesday.
Under the new set of rules, custodian banks of foreign investments may register in shares of foreign companies to be listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).
The BSP also approved the conversion to foreign currencies of money made by foreign investors from the sale of locally listed shares.
These changes will pave the way for foreign investors to invest in foreign companies that are listed on the PSE.
“The listing and trading of nonresident securities in the domestic market can promote greater confidence in the economy and its capital market,” Guinigundo said.
The BSP said these investments by foreigners in foreign companies listed on the PSE would have to be registered with the central bank, which tracks the movement of foreign capital in the country.
Registering these investments will allow foreign investors to buy dollars or other currencies from local banks, allowing them to remit their profits from investments in the Philippines to their respective home countries.
Last July, the BSP said it would allow the prepayment of BSP-registered short-term loans.
“This will facilitate access to the banking system for the legitimate transactions requiring payment in foreign exchange,” the BSP said.
Prepago de préstamos a corto plazo, o aquellos que maduran un año o menos, anteriormente no estaba permitido.
Las nuevas normas también simplifican y reducen la carga de presentación de informes sobre los bancos. Esto es a través de la renuncia a los requisitos de informes para las transacciones de importación, siempre que los bancos mantengan registros adecuados que el BSP puede verificar si es necesario.
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3.3 Gross International Reserves, Net International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity and Reserves Template
Daily, Weekly and Monthly, Quarterly, Annually
Report on Gross and Net International Reserves of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Immediately preceding day (for daily data); immediately preceding week (for weekly data); Immediately preceding month (for monthly data); Immediately preceding quarter (for quarterly data); Immediately preceding year (for annual data)
GIR - by type of asset ; NIR - by type of assets and liabilities; Reserves Template-by foreign currency resources and foreign currency drains, by sources of pre determined or contingent drains
Immediately after receipt of data
Web, Publication, e-mail, Press releases
Daily data on GIR is for use of Monetary Board only
3.5 External Debt
Position/Unit: Bank Officer II; Bank Officer III, Money and Banking Sub-Group Tel. No. 525-8903 Fax no. 523-5851
Name: Angelina T. Vicencio; Rosalinda T. Estrella Position/Unit: Bank Officer III, Money and Banking Sub-Group, EFMG Tel. No. 525-8903 Fax no. 523-5851
Name: Antonio B. Cintura Position/Unit: Acting Deputy Director, Economic and Financial Monitoring Group, Money and Banking Sub-group Tel. No. 523-79-85 Fax No. 523-58-51; E-mail: acintura@bsp. gov. ph
Name: Marriel M. Remulla Position/Unit: Acting BO V, FOF-FA, EFMG Tel. No. 523-31-31
Name: Marriel M. Remulla Position/Unit: Acting BO V, FOF-FA, EFMGTel. No. 523-31-31 E-mail: mremulla@bsp. gov. ph
Name: Ludivinia D. Gador Position/Unit: Bank Officer VI, DER-EFMG Tel. &erio; Fax No. 523-4229; 302-3878 E-mail: lgador@bsp. gov. ph
Name: Teresita B. Deveza Position: Bank Officer IV
Name: Loida D. Cruz Position/Unit: Acting Bank Officer VI, Cross Border Transactions Survey SubGroup, EFMG, DER
Name: Elvira M. Samson Position/Unit: Bank Officer V, Int'l. Transactions Reporting System Tel. No. 523-89-44
Name: Loida D. Cruz Position/Unit: Acting Bank Officer VI, Cross Border Transactions Survey SubGroup, EFMG, DER Tel. no. (632) 523-3203; Fax nos. 523-5851; (632) 523-5851; E-mail: crossborder@bsp. gov. ph
Name: Iluminada T. Sicat Position/Unit: Acting Deputy Director, Balance of Payments & International Research Group
Name: Iluminada T. Sicat Position/Unit: Acting Deputy Director, Balance of Payments & Int'l Research Group Tel. No. (632) 523-4275; Fax no. (632) 523-5851; E-mail: isicat@bsp. gov. ph
Name: Editha S. Sarmiento Position/Unit: Director, Department of Economic Research
For further inquiries, please contact Ms. Leticia D. De Leon and/or Ms. Millicent Gay B. Tejada of the NSCB at tel. no. (632) 890-9404 and telefax no. 895-2436 or at e-mail addresses: ld. deleon@nscb. gov. ph or mg. buenaseda@nscb. gov. ph .

A buy and sell pressure forex trading indicator. Green colored bars indicate bullish pressure. Vice Versa, red colored bars indicate bearish pressure.
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Forex Buy Sell Pressure Metatrader 4 Indicator. 10.0 fuera de 10 sobre la base de 1 evaluación
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The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has lowered the projected gross international reserves (GIR) this year as the country’s foreign exchange buffer continued to decline.
Zeno Ronald Abenoja, director of the BSP’s Department of Economic Research, said the central bank is now looking at a GIR level of $80.7 billion instead of the $81.6 billion for this year from $79.5 billion in 2014.
The GIR is the sum of all foreign exchange flowing into the country. The reserves serve as buffer to ensure the government would not run out of foreign exchange that it could use to pay for imported goods and services, or maturing obligations in case of external shocks.
If it deems necessary, the BSP buys dollars from the foreign exchange market to prevent sharp depreciation of the peso against the dollar. It can also sell to avoid sharp appreciation of the local currency.
Abenoja said the revised GIR level would be enough to cover 9.7 months’ worth of imports of goods as well as payments of services and income.
The country’s foreign exchange reserves declined to $80.57 billion in November from almost a two-year high of $81.09 billion due to higher foreign debt payments by the national government as well as the lower gold prices in the world market.
The value of the BSP’s gold holdings fell 6.7 percent to $6.7 billion in November from $7.18 billion in October. The central bank’s overseas investments likewise slipped to $71.08 billion from $71.36 billion.
On the other hand, the BSP’s foreign exchange operations yielded $1.17 billion in end November, 25.3 percent higher compared to the end October level of $931.6 million.
For one, the BSP now expects cash remittances from Filipinos abroad growing by four percent instead of the original projection of five percent this year.
Remittances inched up 3.7 percent to $20.64 billion in the first 10 months from $19.91 billion in the same period last year due to the continued weakness of other currencies in major host countries against the dollar.
The central bank has lowered its current account (CA) surplus target to $8.9 billion or three percent of gross domestic product (GDP) instead of 14.2 percent or 4.4 percent of GDP this year due to the country’s widening trade deficit.
Abenoja said monetary authorities now expect the country’s merchandise exports contracting by four percent instead of growing by five percent while imports are expected to be flat instead of inching up by one percent this year.
The country’s CA surplus declined 18.7 percent to $5.6 billion or 2.6 percent in the first nine months from $6.8 billion in the same period last year due to the widening trade-in-goods deficit.
He added the BSP maintained its outlook for the BOP surplus at $2 billion this year from a shortfall of $2.9 billion in 2014.
Abenoja said the latest forecasts took into consideration the latest available data at the same time reflects the recent and prospective global and domestic developments.
The revisions, he explained, took into consideration the downward revision in the global growth outlook for this year as well as the decline in commodity prices particularly oil and metal.

Bangko Sentral says it's managing forex volatility, as US dollar hits P45
MANILA - The exchange rate hit P45:US$1 today, with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) saying it would make its presence felt in the market to temper volatility.
At the Philippine Dealing System, the US dollar firmed up to as much as P45.04, before closing trades at P44.875 today, or 12 centavos lower than yesterday's P44.995.
Trading volume rose to $849.5 million from Monday's $624.05 million.
On the sidelines of today's Philippine Economic Briefing, BSP Governor Amando M. Tetangco Jr. said the central bank will "allow market forces to essentially determine the exchange rate for the peso with scope for official participation in the foreign exchange market to manage the volatility in exchange rate movement."
The greenback has strengthened since the middle of this month after Federal Reserve chairperson Janet Yellen signalled that the US central bank may raise rates sooner than expected given growing signs of a recovery in the world's biggest economy.
A hawkish Fed is dollar-positive, as the higher interest rates would cause fund flows to US financial assets.
“The currencies in Asia, including the peso, are being affected by developments in the advance economies particularly in the US. Data that have been coming out from the US has been quite positive and the market has interpreted this as a sign that the US Fed will probably start raising interest rates earlier than expected,” Tetangco said.
“Now, it is not only true for the Philippines, the other currencies in the region have also shown the same weakening trend,” he said.
“Overall I would say that we have moved more or less together with currencies in region… Volatility, we are in the middle range of Asian currencies,” he said.
According to Tetangco, the peso so far this year has depreciated by 1.33 percent vis-a-vis the US dollar, faster than the Chinese yuan's 1.2 percent.
The local currency's volatility however is within range of its Southeast Asian peers: Indonesian rupiah, 2.28 percent; Malaysian ringgit, 1.56 percent; Singapore dollar, 0.83 percent; and Thai baht, 0.94 percent.
Despite the peso's slide, Tetangco said the impact on inflation is unlikely to be significant.
“The pass through effect of exchange rate movements on domestic inflation has gone down over the years because of more competition. We don’t expect the movement of the peso to have significant effect on inflation per se,” he said.

BSP to continue forex market interventions
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) reiterated its stance on maintaining its presence in the foreign-exchange market amid the fluctuating value of the local currency in the previous weeks.
“[We will] allow market forces to essentially determine the exchange rate for the peso with scope for official participation in the foreign-exchange market to manage the volatility in exchange-rate movement,” BSP Governor Amando M. Tetangco Jr. said in the news conference after the Philippine Mid-Year Economic Briefing on Tuesday.
The local currency has been displaying signs of weakness since mid-September this year, after United States Federal Reserve (the Fed) Chairman Janet Yellen made hawkish statements on their interest-rate movements. This was further supported by positive developments in the US economy, providing additional boost for the dollar.
On Tuesday the peso recovered from the previous day’s beating to hit 44.875 against the US dollar. This is stronger by 12 centavos from Monday’s close of 44.995 to a dollar.
Amid the recovery, the local currency still crossed the 45 territory on Tuesday’s trade, hitting as high as 45.04 to a dollar and as low as 44.78 during the day’s trade.
The total traded volume increased to $849.5 million, from the $624.05 million traded volume seen on Monday.
The peso has stepped down to the 44 territory for consecutive days, as the dollar lorded it over Asian currencies in the past week.
“The currencies in Asia, including the peso, are being affected by developments in the advance economies, particularly in the US. Data that have been coming out from the US have been quite positive and the market has interpreted this as a sign that the US Fed will probably start raising interest rates earlier than expected,” Tetangco said.
“Now, it is not only true for the Philippines, the other currencies in the region have also shown the same weakening trend,” Tetangco added.
In particular, Tetangco said year-to-date depreciation of the peso as of Monday’s trade hit 1.33 percent, aligned with the Chinese yuan’s 1.2-percent depreciation.
In terms of volatility, meanwhile, peso volatility is at 1.32 percent, while the Indonesian rupiah is at 2.28 percent; Thai baht, 0.94 percent; Malaysian ringgit, 1.56 percent; and Singaporean dollar, 0.83 percent.
“Overall, I would say that we have moved more or less together with currencies in [the] region…. Volatility, we are in the middle range of Asian currencies,” Tetangco said.
The central bank chief also assured that the weaker peso will not significantly meddle with the country’s inflation movement for this year.
“The pass-through effect of exchange-rate movements on domestic inflation has gone down over the years because of more competition. We don’t expect the movement of the peso to have significant effect on inflation, per se,” Tetangco said.

BSP lowers forex reserves forecast
MANILA, Philippines – The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has lowered the projected gross international reserves (GIR) this year as the country’s foreign exchange buffer continued to decline.
Zeno Ronald Abenoja, director of the BSP’s Department of Economic Research, said the central bank is now looking at a GIR level of $80.7 billion instead of the $81.6 billion for this year from $79.5 billion in 2014.
The GIR is the sum of all foreign exchange flowing into the country. The reserves serve as buffer to ensure the government would not run out of foreign exchange that it could use to pay for imported goods and services, or maturing obligations in case of external shocks.
If it deems necessary, the BSP buys dollars from the foreign exchange market to prevent sharp depreciation of the peso against the dollar. It can also sell to avoid sharp appreciation of the local currency.
Abenoja said the revised GIR level would be enough to cover 9.7 months’ worth of imports of goods as well as payments of services and income.
The country’s foreign exchange reserves declined to $80.57 billion in November from almost a two-year high of $81.09 billion due to higher foreign debt payments by the national government as well as the lower gold prices in the world market.
The value of the BSP’s gold holdings fell 6.7 percent to $6.7 billion in November from $7.18 billion in October. The central bank’s overseas investments likewise slipped to $71.08 billion from $71.36 billion.
On the other hand, the BSP’s foreign exchange operations yielded $1.17 billion in end November, 25.3 percent higher compared to the end October level of $931.6 million.
For one, the BSP now expects cash remittances from Filipinos abroad growing by four percent instead of the original projection of five percent this year.
Remittances inched up 3.7 percent to $20.64 billion in the first 10 months from $19.91 billion in the same period last year due to the continued weakness of other currencies in major host countries against the dollar.
The central bank has lowered its current account (CA) surplus target to $8.9 billion or three percent of gross domestic product (GDP) instead of 14.2 percent or 4.4 percent of GDP this year due to the country’s widening trade deficit.
Abenoja said monetary authorities now expect the country’s merchandise exports contracting by four percent instead of growing by five percent while imports are expected to be flat instead of inching up by one percent this year.
The country’s CA surplus declined 18.7 percent to $5.6 billion or 2.6 percent in the first nine months from $6.8 billion in the same period last year due to the widening trade-in-goods deficit.
He added the BSP maintained its outlook for the BOP surplus at $2 billion this year from a shortfall of $2.9 billion in 2014.
Abenoja said the latest forecasts took into consideration the latest available data at the same time reflects the recent and prospective global and domestic developments.
The revisions, he explained, took into consideration the downward revision in the global growth outlook for this year as well as the decline in commodity prices particularly oil and metal.

