Monday, November 7, 2016

Forex Dl



Alto riesgo financiero Advertencia: El comercio de divisas (Forex) y contratos de diferencias (CFD) es altamente especulativo, conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted puede sufrir una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su capital invertido, por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse el lujo de perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio en margen. Lea por favor nuestros términos y condiciones antes de negociar. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con nosotros aquí.



Alto riesgo financiero Advertencia: El comercio de divisas (Forex) y contratos de diferencias (CFD) es altamente especulativo, conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted puede sufrir una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su capital invertido, por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse el lujo de perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio en margen. Lea por favor nuestros términos y condiciones antes de negociar. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con nosotros aquí.



En XM ofrecemos cuentas Micro y Standard que pueden coincidir con las necesidades de los operadores principiantes y experimentados con condiciones comerciales flexibles y un apalancamiento de hasta 888: 1.

Ofrecemos una gama de más de 60 pares de divisas, metales preciosos, energías e índices de renta variable con los diferenciales más competitivos y con la legendaria no re-cita la ejecución de XM.

Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de productos de margen implica un alto nivel de riesgo.



Condiciones comerciales

Comercio de Forex con XM. Comercio con un corredor grande, justo y humano.


En XM ofrecemos una gama de plataformas MT4 para sistemas operativos Windows y Mac. 1 cuenta le da acceso irrestricto a todas nuestras plataformas.

Además, nuestra gama de aplicaciones MT4 Mobile para los sistemas operativos Apple y Android le permitirá acceder y intercambiar su cuenta desde su smartphone o tableta con una funcionalidad de cuenta completa.

Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de productos de margen implica un alto nivel de riesgo.




One Account, One Single Login le da acceso a todas nuestras plataformas de trading MT4.

Investigación y Educación

Nuestro centro de Investigación y Educación ofrece actualizaciones diarias sobre todas las sesiones comerciales más importantes junto con múltiples informes diarios sobre todos los eventos críticos del mercado que diariamente moldean los mercados globales.

Contamos con 20 profesionales de mercado multilingües y presentamos una base de conocimientos educativos diversificada para potenciar a nuestros clientes con una ventaja competitiva.

Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de productos de margen implica un alto nivel de riesgo.

XM Multiterminal

Legal: XM. COM es un nombre comercial de Trading Point Holdings Ltd, número de registro: HE 322690, (12 Calle Richard & Verengaria, Tribunal del Castillo de Araouzos, 3ª planta 3042 Limassol, Chipre), que es propietaria íntegra de Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd Chipre), número de registro: HE 251334, (12 Calle Richard & Verengaria, Tribunal del Castillo de Araouzos, 3er piso, 3042 Limassol, Chipre).

Este sitio web es operado por Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd.

El punto de negociación de Financial Instruments Ltd está regulado por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (CySEC) bajo la licencia número 120/10, y registrado con FCA (FSA, Reino Unido), con el número de referencia. 538324. Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd opera de acuerdo con la Directiva sobre Mercados de Instrumentos Financieros (MiFID) de la Unión Europea.

Advertencia de riesgo: Forex Trading implica un riesgo significativo para su capital invertido. Lea y asegúrese de que entiende completamente nuestra Divulgación de riesgos.

Regiones restringidas: Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd no ofrece servicios para los ciudadanos de ciertas regiones, como Estados Unidos, Corea del Norte, Irán, Myanmar, Cuba, Sudán y Siria.

Archivo de la etiqueta: london close forex strategy dl

A lo largo de los dos períodos de tiempo de 30 días que simplemente 9 ofertas traer, de acuerdo con el actual sitio web de Londres Forex Open. Esto no es numeroso sin embargo no estamos realmente decepcionados con este particular, siempre y cuando, al final de los 30 días, estamos mostrando una aceptable volver para las iniciativas. Así como todos nosotros lo hacemos. De los 9 se ocupa de todos nosotros al usar el programa principal (recuerde, todos nosotros utilizamos la estrategia tradicional real (3 objetivos diferentes)), 7 condujo a un retorno optimista, así como dos habían sido perjudiciales. Nos damos una típica internet obtener asociados con trescientos pips mensuales, teniendo una reducción de Cese arreglado (a través de 3 oficios) asociado con 120 pips. El peligro real de 3% para cada industria demuestra el regreso asociado con cerca de 7. 5% mensual, con respecto a casi ningún trabajo.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

La técnica "avanzada" real nos obtuvo todos en 6 ofertas a lo largo de los dos 30 días período de tiempo, así como todos nos quedamos con la falta de Internet de -60 pips (4% más bajo, dependiendo de los cuarenta y cinco pip Cese como Así como el peligro del 3% para cada comercio). No "avanzado", sin embargo, un método de todos nosotros puede permanecer con, ya que aparecerá parece con el fin de todos nosotros. Tenga en cuenta: de hecho, todos nosotros había sido un poco decepcionante, para expresar lo mínimo, que la gente saltó en el actual 390 pip volver dentro de octubre. Todos nosotros amamos esta técnica, así como en línea con el trabajo necesario como Así como la edad% volver (aunque más de un breve período asociado con el tiempo) es suficiente para todos nosotros para seleccionar esta técnica más allá de otras técnicas que ahora han utilizado anteriormente con el fin de la industria de la actual gama asiática / Londres abierto arriba. La máquina es realmente lucrativo (aunque más de un breve período asociado con el tiempo), las indicaciones reales tienden a ser confiable, los detalles reales de la industria tienden a ser superior, casi todas las ofertas tienden a ser documentado, no hay manera de Falso break-outs, así como asistencia completa de correo electrónico es realmente suministrado. Londres Forex Abierto ofertas por lo tanto, ya se han puesto en las técnicas Todos nosotros Hacer uso de la lista de comprobación y nosotros, además, abrir un nuevo diario de compra y venta con el fin de declaración casi todas las ofertas.

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Los comerciantes profesionales de Forex comparten sus secretos

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SlingShot Strategy - un equipo de Forex Auto-Scalper Team © 2008, 2009 - Todos los derechos reservados.


Todos los resultados mostrados en este sitio web son hipotéticos, los resultados de prueba de nuevo.

No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. El comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en el comercio real.

Toda la información en este sitio web es sólo para fines educativos y no pretende proporcionar asesoramiento financiero. Cualquier declaración sobre beneficios o ingresos, expresada o implícita, no representa una garantía. Su comercio real puede dar lugar a pérdidas, ya que no se garantiza el sistema de comercio. Usted acepta las responsabilidades completas de sus acciones, operaciones, ganancias o pérdidas y acepta que el equipo de Forex Auto-Scalper y cualquier distribuidor autorizado de esta información sea inofensivo de cualquier manera.

El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario.

Los logotipos y marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.

MarketsDL Comentarios

Riesgo: FXBuild no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo estrategias y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor. Existe un riesgo sustancial de pérdida en el comercio de futuros de materias primas, opciones y productos fuera de divisa en moneda extranjera. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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Forexmentor Pro Traders Club Por Chris Lori (12 horas de grabaciones en webinar) [179 SWF] English | Tamaño: 2.95 GB (3,171,769,860 bytes) Categoría: Acciones

Metodología de negociación de Chris Lori. A pesar de la edad (2006-2008), hay mucho que aprender. Chris muestra la pantalla de su software comercial y explica lo que ve sucediendo en el mercado y cómo se negocia.

Después de mucha anticipación, la actualización de la versión 2.0 "nueva y mejorada" de nuestro curso de capacitación ya está disponible.

ForexMentor - Patrones de inversión de probabilidades altas para el operador de Forex | 603 MB

El dinero grande en el forex se hace a menudo en inversiones importantes de la tendencia. Un astuto comerciante es capaz de predecir con exactitud los tops y fondos inminentes de su par de divisas favoritas. Y pacientemente esperar a efectivo en.

Forex Mentor 3 DVDs completos Inglés | Tamaño: 11.01 GB Categoría: CBTs

Forex Mentor está diseñado para llevarte de ganar dinero bajo el comercio de Forex (o incluso perder dinero!) Y convertirte en un comerciante rentable en cuestión de semanas.

Claro, todos los cursos por ahí afirma ser capaz de hacer esto, sin embargo, Forex Mentor es operado por Peter Bain - uno de los comerciantes más respetados en todo el mundo.

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16 de enero de 2016

OMG No Holds Barred 2016: Proyecto A IMPORTANTE OMG 2016 Breaking News: nuestro período de gracia para el registro principal para 2016 termina el sábado 16 de enero a la medianoche. Bob Proctor, del best seller # 1 NYT, The Secret, grita desde los tejados sobre OMG: Quién pagó por sus boletos OMG LIVE 2015 & amp; Viaje con OMG y hellip; " Lee mas "

16 de enero de 2016

Ezra Firestone & # 8211; Traffic MBA 2016 Entiendo que esto incluye: 8 Módulo LIVE Mira por encima de mi programa de entrenamiento de hombro Publicidad en Facebook (real, campañas en vivo se puede copiar) Instagram Advertsing (wining anuncios) Promoted Advertsing (El secreto de la investigación de consulta) Leads, Pre-Selles, Retargeting, Cross Sells) Mi secreto Email Swipe Vault (Pre-Compra, & hellip; »Leer más»

24 de diciembre de 2015

CURSO DE COMERCIO GEOMÉTRICO - Nuevas Técnicas Para Beneficiarse de los Mercados Formación Más Potente de Aprendiz Nivel II El Curso de Negociación Geométrica - Aprendiz de Nivel II se basa en la metodología de negociación central aprendida en Levels O & amp; I. Aprender a tomar decisiones comerciales por sí mismos, el Aprendiz logra el objetivo de operar de forma independiente. El Aprendiz & hellip; " Lee mas "

21 de noviembre de 2015

Profit. ly & # 8211; Ultimate Guide To Biotech Stocks Este paquete de seis discos de 12 horas de instrucción de DVD cubre todos los aspectos de las estrategias probadas de trading de acciones biotecnológicas de Mike Havrilla y Mark Messier. Desde términos, conceptos básicos, lecciones y patrones a la investigación, gestión de riesgos, tácticas comerciales e incluso una guía básica sobre el uso de opciones con su estrategia, esta guía es la última y hellip; " Lee mas "

3 de noviembre de 2015

Curso Million Dollar Traders & # 8211; Lex Van Dam Teoría probada. Mercados actuales. Aplicar la metodología de marca registrada de Lex a los mercados actuales, del mundo real. Aprenda cómo negociar FX, acciones, materias primas y estrategias técnicas en un curso integral que combina videos de alta definición, herramientas exclusivas y conocimientos especializados. Aprenda cómo comerciar con la educación de inversores más completa del mundo & hellip; " Lee mas "

17 de septiembre de 2015

El curso completo de 12 semanas de transformación Si estás harto de sentirte confundido, frustrado, abrumado y sobrecargado cuando se trata de negociar ... Enfermo y cansado de perder dinero en sistemas sin valor y estrategias que prometen hacerte millones sin ni siquiera levantar un dedo ... Cansado de las promesas vacías de los llamados "gurús" que le prometen el & hellip; " Lee mas "

15 de septiembre de 2015

Anton Kreil - Profesional Forex Trading Masterclass Anton Kreil & # 8211; Profesional Forex Trading Masterclass De: Instituto de Comercio y Gestión de Cartera Este Curso Contiene: Core Curso: 29 videos Documentos: 19 carpetas con hojas de cálculo Excel Descripción Bienvenido a la más completa línea de Forex Trading Educación vídeo serie disponible en el mundo. Su Maestro y Mentor will & hellip; " Lee mas "

Creamos este servicio para servirle y creemos que nuestro precio es ABSOLUTAMENTE LOCO. Usted recibirá estos cursos con un precio muy barato, pero la calidad es exactamente lo mismo que la página de venta. Siempre actualizamos los cursos más nuevos para que usted pueda tenerlo fácilmente. El curso incluye todo el contenido y el bono, le enviaremos una actualización de estos cursos a su correo electrónico tan pronto como se publiquen.

Por favor, siga nuestros pasos para los pasos para establecer su pago en Tutspecialoffer. com cuando esté interesado en cursos específicos & # 8211; Mira aquí

Actualización de la oferta especial

4. Servicio en curso GroupBuy (OGB)

El propósito de esta sección es asegurar que nuestros miembros disfruten del mejor precio que podemos ofrecer. Por lo tanto, para cada curso individual, le informaremos lo siguiente

Nombre del curso

Autor del curso

Sale page link (En algunos casos específicos, no habrá ninguna página de venta)

Precio del curso

cantidad de compromiso

Número total de colaboradores

Actualización continua (como bonificación, coaching de llamadas semanales ...)

Cuando puede estar disponible

& # 8211; Por favor, permita que tengamos 1-2 semanas para comprar el curso y el enlace de configuración para descargar. En algunos casos peores, podría ser más largo, pero el máximo es de 4 semanas a partir de la fecha que recopilamos suficiente cantidad de nuestros colaboradores, le enviaremos los enlaces de Mega de descarga a su correo electrónico tan pronto como OGB completa. En algunas causas debidas, si el GB es fallado, le reembolsaremos detrás para asegurarse de que usted satisface con nuestros servicios.

& # 8211; Tenga en cuenta que el pago se procesará en nuestro sitio web Newnulled. com

& # 8211; No todos los cursos estarán disponibles en el Área de Membresía VIP después de 42 días. Esta es una dirección de administración.

& # 8211; En cualquier momento si encuentra que el enlace está muerto, por favor háganoslo saber y lo arreglaremos inmediatamente para usted.

& # 8211; Por último, pero no menos importante, el administrador organizará el organizador y nos aseguramos de que nuestros contribuyentes GB, así como la identidad de nuestro organizador nunca se revela.