BSP ready to tame forex fluctuations
T he Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has expressed readiness to enter the foreign-exchange (forex) market, after the peso-dollar exchange rate breached the 44 level anew on Monday due to expectations of statements favoring a nearer-than-expected interest hike in the United States.
In a statement sent to reporters on Monday, BSP Governor Amando M. Tetangco Jr. said that while their foreign-exchange stance is still dictated by market forces, they keep room for official action to guard against “excessive volatility.” “We have the tools to address potential further excesses,” Tetangco added.
Data from the Philippine Dealing System (PDS) showed that the local currency hit 44.18 against the US dollar at the beginning of the trading week. This is 27 centavos weaker from the previous trading day’s close at 43.91 to a dollar. The total traded volume is at $728.7 million.
This is the weakest value of the peso in about four months, or when the peso hit 44.19 to a dollar on May 8 this year.
The BSP said markets were spooked by the expectations of further hawkish statements from the US Federal Reserve (the Fed)—which is to hold its meeting this week.
“The way we see it, today’s move in the regional currencies basically reflects market expectation of more hawkish statements from the Fed,” Tetangco said.
“Overnight, the peso decline was somewhat in the middle of the range of regional currency moves,” he added.
The Federal Open Market Committee will be having its meeting on September 16 and 17 to formulate its own monetary-policy stance based on their assessment of recent economic developments in their country.
The recently released minutes of its last policy meeting showed a more stringent debate among officials on the pace of the inevitable rise of interest rates in their jurisdiction. Some officials expressed that the positive data on the US recovery is already enough to warrant a move toward hikes in policy rates in the country. These statements have been read by market players as potential hints that the US will normalize interest rates earlier than expected.
Tetangco has earlier expressed that the central bank is prepared to counter a possible earlier-than-expected rate hike in the US.
In its latest policy meeting, the central bank took a more aggressive stance to raise its interest rates on overnight rates and SDA interest rates. Among the reasons cited was the adjustment of the country to the expected rise in US policy rates after its exit to its quantitative-easing program.

Forex rules eased further by BSP
THE BANGKO Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) yesterday said it will allow companies with unregistered loans to buy dollars from banks, in another move to stem the peso's appreciation amid expectations of continued heavy capital inflows.
The central bank also raised its outlook for its gross international reserves (GIR), which hit $71 billion in July, due to these inflows.
"For a certain period, we will allow companies and entities with foreign loans that are unregistered to buy dollars to service their loans," BSP Governor Amando M. Tetangco, Jr. told reporters yesterday.
"This will increase the demand for dollars," he said, adding this will ease pressure on the peso.
The move is also "part of the response to strong capital inflows."
At present, foreign or foreign currency-denominated borrowings must be approved by and registered with the central bank.
Government borrowings must have prior approval, while those of private firms must be approved and registered.
This is to allow the BSP to monitor the size of the country's foreign obligations and keep debt servicing costs manageable.
For private firms, approval and registration are required if the loans are guaranteed by the public sector or covered by foreign exchange guarantees issued by authorized agent banks.
Another condition is if the loans will be serviced with foreign exchange to be purchased from these banks or these banks' forex units, or obtained by non-bank financial institutions for the purpose of relending.
"Even if they did not register, they will be allowed to buy dollars because the present regulation says you have to register before you have to buy dollars," Mr. Tetangco said.
The plan will be implemented next year and for a limited period. Mr. Tetangco stressed the dollar purchases should be used to pay for existing dollar-denominated debts.
At present, Mr. Tetangco said those with unregistered foreign loans buy dollars from the "parallel market" or the black market.
The peso, even if it slid to P42.285 per dollar yesterday, has remained strong as it opened at the P44-per-dollar level at the start of the year.
Exporters have complained, while shipments have slowed due to declining orders from abroad.
Capital inflows, meanwhile, have been strong this year, as emerging markets have attracted investments seeking yields.
Foreign portfolio investments -- also known as "hot money" for the ease with which they enter and exit the economy -- hit $2.832 billion as of Aug. 12, more than four times the $715.97 million as of Aug. 13 last year.
The central bank has been unwilling to impose capital controls, choosing instead to make it easier to buy dollars.
In October of last year, the BSP approved new rules that made it easier to take dollars abroad.
Among others, it increased the limit of over-the-counter foreign exchange purchases by residents to $60,000 from $30,000 at authorized agent banks and foreign exchange corporations.
It also raised the pesos departing tourists or balikbayans may convert back to dollars to $5,000 from $200 without need to show proof they sold dollars for pesos.
With capital inflows expected to remain heavy in the coming months, Mr. Tetangco said the BSP now expects the GIR to rise to $74-75 billion this year.
The central bank originally forecast $70 billion but this was breached two months ago.
Mr. Tetangco said the balance of payments (BoP) surplus could be higher than expected as "the first semester [figures] were already big."
The country recorded a $6.3-billion BoP surplus as of July, up by 82% compared to last year. This was also around 94% of the full-year estimate of $6.7 billion.
The central bank attributed the high surplus to inflows from remittances, exports and tourist receipts and investments. -- N. J. C. Morales

Economic and Financial Data of the Philippines
External Sector > Exchange Rates Last update: 20 November 2007
Ms. Ludivinia D. Gador, Expectations Survey and Leading Indicators Group, Department of Economic Statistics, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, A. Mabini cor. P. Ocampo Sr. Streets, Malate, Manila, Philippines 1004
Phone: 63 2 5234229
Fax: 63 2 5366920
Ms. Ramona GDT Santiago Managing Director, Treasury Department Rm 307, 3rd Floor, Five-Storey Bldg. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas A. Mabini cor. P. Ocampo Sr. (formerly Vito Cruz St.) Sts. Malate, Manila 1004 Philippines
Hardcopy (x) News release ( ) Weekly (x) monthly (x) quarterly bulletin (x) Other
Electronic (x) On-line country bulletin board or database ( ) Diskette ( ) CD ROM ( ) Other
The Data: Coverage, Periodicity, and Timeliness
Data are disseminated on the following spot exchange rates:
(1) The peso-dollar exchange rate. This is based on the weighted average of all spot market transactions made through the Philippine Dealing System (PDS) during the preceding business day. The PDS allows authorized dealers of participating commercial banks and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas to deal in spot and forward USD/PHP transactions using computer terminals right in their premises from 9:00 a. m. through 4:00 p. m. daily with a break time from 12:00 noon to 2:30 p. m.
(2) The cross-exchange rates of the peso. These are the exchange rates of the peso with foreign currencies, other than the U. S. dollar, such as:
(a) The 14-reserve eligible currencies that are accepted by the banking system for exchange against pesos
(b) 15 other non-reserve eligible currencies.
These are computed by multiplying the dollar equivalent of one unit of the foreign currency with the peso equivalent of one dollar.
Daily data on Philippine peso per US dollar (USD/PHP) forward rates are derived by adding the spot rates to the market swap points. The spot rates and swap points are indicative rates that are sourced by BSP from Reuters' pages PHP=BAPH and PHSWAPX. The PHP=BAPH page contains the latest spot bid-offer quote at the Philippine Dealing System. The PHSWAPX page contains the fixing bid-offer swap rates by commercial banks for 1-week, 2-week, 1-month, 2-months, 3-months, 6-months and 1-year tenors. The BSP is not a contributor to these pages. Commercial banks compute for their bid/offer swap quotes using a standard formula that involves variables such as the notional amount in USD, USD and PHP interest rates, spot exchange rate and the tenor.
The peso forward rate is usually quoted against the US dollar (USD).
Dissemination of documentation on methodology and sources used in preparing statistics
Although no documentation is disseminated at present, information on the methodology can be provided by:
(i) spot rate by Mrs. Ludivinia D. Gador, Expectations Survey and Leading Indicators Group, Department of Economic Statistics Rm 401, 4th Floor, Five-Storey Bldg. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas A. Mabini corner P. Ocampo Sr. Streets, Malate. Manila 1004 Philippines Tel. No. (632) 523 4229, Fax no. (632) 536 6920, e-mail address: lgador@bsp. gov. ph or bspmail@bsp. gov. ph ;
and (ii) forward rates by Ms. Charity Malto, Foreign Exchange and Open Market Operations Group, Treasury Department, Rm 308, 3rd Floor, Five-Storey Bldg. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas A. Mabini corner P. Ocampo Sr. Streets, Malate, Manila, Philippines 1004 Tel. No. (632) 523 8865, Fax no. (632) 523 8772, e-mail address: cmalto@bsp. gov. ph.
Dissemination of component detail, reconciliations with related data, and statistical frameworks that support statistical cross-checks and provide assurance of reasonableness
Daily Statistical Indicators The report on Daily Statistical Indicators shows the Peso per US Dollar exchange rates for the current day, previous day, week ago, month ago and year ago.
Selected Philippine Economic Indicators (SPEI), monthly issue. Under the External Accounts section of the monthly SPEI's, the table on Peso per US Dollar Rates shows monthly average rates and end-of-period rates, for the current year and the previous sixteen years. Under the same section, the table on Cross Rates of the Peso shows the average rates and end-of-period rates, monthly for the current and previous two years, and annual for the previous five years.
Quarterly Economic and Financial Report Under the Statistical Tables section of the Quarterly Economic and Financial Report, the table s on "Exchange Rates of the Peso" shows average monthly data for the current year and the past two years.
BSP Statistical Bulletin (Vol. II of the BSP Annual Report). Under the Foreign Exchange Transactions section of the annual BSP Statistical Bulletin (Vol. II of the BSP Annual Report), the table on "Pesos per U. S. Dollar Rate" shows average rates and end of period rates, monthly for the last 11 years.
BSP Webpage Information on Daily Peso per US Dollar exchange rate is disseminated on the following webpages: (a) BSP home page http://www. bsp. gov. ph. (b) http://www. bsp. gov. ph/statistics/sdds/sdds. htm and (c) http://www. nscb. gov. ph/sdds/nsdp. asp. The SDDS page shows: the date of the latest observation; the exchange rate for the day; previous data; and a BSP button linking the page to the Daily Reference Exchange Rate Bulletin.
Daily data on the Philippine peso per US dollar (USD/PHP) forward rates are derived by adding the spot rates to the market swap points. The spot rates and swap points are indicative rates that are sourced by BSP from Reuters pages PHP=BAPH and PHSWAPX. The PHP=BAPH page contains the latest spot bid-offer quote at the Philippine Dealing System. The PHSWAPX page contains the fixing bid-offer swap rates by commercial banks for 1-week, 2-week, 1-month, 2-month, 3-month, 6-month and 1-year tenors. The BSP is not a contributor to these pages. Commercial banks compute for their bid-offer swap quotes using a standard formula that involves variables such as the notional amount in USD, USD and PHP interest rates, spot exchange rate and the tenor

BSP Registration of Foreign Investments in the Philippines
For a foreign investor in the Philippines intending to do business in the Philippines, one common question is:
Is a foreign investment required to be registered with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas ( BSP or Central Bank of the Philippines)?
By foreign investments, it shall mean an equity investment made by non-Philippine national in the form of foreign exchange and/or other assets actually transferred to the Philippines and duly registered with the Central Bank which shall assess and appraise the value of such assets other than foreign exchange (Section 3(c), RA No. 7042 – Foreign Investments Act or FIA). Under the Manual of Regulations for Foreign Transactions of the BSP, inward foreign investments may be in any of the following forms:
foreign direct investments in Philippine firms or enterprises either in cash or in kind (e. g. machinery and equipment; raw materials, supplies, spare parts, and other items including intangible assets necessary for the operations of the investee firm);
investments in peso-denominated government securities;
investments in securities listed in Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE);
investment in peso-denominated money market instruments;
investments in peso time deposits with authorized agent banks (AAB) with minimum maturity of ninety (90) days
As a rule under FIA (Section 5), a qualified non-Filipino national may do business in the Philippines upon registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or invest in a domestic enterprise to the extent allowed by law, without need of prior approval. This would mean that inward foreign investment need not be registered with the BSP unless the foreign exchange needed to service the repatriation of capital and remittance of dividends, profits and earnings which accrue thereon shall be purchased from AABs or AAB-forex corporations.
Registration of inward foreign investments are made directly with the BSP, who will issue a Bangko Sentral Registration Document (BSRD) to evidence such registration. Inward foreign investment in peso-denominated government securities, PSE-listed securities, and peso time deposits shall be registered with an investor’s designated custodian bank in behalf of the BSP. Registering such foreign investments would entail the following repatriation and remittance privileges:
Full and immediate repatriation of capital and remittance of dividends, profits and earnings using foreign exchange to be purchased from AABs and AAB-forex corps;
Foreign exchange may be purchased from AAB and AAB-forex corps for outward remittance in an amount equivalent to the peso sales/divestments proceeds of registered foreign investments;
Registering banks for for foreign investments may sell for outward remittance the equivalent foreign exchange of excess pesos funded with inward remittance for foreign exchange under certain conditions
Application of direct foreign investments are filed directly with the BSP. Processing of the following documentary requirements would only take a few working days and BSP will issued the corresponding BSP Registration Documents (BSRD):
Investment in cash:
BSP application form;
Certificate of Inward remittance of foreign exchange in prescribed format of the BSP; and,
Sworn Certification in BSP format of the officer of the investee firm attesting to the number of shares issued and amount paid for the investment;
Investment in kind:
BSP Application form;
Copies of shipping documents;
Copies of Bureau of Customs Import Entry and Internal Revenue Declaration (IEIRD); y
Sworn Certification in BSP format of the officer of the investee firm attesting to the number of shares issued and amount paid for the investment;
For the purpose of registering your foreign investments with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, you may coordinate with them through the following contact details:
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Room 301, 5-Storey Building, BSP Complex
A. Mabini Street, Malate, Metro Manila
Telephone Nos. (632) 306-2116, 523-1937, 536-6076
It could be worth to register your foreign investments that it would be easy for you to repatriate your foreign investments in the Philippines using the foreign currency from the banking system. Without such registration, you may have hard time sourcing foreign currencies for the purpose of bringing back home your investments in the Philippines.
Descargo de responsabilidad. This article is for general conceptual guidance only and is not a substitute for an expert opinion. Please consult your preferred tax and/or legal consultant for the specific details applicable to your circumstances. For comments, you may please send mail at info@taxacctgcenter. org .)
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Forex Day Monster Forex System - Forex Strategies - Forex Resources - Forex Trading-free forex trading signals and FX Forecast
82#Forex Day Monster Forex System
Submit by joy 22
Forex Day Monster is designed for the trader who likes to trade smaller time frames like 5, 15 and 30 minute charts. Three new proprietary indicators were developed for use with this system. FDM Buy/Sell Pressure . FDM Multi-Trend and FDM Oscillator . The first two are used for entries and indicator based exit strategies while the FDM Oscillators are a filter to help filter out bad trades but also get you into strong moves early.
Below are some screenshots of the system in action. The first picture shows you generally how the system works:
entry criteria is simple. wait until all FDM indicators are green at the close of a candle after a large green FDM Alert Arrow for a long trade (or all indicators are red after a large red FDM Alert Arrow for a short trade.)
As you can see, there is no discretion involved in how to enter a trade, but there is a little involved in how to exit a trade. The trading plan in the Forex Day Monster Installation & User Guide explains a few different exit scenarios depending upon how much risk a trader is willing to take. These include indicator based strategies like shown above.
Just like in Forex Profit Monster you can choose to use Support or Resistance as an exit strategy. Below is an example in a trade taken on the USD/CHF on the 15 minute chart:
See how Forex Day Monster filters out some bad entries and quickly identifies a newly established trend? And unlike other day trading systems, you won't be overtrading. Even though this is a short term system, you may only get 1-3 valid signals a day trading the higher volume hours of just before and during the European session and during the New York session (2 am to 5 pm EST).
Forex Day Monste r also keeps the losing trades small. so far in my experience you can have three losers per winning trade and still show a profit! You've always heard the advice "minimize your losses and let your winners run" but you didn't know how to do it, especially day trading? Forex Day Monster does it for you!
What about stop losses? Forex Day Monster uses a "safety stop" like Forex Profit Monster. although this stop loss is "tighter" than the FPM stop loss. Here's an example of where a stop is set in the chart below. (Again, this isn't a traditional stop loss. it's only there to protect the account in case of a catastrophe. It's not designed to be hit; all exit signals are to be generated by the Forex Day Monster system .

USDPHP Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Update
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas may increase its overnight borrowing rate as early as this week as part of the process of “normalizing” record-low local interest rates, which in turn could bode well for the local currency, a research note from Deutsche Bank said.
Based on a June 13 regional markets study, Deutsche Bank that said within this third quarter of the year, the BSP’s overnight borrowing rate may be increased by 50 basis points from 3.5 percent to 4 percent. The next increase of a quarter-percentage point was seen by the second quarter of 2015.
“In addition to Philippines’ constructive external balances, we have been positive on the Philippine peso due to the ongoing shift in monetary policy,” said the study, which is authored by Singapore-based analyst Mallika Sachdeva.
The bank expects the peso to end this year at P43.80 and next year at P44 against the US dollar .
The bank noted that the Philippines had only just begun the process of “reining in long-standing over-easy policy, and likely has a lot to go on multiple monetary levers,” starting with the increase in the reserve requirement ratios twice this year, which should help to curb local currency liquidity.
However, it noted that the BSP’s overnight policy rates remained at all-time lows and the special deposit account (SDA) rates have yet to be normalized.
“Philippines is in fact the only place in Asia where rates remain at post-crisis lows. To the extent that excessive local currency liquidity and easy monetary policy added to Philippine peso’s underperformance last year, tightening should now be supportive for the currency,” the bank said.
The research note said the central bank intervention was a “potentially frustrating” factor for Philippine peso gains, suspecting the BSP’s moves between the 43-44 handle over the last 12 months to stem gains.
“Over the past two months, evidence of small reserves accumulation suggests BSP may be intervening to hold the line above the 43.50 level,” it said.
Deutsche Bank said there were a number of reasons to believe that the BSP would ultimately become more accommodative of gains.
With the significant pickup in inflation in recent months, for instance, Deutsche Bank said a stronger currency could be a potentially useful tool to moderate imported inflation and compensate for rising domestic pressure.
Second, the bank said there should be less concerns about competitiveness losses, given the gains in Indian rupee—India being an outsourcing business rival—and other emerging Asian currencies over the past nine months.
Third, the bank said there could be concerns about BSP’s capital position, noting this had been eroded to “weak” levels and “could come under more strain if and once SDA rates are hiked.”
“It was perhaps the need to protect their net equity position that led to a change in SDA accessibility rules last year, releasing large amounts of peso liquidity into system. Given that the costs of reserves management will remain a consideration, reducing reserves accumulation may be a required resort,” it said.
Lastly, Deutsche Bank also noted that the Philippines’ portfolio flow position appeared to be improving after dramatic outflows from bonds between December 2013 and March 2014.
Remittance flows from Filipinos abroad last April grew at its slowest pace so far this 2014, even as the demand for skilled Filipino workers in overseas job markets remained robust, data released by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) on Monday showed.
Personal remittances went up 5.2 percent to $2.124 billion in April from $2.019 billion in the same month in 2013, albeit the slowest growth thus far compared with January’s 6.8-percent growth, February’s 6.0 percent and March’s 6.9 percent.
As of the end of April, personal remittances hit $8.209 billion, up 6.2 percent from $7.728 billion in the same four-month period last year.
According to the BSP, the “sustained growth” in personal remittances during the first four months can be attributed “mainly to the steady increase in remittance flows from both land-based workers with long-term contracts [as well as] sea-based and land-based workers with short term contacts,” which increased 5 percent and 8.3 percent, respectively.
Cash remittances coursed through banks, meanwhile, rose 5.2 percent to $1.914 billion in April from $1.819 billion in the same month last year, but was also the slowest month compared with the 5.9-percent growth in January, 5.6-percent expansion in February and March’s 6.5-percent uptick.
In the January to April period, cash transfers totaled $7.392 million, up 5.8 percent from $6.986 billion in the first four months of last year.
During the four-month period, cash remittances from land-based workers increased by 5 percent to $5.6 billion, while those of sea-based workers rose at a faster 8.3 percent to $1.8 billion, the BSP said.
“Remittance flows remained robust on the back of sustained demand for skilled Filipino workers,” the BSP said in a statement, citing preliminary Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) data showing that the approved job orders from January to April reached 319,888, up from 239,022 at the end of March.
Almost a fourth of the job orders processed during the first four months were intended for service, production, professional and technical employees in Kuwait. Katar. Saudi Arabia, Taiwan and the United Arab Emirates (UAE ), the BSP said.
The top sources of cash remittances at the end of April were the United States, Saudi Arabia, UAE. the United Kingdom, Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong.
“The continued expansion of the network of banks and non-bank service providers and innovations in financial products in the remittance market have likewise provided for the wider capture of fund transfers through formal channels, facilitating the increased inflows of cash remittances,” the BSP said.
The government had projected that remittances—the economy’s biggest source of dollar income as well as a major driver of domestic consumption—to increase by 5 percent by yearend, slower than last year’s 7.4 percent growth.
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Forex reserves rise to $80.3 B in July – BSP
MANILA, Philippines – The country’s foreign exchange reserves finally inched up after thinning for two straight months due to the continued weakening of the peso against the dollar, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) reported yesterday.
BSP officer-in-charge Diwa Guinigundo said the country’s gross international reserves (GIR) reached $80.31 billion in September, $59.6 million higher compared to $80.25 billion in end August.
The country’s foreign exchange reserves declined for two straight months after reaching $80.64 billion in June to $80,33 billion in July, and to $80.25 billion in August.
The GIR is the sum of all foreign exchange flowing into the country. The reserves serve as buffer to ensure the Philippines would not run out of foreign exchange that it could use to pay for imported goods and services, or maturing obligations in case of external shocks.
If it deems necessary, the BSP buys dollars from the foreign exchange market to prevent the sharp depreciation of the peso against the dollar. It can also sell to avoid sharp appreciation of the local currency.
Guinigundo traced the slight uptick in GIR last month to the BSP’s foreign exchange operations and its income from investments abroad as well as the government’s net foreign currency deposits.
He explained the foreign exchange inflows were partially offset by payments made by the government for its maturing foreign exchange obligations and revaluation adjustments on the BSP’s gold holdings and foreign currency-denominated reserves.
Data released by the central bank showed the BSP’s gains from foreign exchange operations jumped 26 percent to $1.08 billion in end September from $855.7 million in end August.
Guinigundo said the September GIR level remains ample as it can cover 10.3 months’ worth of imports of goods and payments of services and income.