Actualización de los cursos de Groupbuy

31 de enero de 2016

T CURSO DE COMERCIO MACRO PRO GLOBAL APRENDE A COMERCER COMO UN PROFESIONAL EN MENOS TIEMPO QUE USTED IMAGINA Si usted está tan cerca de negociar el éxito que usted puede casi "olerlo"; O si usted es serio acerca de renunciar a su trabajo de día o asegurar su fondo de jubilación, este curso le permitirá hacer estos & hellip; " Lee mas "

24 de diciembre de 2015

CURSO DE COMERCIO GEOMÉTRICO - Nuevas Técnicas Para Beneficiarse de los Mercados Formación Más Potente de Aprendiz Nivel II El Curso de Negociación Geométrica - Aprendiz de Nivel II se basa en la metodología de negociación central aprendida en Levels O & amp; I. Aprender a tomar decisiones comerciales por sí mismos, el Aprendiz logra el objetivo de operar de forma independiente. El Aprendiz & hellip; " Lee mas "

21 de noviembre de 2015

Profit. ly & # 8211; Ultimate Guide To Biotech Stocks Este paquete de seis discos de 12 horas de instrucción de DVD cubre todos los aspectos de las estrategias probadas de trading de acciones biotecnológicas de Mike Havrilla y Mark Messier. Desde términos, conceptos básicos, lecciones y patrones a la investigación, gestión de riesgos, tácticas comerciales e incluso una guía básica sobre el uso de opciones con su estrategia, esta guía es la última y hellip; " Lee mas "

3 de noviembre de 2015

Curso Million Dollar Traders & # 8211; Lex Van Dam Teoría probada. Mercados actuales. Aplicar la metodología de marca registrada de Lex a los mercados mundiales actuales. Aprenda cómo negociar FX, acciones, materias primas y estrategias técnicas en un curso integral que combina videos de alta definición, herramientas exclusivas y conocimientos especializados. Aprenda cómo comerciar con la educación de inversores más completa del mundo & hellip; " Lee mas "

23 de octubre de 2015

Frank Kern & # 8211; Ultimate Webinar Blueprint 2.0 No hay página de ventas, pero aquí está el webinar de ventas completo y la copia de la página de ventas está abajo. ¡Sí, Frank! Quiero crear una increíble campaña de webinario que agrega valor masivo a mi mercado, me posiciona como una autoridad, construye una lista super-responsiva, y se vende como loco! ¡Sí! & Hellip; " Lee mas "

El propósito de esta sección es asegurar que nuestros miembros sean propietarios de algunos cursos específicos si pierden la oportunidad de unirse a nuestro GroupBuy en curso. En algunos casos, LBI podría ser abierto por muchas solicitudes de nuestros miembros. Por lo tanto, para cada curso individual, también proporcionamos el detalle de los siguientes

Nombre del curso

Enlace de página de venta (en algunos casos específicos, no habrá página de venta)

Precio LBI = En curso GB Precio * 1.35

Actualización continua (como bonificación, coaching semanal de llamadas ...) [si hay alguna]

Enlace disponible

- Tenga en cuenta que el pago se procesará en nuestro sitio web Newnulled. com

- Después de recibir su pago para ese curso en particular, el enlace (megalink) aparecerá automáticamente para descargar

- En cualquier momento si encuentra que el enlace está muerto, por favor háganoslo saber y lo arreglaremos inmediatamente para usted.

Actualización de la última compra en cursos

16 de enero de 2016

OMG No Holds Barred 2016: Proyecto A IMPORTANTE OMG 2016 Breaking News: nuestro período de gracia para el registro principal para 2016 termina el sábado 16 de enero a la medianoche. Bob Proctor, del best seller # 1 NYT, The Secret, grita desde los tejados sobre OMG: Quién pagó por sus boletos OMG LIVE 2015 & amp; Viaje con OMG y hellip; " Lee mas "

16 de enero de 2016

Ezra Firestone & # 8211; Traffic MBA 2016 Entiendo que esto incluye: 8 Módulo LIVE Mira por encima de mi programa de entrenamiento de hombro Publicidad en Facebook (real, campañas en vivo se puede copiar) Instagram Advertsing (wining anuncios) Promoted Advertsing (El secreto de la investigación de consulta) Leads, Pre-Selles, Retargeting, Cross Sells) Mi secreto Email Swipe Vault (Pre-Compra, & hellip; »Leer más»

12 de enero de 2016

Jimmy Kelley & # 8211; Hospital de Tráfico Qué es el Curso de Formación de Tráfico Hospital? ¡Oh no! A dónde fue mi tráfico? Bueno, probablemente será socavado por Google panda o Google Penguin sanciones! Nos gustaría invitarle a unirse a nosotros para el curso de formación en línea todo nuevo tráfico SEO hospital con military & hellip; " Lee mas "

12 de enero de 2016

Tim Lowe - Football Hedging System ¡FINALMENTE, EL NEGOCIO LIBRE DE RIESGO REALMENTE SIGNIFICA EXACTAMENTE QUE! En los últimos años, este trabajador a tiempo completo ha hecho más de £ 230,000 EN EFECTIVO EXTRA TAX FREE de negociar en el fútbol en su tiempo libre & # 8230; Lea cada palabra de esta carta para ver cómo puede Hedge & # 8217; Su camino a & hellip; " Lee mas "

12 de enero de 2016

Social Mastermind 2016 & # 8211; Debe tener FB Marketing y Comercio Electrónico Curso Social Biz Skills Aprender de los profesionales que están matando en línea a través de los medios de comunicación social y otras herramientas que generan MILLIONS en las ventas. CURSOS & amp; EVENTOS Participar en los cursos en línea y eventos en vivo organizados por los medios de comunicación social y los gurús de negocios en línea, ya que comparten son & hellip; " Lee mas "

24 de septiembre de 2015

Connor Bruggemann & # 8211; Connor Bruggemann es un comerciante autodidacta que, a la edad de 16 años, convirtió $ 9,700 en $ 330,000 + en un poco más de un año a través de las acciones de comercio en su iPhone, mientras que en la escuela secundaria (en serio ). Su historia ha sido presentada por TheVerge. com, & hellip; " Lee mas "

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Calculadoras de Forex 1.05 APK

Las calculadoras de Forex incluyen: + Calculadora de tamaño de posición + Stop Loss & amp; Tome Calculadora de beneficio + Calculadora de recompensa de riesgo + Calculadora de margen + Calculadora de valor de pip

La gestión de riesgos consideran que es una de las habilidades más importantes en el comercio de Forex. El dimensionamiento apropiado de la posición es la clave para gestionar el riesgo en un solo comercio. Calculadora de tamaño de posición le ayudará a averiguar la cantidad de unidades / lotes para poner en un solo comercio basado en yourrisk cantidad / porcentaje y stop loss pips / price.

Stop Loss & amp; Take Profit Calculator le ayudará a determinar el precio stop loss de la entrada de tamaño de posición, riskandel precio abierto. El precio del beneficio de la toma se puede obtener de entrar en la proporción de la recompensa del riesgo o inversamente conseguir la proporción de la recompensa del riesgo del precio de la alarget.

Margen & amp; Las calculadoras de valor de pip le ayudarán a calcular los requisitos de margen y el valor de pip, respectivamente, de acuerdo con las entradas del tamaño del comercio, el apalancamiento y la cantidad de pip.

Todos los cálculos de Forex se basan en el precio de mercado en tiempo real que incluye la mayoría de los pares de divisas más oro y plata.

Con las herramientas anteriores que están bien equipados para el comercio de Forex con una base sólida.

Si usted tiene alguna sugerencia por favor no dude en escribir en thecomments o en contacto conmigo a través de correo electrónico.

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Calculadoras de Forex 1.05 APK (última versión)

Versión: 1.05 (Código: 7)

Fecha de publicación: 2016/2/9

Requiere Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)

Probado en: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)

Archivo Sha1: 154bf04baf1077df85aa32a776ff1ef097ac5a44

Firma del APK: 30da4ed9c728403c45bee68f5ae60c7246f9751c

Forex Calculators 1.04 APK

Versión: 1.04 (Código: 6)

Fecha de publicación: 2015/12/7

Requiere Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)

Probado en: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)

Archivo Sha1: 8903e8f12dad9d68716c2a1d42adb4ff9f1289b0

Firma del APK: 30da4ed9c728403c45bee68f5ae60c7246f9751c

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Forex & # 8211; Traders Secret Library Part 4 [36 WMV] English | Tamaño: 4.67 GB (5.014.590.381 bytes) Categoría: Stock Traders Secret Library le permite entrar en los secretos de los mejores comerciantes de divisas del mundo saben. Estos comerciantes terminaron en los primeros 25 lugares en la mayor competición de forex del mundo, y definitivamente se beneficiarán de su experiencia. Al convertirse en miembro de Traders Secret Library, tendrá acceso a los mejores sistemas de comercio y la mayor colección de técnicas comerciales del mundo. Usted puede aprender los sistemas galardonados de estos comerciantes, aprender sobre el mercado y las monedas que el comercio, así como aprender acerca de su horario de negociación y la actitud hacia su trabajo. Traders Secret Library también le enseñará cómo encontrar indicadores de propiedad poco conocidos, cómo comenzar a operar y cómo lograr grandes resultados. [Leer más & # 8230;]

Forex & # 8211; Traders Secret Library Parte 3 [61 Wmv] English | Tamaño: 5,21 GB (5,589,698,113 bytes) Categoría: Stock Traders Secret Library le permite entrar en los secretos de los mejores comerciantes de divisas del mundo saben. Estos comerciantes terminaron en los primeros 25 lugares en la mayor competición de forex del mundo, y definitivamente se beneficiarán de su experiencia. Al convertirse en miembro de Traders Secret Library, tendrá acceso a los mejores sistemas de comercio y la mayor colección de técnicas comerciales del mundo. Usted puede aprender los sistemas galardonados de estos comerciantes, aprender sobre el mercado y las monedas que el comercio, así como aprender acerca de su horario de negociación y la actitud hacia su trabajo. Traders Secret Library también le enseñará cómo encontrar indicadores de propiedad poco conocidos, cómo empezar a operar y cómo lograr grandes resultados. [Leer más & # 8230;]

Forex & # 8211; Traders Secret Library Parte 1 [6 MOV, 42 WMV, 1 GP] English | Tamaño: 5,00 GB (5,367,114,701 bytes) Categoría: Stock Traders Secret Library le permite entrar en los secretos de los mejores traders de la bolsa de mundo saben. Estos comerciantes terminaron en los primeros 25 lugares de la competencia de forex más grande del mundo, y definitivamente se beneficiarán de su experiencia. Al convertirse en miembro de Traders Secret Library, tendrá acceso a los mejores sistemas de comercio y la mayor colección de técnicas comerciales del mundo. Usted puede aprender los sistemas galardonados de estos comerciantes, aprender sobre el mercado y las monedas que el comercio, así como aprender acerca de su horario de negociación y la actitud hacia su trabajo. Traders Secret Library también le enseñará cómo encontrar indicadores de propiedad poco conocidos, cómo comenzar a operar y cómo lograr grandes resultados. [Leer más & # 8230;]

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2500 kb/s | 720 × 480 | Duration: 01:17:17 | English: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | + Bonus SWF examples | 1.83 GB Genre: Trading

In this 2-DVD set, Rob Booker and Dave Murphy guide you through the powerful and easy-to-use trading techniques that have made their FXstreet. com blog one of the most popular forex blogs on the web. Step-by-step, you will learn to set up trades on any currency pair, on any time frame chart. If you are a short term trader, these profitable strategies can help you plan and complete trades on 5 minute, 1 minute, and even tick charts. If you are a longer term trader, these same methods will help you plan trades to capture the huge swings in the currency markets -- moves that last for hundreds of pips. All the trading setups that you will learn come with examples, and full descriptions of why the setups work. So you not only learn how to make the trades, but why the trades work. Support and Resistance trading is one of the oldest, proven methods for profiting in the markest, and Rob and Dave will teach you new ways to use time-tested principles used by thousands of traders around the world. Best of all, you can implement these strategies immediately -- there is no software to buy, and your current charts and broker will work perfectly.

Toni Hansen - Maximum Gain From Every Trade - Predicting Price Targets and Exit Point DVDRip | AVI/XviD,

1121 kb/s | 720x544 | Duration: 01:18:49 | English: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | 699 MB Genre: Trading

“Tossing aside approaches that are nearly impossible to master, Toni Hansen built her method for leveraging price action, momentum and support and resistance so it can be used by anyone. Best of all, her trading style and market analysis excel in any time frame with any market vehicle. This allows you to apply it to the market with strongest trend and always be in a winning trade, which is why you can apply her techniques to any market you trade or invest, whether its stocks, Forex, Options, Futures, or ETFs. ”

Todd Gordon - Forex Trading Using Fibonacci & Elliott Wave DVDRip | AVI/XviD,

1213 kb/s | 688x512 | Duration: 01:13:25 | English: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | 699 MB Genre: Trading

“Let acclaimed Forex trader Todd Gordon give you his FEWL system in this new course, and you will be positioned to identify the strong, trending relationships between currencies to repeatedly grab profits trade after trade. ”

Forex traders invest in an extraordinary amount of time learning how to analyse the market in hope of finding the ultimate strategy that never loses. This is common pitfall amongst developing Forex traders. You see. they learn as much as they can about the market because they think that will help them avoid being on the wrong side of the market. The fact is. most traders have ample knowledge of the market but yet still cant make a consistent return. It is my belief that theyre learning about the markets for the wrong reason. Instead of learning a new strategy to add another edge to their tool box, theyre learning about technical analysis in order to avoid losses!

Stock Trading Success Full Complete Version DVD-Rip | AVI | XviD @ 1.5 Mbit/s | 720 × 480 | MP3 Stereo @ 192 Kbit/s 48 KHz | 8.38 GB Genre: Forex Trading | Language: English | PDF Files & Bonuses Included

Steve and Kens most comprehensive trading system was captured during two entire LIVE market sessions, so you can see how to use the top candle chart and western technical breakouts illustrated with real time markets. Designed for traders with some background in candle charts already, this advanced 14-DVD "Stock Trading Success System" is ideal for active stock swing and intraday traders who want to potentially take their trading to the next level. This takes you to the upper level of knowledge with a special focus on the real world practical application of trading tactics taught in the Traders Secrets 7-DVD system. In this 14 DVD set, to solidify what you learned Steve’s has dozens of “what would you do here” charts and, for the first time on video, shows how he does real time market analysis. Ken reveals how to find the best trade set ups within seconds of the opening, using time and sales for tape reading entries and exits ….

Forex Rebellion Trading Course Flash Video | WMV,

165 kb/s | 720x348 | Duration: 3.5 hours | English: WMA, 48 kb/s (1 ch) | + Indicators + PDF Guide | 405 MB Genre: Trading

Hi, This is Russ Horn and what I am about to reveal to you will make some people very angry, or at least I hope it does! You see, I believe that there is a great Forex hoax out there that is keeping guys like you and me from really making it big in the Forex world. I believe that too many snake oil salesmen and pumped up gurus have been peddling us lies for years.