MetisEtrade reviews
I actually still agree with Philippines, X when it comes to trading recommendations although not "very inaccurate" but becoming much less usable. I think that the "just-because-it's-my-job-to-recommend-everyday" really does apply for the recent recommendations, not sure if the market isn't really going anywhere since the trigger in China or it just what it is right now.
Philippines, AAA seems to me that the review is coming from the company itself but I don't mind. The points taken were true enough and I like that Metis is actually here in the Philippines. You could visit their office and talk your consultants anytime. They're easy to talk to unlike when you're with an international broker, you only rely on online resources and learn-on-your-own type of thing. At least with them I learned through their FREE seminars, some experienced FX traders here in the Philippines actually offer seminars but they charge their attendees and they're actually not brokers themselves. So I tend to not trust them since I attended a seminar once, they seem to bash the company "that he did not want to mention" (obviously Metis) regarding the licenses, more on that below.
Commenting on the feedback last May 25, 2014 Philippines --- Okay I agree with you regarding the licenses but that's what this lame government is offering and I think (as a businessman myself) that they followed all necessary requirements that are CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. What we should do in this country is support the company instead of moving the Filipino people's money out of the country, is keep it circulating here. I seriously think that international/foreign brokers whether regulated abroad or not, ALSO VIOLATES the licenses in the Philippines because they don't have one and they tend to make money off of the Filipino people.
Overall, I like that they're here physically and I trust them because I have my own professional trader/consultant to talk to anytime.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
Philippines, AAA
22 de octubre de 2015
9 months Total 9 months with this Broker
Contrary to old reviews, I find their daily trading recommendations 90% reliable so maybe it's already a different team working on this. I only trade with this broker because 1) very tight spreads, 2) peso account 3) fast transactions, 4) aftersales support--VIP seminars, special market reports, etc. I choose my broker based on how well they're able to support me in my trading decisions and how consistent they are in doing so. I'm new to forex so I count on Metis for guidance.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
Philippines, X
September 17, 2014
3 years LIVE Total 3 months LIVE with this Broker
Though they may have tight spreads and fast withdrawals, I'd like to note that their daily trading recommendation is very inaccurate. Having tried it a number of times, I've yet to get a successful trade out of it. Rather than recommending fail trades everyday that drain the cash out of their clients, I'd suggest that they only recommend a trade when the person recommending it would actually take the trade themselves instead of jumping the gun at every news release. In other words, a REAL and SERIOUS recommendation, not a "just-because-it's-my-job-to-recommend-everyday" thing.
To be honest, this is quite disappointing as they push for a brand image that "helps" their clients learn about forex, but the only thing their daily trading recommendation "helps" do, is to help kill their account. If MetisEtrade can't even come up with decent trading recommendations, then how can they hope to teach people how to trade?
*Needs drastic improvement in this area.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
Philippines, X
September 17, 2014
3 Total 3 months LIVE with this Broker
Though they may have tight spreads and fast withdrawals, I'd like to note that their daily trading recommendation is very inaccurate. Having tried it a number of times, I've yet to get a successful trade out of it. Rather than recommending fail trades everyday that drain the cash out of their clients, I'd suggest that they only recommend a trade when the person recommending it would actually take the trade themselves instead of jumping the gun at every news release. In other words, a REAL and SERIOUS recommendation, not a "just-because-it's-my-job-to-recommend-everyday" thing.
To be honest, this is quite disappointing as they push for a brand image that "helps" their clients learn about forex, but the only thing their daily trading recommendation "helps" do, is to help kill their account. If MetisEtrade can't even come up with decent trading recommendations, then how can they hope to teach people how to trade?
*Needs drastic improvement in this area.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
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Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
4 years Total 5 months demo with this Broker
here are my comments which I think everybody is missing out on. Another reason why our financial market is nowhere close to our neighbors like SG and HK. The literacy here is very poor.
1. BSP license. their license is that of a physical fx trading. If you guys are trading online, with margin, this is not something that the BSP regulates. So wake up and know your facts.
2. SEC license. What is their license number. They have been very transparent with their BSP license to say they are regulated (leading clients to the wrong path). Its seems from all the comments and information they have provided, they haven't been as transparent with their SEC license no.
3. Checked with other brokers where they claim to clear and not one of them confirmed of this firm.
4. They claim to give clients STP execution. But how can they give a price with no slippage? Even on NFP, do you expect people to believe the depth of your prices is infinite?
Wake up everybody!
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
Philippines, Marco L
October 17, 2013
1 month Total 1month DEMO with this Broker
After trying demo accounts from different companies. I'm making a live account with MetisEtrade. Good customer service, convenient deposit, tight spreads. they even teach you how to trade. really excellent
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
Philippines, Mark
October 17, 2013
8 months Total 3 months with this Broker
I've noticed that the platforms they offer is free and user friendly with complete indicators set for pattern analysis. On their website, They provide trading recommendations and different kind of platforms. I advise everyone to try out a demo account for Binary FX trading platform. It is kinda unique platform because you just set your trade-off and set either up or down. This broker said to be the first and only FOREX dealer-broker to be licensed by BSP. I presumed that the company has a good reputation to investor because it has a capacity to entry the forex market. In addition, unlike stock brokers, this broker offers diversified asset investments such as the currencies, oils, stock indices and commodities.
Actually, I attended their seminars on forex trading. I see that there is a lot of opportunities on forex trading because the market cannot be manipulated. Even though there are a lot of forex brokers around the world, This broker is based in the Philippines which we need if we have any complains on having technical difficulties or recommendations on trading.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
Philippines, JP M.
September 27, 2013
5 months Total 2 months demo, 3 mos Live with this Broker
Low spreads, and reliable transaction posting. Another important trait for that they have is the accessibility and friendliness of their back end office personnel. There will always be some there to answer any queries. But i would say the best thing about this broker is the 30 minute time frame withdrawal, fast and reliable. If you already have a broker, change to MetisEtrade, for first time trader i highly suggest you go with this group.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
Philippines, Ryan Pogi
September 27, 2013
6 months running Total 2 months demo, 4 months LIVE with this Broker
Where else can you find an online brokerage firm which is located in our country that accepts Philippine Peso deposit for your trading. For me this is a hassle free broker where everything, from signing up, up to the deposit and withdrawal of funds are ONLINE. All you need to is your computer and an internet connection and you are all set to trade. Using their online transfer to the 3 major banks in the country, it really is a no hassle on the client part in depositing and or withdrawing funds. Now let's move on the trading part, yes MetisEtrade has a fast execution when it comes to placing your trades, I've never tried other brokers but based on what I have heard from my colleagues who are invested in other brokerage firms, they have a delay of a maximum of 10 seconds when executing a trade. Yes they also have LOW spreads, it's either the same with other brokers or even lower.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
Philippines, Peter C.
September 26, 2013
1 month demo Total 1 month with this Broker
One of the most competitive local forex broker in the Philippines. They do have their office in The Fort Global City so transactions are easy. Plus they have PHP account!
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
Philippines, Joemar
September 26, 2013
1 year Total 1 month demo, 1 week live with this Broker
I just like to enumerate what I like about MetisEtrade: 1. It is the only currency trading broker that is mainly focused in the Philippines. 2. It has a physical office located in Taguig City and is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and Securities and Exchange Commission. Thus, any irregularities a trader may find about the company, he can file it here and not abroad. 3. No wire transfer fees in funding an account, which is a big savings for a trader. Such fee can then be added to one's fund. (I've funded my account last year to a broker in UK and it cost me $40. with this broker, it's for free.) 4. Competitive spreads. 5. It provides free forex education for newbie traders in their office. Most of the forex seminars I find, you have to pay for a fee to be able to learn. 6. You can open an account using Philippine Peso. 7. You have an option to trade PHP against other currencies. 8. Aside from MT4 they also have the Metatrader 5 trading platform. (It has an economic calendar, 38 technical indicators, faster execution speed compared to MLQ4 language, trade also CFDs - stockmarket indices, precious metal, etc.) Having a local broker around means that the company is seeing more potential Filipinos becoming sophisticated investors/traders. I noticed too that the company is sincere in educating people to become knowledgeable in trading currencies and CFDs so it think the company deserves some support. Given that they educate traders for free, they would help the Filipino forex community to further grow. (Statistics says that there is only 1% of Filipinos trading in stocks. so how about Forex? It may be even less than 1% of our population.) Let's just think that there might come a time when there will be more local brokers in Philippines and I bet all of them will compete for the tightest spreads. so definitely more Filipino traders will benefit from these. A win-win for all.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
September 26, 2013
2 years Total 2 months DEMO with this Broker
The platform is fast, bug-free and easy to use. The spreads are tight which usually ranges between 1-2 pips for the major currency pairs. Their support team is very accommodating and helpful as their website provides in-depth daily analysis and recommendations. Being registered under the BSP is a huge plus for me as I don't need to pay wire transfer fees for funding or withdrawing my account. I definitely recommend MetisEtrade, so far I have not seen or experienced anything from this brokerage that would disappoint me.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
September 26, 2013
2 years Total 2 months with this Broker
You feel the difference when you step in their office. A BSP license number greets you at the door and it instantly makes you feel at ease, since it's your money they are dealing with! The CEO is accomodating and even entertains small retail clients, which is refreshing in this kind of business. The staff gives timely advice and in-depth analysis which gives you more confidence in deciding your position for your trade. I also believe METIS is the first-of-its-kind company in the Philippines, trading not only currencies, but also oil, U. S. stock indices and precious metals.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews
Philippines, Gaspar
September 26, 2013
1 month Total 1 month with this Broker
Currently, Im on the learning process on FOREX trading as I just started last month and my first FX broker is MetisEtrade. They only not offer one of the lowest spread in industry, but also generous enough to offer free seminars and lectures about trading. In addition to this, they also organize event, (which is called the Happy Trading Hours) every Friday, to give chance to client to trade with the senior and experienced traders during the most volatile hours. I consider MetisEtrade not only a FX broker, but also a trading adviser/mentor which are willing to help existing and potential clients calculate risk and maximize their trading capital.
Tags: MetisEtrade reviews

Bsp exchange rates currency, book currency forex guest trading.
Currently, the BSP adheres to a market-oriented foreign exchange rate policy. The Bangko Sentral has 19 currencies directly convertible with the Philippine. Convertible currencies with BSP Wednesday, December 23, 2015. Currency. Currency in US $ Dollar. US $1 in Currency. Currency in PhP. 1 PhP in Currency. El BSP proporciona directrices de política en las áreas de dinero, banca y crédito. It supervises. El BSP determina la política cambiaria de Filipinas.
Bsp exchange rates currency: It was during such a meeting that the question of currency conversion was raised. The rate of conversion will be based on the latest available exchange rate at. By the BSP to influence the volatility of the exchange rate, while intervention in the. In the aftermath of the Asian currency crisis of 1997, many emerging market. May 21, 2015. Also includes foreign exchange rates, lotto results, board exam results. BSP Decades-old peso bills no longer valid starting 2017. Published.
book currency forex guest trading: Jun 10, 2015. In line with the movement of other Asian currencies, the peso has fallen in recent weeks as the dollar rallies in anticipation of a rate increase by. Sep 1, 2015. China's devaluation of the yuan has sparked a so-called "currency war" between countries to make their exports industry, among others, more.
Stock market game with fake money: Here you will find the Papua New Guinea Kina Currency Exchange Rate information. The Papua New Guinea Kina exchange rate values are updated many. Oct 2, 2013. Like other currencies, the bilateral exchange rate of the Philippine peso. For the revision of the basket of currencies of the BSP's NEER and.
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US dollar seen to stay strong in 2016; BSP vows minimal forex intervention
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Amando M. Tetangco Jr. expects the US dollar to remain strong this year and the peso will go with the flow in the way of currency movements.
“The US dollar is poised for another year of strength,” Tetangco said. “We will not go against this fundamental trend.”
Tetangco added, “but we will continue to utilize our presence in the FX (foreign exchange) market to limit periods of unusual volatility in the peso.” He imparted this reiteration during an earlier event with the Tuesday Club.
In 2015, the peso, similar with other regional currencies, had losses, it depreciated by 5.2 percent to close the year at P47.06 versus the US dollar.
In a commentary, ING Bank senior economist Joey Cuyegkeng said the peso in 2016 “would likely be no different from 2015.”
“External factors had a more dominant impact on the peso in 2015 even as economic fundamentals have held up relatively better. But concerns have also emerged,” noted Cuyegkeng.
Cuyegkeng predicts the peso will depreciate by another three percent to four percent this year, and that it will take a “defensive” stance against the greenback.
It is not only the Philippine currency that will weaken, but also major currencies in Asia. “A primary reason is divergent monetary policy support US dollar as the US FOMC signaled tightening for most part of last year until the December liftoff. Other major central banks and some Asian central banks were easing monetary policy as well as allowing their currencies to weaken to support growth,” said Cuyegkeng.
This divergence, he added, will continue until mid-year and may even last until the second half of 2016.
For the Philippine side, Cuyegkeng said structural inflows are likely to expand by nine to 10 percent despite a slower remittances growth of 3.5 percent to four percent. The BSP has already decreased its remittances forecast from five percent to four percent.
“A weaker peso would raise the peso equivalent of these structural inflows and could result to a still buoyant consumer spending,” said Cuyegkeng. “We expect peso to weaken by another three percent to four percent this year from last year’s 5.2 percent.”

Inicio & raquo; Sections » Industry sectors » Banking and finance » Relief in sight for Papua New Guinea businesses wanting foreign exchange, says BSP CEO
Relief in sight for Papua New Guinea businesses wanting foreign exchange, says BSP CEO
There is some relief ahead for businesses struggling to access foreign exchange, according to the CEO of the country’s biggest bank, BSP. Robin Fleming says investment in the mining and petroleum sector and a new Sovereign Bond are the keys to boosting foreign exchange inflows.
BSP’s Robin Fleming
Since June 2014, Papua New Guinea businesses have been struggling to gain access to foreign exchange, with an estimated K$1.2 billion waiting to be converted.
But the CEO of Bank South Pacific, Robin Fleming, is optimistic that access will begin to flow during 2016.
‘If the Ok Tedi mine reopens in March—and that in itself will start providing another US$30 to US$40 million into the market per month—the pressure will start to ease,’ he told Business Advantage PNG .
‘And there is talk that the Wafi-Golpu project will be getting close to agreement on financial terms, and that could introduce an additional US$200 to US$300 million during 2016. There is also possibly some early works for the [Total-led] Papua LNG towards the end of 2016.
‘And there are bigger sums coming in 2017 and 2018,’ he says.
The closure of the Ok Tedi mine in August, Barrick’s 16-day suspension of its Porgera gold mine in November and Newcrest’s suspension of its Hidden Valley mine following the death of a worker has meant a loss of taxes and royalties for the government, he points out.
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‘If the Ok Tedi mine reopens in March—and that in itself will start providing another US$30 to US$40 million into the market per month—the pressure will start to ease.’
All this, coupled with most businesses continuing to import at exactly the same levels and not reducing demand, has seen the backlog of foreign exchange demand reach about K1.2 billion, he estimates.
He says the Bank of Papua New Guinea has taken a ‘conservative’ approach to managing its reserves, still about US$1.9 billion or seven-to-eight months of import cover (or 12-to-14 months of non-mining import cover).
‘It doesn’t want those reserves to be exhausted.’
Bond to the rescue?
Fleming describes the PNG Government’s prospective Sovereign Bond, currently being formulated, as ‘a critical piece of financial infrastructure and it becomes more so with the passage of time.’
‘If they are able to broaden the investor base beyond just Papua New Guinea, it would enable the Government, from a debt perspective, to alleviate any concerns of another deficit budget in 2016.
Wafi Camp. The feasibility study for the major Wafi-Golpu gold project is due by the end of December 2015.
‘It puts a ceiling on interest rate rises. If you’re getting 12% or 13% in bonds and the like, you may well be more likely to invest in that than in lending. So, it should alleviate concerns in terms of businesses crowding out of investment opportunities, and also provide some relief on interest rates.
‘My advice is to plan ahead and ensure that we do have the documentation to place the orders in advance.’
‘Some observers say a sovereign bond could offer seven to eight percent return. When you have a look at some of the bond rates and interest top rates from last year, they were getting up to 14%. It would certainly be a cheaper way for the Government to raise debt, and be attractive to international investors.
‘The feedback I get talking to potential overseas investors is that they feel that there is certainly an appetite for this type of debt. And, in an emerging market, debt has been one of the performers in the bonds markets overseas, and therefore it continues to remain of interest, particularly when you do the analysis and see the future revenue streams that are available to PNG, with two world-class LNG projects with lives of 40 to 50 years.’
Fleming says despite the central bank’s imposition of a kina trading range, the kina’s value has been ‘coming off’ 1.5% to 2% per month. So, with the Bank of PNG Governor, Loi Bakani, adamant he will not allow the kina to depreciate rapidly (as it might if he allowed a totally free float), what advice does Fleming have for businesses queuing up for foreign exchange?
‘My advice is to plan ahead and ensure that we do have the documentation to place the orders in advance. The more notice we have, the more capable we are of being able to fill those orders.’
‘Some observers say a sovereign bond could offer seven to eight percent return. When you have a look at some of the bond rates and interest top rates from last year, they were getting up to 14%. It would certainly be a cheaper way for the Government to raise debt, and be attractive to international investors.’
He agrees businesses are faced with a conundrum: if you ‘continue to place orders to generate services to meet customer and consumer demand and generate profit’, you can also run ‘the risk of not necessarily being able to pay your suppliers.’
That said, he notes there are unpleasant side effects from relaxing currency controls completely:
‘If the kina did depreciate more rapidly, then prices would increase, consumer demand would reduce and profitability would reduce,’ he tells Business Advantage PNG .
Christmas present?
‘So, one way or another, businesses will be suffering until such time as relief is provided on the foreign exchange,’ he suggests.
‘I think the Bank of PNG’s view is: if they get closer to some form of bridged bond or some form of confidence in the level of investment appetite, then some of the reserves will start to be released to provide businesses with some relief, particularly in this lead-up to the Christmas/New Year period.’
It’s not quite the Christmas present that PNG business is looking for, but does offer the prospect of some glad tidings in 2016.

Deposits by Treasury, gains from BSP investments push up 11-month forex reserves
MANILA - Foreign currency deposits by the national government as well as gains from the foreign investments and foreign exchange transactions of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) led to a marginal increase in the country's gross international reserves (GIR).
In a report, the BSP said the GIR inched up 0.11 percent to $84.024 billion at end-November this year from $83.93 billion in the same period last year.
Month-on-month, GIR rose by 0.49 percent from the $83.6 billion at end-October this year.
The 11-month forex reserves would allow the country to pay for 12 months worth of merchandise imports and payments of services and income.
Alternatively, the end-November GIR would enable the country to pay its short-term debt nine times over based on original maturity, or six times over based on residual maturity. Residual maturity adds principal payments on medium - and long-term debt falling due within 12 months.
BSP Governor Amando M. Tetangco Jr. said the slight increase in the year-to-date GIR stemmed from foreign currency deposits by the Bureau of Treasury.
These inflows were partially offset by payments of the national government's maturing debt and a drop in the value of the BSP's gold holdings.
Gains from the BSP's foreign investments inched up 0.9 percent to $72.892 billion last month from $72.226 billion in October. Gold reserves however fell to $7.746 billion from $10.636 billion a year ago and $8.156 billion the previous month.
The BSP expects to end this year with a GIR of $87 billion, up from $83.8 billion last year.
An ample GIR helps prop up the peso and keep domestic inflation at bay. Inflation hit a nine-month high last month on account of supply disruption caused by Typhoon 'Yolanda'.

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MANILA, Philippines – The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has further relaxed its rules governing foreign exchange transactions in the country to help finance much needed infrastructure projects and boost its financial inclusion program.
BSP Governor Amando Tetangco Jr. said the continuing review of foreign exchange regulations is consistent with the central bank's commitment to maintain a safe and sound financial system as well as a stable foreign exchange market.
Tetangco added the revisions in the rules approved by the Monetary Board would also help maintain appropriate monetary policy supportive of sustained and inclusive economic growth.
Under the revised rules, he explained prior BSP approval is no longer required for borrowings from offshore sources or foreign currency deposit units (FCDUs) of banks.
The amendment would cover purely private sector loans particularly those without guarantee from the public sector or banks that are intended to finance energy-or power-related projects.
"The policy is in support of the country's growing economy and increasing need for infrastructure," the BSP chief said.
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He added private non-bank financial institutions engaged in microfinance activities are also exempted from seeking BSP approval as long as the loan proceeds would be used for microfinance lending.
"This will help promote financing of microfinance activities in line with the BSP's flagship program for financial inclusion and poverty alleviation," Tetangco said.
Furthermore, he pointed out the revised rules now allow the conversion to foreign exchange of pesos arising from disapproved subscriptions of non-resident investors to stock rights offering of companies listed at the Philippine Stock Exchange.
"The measure will facilitate outward remittance of excess funds arising from such cases and in the process encourage more foreign investors in investing in the Philippines," he added.
The central bank's Monetary Board also approved other procedural or clarificatory amendments to the Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions for better guidance of users.  
Tetangco said the BSP would soon issue the implementing circular.
The central bank has been revising some of its foreign exchange rules for trade and settlement transactions as part of a wider liberalization program it rolled out in the last few years.
The revisions are also aimed at making the rules more responsive to the needs of the economy and easier for businesses and individuals to transact foreign exchange within the banking system.
In February last year, the BSP eased the rules by allowing the sale of foreign exchange to residents for credit card payments to resident credit card companies.
The BSP also simplified the guidelines for reporting the shipments of goods for better understanding and compliance.

BSP sells Pope Francis commemorative coins
In commemoration of Pope Francis’ state and pastoral visit to the Philippines, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas on Wednesday January 14 announced the issuance of limited edition Pope Francis coins in 50 and 500 peso denomination. The 50 and 500 peso commemorative coins are legal tender and will be sold for 100Php and 1000Php respectively.
As part of their policy, BSP commemorated significant events in the country’s history through minting of coins, medals or overprints of banknotes.
The 50-piso Pope Francis Commemorative Coin is made of Nickel Brass while the 500-piso is made of Nordic Gold with gold plating. Featured on both coins are:
On the obverse: • The portrait of Pope Francis • The markings: o “Republika ng Pilipinas”, “Pope Francis” o Signature of Pope Francis o The Denomination o Yearmark “2015” o BSP Mint Mark
On the reverse: • The BSP seal • The markings: o “Papal Visit/Philippines” o Date of Visit “January 15-19, 2015” o Logo of the Papal Visit 2015 o Mini letters “Mercy and Compassion”
To those interested to buy this 2 special coins, you can reserve by downloading BSP reservation form here and send it back to papalcoins@bsp. gov. ph . A confirmation e-mail from BSP will be sent to you afterwards containing the date when you can pay and pick up the coins. Reservation forms may only be submitted until the end of June 2015 and the coins will be available starting the last week of January 2015. Please note that the coins are not available over the counter.
Meanwhile. 1000-Piso silver and 10,000-Piso gold Papal commemorative coins will also be available starting May 2015.
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Sometimes the clients are taught with the help of programs "simulators" where any trader "is earning" about 1000% a week. The biggest part of these"students" are losing their deals from the very start, and every time they're sure that was a good lesson which will make their techniquesirreproachable, and their following forex market trading will go successfully. Many of these clients run out of their deposits fast and leave themarket, while ones that are more stubborn "add" money to their bills to receive another chance and to gain profit at last. At last, they lose alltheir money and leave with physical and financial damages. It is the "victory moment" for such firms as it is their bread and butter. They gain thebiggest part of profit on losses of such deals, and many firms win from spreads or commission fees that they demand for these transactions.

MANILA, April 18 — The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) on Thursday announced the sixth wave of its foreign exchange liberalization aimed to address residents’ rising needs for dollars and possibly the strengthening of the peso.
“The new rules aim to further simplify foreign exchange transactions of the general public,” BSP Deputy Governor and officer-in-charge Nestor Espenilla Jr. said in a briefing Thursday.
The central bank will issue a circular either Friday this week or Monday next week, he said.
One of the changes in the current foreign exchange rule is the increase to US$ 120,000 from US$ 60,000 the amount that a resident can buy per transaction over-the-counter (OTC) from banks without any documents and for non-trade purposes.
“The public can now buy higher amount of foreign exchange to meet their rising costs of education and medical bills, foreign travel, and other services,” él dijo.
Similarly, BSP International Operations Department Director Patria Angeles, during the same briefing, said it has been observed that although the limit for non-trade transactions is only US$ 60,000 big companies particularly the airline and the credit card companies are requiring more than that.
She admits that the measure will partly impact on the current strength of the local currency but stressed that “this is not the main goal.”
Also, BSP International sub-sector Managing Director Wilhelmina c. Manalac, during the same briefing, said the review on the country’s foreign exchange rules is being made to “create a responsive and appropriate regulatory environment” and to “maintain over-all stability in the foreign exchange market.”
Aside from increasing the limit on dollars that residents can buy for non-trade purposes, the central bank also increased to US$ 10,000 from US$ 5,000 the amount of foreign exchange that non-residents or Filipino immigrants can buy using unspent Philippine peso without the need to show proof of previous sale of pesos at prevailing exchange rate.
Monetary officials will also allow foreigners, with work contracts of less than one year, to open peso-denominated bank accounts using the peso they earned here.
Foreigners who are also enrolled as students in the Philippines will be allowed to open local currency-denominated bank accounts.
The new regulation also expanded the list of foreign investments that Filipinos can place their money using dollars sourced from domestic banks.
Existing regulation allows residents to invest US$ 60 million in equities and bonds issued by the government overseas.
The new investment options include off-shore foreign-denominated global funds or mutual funds and unit investment trust funds (UITFs), foreign exchange intercompany loans of local enterprise to their parent companies or subsidiaries with a tenor of at least one year, real property overseas including condominium units, debt papers issued overseas by local entities, and equities by Philippine corporations listed overseas .
Foreign investors who were not able to use their targeted investment in the Philippines will be allowed to exchange their peso to foreign exchange at prevailing exchange rate provided that at least 50 percent of the targeted investment was really invested in the country.
BSP will also extend by two years, from December 28, 2014 to December 28, 2016, the window for loans secured by private companies for public-private partnership (PPP) projects without prior BSP approval.
These loans, on the other hand, shall continue to be subject to BSP registration to qualify for servicing using foreign exchange of banks and their foreign exchange corporations, the central bank said.
The central bank has also shortened to one year from five years the deadline for the registration of foreign direct investment (FDIs) although there will be a two-year grace period.
Relatively, the central bank opened a temporary window for unregistered foreign loans outstanding as of September 30, 2012 and due from May to December 2013.
Manalac said the window was opened for the central bank “to better capture unregistered loans.”
“This is also a way of addressing gaps,” she said explaining that although the BSP gets information on these loans they do not have all the figures. (PNA)
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Philippine Stock Exchange. Earnings, BSP decision lift stocks
STOCKS drew strength from corporate earnings and the Philippine central banks decision to maintain its loose monetary policy to squeeze out gains on Wednesday ahead of the long weekend.
The bellwether Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) rose 18.02 points or 0.24% to close at 7,360.05.
The all-shares index added 11.97 points or 0.28% to end at 4,220.58.
Despite the terror attack in Brussels. the PSEi inched higher at the close due to GTCAPs ( GT Capital Holdings, Inc. ) better 2015 earnings and speculation that the Monetary Board will keep interest rates unchanged, Joylin F. Telagen, equity analyst at IB Gimenez Securities, Inc. said in a mobile phone message.
Asian markets were mostly lower after a series of deadly explosions hit Belgiums capital on Tuesday, killing at least 31 people and injuring more than 230, according to reports.
However, sentiment became positive after the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) policy-setting Monetary Board held benchmark rates steady, as expected, citing manageable inflation, robust growth conditions and buoyant domestic demand.
The BSP decision came after the United States Federal Reserve made a similar move last week and signaled a dovish outlook on interest rates.
Also boosting sentiment were the gains in GT Capital shares, which rose 1.12% to close at P1,450 each. The holding firm for tycoon
business empire chalked up an annual 32% growth in net income to P12.1 billion on the strength of its automotive business.
We traded flat ahead of the long weekend. It was a slow news day. There was no major economic data from US and China and most world markets will be closed for Good Friday.
equity analyst at AB Capital Securities, Inc. said in a phone interview.
Local financial markets will be closed for the rest of the week in observance of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday .
Most counters finished in the green. Services was the best-performing sub-index, climbing 15.66 points or 1.01% to 1,556.30.
Likewise, industrial advanced 98.57 points or 0.84% to 11,730.24; mining and oil went up 44.41 points or 0.39% to 11,169.22; financials added 5.09 points or 0.31% to 1,637.53; and holding firms inched up 11.33 points or 0.15% to 7,210.13.
Property bucked the uptrend, sliding 16.98 points or 0.56% to 2,998.10.
Value turnover slipped to P6.14 billion after 1.04 billion shares changed hands, from P7.33 billion on Tuesday.
Gainers beat losers, 102 to 71, while 39 issues were unchanged.
Net foreign buying reached P85.21 million -- a turnaround from the net foreign selling of P104.02 million seen the previous session.
(c) 2016 Cihan News Agency. Todos los derechos reservados. Proporcionado por SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate. info). Fuente Medio Oriente & amp; Diarios del Norte de África

A. Inward Investments
1. Only foreign investments registered with BSP are entitled to capital repatriation or dividend/profit remittances using foreign exchange sourced/purchased from the local banking system.
2. For portfolio investments (such as in PSE-listed or government securities), BSP registration may be made thru a local custodian bank (an AAB or an OBU).
3. A Bangko Sentral Registration Document (BSRD) is issued for each investment registered but only one BSRD shall be issued by a local custodian bank per investor.
4. Capital repatriation and dividend/profit remittances on BSP-registered investments to be paid in foreign exchange purchased from the Philippine banking system are allowed without prior BSP approval upon presentation of BSRD and proof of sale/dividend declaration.
5. Supporting documents required for BSP registration.
a. For cash investments, AAB certification/credit advice of inward remittance and conversion to pesos and investee’s certification of receipt of the investment (or broker’s invoice, in case of PSE-listed securities) shall be submitted to BSP.
segundo. For investments in kind, proof of transfer of asset to the Philippines/shipping documents, SGS-CRF/appraisal by BSP, and investee-firm’s certification of receipt of the investment, shall be submitted to BSP.
do. SEC or Bureau of Trade Regulations and Consumer Protection (BTCRP)-endorsed investments need not submit any supporting documents to BSP.
B. Outward Foreign Investments by Residents
1. Only outward investments exceeding US$6 million per investor per year sourced from the local banking system are required to be approved and registered by BSP.
2. Applications to purchase foreign exchange from the local banking system for this purpose shall submit as supporting documents:
a. copy of the applicant’s income tax return;
segundo. project feasibility study, investment proposal/subscription agreement and other documents showing the nature and place of the investment; y
do. written undertaking to inwardly remit and sell for pesos to AABs the dividends/earnings/divestment proceeds from the investments.
3. Investments funded by withdrawals from FCDU accounts of residents or sourced outside the local banking system need not be approved/registered by BSP.
4. Foreign exchange received as dividends/divestment proceeds from outward investments funded by foreign exchange purchased from AABs shall be inwradly remitted within 15 banking days from receipt and sold for pesos to AABs within 3 banking days from receipt in the Philippines.