Chris Lori Pro Trader: Complete FX Course 12 Video CDs | AVI @ 500 Kbit/s | 1148x820 | PCM Stereo @ 128 Kbit/s 44 KHz | 24+ Hours | 6.56 GB Genre: Forex Trading | Language: English | eBooks Included The Pro Trader Complete FX course, is a result of 9 months of vigorous design and planning in which Forex trading is broken down into simple concepts that can be applied to your trading immediately.

Raghee Horner ForeX Trading for Maximum Profit The Best Kept Secret Off Wall Street English | CD-ROM | SWF | Flash | Exe | 313Mb Genre: e-learning

Raghee Horner is a private trader, founder of EZ2Trade Software, entrepreneur, and author. She is a regular contributor at a number of sites including FXStreet, Trading Markets, eSignal and a featured speaker at the Forex and Traders Expos. Her commentary and analysis is seen daily by thousands of traders at gotforex. com, forextraderdaily. com, and her personal blog ragheehorner. com. She has written articles for Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, Currency Trader, and Traders Journal magazine. Raghee trades from her home office in Coral Springs, FL. where she lives with her husband, Herb, and their two dogs.

Advanced Price Action Course 2nd Skies by Chris Capre English | Mp4 | h264 | 486x360 | 48 kb/s | 30.00 fps | Mp3 | 44100 Hz | 62 kb/s | 370Mb Genre: Video Training

We have analyzed price action patterns over the past 10 years and developed precision methods to trade these setups based on proprietary quantitative data never before published. These are all highly advanced strategies that are easy to learn, and yet they offer you highprobability price action forex setups along with intraday pivot point strategies to trade the markets. If you are looking to simplify your trading while having precision methods, this course is for you. In this course, you will learn highprobability, advanced price action and pivot point strategies that are backed up with more than 10 years of quantitative data. You will learn the same strategies I trade everyday, which are entirely rulebased, making them easy to learn and identify while reducing emotions and decision making for your trading.

Chris Capre - Pro Forex Trading Course Flash Video | MP4 / AVC,

700 kb/s | 576x432 | Duration: 01:57:42 | Spanish: AAC, 64 kb/s (1 ch) | 284 MB Genre: Trading

Simplify your trading while learning how to find unique trading opportunities, high probability setups backed by 10 years of quantitative data and advanced chart reading skills for any market. None of the techniques are complicated or difficult to learn. All of the strategies, systems, tactics and methods you will learn are proprietary and some of the quantitative analysis you will learn has never been published. Simply put, this course is designed to give you an edge but keep your trading simple. In this course you will learn our Shadow Systems which are our oldest systems to date (since 2004). They are incredibly robust yet simple and help you trade intraday momentum moves.

300 kb/s | 800x600 | Duración:

100 hours | AAC, 96 kb/s (1 ch) | 11.5 GB Genre: Video Training

As their distinctive trademark, the portal has always been proud of their unyielding commitment to provide objective and unbiased information, to enable their users to take better and more confident decisions. On the portal, the real time quotes, news, newsletters and interactive chats with experts from all over the world are among the most well received content. Furthermore, FXstreet. com is very proud of its sections on Fundamental and Technical analysis, as with these sections FXstreet. com has managed to gain the collaboration of the entire Forex industry, from individual professionals and small companies, right up to Forex Brokers and Investment Banks.

FXEducator Forex Trading with Ed Ponsi English | DVD | ISO | 720x480 |30fps | 4:3 | Mp3 192kbps 48000hz | 6.11Gb

Ed Ponsi is the President of FXEducator LLC and is the former Chief Trading Instructor for Forex Capital Markets (FXCM). An experienced professional trader and money manager, Ed has advised hedge funds, institutional traders, and individuals of all levels of skill and experience. A sought-after public speaker, consultant, commentator and writer, Ed has appeared in numerous seminars, trading magazines, and live broadcasts, and is a frequent contributor to trading websites

Todd Gordon – Forex Trading Using Fibonacci & Elliott Wave [1 AVI] English | Size: 699.14 MB (733,102,080 bytes ) Category: Tutorial From great instructor and trader Todd Gordon, a short Forex Trading Course Using Fibonacci & Elliott Wave.

Let acclaimed Forex trader Todd Gordon give you his FEWL system in this new course, and you will be positioned to identify the strong, trending relationships between currencies to repeatedly grab profits trade after trade. [Read more…]

VSA TradeGuider FOREX Trading Mentorship Course [ 5wmv ] English | Size: 629.26 MB (659,828,140 bytes ) Category: Tutorial Accelerate your learning with the VSA FOREX Trading Mentorship Program. The course will enable you to begin trading using VSA within a 4 day structured mentorship course.

Join Trader & Author Gavin Holmes as he personally guides you through a series of the highest probability trade setups, using the VSA and Wyckoff principles.

Over 4 sessions you will get 15 full hours of direct education on Volume Spread Analysis and the best practices in making yourself a consistent and successful FOREX trader or investor. [Read more…]

Gavin Holmes – VSA Forex Trading Mentorship Course [5 Videos (WMV)] English | Size: 629.26 MB (659,828,140 bytes) Category: Tutorial Accelerate your learning with the VSA FOREX Trading Mentorship Program. The course will enable you to begin trading using VSA within a 4 day structured mentorship course. Join Trader & Author Gavin Holmes as he personally guides you through a series of the highest probability trade setups, using the VSA and Wyckoff principles. Over 4 sessions you will get 15 full hours of direct education on Volume Spread Analysis and the best practices in making yourself a consistent and successful FOREX trader or investor. [Read more…]

Hector DeVille – Forex Trading – 3SMA Trading System [64 avi, 9 pdf] English | Size: 9.55 GB Category:Stock HectorTrader. com is not offering you yet another black-box trading system – we’re offering you a full Forex training program so you actually learn how to trade as opposed to blindly follow the signals generated by a black box system.

There’s an important difference! When you simply follow a system you don’t quite understand the trading decisions you’re taking… you just follow the signals generated by a combination of indicators that may or may not be right at that precise time. [Read more…]

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Evidence of man's use of animal milk as food was discovered in a temple in the Euphrates Valley near Babylon, dating back to 3,000 BC. Humans drink the milk produced from a variety of domesticated mammals, including cows, goats, sheep, camels, reindeer, buffaloes, and llama. In India, half of all milk consumed is from water buffalo. Camels' milk spoils slower than other types of milk in the hot desert, but the vast majority of milk used for commercial production and consumption comes from cows.

Milk directly from a cow in its natural form is called raw milk. Raw milk is processed by spinning it in a centrifuge, homogenizing it to create a consistent texture (i. e. by forcing hot milk under high pressure through small nozzles), and then sterilizing it through pasteurization (i. e. heating to a high temperature for a specified length of time to destroy pathogenic bacteria). Condensed, powdered, and evaporated milk are produced by evaporating some or all of the water content. Whole milk contains 3.5% milk fat. Lower-fat milks include 2% low-fat milk, 1% low - fat milk, and skim milk, which has only 1/2 gram of milk fat per serving.

The CME Group has three different milk futures contracts: Milk Class III which is milk used in the manufacturing of cheese, Milk Class IV which is milk used in the production of butter and all dried milk products, and Nonfat Dry Milk which is used in commercial or consumer cooking or to reconstitute nonfat milk by the consumer. The Milk Class III contract has the largest volume and open interest.

Prices - The average monthly price received by farmers for all milk sold to plants in 2014 rose by +19.6% yr/yr to $23.98 per hundred pounds, a new record high.

Supply - World milk production in 2015 is expected to rise +2.1% to 582.521 million metric tons. The biggest producers will be the European Union with 26.1% of world production, India with 25.2%, and the U. S. with 16.5%. U. S. 2014 milk production in pounds is expected to rise +2.4% yr/yr to 205.994 billion pounds, setting a new record high. The number of dairy cows on U. S. farms has fallen sharply in the past 3 decades from the 12 million seen in 1970. In 2014, there were 9.255 million dairy cows on U. S. farms, down -0.4% yr/yr. Dairy farmers have been able to increase milk production even with fewer cows because of a dramatic increase in milk yield per cow. In 2014, the average cow produced 22,259 pounds of milk per year, more than double the 9,751 pounds seen in 1970.

Demand - Per capita consumption of milk in the U. S. fell to a new record low of 204 pounds per year in 2008 (latest data), down sharply by -26% from 277 pounds in 1977. The utilization breakdown for 2002 (latest data) shows the largest manufacturing usage categories are cheese (64.504 billion pounds of milk) and creamery butter (30.250 billion pounds).

Trade - U. S. imports of milk in 2014 rose +13.5% yr/yr to 4.200 billion pounds, still well below the record high of 7.500 billion pounds posted in 2005-06.

Articles from the Commodity Research Bureau (CRB) Commodity Yearbook. The single most comprehensive source of commodity and futures market information available, the Yearbook is the book of record of the Commodity Research Bureau, which is, in turn, the organization of record for the commodity industry itself. Its sources - reports from governments, private industries, and trade and industrial associations - are authoritative, and its historical scope is second to none. Additional information can be found at www. crbyearbook. com.

More commodity data from Commodity Research Bureau.

Tag: trading price action trends dl

To begin with allow me to state which i ‘m the Brooks devotee. I’ve experienced their very first guide for around annually, study this include to pay for four occasions, and also have sifted away more than 500 person topic factors in order to memorize. I have very easily invested on the 1000 several hours learning their techniques which means this brand new broadened first release associated with 3 had been essential purchase.

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I'm currently using the RSI which Keris posted in the very first post of this thread. The reason I use it, is cause I feel it gives me a better view than mt4 RSI.

The problem I have is that before the RSI reading is giving on the label, it reads current time frame. Now if you have a look at the way I have my screen setup, this means that I only get to see the value of the RSI on the 30min.

Could someone pls remove the indicator from showing that specific label pls.

Kind regards always Sue


Not to worry, I just removed a line an d it worked. Thankx


MTF RSI new question

Using the same indicator, is there a way I could possibly make the font larger and change the colour


standalone wcci - works with or without LSMA/EMA overlay lsma/ema overlay - stanalone; can be drugged from Navigator and dropped on same window with wcci ___ p. s. mtf doesn't have a brother but it does have a little sister - lsmaema (you know who gonna be mad. )

cci_wcci_mtf. mq4 LSMAEMA 4Levels overlay _mtf. mq4

Thanks fxbs . love your work buddy.



Hi everyone Firstly apologize for my poor English I'm seeking for a Multi Pair MA. I searched the forum. There are a lot of indicators regarding to Multi Timeframe such as RSI MACD and so on ….But nothing about Multi pair For example I want to attach USDCHF MA on EURUSD chart and etc … Please help me Thanks a lot

some links from there: https://www. forex-tsd. com/203764-post25.html Cross-Currency Strength All USD pairs Average movement of majors.

Last edited by fxbs ; 28-04-2008, 21:59.


Using the same indicator, is there a way I could possibly make the font larger and change the colour

Su, if you mean comment line in sep window - it's general chart properites https://www. forex-tsd. com/205318-post39.html 2. here's another rsi mtf


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The writer associated with Trading Price Action Trends pdf is principally buying and selling the actual stock exchange indices utilizing 5 minutes club graphs. You don’t have to possess a similar concentrate, however it ought to be pretty near to get complete worth from the guide. He or she utilizes candlestick graphs, however this particular guide isn’t regarding candle lights. 1 thought process about this is actually which candlesticks tend to be static and also the writer is actually much more centered on the way the graph evolves dynamically within the day time. Therefore within an method each comparable and various in order to regular candlestick meaning. The writer attempts to describe the actual fundamental systems producing particular cost designs. This really is fascinating. You could query the actual systems, however eventually I believe the actual guide provides worth with this relation. Ideally we will have much more of the within long term publications concerning the marketplace. The actual guide also offers comprehensive conversations associated with person graphs, that we discover very helpful to comprehend the way the writer looks at the graph.

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I’ve previously purchased the actual author’s Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar: The Technical Analysis of Price Action for the Serious Trader (Wiley Trading) as well as discovered this fascinating, however completely complicated to see (and We do not worry about sentence structure mistakes). Despite the fact that the present guide is not branded. you should look at this another release from the ’09 guide. The writer offers obviously place lots of additional work in to this particular guide to create this much more easy to understand when compared to ’09 guide. Basically evaluate both publications, I’d state how the 2nd release goes by the actual legibility tag, however it nevertheless offers difficulties. Therefore you should know how the guide isn’t a simple study. It’s thick as well as demands lots of research along with your personal graphs. Buying and selling design is regarding individual mindset, however if you feel your own character might match daytrading as well as severe research, it might be difficult look for a more desirable guide. This particular summary most likely additionally imply that many people won’t have sufficient persistence with this particular guide. The very first release of the Trading Price Action Trends pdf obtained lots of (rightful) review since it had been badly created. We question you will see another release, however there’s space with regard to enhancement: 1. Every section presents brand new suggestions within textual content structure with no graphs. Consequently, all of us obtain plenty of graph pictures within the 2nd 1 / 2 of the actual section. It might happen to be very useful to also provide a few numbers in order to demonstrate the actual ideas (like the stylised graph along with just a couple bars). Attempting to realize a brand new idea just by reading through constant textual content isn’t effective. dos. Partially for that exact same cause the actual guide is actually needlessly wordy. Nevertheless, it’s also wordy simply because numerous areas tend to be repeated. 3. It might happen to be good to possess many of the textual content within footnotes. We trust the writer which extra remarks include worth, however when they had been within footnotes it might happen to be easier for that readers to tell apart in between primary factors and extra factors. This particular is true each for that constant textual content and also the remarks towards the graphs. las cuatro. The writer is actually as well not so serious within saying which their strategy pertains to just about all marketplaces. Consider foreign exchange for example. Which marketplace is actually obviously much more powered through information, there’s much more every day volatility as well as buying and selling is actually twenty four hours. They are elements which needs to be integrated inside a cost motion viewpoint upon foreign exchange.

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#16 (Crystal Trend)

Submitted by User on July 13, 2011 - 09:59.

Submitted by Crystal Markets

My four years’ experience in the forex market, I realize the major problem of traders is entry and exit. A lot of trend trading techniques out there but you will agree that we have just few ways to filter entries and exits. TO help traders out there I sort the permission of my company to let go one of our trading strategies for your review. Trust me, its profitable if you follow the rules.