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Soft Inflation and the Introduction of a New Interest Rate Corridor Raise the Risk That the Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas (bsp) may Become more Tolerant of Php Depreciation - Hsbc
Published: 2016-02-23 19:17:00

With BDO Unibank, Inc. claiming the biggest share of remittances being coursed through the banks by Filipinos overseas, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) awarded the Bank as this year’s Top Remittance Bank during the BSP Annual Stakeholders Awards.
BDO allows Filipinos overseas to send money to the Philippines through the Bank's subsidiary and representative offices in Hong Kong, Macau, USA, Italy, Germany, France and Israel. BDO also has thousands of remittance partners and agent locations in Asia and Oceania, Australia, Middle East, North America and Europe where Filipinos can send remittances.
One way of sending remittances is through the BDO Kabayan Savings Account, a special account for Filipinos overseas and their beneficiaries. Understanding the needs of Filipinos overseas and their families here in the Philippines, BDO has made account opening easier and hassle-free. Opening a BDO Kabayan Savings account only requires one valid ID and an initial deposit of P50 for peso account which comes with an international ATM card and a passbook that customers can get upon account opening. Using the international ATM card, beneficiaries can withdraw their remittances from more than 6,000 BDO, Expressnet and Megalink ATMs nationwide.
Another product from the Bank is the BDO Remit Cash Card, an electronic ATM card that also works as a debit card. It is the fastest way to receive remittances as funds are credited within minutes. Filipinos can purchase the card at any BDO Remit office and remittance partner abroad and have it sent to their families in the Philippines. Through the BDO Remit Cash Card, beneficiaries can withdraw cash at any BDO, Expressnet and Megalink ATMs. As debit card, they can make purchases at SM department stores and other establishments with Express Payment System (EPS) terminals without the need to carry cash.
Remittances can also be sent through BDO Remit Cash Pick-up Anywhere. Filipinos overseas can send money and have it claimed by their beneficiaries at more than 3,000 BDO Remit Cash Pick-up locations in the Philippines. With this, remittances can be claimed at any BDO branch, SM Business Service Center or SM Forex Counter in SM Department Stores, Makro outlets and SM Savemore branches. And to reach customers in areas where BDO has no presence, BDO partnered with several rural banks where beneficiaries can also claim remittances more conveniently.
BDO’s passion to provide service beyond traditional remittance is driven by the significant contribution of Filipinos overseas to the economy. And with BDO’s growing network of local and international partners, Filipinos overseas and their families in the Philippines are rest assured, BDO services are made available to them wherever they may be.

PH forex reserves highest in 2 years
Details By Jephte
The Central Bank of the Philippines reported that the country’s foreign exchange reserves climbed sharply in February, hitting their highest level in more than two years amid strong inflows.
CB Governor Amado Tetangco Jr. said the country’s gross international reserves (GIR) reached $81.3 billion in February, up $609 million from $80.69 billion in January and the highest since December 2013.
He attributed the increase to the revaluation adjustments on the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) foreign currency-denominated reserves and gold holdings resulting from the rise in the price of gold in the international market.
Other reasons for the improved reserves were the net foreign currency deposits by the national government and BSP’s income from investments abroad.
“These were partially offset by BSP’s foreign exchange operations and payments made by the national government for its maturing foreign exchange obligations,” Tetangco said.
Data showed the value of the BSP’s gold holdings went up 11 percent to $7.81 billion from $7.04 billion.
The GIR is the sum of all foreign exchange flowing into the country. The reserves serve as buffer to ensure the Philippines would not run out of foreign exchange that it could use to pay for imported goods and services, or maturing obligations in case of external shocks.
If necessary, the BSP buys dollars from the foreign exchange market to prevent sharp depreciation of the peso. It can also sell to avoid sharp appreciation of the local currency.
Tetangco said the end-February GIR level remains ample as it can cover 10.4 months’ worth of imports of goods and payments of services and income.
He added the GIR level was also equivalent to 5.7 times the country’s short-term external debt based on original maturity and 4.1 times based on residual maturity.
The country’s foreign exchange reserves reached $80.67 billion last year from $79.54 billion in 2014. The figure was slightly lower than the revised GIR level target of $80.7 billion for 2015.
For this year, the BSP sees the GIR hitting $82.7 billion equivalent to nine months import cover.
The BSP now expects cash remittances from Filipinos abroad growing by four percent this year.
It also expects the current account surplus of $5.7 billion this year, lower than the projected level of $8.9 billion in 2015 due mainly to the expected large increase in the imports of goods, notwithstanding improvements in the services and secondary income accounts.
Remittances, business process outsourcing revenues and international tourism receipts have offset weak merchandise exports to keep the country’s BoP position in surplus, leading to an increase in foreign reserves in recent years. (SWCA)

Me opté a buscar más información sobre el tipo de cambio peso-dólar hoy, 10 de agosto de 2012 para ver si hay alguna fluctuación en el valor del peso en comparación con la moneda del dólar. Esto es para ver si el bagyong Habagat que devastó una gran parte de Luzón incluyendo Metro Manila si dio alguna razón para el valor de peso para devaluar. Voy a recibir dinero de los Estados Unidos, así que quiero ver si mi dinero va a tener un tipo de cambio más grande hoy. Mi primer destino en lo que se refiere al convertidor de divisas? Sitio web del Banco Central de Filipinas.
La tasa de cambio BSP, tal vez el destino más popular para los negocios y las personas que buscan la cifra de base para los bancos de Filipinas y banqueros, así como convertidores de dinero y geeks bolsa de valores. This is where local banks learn their daily fluctuation for the conversion of peso to other currencies in the world. Para saber más sobre Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Estoy escribiendo algunos hechos y cifras basadas en el recurso en línea del sitio web muy oficial de la BSP.
El Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) es el banco central de la República de Filipinas. Fue establecido el 3 de julio de 1993 según las provisiones de la constitución filipina de 1987 y de la nueva ley del banco central de 1993. El BSP tomó el control del banco central de Filipinas, establecido el 3 de enero de 1949 como la autoridad monetaria central del país . El BSP goza de autonomía fiscal y administrativa del Gobierno Nacional en la consecución de sus responsabilidades obligatorias.
Batac (Ilocos Norte)
Tuguegarao City (Cagayan)
Dagupan City (Pangasinan)
Ciudad de Cabanatuan (Nueva Ecija)
Angeles City (Pampanga)
Lucena City (Quezon)
Ciudad de Naga (Camarines Sur)
Ciudad de Legazpi (Albay)
Ciudad de Dumaguete (Negros Oriental)
Ciudad de Bacolod (Negros Occidental)
Iloilo City (Iloilo)
Kalibo (Aklan)
Tacloban City (Leyte)
Ciudad de Cagayan de Oro (Misamis Oriental)
Ciudad de Ozamiz (Misamis Occidental)
Cotabato City
General Santos Ciudad (Cotabato Sur)
Ciudad de Zamboanga (Zamboanga del Sur)
Las ramas mencionadas anteriormente realizan operaciones de efectivo, administración de efectivo y en ciertas áreas, las operaciones de compra de oro, pero asegúrese de pagar a cualquiera de ellos una llamada antes de cualquier transacción. Puede llamar a sus números de teléfono directo a continuación:
Hotline y Datos de Contacto de BSP Main Branch:
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Main Office Location Address: A. Mabini St. cor. P. Ocampo St. Malate Manila, Philippines 1004 Hotline Telephone Number: (632) 708.77.01 E-mail Address: bspmail@bsp. gov. ph
BSP & # 8211; Security Plant Complex East Ave. Quezon City Telephone Number: (632) 929.70.71 to 90 Fax No. (632) 926.25.94
Usted puede encontrar el índice oficial para el tipo de cambio de la conversión del Banco Central de Filipinas a otras monedas aquí.
Oficinas y Sucursales Regionales:
BSP LA UNION REGIONAL OFFICE Quezon Avenue, City of San Fernando Tel. No: (072) 888-2083 Fax No: (072) 888-3783 Branches
San Fernando Branch Greenfields Subd. MacArthur Hi-way, Sindalan, San Fernando, Pampanga Tel No: (045) 323-4101 Fax No: (045) 888-5858 Batac Branch National Highway, Quiling Norte Batac, Ilocos Norte Tel No: (077) 792-2103 Fax No: (077) 792-2105 Tuguegarao Branch BSP Bldg. Regional development Center, carig Sur, Tuguegarao City Tel No: (078) 304-1075 Fax No: (078) 846-4933 Dagupan Branch Tondaligan, Bonoan Guesset, Dagupan City Tel No: (075) 614-3026 Fax No: (075) 614-3026 Cabanatuan Branch Cor. Del Pilar and Paco Roman Sts. Cabanatuan City Tel No: (044) 463-1735 Fax No: (044) 463-2180 Lucena Branch Quezon Avenue, Lucena City Tel No: (042) 373-7323 Fax No. (042) 373-7323 Naga Branch Chua Oco Bldg. Elias Angela St. Naga City Tel No: (054) 473-9073 Fax No: (054) 473-8260 Legazpi Branch Brgy. 18 Rizal Street, Cabagñan, Legaspi City Tel No: (052) 480-5519 Fax No: (052)
BSP CEBU REGIONAL OFFICE Cor. Osmena Blvd & P. del Rosario Sts. Cebu City Tel. No: (032) 254-0973 Fax No: (032) 254-0702 Branches
Bacolod Branch Lacson cor. Luzurlaga Sts. Bacolod City Tel No. (034) 433-3178 Fax No: (034) 435-2816 Iloilo Branch BSP Bldg. Solis St. Iloilo City Tel No: (033) 335-1180 Fax No: (033) 338-0573 Kalibo Branch RSL Bldg. Arco. Reyes and G. Pastrana Sts. Kalibo, Aklan Tel No: (036) 262-7030 Fax No: (036) 262-3212 Dumaguete Branch July Dev. Corp. Bldg. V. Lacson & Cervantes Sts. Dumaguete City Tel No: (035) 225-3464 Fax No: (035) 422-9326 Tacloban Branch Uytingco Bldg. Sen. Enaje St. Tacloban City Tel No: (053) 325-9121 Fax No: (053) 325-9121
BSP DAVAO REGIONAL OFFICE Quirino Avenue, Davao City Tel. No: (082) 300-3709 Fax No: (082) 226-4130 Branches
Cagayan De Oro Branch National Hi-way, cor. Velez St. Capitol Ground, Cagayan de Oro City Tel No. (088) 857-4179 Fax No: (088) 857-4146 Cotabato Branch Quezon Ave. Cor Sinsuat Ave. Cotabato City Tel No: (064) 421- 7370 Fax No: (064) 421-7370 General Santos Branch City Hall Drive, Daprosa St. cor Pendatum Ave. General Santos City Tel Nos: (083) 552-1905 Fax No: (083) 552-1904 Ozamiz Branch Circumferential Road, Ozamiz City Tel Nos: (088) 521-2678 Fax No: (088) 521-26784 Zamboanga Branch LHB Bldg. I, Veterans Ave. Zamboanga City Tel No: (062) 991-2151 Fax No: (062) 992-3055
Related Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Website Links :
http://www. sec. gov. ph/ – Securities and Exchange Commission
http://www. pdic. gov. ph/ – Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation
http://www. dbm. gov. ph/ – Department of Budget and Management