- BB_STOP default setting (20 periods) - Stochastic 4,2,2 - Fisher 50 periods

Apply the above indicators to your 4hour and 30min timeframes. The Direction of the BB_stop is our trend and the Fisher together with the Stochastic with multi-timeframe analysis will help for entry and exit. When BB_Stop is SELL (for example) make sure the fisher histogram is falling (regardless the colour) as the picture below.

Ones you spot this, move to the 30min timeframe make your entry when the stochastic is on or above the 80level for a SELL. Check the Picture below

Now follow your trade. Exit the trade only when Fisher histogram of the 4hour timeframe changes direction. Close at profit or loss. Remember your risk management.

DEMO trade this strategy to convince you or visit http://crystal-markets. blogspot. com/

Happy Trading! Crystal Markets

Submitted by User on July 15, 2011 - 21:48.

Thanks i will demo trade this system, how long have you been trading this system looks intresting, i like the multi timeframe methods more positive results. while checking past signals i see that we need to check the time difference between the 4 hr giving the signal and the stoch on the 30 min confirming, and make sure the 4hr fisher has not changed direction before you enter the trade. Do you also only trade the 1st signal after the bb bands change, and do not re-enter the same trade if the fisher changes back to the same direction again. Or do you wait for the next bb bands change to enter a new position, i hope i am clear Regards

Submitted by Crystal Markets on July 18, 2011 - 03:39.

The fisher changing direction is for your EXIT, the exit could be stoploss or takeprofit as the case may be. Range bound market is well taken care of. Ensure you do a good demo and you will enjoy it before going live.

Submitted by Crystal Markets on July 18, 2011 - 03:40.

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Pending orders

Browser-based platform

Minimum account size $1

Minimum position size 0.00001 lot

Spread type Fixed

Spread on EUR/USD, pips 2

Scalping Forbidden

Expert advisors Forbidden

Trading instruments

Forex 1:200

Gold & silver 1:200

Indexes 1:200

Metals 1:200

Opciones binarias


Streamster Mobile

Streamster Web

Digits after dot 4

Stop-out level 100%

Minimum distance to stop/limit orders, pips 7

Number of currency pairs 17


Show history Hide history

2012-04-28 — Rebranded from Marketiva to AGEA.


Overnight interest rates (swaps)

Trailing stop

Pending orders

Negociación con un solo clic

comercio móvil

Automated trading

Minimum account size $100

Minimum position size 0.01 lot

Spread type Fixed

Spread on EUR/USD, pips 1

Scalping Forbidden

Expert advisors Allowed

Trading instruments

Forex 1:200

Gold & silver 1:100

Indexes 1:100

Metals 1:100

Digits after dot 4

Margin call level 120%

Stop-out level 50%

Number of currency pairs (of which exotic) 60 (17)


Show history Hide history

2012-04-28 — Rebranded from Marketiva to AGEA.


Overnight interest rates (swaps)

Trailing stop

Pending orders

Negociación con un solo clic

comercio móvil

Automated trading

Minimum account size $6

Maximum account size $5,000

Minimum position size 0.01 lot

Spread type Fixed

Spread on EUR/USD, pips 1

Scalping Forbidden

Expert advisors Allowed

Trading instruments

Forex 1:500

Gold & silver 1:100

Indexes 1:100

Metals 1:100

Digits after dot 5

Number of currency pairs (of which exotic) 60 (17)


Show history Hide history

2012-04-28 — Rebranded from Marketiva to AGEA.


Overnight interest rates (swaps)

Trailing stop

Pending orders

Negociación con un solo clic

comercio móvil

Automated trading

Minimum account size $1,000

Minimum position size 0.01 lot

Spread type Fixed

Spread on EUR/USD, pips 1

Commission (one-way) per 1 std. lot $2

Scalping Forbidden

Expert advisors Allowed

Trading instruments

Forex 1:500

Gold & silver 1:500

Indexes 1:500

Metals 1:500

Digits after dot 5

Margin call level 120%

Stop-out level 50%

Number of currency pairs (of which exotic) 60 (17)


Show history Hide history

2012-04-28 — Rebranded from Marketiva to AGEA.


Overnight interest rates (swaps)

Trailing stop

Pending orders

Negociación con un solo clic

comercio móvil

Automated trading

Minimum account size $5

Minimum position size 0.00005 lot

Spread type Fixed

Spread on EUR/USD, pips 1

Scalping Forbidden

Expert advisors Allowed

Trading instruments

Digits after dot 5

Margin call level 120%

Stop-out level 50%

Number of currency pairs (of which exotic) 60 (17)


Show history Hide history

2012-04-28 — Rebranded from Marketiva to AGEA.


34 reviews of AGEA are presented here. Todas las reseñas representan sólo la opinión de su autor, que no está necesariamente basada en los hechos reales.

Monday, September 8, 2014

In reply to Huan from China:

If you still have any issue, please kindly contact us to support@agea. com so we can help you.

We do conduct a security procedure when we detect certain parameters that make us believe your account may be compromised, the procedure is applied in order to protect the funds of our clients, it usually takes less than 10 minutes and once it is completed withdrawal will be processed normally.

In reply to Pedro100 from Lisbon:

Spread was increased by our liquidity provider for some days near the date of your complain, we did obtained a better spread now, you may try with our Standard MT4 account for the better Silver spread. (Around 0.06 at the moment). If you still have any issue please kindly contact us to support@agea. com so we can solve them.

Pedro100. Lisbon. Trading account #1XXXXX6

Lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

I have been with them for 2 years, trading silver commodities. Till some weeks ago everything was fine but suddenly they doubled the spread. At old days it would be something between 0,06 and 0,10 now is 0,20. i wonder why. do you have the same spread.

You can see here a prtsc of it: https://dl. dropboxusercontent. com/u/1882274/agea. jpg

Huan. China. Trading account #6XXXX0

Friday, December 28, 2012

It's a very easy and fast deposit, but when I try to withdraw some money to the same account, the stupid "security breach suspected" happend all the time, without any specified reason; then I have to ask the stupid questions again and again.

I keep lossing money on trading, i'm not blaming anyone on this, but how could be so hard to withdraw my own money?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

dumb platform. i never put my indicator in their platform. all indicator on mt4. i am short-term trader, most of the time their platform late to update the point and rates. i have to reconnect and hopes get connected. plus sometimes it's hard to close position because they LAg you when u need it the most. but if i looking for clean platform, yes they are easy platform to use. but what use when it's useless?.

Monday, July 19, 2010

This broker should rise minimum deposit. Because he has 0 (zerro) minimum deposit. Then it attracts losers from all around the world they never learned from their mistakes and always blaming broker. Their platform is reliable. You have life and demo account together. Live chat on platform. Simply not bad.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This broker is a clever artist. they have cool and nice platform. acceptable speed at normal time, and good support for beginners. no overnight commission and swap charges, deposit and withdrawals no problem for me.

at negative side of broker. if you introduced a big investor he will not pay you referral commission, just in his word person you introduced is generating abnormally huge commission (by trading) for introducer(how stupid reason..)

he has a cool hidden weapon to hijack your money, short-term trade policy

he will leave you to trade the way you like. even to brake his barrier of short term trade limits.

when you are in critical position all of a sudden he use his rules and suspends your account. up to week. and you can\'t place new order!

no way than loosing money. he is a tricky artist, and takes advantage of your mistakes very effectively.

both good and bad. cool for care full, long-term traders, bad for intraday and short term trader, and worst for scalpers.

in one word cool and cunning broker.

Envíe su opinión

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By submitting a Forex Broker review to EarnForex. com you confirm that you grant us rights to publish and change this review at no cost and without any warranties. Make sure that you are entering a valid email address. Se enviará un enlace de confirmación a este correo electrónico. Las reseñas publicadas desde una dirección de correo electrónico desechable (por ejemplo, example@mailinator. com) no se publicarán. Por favor, envíe su dirección de correo electrónico normal que se puede utilizar para ponerse en contacto con usted.

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Unbiased commentary, views and news on stocks, ETFs, forex. funds, ISAs, SIPPs, CFDs and Spreadbetting. Subscribe to print and digital version of Shares. At the CeBIT trade show this week, NETGEAR®, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTGR) is showcasing the industry’s most flexible solution for small to mid-sized organizations. Hansa Trust Commentary – RISK and return. … Having started the year calmly enough, stock markets wobbled for much of the second half of calendar 2015. However.

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Category Archives: Notable Traders

FXCM, long considered one of the strongest and most reputable Forex brokers worldwide struggled notably in 2015 on the heels of the Swiss National Bank catastrophe. Among other dramatic turns the brokerage was forced to take out a loan and to sell off some of its assets. Then, in September, FXCM was notified by the New York Stock that it was not in compliance with the continued listing standards set forth in Section 802.01C of the Listed Company Manual of the New York Stock Exchange because its price had fallen below $1 per share for a period of over 30 consecutive trading days. At that time we’d speculated that anyone with confidence in the industry and in this leading company could turn a nice profit by investing in its undervalued stock.

At the same time FXCM confirmed its confidence in the company and presumed that it would turn things around – and it seems that this confidence was not purely smoke and mirrors. FXCM has come through for its clients and anyone who invested in the stock over the last few months and held their positions has likely seen massive profits – at the close of trading yesterday FXCM shares were valued at over $19. On a day where the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 367 points, this is an even more notable victory. The price is more than trip the $5.20 that the stock was priced at only last month.

The turnaround in stock price is significant for FXCM, as it demonstrates confidence in the brand not only by its own traders but by other financial investors who are looking to invest in solid growth. We look forward to seeing what company brings forth in 2016 – and we’re expecting greatness.

DailyForex. com’s Huzefa Hamid had the pleasure of interviewing David Katz, a. k.a. TradingFibz. David originally came from a background in teaching and medical sciences. He educated himself in trading, built his own strategy and became a profitable futures trader. Today, in addition to teaching in the medical sciences in Arizona, he runs a trading room for people of all levels to teach them his strategy.

[Huzefa Hamid] David, thank you for speaking with me today. Vamos a empezar. Tell me a little bit about your background. What was your journey into the markets? What were you doing before you discovered the markets?

[David Katz] The first education I need to be thankful for is to my parents for introducing me to the concept of stocks and bonds from an early age. Every kid wanted a Tonka truck; for me, it was the occasional bond or stock in companies like DeBeers that made me first interested in the market. I grew up in Chicago where I went to school, University of Illinois, for a degree in education. I became a teacher, an instructor, but I also had a passion for the sciences. I was always interested in numbers, business, from the time of high school but education seemed to be my path. I progressed through the years till about I’d say five years ago where I had an opportunity to organize a stock market competition in an economics class that I was teaching here in Arizona to middle school and high school students. Over the course of a year and a half or so, we won many of those simulations. I then spent three years with the Arizona Counsel of Economic Education; I was the state coordinator for the “international simulation” for stockmarketgame. org. I did workshops one after the other here in Arizona. Let me regress a little bit: some years after college, I decided to return to medical school. I felt a lot of that education I received in med school – the analysis, the critical thinking, and the problem solving – gave me that foundation to look at the markets the way I do today. But prior to all of that stock market simulation stuff, about ten years ago I started with commodities and invested on the probability of pullbacks in the market, for example, what was the likelihood of cotton or soy beans to go up the next day after a pullback in price action the day prior. Alongside that, I was reading the Investor’s Business Daily which started a foundation in my trading. Shortly afterwards, I met two individuals who introduced me to free local workshops that met once a month on a Tuesday night in Arizona with about 50-60 people showing up. That’s when I got exposed to Fibonacci patterns. I ended up taking a couple of classes being offered on Fibonacci and I implemented what I learned with my students and that led us to those wins in stockmarketgame. org.

I used to cut out a lot of articles from money magazines only to realize that it was month old news and I had to be current with what’s going on and that’s probably why I got interested in day trading. With the Fibonacci analysis and so much of the classes and workshops I’d attended and even taught, it all started a platform for me to feel comfortable speaking about trading more publicly. My interest was always to promote my knowledge and offer my education. Through the coordinator of stockmarketgame. org I had the opportunity to attend a workshop at the New York Stock Exchange Euroenext and from that moment forward I just knew my passion was to become a day trader. I opened up an account with thinkorswim about five years ago. My background in education said that I need to share what I know with many traders. I started using Twitter. I started using StockTwits. I opened up a YouTube channel. I started a website and I just started sharing what I knew. And, yes, I went on a quest to find the holy grail of trading but the truth was that I had a good foundation in Fibonacci and when I started picking up a couple of things I started to come out with my own trading strategy and eventually opened up my own trading room community. For about three years it was free of charge and now I’m with Marketfy which brought everything together.

[HH] With the move to always be current and day trading, did that make you move towards Technical Analysis over Fundamentals?

[DK] To me, both are just as equal and as important. Technical Analysis became very important to me because if I am going to be an intraday trader, fundamentals I found did not have much basis. I consider myself to be a “crumb” trader; I’m not moving big lots. For me, it’s running off the tails of the big players and for whatever fundamental reasons they believe the price action should move, well I’m just going to follow on that. I do use fundamentals or what you can call value based trading in my long-term investments and I combine that with my technical analysis. When it comes to my day trading, to me it’s about technical entries and I leave it as simple as possible. That’s where I’ve found the Fibonacci to really line up including the use of what I’ve found to be the bread and butter of my trading, the Moving Averages.

[HH] Was there a point where you transitioned from knowing you can make a living from this to being an actual “paying-your-bills-trader”?

[DK] I do still teach in the classroom but I do that a lot around my trading hours. I like to have physical appearances in front of my students (I’m a trained podiatrist that teaches anatomy and runs a trading room!). However, the point at which I realized that trading can be profitable and can be sustainable was when I had a daily goal of a certain amount (I know some traders will say you shouldn’t have a daily goal but a lot of times that daily goal has saved me from getting into any other trades during the day and give it back to the market). I do this a lot with my new traders: I say, if you can make $200 a day, multiply that by five, multiply that by the weeks in the year, and that’s either a nice supplemental or that’s a nice foundation to say that you can make a living at this and not give money back to the market. The moment I realized that this could be something more than just part-time, I took more time to sit down at nights, learn more about it so I could feel that I had more confidence when the markets opened the next morning.

[HH] When you set your daily goal, did you also have a maximum drawdown goal?

[DK] If your goal is $200 per day, you should as a golden rule shut your trading off if you’re down by $500 in that day or if you’ve had two consecutive losses that day (even if you’re account is up by that point). Otherwise that will lead to revenge trading.

[HH] Could you describe how you use Fibonacci and if it is different from the standard Fib retracements or extensions you most people using today.

[DK] I was trained mathematically in the natural order of numbers and that’s how I came to appreciate how Fibonacci patterns work in the market. For me, Fibonacci makes total sense when you look at what the series means mathematically outside of trading. When I started applying that to the charts, I found that Fibonacci retracements was the first foundation to understand its application. Now, how do I use it? If I see price action moving in a certain direction and it crosses a moving average and then it pulls back, my first question is how much did it pull back. Did it pull back one of three numbers: 38%, 50% or 61.8%? As long as it hits one of those numbers, I will throw up a Fibonacci extension. I have some very clear rules about the three points that I use to place the Fibonacci extension. Based on my experience, there is an 85% chance that price action will move towards what we call Target 1. While Fibonacci can work very well on a daily chart, I’ve found that they can work just as well on an intraday chart.

[HH] What are your Fibonacci extension levels?

[DK] 50%, 100%, 127% and then 161.8% and 261.8%.

[HH] With the objective rules for your Fibonacci points, does that mean two people in your trading room should independently of each other arrive at the same Fibonacci points?

[HH] Can you talk a little bit about the pivot points you use.

[DK] The most important lines that should be added to a person’s chart are the daily gap which is the settlement close of the cash from the day prior and the daily pivot which is the prior day’s High + Low + Close all divided by 3. That zone, or gap pivot zone, sets up an area which I can show you on numerous days can be very choppy unless price moves outside of there. It should be avoided. There’s another line that I use called the average move up and the average move down. I’ve been using that for about a year. This has become unique to my room where we see price action for 3.3 days out of the week hit that line, or 79% of the time. That line comes from taking the difference between the open and the high and then the open and the low, and then you take the average of those differences over the course of time and you get those numbers. For example, [at the time of this interview] that line is 75 ticks upside and 91 ticks downside for the Russell index futures. It’s an amazing line or target when the trend is in play. That’s not to say that’s the official line for the day and nothing else counts.

[HH] Did you discover that line yourself?

[DK] I won’t lay claim that I have not have seen it anywhere because I really don’t remember but I can tell you that I built the spreadsheet for it. I did not take that from anybody. I remember starting to plot it but I can’t even tell you where I got it from anymore. I might have adapted it from another source. It’s nothing too proprietary, I share with anybody who wants to know. As long as someone has the data, they can easily come up with the lines. Besides those lines, I put up the cam lines, the daily support & resistance lines. I don’t use them as targets. I just want to see where the majority of traders are looking to say where price might bounce. If I’m in a trade, I just manage it with a stop anyways and those lines do not matter. I just call it the macro view and I like to see where the big picture is always.

[HH] Do those lines count towards your entry rules?

[DK] For the entry, the most important lines are the daily gap and pivot, I would not enter a trade inside that zone, and I have the 25 minute open range (a lot of people use the 5 minute open range) because momentum tends to move outside of that range. If price doesn’t move outside of that range, I will adapt my trading style differently for the day.

[HH] Why do you use Heikin Ashi bars over regular bars?

[DK] They’re a trend bar and they remove the emotion of trading and. A Heikin Ashi bar shows you that price action is remaining in a trend. It removes the emotion of the regular candlesticks that will tend to vacillate back and forth and will scream at you, Oh My God, this trade is going south on me! In the meanwhile, the Heikin Ashi bar is still showing you to be in trend and it will keep you in trend. I use the Heikin Ashi once I’m in a trade to stay in a trade. Just to reiterate, I use the Heikin Ashi bars not for price action, but for trend action. I still use a regular candlestick for my entry. But Heikin Ashi bars are to remain in the trend once the trade is in.

[HH] How many different types of setups do you have?

[DK] I have two key types of setups. The first one is for a chop action day where price action is moving sideways. And if I have a trending trade that is setup number 2.

[HH] But you often don’t know if the day is going to be a sideways day or a trending day. How do you take that into account?

[DK] I can usually tell if it’s a trending day or chop action day within the first thirty minutes.

[HH] Is there a ruleset for you to know that?

[DK] No, it’s a visual of price action.

[HH] Once you’ve made the call that it’s, for example, a chop day, would you only then use Setup #1?

[DK] That’s correct. Setup #1 is a get-in and get-out type of a trade.

[HH] What kind of performance for your strategy do you try to hit?

[DK] As a daily goal for a starting trader, my specialty being trading the future indices, you get in and get out and make your $100 or $200 for the day. Over time, of course, you can increase the number of contracts you trade and increase your profits. I’m a very patient and disciplined trader so I don’t take every single trade. On a typical day, there are two or three setups that work in my favour (and being a trend trader, I’d rather ride the length of that trend of the price action). I always stick to my trading plan. When I waiver, I lose. The entry is very precise and the exit is an automatic setup. I always trade with a stop. It’s very rare though that I finish the day in the red. That’s not how it all started! Over time I’ve become a more profitable trader.

[HH] Where do you trade? What are the trading hours you keep?

[DK] I have two monitors (nothing like some of the pictures you see which have four or eight monitors up!). I have a laptop also to make three screens in total. My hours are from the US open (7:30am ET) to the US close (4pm ET). I trade from home. There’s no extravagant setup and I don’t need to rent space for any of this. I have an audio microphone that I run through my chatroom as well as through my screen share application so people are able to hear me from two different sources. I tend to open up the room anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour before the market open but trading doesn’t take place until at least the US volume is in. I tend to sit out the first thirty minutes of trading (you could say that’s in addition to the strategy). There are conditions that I will trade in the first thirty minutes but I find the first thirty minutes to be a very volatile time so I tend to remain out of that especially with economic data coming out. I got tired of trading outside of US trading hours and tired of trading in the first thirty minutes where I lost most of my money. So my trading hours are generally from 8am ET to 4pm ET, and just like a regular workday – I’m in here all day for all the traders.

[HH] Let’s say a member is trying out your room for the first time, what does their learning curve typically look like (assuming they know how to use their trading platform and execute trades)?

[DK] I’d say anywhere from three days to maybe a week. I also offer one-on-one mentoring to help. And I offer my template for the thinkorswim platform so they just download that and everything will be set up.

[HH] Three days isn’t bad at all. That means by the following week, you should find people finding their own trades and feeding that back to you?

[DK] Yes. Plus I always encourage new traders not to trade live until they’re making sufficient monetary reward from their simulated trades.

[HH] Tell us about the service you provide?

[DK] I give the transparency of a live trading room. Come on in, let’s talk. I’ll show you my live trading dome. That to me stands out more than anything I can ever write.

[HH] Have you looked at your strategy in the context of spot Forex?

[DK] I had a webinar recently and right after the webinar I had that question. So I tweeted the EUR/USD chart with a beautiful setup. There was exactly no difference. I used a 10 tick range chart and I found it didn’t matter what Forex pairs we looked at – there were setups all around. If you’re trading Forex, this strategy works 100% exactly the same.

[HH] Thank you David!

You were an analyst at Admiral and at Platinum Investment for many years. What made you move over to currency trading?

Let me tell you about my background first. While I was doing the analysis I was also trading. When I start trading seriously I also felt obliged to help traders make money. I started doing that on Forex Factory ( the biggest forex site in the world ) on EURUSD thread. Doing the analysis without trading is just…not right. I did that on small account but as you already know, making 3 % on a 100 USD account is the same as making it on 1.000.000 USD account. The difference is the money. On 100 USD its 3 USD on 1m account it is 30000 USD. But when trading we are calculating in percentage. 3 % is always 3 %.

I have soon found out that 70-80% of my analysis is correct and I started trading.

How did you get the name ‘Tarantula?’

Tarantula is a spider. Spider makes swings. Up and Down, Down and Up. I don’t care whether the currency will rise or fall. I am there to set the trap ( as a spider ) and get the pips. Spider is waving her web up and down, just as I do. Taking the swings in both directions. And don’t forget, Tarantula is a spider King hahaha.

Your thread on Forex Factory (Spider’s Den) is among the most read and popular proprietary threads on the whole Forex Factor with 2,150,000 visits since you opened it 2 years ago. How did this thread become so popular so quickly?

Actually its more then 4.000.000 now probably as they removed the counter some time ago. I think it is because quality is always perceived quickly. I made FREE calls, free setups and actually people were making money with it. Its very unique because it transparent. I always put Entries and Targets. Its like i am teaching traders to fish. All the analysis is backed up by charts, and PRE FACT analysis and charts. I never liked those POST FACT analysis. In that particular time people were bragging about the trades and analysis which was almost always AFTER THE FACT. I was one of the first traders who presented transparent and pre fact analysis as a must. All posts which I have been posting needed to show the logic behind it. That’s one of the many reasons why I trade Price Action and not some 97 USD pdf systems. I am the creator of CAMMACD ™ price action method and that is what I use for analysis, setups and Session Recaps with Admiral Markets - my favorite brokers.

Additional reason for a success is that I respect EVERY trader, no matter if she is a losing or profitable one. I am always there to comment, advise, suggest and admit even when I am wrong. If my trade is stopped out I am not afraid to say it and post it. On my front page (http://www. forexfactory. com/member. php? u=133347) you can see some comments from other traders.

One of the things you like to look out for as an entry opportunity is “breakout, pullback, continuation”. Would you agree that except for very short-term and small moves, you often have to wait a pretty long time in Forex for really good set-ups of this type to happen? What would convince you not to wait for the re-test?

Exactamente. Some years ago, especially back in mid 2000s it was all about swings. Average ATR was huge compared to ATR as of now. So, BPC pattern was one of the very first breakout patterns I learnt. The times have changed. Its hard to get BPC except for short term trades, that why I apply 2 additional methods: Trigger Happy and Breakout-Retest ( without continuation ). BPC best works when pairs are having big movements in a zig zag ( trend ). Unfortunately conditions have changed. so we need to adapt.

You like to use shape patterns to judge breakouts. Do you think some currencies tend to print and respect these patterns more than others? For example we often seem to see them more these days in USDJPY and EURUSD, but not so much in other JPY crosses. Do you think price action in minor pairs is less valid as these prices are a “product” of their parent pairs?

Well to be honest the patterns are the “patterns”. Se trata de cómo te acercas al comercio. The answer to your statement is obvious. USDJPY is most heavily influenced by BOJ statements about quantitative easing, which was caused by the country’s GDP declining by 7.1% in the second quarter of 2014. USD being strongest safe heaven is the exact opposite of JPY. When USD is gaining JPY is declining. This has led to double exposure as most investors were buying dollars ( especially due to strong fundamentals coming from US ) and selling JPY. On big trends patterns are definitely showing better then on small and weak trends.

All traders need to know that trading is heavily influenced by historical buyers/sellers and historically important levels. No indicator can tell you that, you need to spot those yourself. Behavioral analysis has its place in psychology and trading is a psychology game

The answer you your other question is “yes” and “no”. For example, look at GBPJPY. Again we have GBP weakness last few months and USD strength. Translated to trading terms is that GBP is getting stronger against YEN but due to GBP weakness its not so exaggerated as opposed to USDJPY.

Currency trading is always watched through the prism of base and quote currency.

I trade 25 pairs. When you trade minors you should always pay attention to correlations table.

Do you modify what you are looking for in entries and exits between different currency pairs? For example, do you expect EUR/USD to pull back more than GBP/USD? Or do you just treat every pair the same and expect technical to tell the same stories?

I always place technical target and look for a momentum push. Once I am in a profit I tend to place trailing stop. Because I am trading intraday my stop is rarely higher then 30 pips. In this volatile market, it’s an absolute necessity to use trailing stop for intraday trades. I did a webinar – “how to turn scalps into scalps swings and scalp swings into intraday”. So that is the strategy I have been using, as I have personally created it. So once I place the trade, I put my SL. Then I use trailing stop. I usually go for 15-60 pips on each trade.

When I do trend trades I open the position when the price has lost its momentum ( aka retracement ). For trends, I always want to sell higher and buy lower. For that we need a loss of momentum, so called retracement.

Do you use any quantitative statistics in your trading?

What is the best way for technical traders to avoid the trap of seeing too much confluence on the chart, which might spook them into exiting a good trade too early?

I use POCs(points of confluence) strictly for ENTRIES. I personally don’t look confluence for exits. Early exit is absolutely justified if price momentum suddenly changes. We have been witnessing a lot manipulation from big banks so once the trade is in the profit you should protect it. Many times price has been spiked at “the fix” time ( 1.15 PM and 4 pm gmt ) only to hit SL and then proceed in the direction you wanted. Trailing the stop is protecting a trader from rumors, unexpected events, power outages, macro economical shakeouts, strong news. All intraday traders are prone to above mentioned. Technical traders should learn the METHOD, RISK and MONEY MANAGEMENT. Targets are not the problem as long as they “feel” the market and trust their own analysis. As you know. successful trading is based on a TRIPOD:

I always say “If one leg falls - all will fall”

Trader’s assignments should be:

Primary – Not to lose money during any given timeframe period

Secondary – Gradually growing the account

Third – Make profits

Problem is that most traders switch the third for the first assignment.

Now if traders are suffering from undertrading symptom that is something else. They need to work on their psychology then. That is why I work on Psychology webinars with Admiral Markets. I want to educate traders to fully understand this profession. This is not a rocket science. But it’s still a science. I could talk and brainstorm it so much as there are always things which could be learnt and which most traders simply do not recognize. But it is also a thrill of this profession.

Adam Lemon’s new e - book, Simple Proven Forex Strategies . recently released on FXAcademy. com, offers unique insight into the use of simple strategies in momentum trading.

Adam has worked in financial markets for over 12 years. His expertise in strategic Forex trading is evident in his lucid presentations of two expedient trading strategies, the Outside Bar and the Pin Bar strategies and in his analysis of the results of these strategies on two different candlestick patterns over several time periods for major currency pairs. His book differs from other such tomes in that he sets out to prove these strategies by back testing them under varying conditions and by justifying the results with statistical evidence derived from the historical data.

Lemon’s disclaimer that the use of these theories does not always have the expected results is commendable and comforts the reader with a feeling of honesty and trust as compared to other theorists who claim guaranteed positive outcomes when adhering to certain strategies.