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The senior deputy governor said if the Bank of Canada continues to use two per cent as its inflation target, there’s a greater chance in today’s environment that … country to adopt a floating exchange rate. In 1991, following years of climbing inflation …
Clarence Chee Forex Singapore Singapore’s Foreign Minister K Shanmugam, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen and Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean have all contacted their … Additional reporting by Kanupriya Kapoor in Jakarta; Editing by Clarence Fernandez) Singapore, 2 November 2015 – MediaCorp today announced the appointments of Chan Yeng Kit and Yap Chee Keong to its board of
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You are here: Home / Luzon / Events and Activities / BSP Reportorial Updates: FRP & CAR – Nov 27-28, 2014 L’Fisher Hotel Bacolod City
BSP Reportorial Updates: FRP & CAR – Nov 27-28, 2014 L’Fisher Hotel Bacolod City
October 13, 2014 By RBAP
The Negros Occidental Federation of Rural Bankers (NOFRB), the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), and the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines (RBAP), are pleased to announce the conduct of a Two-day training described below:
Training Topic: Strengthening Prudential Reporting and BSP Updates: FRP and CAR
Resource Persons: Examination Team from the Central Point of Contact – Department II and III (CPCD-II &III) of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
Venue: L’Fisher Hotel 14th Lacson Street Bacolod City Tel No. (6334) 433-3730 to 39
Schedule: November 27 – 28, 2014 (Thursday and Friday)
Duration: Two (2) Days 8:00AM – 5PM
Seminar Methodologies: Lecture, Discussions and Workshops
Expected Ideal participants are those in charge of preparing the FRP and Participants: CAR Reports. Presidents, Compliance Officers, Internal Auditors, and Managers may also participate.
Course Syllabus: 1) General Guidelines on FRP reporting/FRP reportorial requirements 2) General Guidelines on CAR reporting/CAR reportorial requirements 3) Common Errors in FRP & CAR reporting 4) Expectations from Internal Auditor, duties and responsibilities, including strengthening internal control and accounting system 5) Expectations from the COO, duties and responsibilities and implementation of the compliance program 6) Updates on BSP regulations 7) Open Forum
Registration Fee: Four Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P4,500.00) per participant. The fee includes 2 Snacks and Lunch for two days, training materials and handouts.
Payment: A 50% non-refundable down payment is required on or before Friday, November 7, 2014. Deposit to – Agnes L. Montelibano or Thelma M. Chiu Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) – Sagay Branch Sagay City, Negros Occidental SA # 9299-0178-74
Please scan deposit slip and email to rbbacolod@rbap. org
Deadline for Nomination Forms, duly endorsed by the Bank President or Submission: Authorised Signatory, and the Participant’s Profile, should be submitted to the Rural Bank of Bacolod City, Inc. (RBBCI) office, or faxed to (034) 433-2704, or emailed to rbbacolod@rbap. org, on or before Friday, November 7, 2014
Please submit your Nomination Forms and Participant’s Profile as soon as possible because we have been advised by the RBAP that the training can accommodate up to 90 participants only. The Goal of this training is to accommodate more Rural Banks rather than just a few Rural Banks, therefore, participants are limited to three (3) per Rural Bank. Should a Rural Bank have more than 3 participants, they will be placed on a wait list and will be accommodated only when there are slots remaining from the maximum number of 90 participants. Participation slots will be allotted on a first-come, first-served basis.
We look forward to your Bank’s participation in this very important training.
2/F RBAP Bldg. A. Soriano Ave. Cor. Arzobispo St. Intramuros, Manila Tel. No. +632- 527-2969 Fax No. +632-527-2980 Mobile: +639178374604 skype: ace. calang Emails: ace. calang@gmail. com ace@rbap. org www. rbap. org
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Для вашего удобства мы предлагаем вам специальный раздел «Форекс-новости», в котором представлена непрерывная, регулярно обновляемая лента свежих новостей. Самые интересные новости помечаются как «Новость дня».
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Новости рынка Форекс — это незаменимый инструмент, который необходим в прогнозе движения цены. В частности, если опубликованные данные противоречат рыночному тренду, то влияние новости на динамику рынка ограничится несколькими часами. Если же наоборот — данные подтвердят движение тренда — то он будет только увеличиваться с возможным откатом в будущем.
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Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.
Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся на отметке 1 865,86 пункта Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 1 865,86 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 13:08:00
Темп роста ВВП США за IV квартал был пересмотрен в сторону повышения Согласно опубликованным сегодня правительственным данным, экономическая активность в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:34:00
Доллар США незначительно вырос после данных о ВВП страны Департамент торговли США опубликовал третью оценку ВВП страны за 4 квартал в эту. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд
& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:26:00
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& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00
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Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Monetary Board approves the Enhanced Information Technology Risk Management Framework for BSP-Supervised Institutions
Monetary Board approves the Enhanced Information Technology Risk Management Framework for BSP-Supervised Institutions
The Monetary Board, in its Resolution No. 1286 dated 1 August 2013, has approved the issuance of the enhanced Information Technology Risk Management (ITRM) framework which updates existing IT-related guidelines under Sections X176 and X705 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB). It shall cover not only all types of banks but also non-bank financial institutions, electronic money issuers and other non-bank entities which, under existing BSP rules and regulations and special laws, are subject to BSP supervision and/or regulation.
Consistent with international standards and best practices, the enhanced ITRM framework is expected to strengthen management of risks, security of operations and governance on IT-related activities, as well as reinforce regulations on consumer protection on electronic products and service by tackling the growing number of new and sophisticated technological threats. Some of the salient features of the enhanced framework include: (1) adoption of well-structured IT governance model and processes that ensure alignment of IT strategic plan with the institution's business strategy, IT value delivery and effective IT risk management implementation; (2) maintenance of risk identification and assessment process to continuously evaluate IT environment and potential changes; and (3) establishment of overall IT risk mitigation strategy covering the areas of: a) information security; b) project management, acquisition and change management; c) IT operations; d) IT outsourcing/vendor management program; and e) electronic products and services.
To strengthen electronic retail payment network and protect against ATM and credit card fraud (i. e. skimming and cloning), the said regulation requires BSP-supervised institutions (BSIs) to adopt end-to-end Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) for the whole ATM network by 1 January 2015 and shift from magnetic stripe technology to more secure EMV chip-enabled cards by 1 January 2017. A written and Board-approved EMV migration plan shall be submitted to the BSP within six (6) months from the date of the said circular. Nevertheless, prior to the deadlines mentioned, BSIs are expected to employ practical measures provided to mitigate exposure from skimming attacks.
Seeing the inclination of banks, particularly rural and thrift banks, to use cloud computing technology to leap frog their financial services, the enhanced framework also provides direction on the adoption of cloud computing in the financial service industry.
Finally, recognizing that no single framework may be considered as "one-size-fits-all," guidelines have been provided to classify BSIs as to having "simple" or "complex" IT risk profile. Thus, the level of adopting relevant provisions of the framework may be made proportionate to their IT risk profile.
The enhanced ITRM framework will take effect fifteen (15) calendar days after publication of the appropriate Circular in the Official Gazette or a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines.

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So let G1/(G1 + G2 + G3) = 1/6, and let (G3/(G1 + G2 + G3))×5 = 2.5, and solve. This is two equations in three variables, so you have one extra degree of freedom. That means that you can choose one of the variables arbitrarily, and solve for the other two. For example, you couldchoose R1 = 50kΩ, which gives G1 = 20 μΩ-1, and solve for G2 and G3.
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Chapter 8 Software development tools•• IDE integrated development environment•• Simulation vs. debugging•• In-circuitprogrammingChapter 9. Advanced Interrupt structures•• Maskable vs. nonmaskable interrupt•• Interrupt vectors: static - dynamic•• Vector TableChapter 10. Advanced Addressing Modes•• Direct and Indirect addressing•• Indexedaddresering•• Absolute vs. relative addressing•• Stack and queue - linked listChapter 11 I / O and DMA•• Microprocessorvs. microcontroller•• Mono Chip - expanded mode•• Peripheral mapped vs. Memory mapped I / O•• DMA: principle - flowthrough - fly byChapter 12. Internal Operation•• Datapad design: possible architectures for data path•• control unit design:possible architectures for control unit•• FSM vs. micro and nano-code code•• Instruction formats•• Multipliers in amicroprocessorChapter 13. Pipelining•• Pipeline concepts in a microprocessor•• Pipeline hazards: structural hazard - Data hazard - hazard control - writeback registers - resheduling•• Pipeline and interrupts•• Pipeline and multi-cycle floating pointinstructions•• Pipeline and program loops•• Pipeline and superscalar architectureChapter 14 JTAG•• Testing vs. debugging•• Functional test vs. structural test•• The stuck-at model: controllability and observability - stuck-at-1 /stuck-at-0•• JTAG architecture: boundary scan cell - boundary scan register cell•• JTAG signals: TDI TDO TMS TCK(TRST)•• Test Access Port Controller (TAP)•• JTAG commands: Sample / Preload - EXTEST - Bypass•• Capture - Shift - update cycle•• JTAG applications: PCB testing - chip testing - in-circuit programming - on-chip emulationChapter 15 DSP•• Specificcharacteristics of a DSP•• DSPs for each job•• Some commercial examples: Motorola 56k fixed point - Analog Device SHARC floatingpointAppendix A. The History of the MicroprocessorAppendix B. Instruction set PIC18F
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Of course that's not how I actually picked those values. I know how to shift a voltage between -5 V and +5 V so that it's between 0 V and 5 V:I just have to make a voltage divider between that voltage and +5 V, with equal resistors. This will weight the two inputs (+5 V, and thesignal being measured) equally, so the output voltage will swing between (5 + 5)/2 = 5 V and (5 - 5)/2 = 0 V, like I want.
This variation is the reason why it doesn't work at all to drive an LED with a constant voltage source. If we wanted to drive our minimum-drop(black curve) LED at 20 mA, then we see from the curve that we must apply exactly 2.0 V; but if instead we happened to get a maximum-drop(blue curve) LED, then we see from the curve that very close to zero current—so small that it is off the graph—would flow for anyvoltage less than 2.4 V. If we tried it the other way, and applied 2.6 V (to make sure that the maximum-drop LED lights up), then theminimum-drop LED will draw a very large current—again off the graph, but more than 50 mA—and the LED will overheat and bedestroyed.
If you omit the resistor (i. e. let it be a short circuit, zero ohms) from the circuit above, then in theory this corresponds to driving the LEDfrom a five-volt voltage source. It seems from our discussion above that this should inevitably result in smoke. If you try this, however, then you will find that your circuit appears to work. This is because an I/O pin is not a perfectly stiff voltage source; it is the drainof a FET, which if you try to draw too much current looks a lot like a current source. The I/O pin itself limits the current, and if youmeasured the voltage at the I/O pin then you would find it to be much less than 5 V. This is almost certainly outside of the manufacturer'spermitted operating conditions for the I/O pin, and is therefore not good practice.
Still, this circuit had an advantage over the voltage divider circuit. The voltage divider circuit works with the signal that it was designedfor, but it will not work with a digital signal that goes from 0 V to 5 V. (The 0 V logic LOW produces 0 V at the pin, so that works, but the5 V logic HIGH produces 2.5 V at the pin, which is not clearly low or high.) The circuit that relies on the protection diode still works finewith an 0 V to 5 V signal (or, for that matter, an 0 V to 20 V signal).
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The programming part of Arduino is very simple. The Arduino takes the ADC samples of the analog PPG signal at 5ms interval and continuously transmitsthe data to the PC through the USB-UART interface. Moving average pic18f demo.
Do not measure very high (>50 V, say) voltages this way; it is not safe. This works with AC voltages, but maybe not how you expect—youmeasure the value of the AC voltage at a particular moment in time, not the RMS or peak voltage.
The I/O pin is configured as an output. When the I/O pin is low, no current flows through the base of the transistor Q1, so no current flowsthrough the collector and the load.
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In this post, I attempt to give a brief overview of the PIC18F4550 microcontroller, its instructions and their assembly language implementation. Please consult section 26.1 in the 18F4550 datasheet for a complete list and explanation of the instructions.(moving average pic18f demo.|)
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By CentralBankNews. info The central bank of the Philippines maintained its key policy rates, including the overnight borrowing rate at 4.0 percent, as the outlook for inflation remains “manageable” and the conditions for economic growth remain “robust” with domestic demand continuing to be buoyant. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), which has kept rates steady since September 2014, confirmed that it still expects inflation to settle within its target range of 3.0 percent, plus/minus 1 percentage point, in 2016-2017. The BSP also reiterated its view from the previous meeting in February that the risks to the outlook for inflation remain tilted to the downside from slower-than-expected global economic activity and potential second-round effects from lower oil prices. Upside risks to inflation emanate from the impact of the dry weather from El Nino on food prices and utility rates as well as pending petitions for power rate changes. The BSP made no reference to the implementation of its new interest rate structure. On Tuesday the BSP’s deputy governor, Diwa Guinigundo, said the central bank was on track to implement the interest rate corridor system (IRC) in the second quarter and an announcement would be made 15 days prior to the implementation, aimed at improving the transmission of the bank’s monetary policy to money market rates. Consumer prices in the Philippines rose by an annual rate of 0.9 percent in February, down from January’s 1.3 percent, while Gross Domestic Product grew by an annual 6.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2015, up from 6.1 percent in the third quarter. Last month the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said the Philippine economy had “performed remarkably well” in the face of the weak external environment and 2016 growth was projected to rise to 6.0 percent from 5.8 percent in 2015 and then to 6.2 percent in 2017. Inflation averaged 1.4 percent in 2015 and should rise to 2 percent this year, the IMF said Feb. 17.
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas issued the following statement:
“At its meeting today, the Monetary Board decided to maintain the BSP’s key policy rates at 4.0 percent for the overnight borrowing or reverse repurchase (RRP) facility and 6.0 percent for the overnight lending or repurchase (RP) facility. The interest rates on term RRPs, RPs and special deposit accounts (SDA) were also kept steady. The reserve requirement ratios were likewise left unchanged.
The Monetary Board’s assessment of manageable inflation outlook and robust growth conditions continue to support keeping monetary policy settings unchanged.
Latest forecasts indicate that average inflation is likely to settle within the target range of 3.0 percent ± 1 percentage point for 2016-2017, while inflation expectations continue to be firmly anchored within the inflation target band over the policy horizon. The Monetary Board also noted that the risks surrounding the inflation outlook have remained tilted to the downside, as downward price pressures could arise from slower-than-expected global economic activity and potential second-round effects from lower international oil prices. Meanwhile, upside risks to the inflation outlook persist, particularly those that could emanate from the impact of El Niño dry weather conditions on food prices and utility rates as well as pending petitions for power rate adjustments.
At the same time, the Monetary Board observed that domestic demand conditions continue to be buoyant, supported by solid private household and capital spending, positive business sentiment, and adequate credit and domestic liquidity. The Monetary Board also recognized that uncertainty over economic growth prospects across the globe could continue to drive volatility in global financial markets in the months ahead.
Given these considerations, the Monetary Board affirmed the need to keep a watchful eye over domestic and external developments to ensure that the monetary policy stance remains in line with the BSP’s price and financial stability objectives.”