Perhaps more impressive is how the author lays out his theories in a precise manner, outlining the step by step process for each hypothetical currency trade and then explaining the reasoning behind each move. This is followed by common concerns that may arise with each theory and how best to deal with them. The back testing is conducted on three time frames–daily, 4 hour, and 1 hour and the author acknowledges openly when the results prove to be disappointing. The author goes on to judge each strategy by pair and timeframe by applying filters such as trading only during periods of high liquidity or session opens, and discovers that the application of such filters can dramatically improve the results and create tradable strategies for certain currency pairs

The book concludes with a table of historically profitable trades using these two strategies.

Lemon has written a well formulated summary of two common strategies used in momentum trading and the efficacy of their implementation in back testing their results. The author suggests that the book is not for beginner traders but that more experienced or discretionary traders will find the data useful. Considering how candid he is in the rest of his writings, this assessment should be taken literally. However, the FX Academy also offers many lessons and courses for new traders, so if you’re not quite sure what momentum trading means, don’t worry – start slowly, and with the right courses, you’ll figure it out soon enough!

Learn how to translate these strategies into actual trades with free courses from DailyForex traders at FX Academy. Register now!

Chris Capre is the founder of 2nd Skies Forex and KronosFX. Chris sat down with Huzefa Hamid from DailyForex to discuss his journey into the markets from Yoga, to working for FXCM and then a hedge fund, and now running his own fund and providing educational tools for traders.

[Huzefa Hamid] What was your professional background prior to trading?

[Chris Capre] I was a yoga teacher and yoga therapist. I worked with people who had injuries and they wanted rehabilitation type techniques to deal with that. I taught yoga for a total of 7 years but I’ve been practicing for a total of 13 years now every day. [HH: That’s quite a different field.] Some people think it’s kind of the opposite. Most people start off in finance and then they have an “aha” moment and ditch the suits and go on some sort of a spiritual quest. I did it the other way round.

[HH] Why did you decide to be a trader? What was your journey into the markets?

[CC] In late 2000 / early 2001, I realized I wasn’t going to build the financial career that I wanted to and do all the things I wanted to do through yoga. I started to look at other options and opportunities. I started investing and I got involved in mutual funds and the equities markets. But I was disenchanted with the fact that you can only make money so many hours of the day. At the time, I was working with a particular client of mine who was a doctor and who had cancer; he wanted to do some yoga therapy to make his body feel better. We became very good friends. He had invented a patent that Kodak had bought and had retired at 40 a deca-millionaire. One day, he came up to me, looked at me and asked: “When are you going to get a real job?” I was shocked by the question and asked him what he meant. He gave me a book about an American that goes overseas and becomes a currency trader and ends up doing some very interesting things in the markets [the book is “Ugly Americans” by Ben Mezrich]. He then told me he had a strange feeling I should learn currency trading and to read this book. After reading that book I signed up for a demo account, and after a month of demo trading I went live and never turned back. I had a very short incubation period. I found trading something that naturally made sense to me. I felt like I could look at the charts and get an understanding of what was happening and where I wanted to position myself. Technical Analysis and trading takes time to refine your technique and skill, just like hitting a golf ball or archery, which is something I do. And that is something that’s ongoing. But the initial part of it seemed intuitive to me.

[HH] What are some of the early mistakes you made as you found your feet as a trader?

[CC] Managing risk and emotions and the psychological aspects of it. Managing risk was something I had very little understanding of in the beginning so I was way over-leveraged in my position sizing. I started off trading standard lots on something that should have been a mini-sized account: it was a $3000 account and I was trading standard lots right off the bat. If I had lost my first few trades I could have been wiped out completely. Luckily I won my first 8 or 9 in a row so that helped to beef things up. About 6 months into it I experienced my first big loss. I had taken my account from $3k to $83k, but then I lost $10k in 5 minutes and then $25k in 15 minutes. So those big losses gave me my first psychological check which I hadn’t experienced up to that point. For that next 3 to 6 month period, I really got a first-hand experience of what were my psychological limiting beliefs, thoughts and conditions around trading, losses, success and failure. That was something that took a little bit of time to deal with and digest.

[HH] Why the name “2nd Skies” – what does it represent?

[CC] I was with a hedge fund after working for FXCM. I was with the fund for a year but I felt that it was time for me to go private; I had been working for other people for a long time and making them wealthy. Instead I could have been building my fund, which I had been trading with private funds very early on, along with my track record and client base. But leaving the hedge fund felt like it was a new horizon or a new sky that was opening up. That’s why I called it 2nd Skies.

[HH] Tell us about the hedge fund – how you walked into that and your experiences there.

[CC] I had been working for FXCM for about 2 years and I had done many presentations for them at expos and shows. There was this hedge fund that was going around scouting talent and I’d met them a couple of times but I was really enjoying my time at FXCM – it was a great environment to work in and they’re a great company . [HH: What were you doing at FXCM?] At FXCM, my work with them was as a broker, and eventually I built up a large client book, top in the company. I was also doing sales, audits for trade executions, working with gold clients, and education – both internally and externally. I did everything you could possibly imagine inside that organization as I wanted to absorb as much about the industry as I could. After leaving FXCM, I wanted to see what hedge funds were about (I had my own private fund at the time). So I got into contact with some of the people who had tried to recruit me in the past and one of them hired me pretty quickly. I stayed with them for a year before starting 2nd Skies.

[HH] In a nutshell, what does 2nd Skies offer your customers?

[CC] 2nd Skies is really about teaching people how to trade the markets – not just the Forex markets, it can be stocks, futures, or commodities. We offer all kinds of tools for that. I have free articles and videos, daily signals and setups, and weekly market commentary. We also have online courses that are designed to teach people how to use the same systems that I use on a daily basis. These are same techniques that I use to build a successful trading psychology and risk management profile, and we help traders interact with other traders in a large community to share their trade ideas and setups every day. We have a pretty strong success rate: our reviews our consistently positive across the board.

[HH] Talk to us about some of the emphasizing points you lay out in your Price Action module.

[CC] I approach Price Action from a slightly different perspective than most out there. Most of the Price Action you see out there is pattern based, for example Pin Bars, Inside Bars etc. Those are useful patterns but those patterns are the result of Order Flow, not the cause. So those patterns are reactive, not responsive. I teach people how to look at the Price Action and read the Order Flow behind it. The bottom line is that there really are only a couple of facts about the markets. First, as long as there are buying and selling orders, the market will move. And second, the Price Action is a full manifestation of the Order Flow which is the sum total of the buying and selling orders out there. With my models I employ quantitative based data and strategies to understand the market. For example, how does something statistically hold up over time? How does this particular Price Action formation result in this being an extreme statistically? There are all kinds of things you can measure from a quantitative perspective, even a particular pattern’s effectiveness in a particular environment. So I approach it both from a quantitative perspective and from understanding the Order Flow behind it. Most people are just talking about patterns which keep people reactive and not responsive to the market. They think the pattern is the cause of the move and they don’t realize it’s the result, not the cause.

[HH] There are lots of trading concepts out there. What’s made you pay attention to Ichimoku Cloud in particular and offer a separate course on it?

[CC] I discovered Ichimoku in 2004 when I was working for the broker. Back then, working for a broker was a huge informational advantage because the broker had a lot more information than was available publicly. At the time, there was very little information on the Ichimoku Cloud and most of the information was limited to coming out of Japan and one translation and that was it. I started to explore and I really liked the trend trading concept behind it. It’s designed to give a lot less signals but it filters out a lot of false ones. It’s designed to capture trending and momentum type moves, discover future support & resistance levels and underlying reversals in the market. To me that sounded very interesting. Of course, Price Action is fantastic but somehow I naturally gravitated towards Ichimoku. The funny thing is that when I taught an internal class at the broker about it back in 2004, they all laughed at me and thought it was the biggest joke. Now at the same broker, FXCM, one of their largest forum threads is on the Ichimoku Cloud and they have it in six languages. It’s something that’s definitely expanded and hopefully I’ve been able to help bring that out into the world and give it some more exposure.

[HH] Do you teach the Ichimoku Cloud in the standard way that you discovered it or have you modified it?

[CC] For some strategies I’ve modified it but not the settings on the Ichimoku Cloud because the settings are based on a particular theory, the Ichimoku Time Theory. And the person who invented it, Goichi Hosoda, had spent 4 years studying number and time theory and he came up with some particular numbers that he felt were crucial. All of Ichimoku is based on that. So I didn’t want to disrupt those numbers and use alternate settings. I feel that his 4 years of study on number and time theory is far more intricate than mine. So I trust that. But I’ve made modifications to certain types of entries.

[HH] Do you trade Ichimoku in a discretionary way or a rule based way?

[CC] Most of my trading tends to be more rule based rather than discretionary based, so we have rules for all of our Ichimoku systems. When my students take the trades, a lot of them are getting in at the exact same price which tells me that you can trade Ichimoku in a rule based way. It does help to have some quantitative data and we’ve started to expand our analysis on Ichimoku, and I’ve employed some people who are very good at financial modelling to help me do that.

[HH] Pivot Points are very well known. How do you treat PPs differently from what’s already out there?

[CC] When I first started looking at Pivot Points I couldn’t find any quantitative based data or strategies out there. There was nothing and I searched everywhere. So I went out and built my own quantitative based strategies solely on Pivot Points. To build those types of things you just have to ask the right questions. I worked with a programmer and I would ask a bunch of questions, have him run the tests and see what data came out. When I found some interesting data points I spent time studying them to see if there was a system embedded in there, and in many of the data points there was. So if you’re able to interpret the data correctly and understand what it’s communicating, you’re able to find patterns and thus systems to trade.

[HH] You have a mix of discretionary price action strategies and rule based systems. How do you know which of your own strategies you’re going to trade on any given day?

[CC] It’s not that I am going to focus on one or the other and say, for example, this week I am going to do only Ichimoku; I have 4 charts per monitor and 6 monitors and that is more than enough to cover the instruments and systems that I trade. So when I turn on my monitors every day, I look at my charts and can tell if there’s something that looks interesting to me based on the Price Action or Ichimoku structure. I know my systems because they’re rule based. So I can see, for example, if there’s an Ichimoku setup coming up today.

[HH] What timeframes do you enjoy trading personally?

[CC] I’m looking at 4 time frames per instrument: Daily, 4-Hour, 1-Hour and 5-Minute. I can see right away at a glance if price is in a trend versus a range bound environment and then make decisions about which tools I’m going to use based on that.

[HH] What trading hours do you keep?

[CC] I get up every morning at 5am Central Time, do about 90 minutes of Yoga and meditation and then I’ll be at the screen 30 minutes before the New York Open and any major announcements. But before I do any chart analysis or trading, I actually donate to some non-profit organization or project around the world. I do this because I am grateful for what I have in my life, and definitely want to have an impact on others with the resources I have. To make money is one thing, but to have an impact on another person’s life is a completely different thing. So I give a donation, feel grateful for what I have, and then start preparing for my trading day by getting in a trading mindset using certain techniques. I spend the first 30 minutes familiarizing myself with what happened overnight. Most of my intraday trading is done from New York Open to London Close. New York Sessions just aren’t as volatile as they were back when I first started trading. Back in my early days the New York session used to be more volatile than the London session is today. And the London session was even more volatile. There’s a lot less opportunities in the New York session today; sometimes it can be really volatile but not as much. So at London Close, my trading phases down and at that point I’m usually just doing set & forget type trades or letting my current trades run. I then come back around the New York Close to see what patterns may have emerged on the Daily chart, and look for set & forget type strategies to take positions overnight and make money while I’m sleeping.

[HH] Do you favour any particular pairs?

[CC] I like AUD/USD, Gold, Silver, Oil, EUR/USD, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY along with the European indices which have been offering some great setups lately; those are the ones I trade on a regular basis. Every now and then there are opportunities in other pairs that I like to take.

[HH] Tell us about your physical workspace.

[CC] I have a 400 square foot office in my home. We have two separate internet lines in case one goes down because if the internet goes down it costs me a lot of money. I have 6 screens and 2 separate CPUs: one for charting and one for trading because the bandwidth of the charting platforms can consume a fair amount. I have everything I need here so I trade from home. Of course, if you’re not doing any intraday trading, you don’t need a whole lot of monitors.

[HH] Do you trade by yourself or do you have partners?

[CC] I trade by myself but I have a trading team for my fund. They’re based in Europe: a few traders in Germany and one in France. We communicate but I trade my own personal accounts on my own.

[HH] Tell us a little about your fund.

[CC] The fund is called KronosFX. Its track record goes back to 2002 which is when I started managing private funds for family offices. I had some traders that I’d already been working with and after a while we decided to partner together in building the fund. About 2 years ago, we opened up KronosFX to go public and started attracting public funds. The typical investor we’re looking for is minimum $250k. We have just a little bit over $10 million under management right now.

[HH] What things in life has trading enabled you to do?

[CC] The biggest thing aside from financial freedom and time is that it allows me to pursue my philanthropic goals and visions. There are a lot of projects that I can support through the abundance that I’ve been able to create. In third world countries, they mostly need resources more than anything. And in second world countries, they probably have some resources but they don’t have the education per se to help them build that into opportunities. Statistics are out there that if in a second world country or in Latin America people learn English their upward mobility increases by 70% and that’s significant. By providing education and resources, that allows me to have impact. For me, making money at this point is not difficult, being financially successful is not difficult, but having an impact on people’s lives is something that’s completely different. Hopefully with the success and abundance that I’ve had I can make an impact in people’s lives. [HH: What are some of the philanthropic causes you go after?] In second world countries, there are these programmes called Access Programmes that are done through the governments and consulates where they teach the local residents in say Argentina and other countries to learn English. They sponsor students for 2 years. There is x amount of dollars per scholarship per student and we try to contribute a handful of scholarships every year. Another is Kiva. org: they give microloans to various people that have businesses in second and third world countries; Vitanna is another one we support that focuses solely on education. There are some other projects as well that get clean water to villages in Africa. And then I donate to various other organisations such as to a monk who has an orphanage in northern India, his name is Lama Tenzin. So those are some of the areas that I’ve gotten involved in.

[HH] What are some of your ambitions going forward?