Foreign exchange rules were relaxed anew yesterday in a bid to ease business transactions and encourage outflow of dollars amid a strengthening peso.
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) unveiled new foreign exchange liberalization measures “to keep policies responsive to current economic conditions,” Deputy Governor Nestor Espenilla Jr. said.
 “The new rules aim to further simplify foreign exchange transactions of the general public with banks,” Espenilla told reporters in a briefing.
Patria Angeles, director of BSP international operations department, said the measures may “ease pressure” on the peso. The peso closed three centavos stronger at 40.22 to a dollar yesterday.
Under the new regulations, foreign money allowed to be purchased by residents without the need for BSP approval was doubled to $120,000 from $60,000. Espenilla said this is to cover “rising costs” in studying abroad, medical bills, or travelling.
In the same manner, foreigners and balikbayans departing the country may now exchange their remaining pesos up to $10,000 or the equivalent amount in other currencies. The original cap to avoid BSP clearance was set at $5,000.
Expatriates and foreign students living in the Philippines may now also open peso bank accounts using their earnings here.
 “Previously, opening of bank accounts for non-residents may only be done by exchanging your foreign money to pesos and then using that pesos to open the account,” said BSP managing director Wilhelmina Mañalac.
More investment opportunities abroad were also opened up to Filipinos, although the cap of $60 million per investor per year was maintained, the BSP said.
Beginning from the effectivity of a pertinent circular out Monday, Filipinos are allowed to invest in offshore foreign currency global and mutual funds, unit investment trust funds, equities issued by residents and listed abroad and securities of the same kind.
Residents are now also open to invest in real property abroad, including condominium units.
The central bank likewise extended by another two years, up to Dec. 28, 2016, the window where private sector borrowers may avail, without prior BSP approval, of unguaranteed foreign loans to finance public-private partnership projects.
On the flipside, the BSP has required the registration of foreign direct investments one year from their entrance to the country. This was a tightened rule from the original five-year leeway to “improve capture of more current data.”
The new measures correspond to the sixth wave of foreign exchange liberalization unveiled by BSP since 1993. Earlier easing rules were announced on Feb. 20 and 27, 2007, Jan. 16, 2009, Oct. 28, 2010 and Nov. 18, 2011.
Since 2008, Angeles said outflows have risen as a result of more liberal environment. From $800 million five years ago, outflows already amounted to $1.4 billion as of Oct. 2012.
More outflows ease the pressure on the peso due to large inflows.

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Philippine Keeps Rates Steady
The Philippine central bank maintained its key interest rate for the twelfth consecutive month as economic conditions and manageable inflation outlook provide space to keep monetary policy unchanged.
The Monetary Board of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas decided to hold the overnight borrowing or reverse repurchase facility at 4 percent. The decision came in line with economists’ expectations.
The overnight lending or repurchase facility was also kept at 6.00 percent. The bank also maintained the reserve requirement ratios.
Policymakers observed that domestic demand conditions continue to be buoyant, supported by solid private household and capital spending, positive business sentiment, and adequate credit and domestic liquidity.
The Monetary Board’s assessment of manageable inflation outlook and robust growth conditions continue to support keeping monetary policy settings unchanged, the bank said.
The bank expects the average inflation to settle within the 2-4 percent target in 2016-17, while inflation expectations continue to be firmly anchored within the goal over the policy horizon.
Looking ahead, the central bank will be in little hurry to adjust interest rates, Gareth Leather, a senior Asia economist at Capital Economics, said. He expects inflation to average 2 percent this year, which is at the bottom of the BSP’s target range.
Mensaje de navegación

what are SDA special deposit accounts
BSP Special Deposit Account (SDA) and Reverse Repurchase Agreement (RRP)
Short-term liability products of the BSP with tenors range from 3 days to 2 months. These are relatively risk-free investment in terms of credit risk since it is issued by the BSP which is a government agency. These are evidenced by a Participation Agreement. Interest on both SDA and RRP is subject to a 20.0% final w/tax. The rate offers a premium of 1.0-1.5 percentage points over the BSP overnight borrowing rate. Rates remain unchanged at 6% as of November 20, 2008.
Trust departments may pre-terminate their SDA placements, either fully or partially. If the holding period of the SDA placement when it is rate pre-terminated is less than 50% of the original tenor of the said placement, the applicable interest rate for the pre-terminated amount will be the rate dealt on value date less two percent (2%) p. a. If the holding period is 50% or more of the original tenor, the applicable interest rate for the pre-terminated amount will be the rate dealt on value date less one percent (1%) p. a. The pre-termination rate shall apply only to the amount pre-terminated.
Last year, the BSP opened its SDA facility to trust entities but later closed three of its six SDA windows as liquidity growth slowed down.
This was about during end of April 2007, the BSP changed the rules governing its special deposit account, or SDA, allowing trust departments of banks and non-bank government-owned or - controlled corporations access to this facility.
SDA offers interest rates higher than yields on government securities of the same tenors. Current SDA rate for 2 weeks in BDO is 6.13% p. a. (gross) and about almost 5% net of fees and taxes.
With measures such as the SDA, the BSP aims to bring down the growth in domestic liquidity to below 20 percent.
The BSP made more moves to boost liquidity in the system, like the recent two percentage point reduction in banks' reserve requirement, to encourage more lending activity amid the global financial crisis.
PHILIPPINE banks want to see the last of measures monetary authorities have drawn up to thaw frozen credit markets, with a plan to plug the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) liquidity-draining special deposit facility now in the cards. Banks argued that the funds released by the reduction in the reserve requirement would only go back into the SDA facility. Thus, they urged the BSP to close its remaining SDA windows. You see, SDAs are in direct competition with Bank Time Deposits. It also competes with government bonds.
But The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) said Friday it has no plans of scrapping or changing the terms of its special deposit accounts (SDA) at the moment. BSP governor Amando Tetangco Jr. said the central bank already reviewed the SDA facility and decided it was still effective.
According to BSP deputy governor Diwa Guinigundo, however, the central bank has not actually detected funds being shifted back to the SDA facility. "We don’t see it coming back to the BSP yet, but then it is very difficult to track down," noted Guinigundo.
The central bank said it intends to keep the SDA in its "monetary policy tool kit."
On June 2007, P200 billion worth were placed into government SDAs.
By March 2008, a new high P546.35 billion was achieved in these deposits. However, total SDA declined to P451 billion in June 2008 from P512.9 billion in May 2008 this year.
According to Hong Kong-based economist Frederic Neumann, head of HSBC's Asian Economics Team, the BSP would have kept its special deposit accounts (SDA) open in order to immobilize liquidity to reduce risks to inflation as it cuts down its policy rates.
The effect, according to Neumann, was to make cheaper money available to borrowers in emerging markets, particularly in Asia where growth has been steadily picking up momentum.
According to Neumann, however, the volume of funds that would suddenly find their way to Asian markets would prevent the BSP from risking the possibility of rampant liquidity growth.
"The BSP will have to keep its SDAs because it needs to continue trapping all that money," Neumann said. "That's just too much money."
When the economy actually starts picking up on a sustained basis, Neumann said that the BSP would then release these funds that have been parked with the central bank and allow it back into the system in order to maintain the momentum.
More importantly, however, Neumann said it was easier for the BSP to control the price of money by adjusting interest rates rather than using SDAs to effect a de facto monetary easing or tightening.
"It's hard to use the SDA to get, say, the equivalent of a 25-point cut," él dijo.
On Thursday, the BSP kept its benchmark interest rates unchanged at 6%, indicating that rising core inflation could rule out any rate cut for the remainder of the year.
SDA was introduced in November 1998 to enable the BSP to expand its toolkit in liquidity management.
According to banker Jay, that the BSP generally taking a hit by paying these interest rates to depositors is worth it to control the economy by mopping up excess inflation.
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Key events in East Asia this week – UOB
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Analysts at UOB Group noted that towards the end of the week, Asian economies including Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong will be on Good Friday holiday.
"India and the Philippines will be closed on Thursday-Friday (24-25 Mar).
Bank of Thailand (BOT) and Philippines Central Bank (BSP) will be announcing their rate decisions on Wednesday (23 Mar) while Taiwan’s CBC will meet on Thursday (24 Mar)."
"BOT is expected to be on hold at 1.50% this week. We think that monetary policy stance should continue to be sufficiently accommodative to help support Thailand’s economic recovery, while maintaining long-term economic and financial stability. Further expansionary monetary policy could only marginally improve the economic outlook.
As a consequence, the limited policy space should be preserved for future use as there remain downside risks to GDP growth from both external and domestic sources.
In Taiwan, the CBC is widely expected to continue to ease monetary policy with another 12.5 bps cut on Thursday as data pointed to another quarter of contraction in economic activities in1Q16. This would bring the benchmark interest rate to near historic low of 1.25% during the global financial crisis in 2009."
Analysts at UOB Group noted that towards the end of the week, Asian economies including Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong will be on Good Friday holiday.
(Market News Provided by FXstreet)
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Welcome to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Website! El Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) es el banco central de la República de Filipinas. Fue establecido el 3 de julio de 1993 según las provisiones de la constitución filipina de 1987 y de la nueva ley del banco central de 1993. El BSP tomó el control del banco central de Filipinas, establecido el 3 de enero de 1949 como la autoridad monetaria central del país . El BSP goza de autonomía fiscal y administrativa del Gobierno Nacional en la consecución de sus responsabilidades obligatorias.
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Welcome to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Website!
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El Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) es el banco central de la República de Filipinas. Fue establecido el 3 de julio de 1993 según las provisiones de la constitución filipina de 1987 y de la nueva ley del banco central de 1993. El BSP tomó el control del banco central de Filipinas, establecido el 3 de enero de 1949 como la autoridad monetaria central del país . El BSP goza de autonomía fiscal y administrativa del Gobierno Nacional en la consecución de sus responsabilidades obligatorias.
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The BSP is deeply involved in various projects and activities to support the economic and social development objectives of the government through advocacy programs in microfinance, financial education and consumer protection, economic information, and overseas Filipinos' remittances environment. End-May 2012 GIR Level Reaches US$76.0 Billion. May Inflation Lower at 2.9 Percent. U/KBs NPL Ratio Improves From Last Year s 2.99% to 2.36%. Business Confidence is Higher in Q2 2012. Other Consumer Loans Register P53.7 Billion at End-December 2011. Credit Card Receivables Hit P132 Billion at End-2011. Auto Loans Reach P139 Billion at End-2011. Accreditation of External Training Providers on Seminar on Corporate Governance. A dated 31 May 2012 Placement of the Rural Bank of Banayoyo (Ilocos Sur), Inc. Amendment to the Branching Policy and Guidelines Under the Manual of Regulations for Banks. 817 dated 24 May 2012 Placement of the Millennium Bank, Inc. A Rural Bank under Receivership. Rural Bank of Sta. - Adoption of Trade/Business Name. Highlights of the MB Meeting on Monetary Policy (19 April 2012). Economic Newsletter: Inflation Dynamics and Unemployment Rate in the Philippines (March - April 2012). Report on Economic and Financial Developments (4th Qtr 2011). BSP Annual Report 2011. Depository Corporations Survey (Apr 2012)- Press Release/Statistics. U/KBs' Loans Outstanding (Apr 2012)- Press Release/Statistics. BSP-UP Professorial Chair Lecture Series (28-29 May 2012). 2012 BSP International Research Conference (28-29 February 2012). Gold Buying/ troy oz. Warning Against 150-Piso Commemorative Notes 02.08.2012.2012 Schedule of Monetary Policy Meetings, Inflation Report Press Conference and Publication of MB Highlights 01.06.2012. Advisory on Text/E-mail Scams 11.23.2011. The New Generation Philippine Banknotes 12.21.10.
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NSCB - Economic and Financial Data - Meta Data - External Sector. BSP Webpage Information on Daily Peso per US Dollar exchange rate is disseminated on the following webpages: (a) BSP home page http://www. bsp. gov. ph, (b) http://www.
Bsp. gov. ph: Welcome to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Website! El Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) es el banco central de la República de Filipinas. It was established on 3 July 1993 pursuant to the provisions of the 1987.
Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) +63-2-708-70-69 Local: +63-2-708-7701 local 3153, 3154 E-mail: legal@amlc. gov. ph / jbacay-abad@bsp. gov. ph
Downloads | BSP | Government Agencies - University of the. Trust institutions may access the revised template of the FRPTI at the BSP website under http://www. bsp. gov. ph/frp/templates. This Circular shall take effect fifteen (15.
BANGKO SENTRAL NG PILIPINAS | BSP GOV PH - ILINK. PH: Philippine. El Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) es el banco central de la República de Filipinas. It was established on 3 July 1993 pursuant to the provisions of the 1987.
www. bsp. gov. ph - Similar Sites and Reviews | Xmarks Xmarks site page for gov www. bsp. gov. ph with topics, reviews, ratings and comments. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is the central bank of the Republic of the.
Peso-Dollar Exchange Rate - philnews. com - Philippines News Link. The BSP is deeply involved in various projects and activities to support the economic and social development objectives of the government through advocacy programs in.
www. bsp. gov. ph Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Manila. Nurse, Dentist. As of. 9/30/2011 Position Title. Administrative Services Officer II Department. Regulatory Policy Studies Group 1, in the Office of Supervisory Policy Development.
News Results
Philippine portfolio inflows at 3-mth low in May LINK: - For details, click on central bank website: www. bsp. gov. ph (Reporting by Karen Lema; Editing by Rosemarie Francisco)
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On PC side, we develop an application that reads the incoming ADC samples from the Arduino, and process them to extract the PPG signal and heart rate. The Processing software is used to develop this application. The following flow-chart explains the overall logic of computing the heart rate from thereceived ADC samples. moving average pic18f.
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C1 helps to reduce noise, but it can be omitted. With or without C1, it is probably a good idea to take many (around 32, say) A/D readings andaverage them together. This also helps to reduce noise, which is important when you are trying to measure small changes in voltage. (A degreeis roughly 2 LSb, for a 10-bit converter with a 5 V reference, so you will not be able to measure to within a degree unless you are gettingalmost the full A/D converter resolution.)
The concept is the same as when we used an NPN transistor. The resistor doesn't actually do anything at DC, because (unlike the NPNtransistor's base) the n-FET's gate does not draw any current. The resistor helps to protect the micro from transients when the high currentswitches, though.(moving average pic18f online.|)
I left the ADJ terminal of the LMx35 open. This terminal can be used (as shown in the datasheet) to calibrate the device, using a variableresistor. If you are reading the sensor with a micro, however, then it is probably easier to apply any calibration curve required in software.

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