[CC] I studied neuroscience in college and my specialty was human learning and memory – how could I accelerate the learning process basically. A while back as part of one of my research projects I’d invented a “neuro-suit” that would help improve learning, feedback and performance so that we could optimize the central nervous system. The problem was this was back in 1998 and the technology wasn’t there. Now the technology is available and there are these great neuroscience labs that are building neuro-feedback suits that can look at your brain patterns, understand when they’re in optimal performance stages and then help provide neuro-feedback so you can repeat that process. I’m working with a neuroscience lab in the US that has the technology and we’re working on testing traders so we can enhance their learning curve, performance, and we can help them reduce risk so they don’t get into these situations where they get massive billion dollar losses on trades. Also for beginning traders, if they can start off with a neurological edge by training their brains in the right way from the start I think we can change their learning process. It can change a trader’s life. My original device was a physical suit but they’ve now got it down to a headset. So that’s a big project for me that I’m working on right now. Outside of trading, I want to have a big impact in the philanthropic world and get more personally involved: go to the sites, meet the people and get to know them. And I want to have an impact on improving the quality of the environment and the food we eat; there’s lots of information out there that the food we eat is highly toxic because of things such as the quality of soil we have today. Again, it is all about impact.

Tim Musomba is a trader, Live Room moderator and this year launched his managed accounts career. He has spent several years building his own unique self-developed method for trading the markets.

Tim sat down with the DailyForex. com Senior Analyst, Huzefa Hamid, to have a chat about the markets…

[DF] How did your journey into trading begin? I’ve been a computer enthused since I was 13; I built my first computer and started a small computer repair business with a friend of mine when I was 15. My father had always been a businessman. When I was around 16 years old, I remember having conversations with him about various import/export business, as well as currency & commodities exchange. At 18, he gave me a Forex CD. It sat on my desk for a couple of years, and when I went into college I took a serious interest in it. I would say the combination of my love for computer technology and my father’s business focus found its connection in the financial markets as I entered university. In college, I met a good friend of mine, Jamal, whose father had worked with my father and who had also expressed an interest in the markets. Comenzamos a explorar las ideas comerciales juntos y el resto es historia.

[DF] This year you’ve been a moderator for TheForexRoom. com. Tell us a little about that. I love it. It’s been a blast working with Colin & Greg and the clients. It’s a group where everyone has a passion to trade together. And the people are from all over the world – Europe, Canada, the US, Australia… it’s humbling to have people from all around the world hear what I have to say and ask me for my opinion. And Greg’s got the best sense of humour I have to add!

[DF] One of the backbones of your trading is using tick charts over regular time based charts. In simple terms, what are tick charts and why is it effective? I started using Tick Charts in futures because it calculates the number of trades per bar; after a specific number of trades, the bar is completed. It makes the charts cleaner because it’s based on activity. It gauges the flow of the market versus an arbitrary timeframe. It’s almost like a hybrid of a larger timeframe chart with a short-term view. What we’re doing is trading price action and Tick Charts looks at that more precisely than time based charts.

[DF] You also use a MACD and a Moving Average. How do you use it? Firstly, the MACD tends to be my Holy Grail of where the overall market is heading. It’s considered a very traditional tool amongst traders for very good reason – everyone wants to trade in the direction the market is going and MACD gives a great indication of that. So it gives me the bias I want to trade in – Long or Short. Secondly, the Moving Average – I use a Simply Moving Average just use for Pullbacks. Once the MACD gives me the direction, I look for pullbacks to my Simply Moving Average to help me pin my entries.

[DF] Typically how long are you in a trade? Most of my trades are between 45 and 90 minutes. Sometimes they can go on longer, but 80% of my trades fall within that timeframe.

[DF] Tell us a little about the trading education you’ve received – books or courses – and what you’ve found effective. The internet has been very effective for me; I believe it’s the most effective tool in this day & age; I’ve spent hours searching for what I need and developing my knowledge base from what’s already available online. I’d definitely recommend Investopedia and Wikipedia. Especially in my early days when I needed to learn the terms used in trading Forex and trading, those sites brought me the logic behind the indicators, acronyms and general concepts.

[DF] Over the years, have the markets changed in terms of how you can apply your methods? One thing that stays true is volatility and price action. My view point hasn’t changed in terms of how I look at the market technically. Of course, the markets change in terms of fundamentals and how price responds to fundamentals. But overall technically, my views have remained the same.

[DF] Are there any market conditions when your strategy does not perform well? During the holiday season, there’s always a decrease in volatility. I adjust my trading to take that into account – price action very often won’t break a range and I’ll trade the highs and lows of that range but still applying my system rules to the trades. Often, I’ll be taking profits earlier than normal just to account for the tighter trading.

[DF] How does news & fundamentals effect affect your trading? Not so much. I’d say the markets will always do what they’re going to do; you as a trader have to stick to what you know. Sticking to my game plan is where I’ve seen profit during news and fundamentals.

[DF] What trading hours do you keep? Ideally the London Open to London Close. That way when the London market closes at 10am CST, the New York Open has completed as well. I trade four days a week – Monday to Thursday.

[DF] What platform do you favour for executing your trades? Nowadays I use MT4; I’ve used different platforms as I’ve experimented with different brokers but as long as the spreads are good, any platform is viable.

[DF] What mistakes do you see other traders make? Patience. It’s a virtue I practice on a daily basis. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve seen how patience pays dividends. I’ve seen traders adjust a strategy in the middle of a trade out of impatience and I think it’s a huge mistake when they adjust their game plan without proper reason. Without patience, you’re forcing trades. And then they tolerate losing trades getting out of hand – the complete opposite of what you’re supposed to do! If you’re able to eliminate the emotion and remain strategic, then you’re able to change your entire outlook to the market.

[DF] What advice would you give new traders entering Forex? Discover a way to look and interpret the market in a way that you’re comfortable. I’ve noticed that a lot of beginners test everything that they read books and forums but without really understanding what’s going on underneath. When you know your strategy comfortably, you’ll trade it well and you’ll be in a good place mentally as well. And you’ll know how to adjust that strategy and refine it to get the best out of it. It definitely doesn’t happen overnight and many people get discouraged at the beginning. If you can get past that initial phase, you’ll find success.

Start by telling us about yourself and your background: who you are, what you’ve done, and how you came to launch TheForexRoom. com.

My professional background is in financial services in London. I worked for an assortment of firms, some large such as Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers, and a bunch of smaller ones too. As a trader, I started off trading my own capital, beginning with US equities & equity options and after a few years of that I moved to Forex. Early in my trading career, I gravitated towards Technical Analysis as my prime lens to view the market. Two books greatly affected how I chose to trade from the very beginning: John Murphy’s Technical Analysis and How I Made $2m by Nicolas Darvas. Trading is a lonely business, and in order to feel a sense of connection, I started writing a blog. I had about 15 followers at the beginning, all friends of mine. I was calling live trades on my blog and my friends were following along in their live accounts and making money. I began enjoying this as much as the trading itself. As the blog grew with my friends adding their friends to the blog I wanted something more structured. This ultimately led to my work with DailyForex. com and the birth of TheForexRoom. com. I got access to DailyForex. com’s international readership, support, feedback and other incredible resources. TheForexRoom. com gave me and my trading partners a way to call the trades we were taking for ourselves in a secure and structured environment.

What does TheForexRoom. com have to offer traders? What makes it stand apart from other trading sites?

The structure of the room isn’t unique – there are other live rooms of this nature. But the quality of our trade-calls is unique. I’ve come to suspect most live rooms aren’t run by traders who are consistently profitable or earn their living from the markets. It’s like a chef who can’t cook but attempts to teach others. All of us, my two trading partners (Colin Jessup and Greg Ward) and I, trade for ourselves. Colin is also a professional money manager. Because we earn our keep from the markets, the members that choose to follow our calls are profitable too. We control risk, we have precise entries, we know that we have to get out when the market has proved us wrong, we have a high win rate with decent risk/reward… we do all the things you need to do to be successful in this business. And we expose our members to that same level of professionalism.

You are also a Senior Analyst at DailyForex. com. Tell us about that.

About three years ago I started writing for DailyForex. com. My relationship with them grew beyond just submitting articles because we shared the same core values: teaching new traders to become better traders. By “better” we mean giving traders the right information and not just lots of information. And we have to present our information in a way that’s useable so it will affect their bottom line. Working with DailyForex has been tremendously rewarding: they’re an innovative company and they care about the community of traders. Plus they have an extraordinary reach in the industry. For example, they communicate directly with the heads of Boston Technologies (the creators of MetaTrader). In one instance, I was lucky enough to test the release of a particular broker’s new ECN platform and make recommendations on its improvement. Currently, we’re working on a very exciting project for building an online school that will guide traders from the ground-up. We aim to make it the #1 destination for new traders when beginning in the Forex market. Much of what is available now is static in nature – blocks of text on webpages or random video content that isn’t strung together in a meaningful way. Our education program will be organised and highly interactive to engage students by giving precise steps towards a successful trading experience. DailyForex. com is putting together a considerable full-time team including programmers, content people and other professionals to execute this. One of my favorite quotes is by the 19th century English philosopher and scientist, Herbert Spencer, “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” DailyForex. com is all about getting traders to take the right actions.

You’re speaking at the upcoming Forex & Options Expo. Talk about this and the topic you have chosen.

This opportunity came about through DailyForex. com. I’m going to discuss a very specific candle setup that I use. I’ll go through the rules for the setup, and show recent trade examples. It’ll be an objective and systematic trade strategy. Anyone, no matter their level of trading experience, will be able to walk out of there with a profitable strategy they can apply immediately.

Have you attended previous Forex & Options Expos or other MoneyShow expos? If so, what was the experience like? If not, what brought you to the Forex & Options Expo this year?

Admittedly this is the first time at the Forex & Options Expo. Every trader faces a tricky balance: sticking to their own system yet still being open to new ideas out there in the trading universe. Expos like this help to navigate this balance.

You left the financial sector in London to trade full-time. What were some of the challenges in making that transition?

Making that transition was the hardest change I’ve made in my career – much harder than other career moves. Suddenly, everything changes when you trade for yourself full-time. When you’re working for a large firm, you have a sense of security, a ready made support network, accountability to a manager and even a work-social life. I miss I. T. support the most! Not having that ready made infrastructure and career development takes some adjusting. But the one thing about trading is that your own core skills, and nobody else’s are tested. You don’t have to worry about office politics or whether your boss notices you’re any good at your job. If you apply yourself well as a trader, it will show up in your account and nobody can take that away from you. It’s liberating.

How does the financial sector differ in London from other locations throughout the world?

London’s time zone is the most advantageous: it overlaps with the tail end of the Asian Session and the morning of the US Session. In Forex, the London Open is the most liquid and gets the lion’s share of volume. Secondly, London has a more international outlook whereas the US is more domestically focussed. I think London has unique ties to the Middle East, South Asia and North America. It acts as a major bridge. So the international exposure you get in London is second to none.

We love startup stories, so we’d love to hear about your experiences in founding TheForexRoom. com.

We had a lot of false starts – firstly, we had technical issues with our webinar software and secondly, it took us a little while to figure out how to trade ourselves whilst holding a discussion with participants. We had to figure out answers to questions such as: Do we explain the logic behind the trade during the trade or afterwards? Do we answer the most basic questions about Forex, such as what is a spread, or do we direct someone to other resources? How personal do we make the discussions whilst trading in a live room? It took us about 3-4 weeks to work out the kinks and develop a smooth operation. In fact, we refused to charge anyone a cent until we’d figured it all out!

Let’s talk some more about the financial sector. It’s had a rough few years…do you think we’re finally on our way to a recovery?

Right now, it’s anybody’s guess. The only certainty is the overriding sense of uncertainty – and that won’t go away in a hurry. Aside from the fundamental economic drivers of the financial sector, its operations have come under greater public and political scrutiny. London will always be a key financial centre – it has a certain cultural appetite for the hard work it takes to be successful, it’s in a great time zone and it has a huge international focus.

With so many firms reducing the number of traders that they hire, what would you say to the men and women on Wall Street who is currently looking for work in this sector? Is there a particular area where they should be looking?

What I’d say is develop your own independent trading skills. That’s key. If you want to trade for a bank, or for anybody, you have to be so passionate about it that you want to trade for yourself. Today, you can download charting applications and real-time price feeds for free or for very little for many markets. Follow a sector or a few currency pairs, figure out what kind of trading you enjoy – short-term or long-term, fundamental or technical, liquid Forex pairs or small market-cap equities… get a handle on the trading universe and how you fit in. Even develop your own track record by trading a few simple setups, and discuss these things in your covering letters and interviews. Regularly visit sites such as DailyForex. com to find out how other professionals are doing what they do. Try out live rooms like TheForexRoom. com so you can get an idea of real-time trade analysis and execution. I know that two of our members have plans to launch professional trading careers in the future. The traditional job hunting tools such as recruitment agencies and LinkedIn are invaluable. Use them to network and build relationships.

Do you think that high frequency trading firms will continue to take the top trading talent away from banks?

I don’t know if the top talent is gravitating towards high-frequency trading. Certainly, high-frequency trading is more technically and mathematically complex than, for example, a trader drawing a trendline. But talent in trading is defined primarily as this: recognising and acting on low risk high reward opportunities. Now, if that takes a ton of math to do, so be it. But if a trader can do that with a couple a simple idea such as a candlestick pattern, then his or her talent (by my definition anyway) is comparable to that of a high-frequency trader. I know this isn’t the answer you’re looking for. I can tell you that I personally know bank traders who use complex systems at their desks but trade their personal accounts in very simple ways.

What are some things that a job seeker can do to ace an interview at a financial firm?

When I interviewed for a trading job over a decade ago, I wrote in my covering letter the two trading books that had been invaluable to me in developing my own technical trading. And I added a short description of a trade that I did in my own account using a technical strategy from one of the books. Showing that level of personal interest, beyond just “I’ve attained these qualifications and worked at these firms”, helped me land the job.

We plan to in about 8-12 months from now.

What are the top 5 tips/recommendations you’d give to someone looking to launch a financial startup?

1. Understand the regulations and licenses you may need. 2. Know what value you’re giving your clients relative to more established players. 3. Make sure you present yourself professionally, whether it is through the web or other media. Ask yourself, if you were seeing your own service on the web for the first time, would you hire yourself? 4. When you set a time-limit for your goals, assume it will take three times as long to get there and have the resources necessary to sustain you. 5. Enjoy what you do and look after your health regardless of your work commitments.

Do you have anything else you’d like to share?

A couple of things. Firstly, be ambitious in your trading. I’ve heard a lot of traders say that they’re looking just to make enough to supplement their income a little. But the effort and knowledge between making a little and a lot in trading is actually quite marginal. Secondly, I’ve heard a lot of people say that new traders are undercapitalised and that’s a major reason for failure. I don’t believe that. The founder of Bloom Energy, K. R. Sridhar, said, “When you don’t have resources, you become resourceful.” When you have little, you treat it very carefully, you find superior risk/reward, you control your risk very well… essentially, you bring out the best in yourself.

Sunny Wong is a Vancouver-based trader who developed his own trading strategy after falling upon hard financial times. He is now working as a full-time trader, and earning tidy profits on a regular basis. Sunny will be presenting his trading strategy and trading live at the World Money Show Vancouver at the end of March, as he has done in years past. Read on to learn about Sunny’s unique and fascinating trading strategy.

How long have you been working as a full-time trader?

I started to daytrade just as the tech bubble was bursting. It was the worst time for any newbie to enter the markets. It was approximately 12 years ago. But my trading just became profitable in the last 4 years after I created Neutral Trading.

What did you do before you started trading?

With only a high school education I could only get into blue collar work …renovations and construction.

How did you become interested in the markets?

I retired from construction and experienced how easy it was to make money from the markets before the tech bubble burst. Then realized how much easier it was to lose money in the markets, and I had to find a strategy that would work. I lost more money on any strategy that I tried. Finally just as I was to give up. I accidently discovered and created Neutral Tading.

How did you develop this strategy?

By accident; after, trying other conventional strategies, I still lost money. I was fed up with losing money. I wanted to lose whatever I had left and would never trade again, like an alcoholic that would want to take the one last binge and drink himself to death. But then, I discovered and created Neutral Trading.

What is Neutral Trading? My strategy is basically a non-technical, non-news, non-fundamental system. I just trade one stock, instead of diversifying as conventional wisdom says. I hold long positions and short positions on the same stock, and then I sell on both sides of the fence. I take my profits early and then I hold my losses, and I work them in a system that I devised which is the s0s system. In this way, I average my buys lower and my sells higher, so that makes my break-even point a lot better than having to go all the way to the price where I entered. I combine trading equities with options and the spot USD, so I have one set of money that makes 3 sets of profits.

This makes my strategy totally different, than most conventional traders who tries to be a specialist and trade only one market like the Forex or futures market.

How long did it take for you to become profitable?

Once I figured it out, I started to make money immediately and took my account from 30K to 300K within 30 months .

How many hours do you trade each day?

I am a full-time trader, trading 6 hours per day, 5 days per week.

During what market session?

I use active, aggressive trading during the American market session and passive trading in the Forex and futures markets. Being active means I take profits (or the markets come to me and give me a profit). Aggressive means I create a profit (or I do not wait for the markets to give me a profit, I create or force the market to give me a profit). The aggressive trading is my defensive move.

What type of investment capital would work best for your trading strategy?

Depending on cost of stock or vehicle you are investing in. I trade only one stock which is Kinross Gold on the Tsx. To trade Kinross you should have a $25k minimum.

What type of platform do you use for Neutral Trading?

I have created a special excel spread sheet, which is capable of abstract accounting. I am not using any pro platforms as of now. I am working towards being more active in the futures and Forex lines, as well as working on automated robot trading. At which time I will be looking for pro platforms.

Do you offer any teaching or coaching to share your methodology (aside from MoneyShow appearances)?

Yes, I teach a class. Yes I coach and mentor individually as well. Advanced students learn my Neutral Trading by practicing on my real live money account.

What advice do you have for new traders?

Do not go directional – remain neutral. It is all about how much holding you have in the long side and how much holdings are in the short side, which is all about balance. Do not use technical indicators. The herd uses technical indicators which rely on data from the traders that trade the front line (like Neutral traders) and the technical traders gets the data which is now old data. Neutral traders create the data that the indicator uses, therefore neutral traders are one step ahead of the technical traders. Do not listen to the news, it is usually too late and by the time the trader hears it, it is old news. Trade what you see in your account, not what you think will happen. When we think, we become normal, and just like the normal, 8 out of 10 will lose money.

Want to learn more? Find out more about Sunny Wong here .

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ІнстаФорекс One Click Trading

Пропонуємо вашій увазі навчальне відео, що наочно демонструє механізм використання комплексу «One Click Trading», призначеного для оптимізації процесу здійснення купівлі та продажу зі спрощенням їх до одного кліка миші. З іншими навчальними відеоматеріалами компанії InstaForex ви можете ознайомитися, перейшовши за посиланням .

Базова характеристика комплексу One Click Trading

Комплекс One Click Trading є засобом, що оптимизує процес здійснення торгівельних операцій різних типів. Функція оптимізації One Click Trading відображається в можливості спрощення здійснення торгівельних операцій (купівля / продаж) з заданим об'ємом до «одного кліка».

Комплекс One Click Trading складається з автоматизованого торгівельного робота, бібліотек функцій і програми-інтерфейсу, яка і забезпечує зв'язок з торгівельним роботом. Основна мета робота - виконувати накази, які посилає програма-інтерфейс.

Сама програма являє собою шість автономних і незалежних торгівельних вікон, кожне з яких дозволяє працювати і здійснювати операції з тим чи іншим торгівельним інструментом. За допомогою вікна з налаштуваннями ви зможете вибирати торгівельні інструменти, якщо це не було зроблено при першому запуску комплексу One Click Trading в новому вікні графіка.

Запуск комплексу One Click Trading

Початковий запуск комплексу відбувається автоматично - відразу після завантаження (з сайту InstaForex), установки і запуску торгівельного терміналу.

Якщо ви хочете запустити нові копії (в інших вікнах графіків) One Click Trading, то вам необхідно діяти аналогічно з ситуацією, коли ви запускаєте радник - для активації слід перетягнути радник «IFX One CLick Trading» з «Навігатора» у вікно графіка:

Під час першого запуску комплексу перед вами з'явиться вікно налаштувань програми (при наступних запусках вікно налаштувань вже не буде з'являтися), в якому, як описувалося вище, ви зможете вибрати торгівельні інструменти для One Click Trading (до 6-ти):

Обрати той чи інший інструмент для кожного торгівельного вікна з шести ви зможете в спадаючих списках. Після проведення всіх необхідних налаштувань вам слід натиснути на кнопку «Застосувати». Як тільки вся необхідна інформація надійде з сервера - комплекс готовий до роботи: Примітка: Статус активності радників не має значення. Іншими словами, робота комплексу не залежить від того, чи включені радники чи ні (натиснута кнопка чи ні).

Виклик вікна налаштувань

Для того щоб в будь-який момент викликати в програмі вікно налаштувань, вам необхідно натиснути праву кнопку в будь-якому з шести торгівельних вікон і в випадаючому меню вибрати вкладку «Settings», потім торгівельні вікна автоматично зникнуть і буде активовано вікно налаштувань.

Примусовий виклик вікна налаштувань може вам знадобиться в разі необхідності зміни набору торгівельних інструментів безпосередньо під час роботи.

Також пам'ятайте, що при повторному запуску терміналу, комплекс One Click Trading буде запущений без автоматичної візуалізації вікна налаштувань.

Закриття комплексу One Click Trading

Є три варіанти закриття комплексу:

Повне закриття комплексу One Click Trading без збереження налаштувань. Для повного закриття комплексу без збереження налаштувань на тому чи іншому графіку, необхідно видалити з графіка радник (правий клік на графіку, /Радники/Видалити). Крім того, можна просто закрити вікно графіка.

Тимчасове закриття комплексу One Click Trading без збереження налаштувань. Тимчасове закриття зручно у випадку, якщо потрібно на якийсь час закрити комплекс One Click Trading (без збереження налаштувань). Однак пам'ятайте, що при наступному запуску терміналу потрібний автоматичний запуск комплексу з виводом вікна налаштувань. Для цього слід натиснути на «хрестик» на першому торгівельному вікні комплексу One Click Trading або натиснути праву кнопку миші на будь-якому торгівельному вікні і вибрати вкладку «Close Application».

Закриття комплексу One Click Trading зі збереженням усіх налаштувань при закритті торгівельного терміналу. Одночасно із закриттям торгівельного терміналу комплекс One Click Trading збереже свої поточні налаштування. Завдяки цьому, при наступному запуску торгівельного терміналу будуть збережені налаштування комплексу One Click Trading, а вікно налаштування вже не буде виводитися автоматично.

При третьому варіанті закриття комплекс One Click Trading зберігає наступне (і відповідно відновлює при наступному запуску торгівельного терміналу):

символи всіх торгівельних вікон інтерфейсної програми

робочі лоти всіх торгівельних вікон інтерфейсної програми

взаємне розташування вікон одне відносно одного (за координатами X і Y)

взаємне накладення торгівельних вікон одне відносно одного (розташування по координаті Z)

інформація про те, які торгівельні вікна активні

Деякі з цих можливостей описані далі в інструкції.

Можливості комплексу One Click Trading

Базові можливості комплексу One Click Trading:

Виконання ринкових торгівельних операцій (купівля/продаж) з визначеним користувачем об'ємом.

Моніторинг результату здійснення тієї чи іншої операції. Якщо при спробі вчинення дії виникла якась помилка, то в інформаційному вікні (активується в момент натискання кнопки Buy/Sell поверх торгівельного вікна) вашій увазі буде представлена інформація щодо помилки.

Постійне відображення актуальних (поточних) цін Ask і Bid по інструментах, які Ви використовуєте. Актуальні (поточні на даний момент часу) ціни відображаються на кнопках відкриття угод: Ask - на кнопці Buy, Bid - на кнопці Sell, що дозволить вам дізнатися - за якою конкретно ціною в цей момент можна зробити заплановану операцію.

Відображення динаміки зміни останньої ціни (тобто остання ціна виросла або впала щодо попередньої). Справа вгорі кожного торгівельного вікна комплексу One Click Trading відображається стрілка. У випадку, якщо стрілка спрямована вгору, то остання ціна більша попередньої, якщо вона показує вниз - то менша.

Вільне позиціонування вікон програми у вікні графіка. Всі торгівельні вікна ви можете абсолютно вільно перетягувати по вікну графіка і одне відносно одного. Перетягування здійснюється стандартною дією - натисненням і утриманням лівої кнопки миші. Для виведення того чи іншого вікна на передній план необхідно просто клікнути на конкретному торгівельному вікні.

Закриття окремих торгівельних вікон комплексу One Click Trading. Якщо Ви хочете закрити те чи інше торгівельне вікно, то вам слід натиснути на ньому праву кнопку миші і в випадаючому меню вибрати вкладку «Close this window». Для повторного отримання доступу до всіх торгівельних вікон програми, вам слід закрити програму без збереження налаштувань і повторно приєднати радник «IFX One CLick Trading» до вікна графіка.

Незалежна настройка і збереження налаштувань, запущених на декількох графіках копій комплексу One Click Trading. Всі призначені для користувача настройки (у тому числі перетягування торгівельних віконець, установка лотів, вибір торгівельних інструментів і т. д.) застосовуються тільки до того вікна графіка, на якому запущена конкретна копія комплексу One Click Trading.

Обмеження використання

Комплекс One Click Trading працює виключно в торгівельному терміналі компанії InstaForex. Робота комплексу One Click Trading в терміналах інших компаній неможлива або може привести до непередбачуваних наслідків.

Наслідки спроб нелегального копіювання комплексу One Click Trading і використання програми користувач повністю бере на себе.

Умови коректної роботи комплексу One Click Trading

Якщо комплекс інтегрується в торгівельний термінал вручну (не через скачування терміналу з сайту компанії InstaForex), то користувачеві слід перевірити необхідні налаштування терміналу для коректної роботи комплексу One Click Trading.

Налаштування торгівого терміналу полягає в активації наступних опцій: «Сервіс/Настроювання/Радники/Дозволити раднику торгувати» і «Сервіс/Настроювання/Радники/Дозволити імпорт DLL»:

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Saxo Bank - Forex Broker information, rating, reviews

Traders Rating: 3

Reviews News Rating Saxo Bank licenses and regulations: FSA Trading software: SaxoTrader, SaxoWebTrader, SaxoMobileTrader, TradeMaker Headquartered: Philip Heymans Alle 15, DK-2900 Hellerup

Saxo Bank is a leading specialist in online Forex trading and investment, offering access to global markets and providing a powerful suite of products and online trading platforms to clients in over 160 countries and high-profile institutional partners. In addition to FX, we offer 11,500 Stocks, 7,000 CFDs on shares, indices and commodities, ETFs and ETCs, Bonds and Futures. Founded in 1992, saxo bank forex is a fully licensed European bank, regulated by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and a member of the Guarantee Fund for Depositors and Investors supervised by the Danish Ministry of Economics and Business Affairs.

Saxo Bank’s Forex Offering

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Award-winning Trading Platforms Saxo bank forex broker offers three powerful trading platforms to meet all of your Forex trading needs:

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Our platforms feature customizable workspaces, real-time news, live tradable Forex prices, advanced charting and a variety of order types, including Stops and Trailing Stops.

Saxo Bank Forex Accounts A Saxo Bank Account, with minimum $10,000 deposit, lets you trade Forex, FX Options, Forwards, Gold and Silver, plus Stocks, CFDs, ETFs and Futures from a single account. Funding is available via bank transfer, Debit Card, Visa or Mastercard.

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Saxo Bank Trading information

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Forex Trading Systems: About your key endeavor, for the expense of a hundred dollars there are a couple robotized Forex and Forex influencing tries which express that they go on cash with no work required. Amazingly, merchants are releasing everything getting these applications, paying little respect to understanding that all forces are even now losing cash, which would not be the condition if these applications held up to their assention. In the event that you are so chief as to have trust in these cerebrum claims, you too will wind up losing all you contribute.

Forex exchanging programs show change over a key measure of the unassuming not to an amazing degree key applications since they are attempted to continue surrendering all the mind boggling parts that can separate and start a more tangled application to fall level Simple applications can be made rapidly and supply purposes of force for on a particularly key level right around 30 minutes enterprisingly. Do whatever it takes not to fall for the standard perplexed judgment that the best way to deal with oversee manage direct control turn boundless position is by structure for general exchanging. Exchanging all the time can go on a need to pick whole over nature of business and in a shocking position in purposes of side loosening up improvement. Unmistakable manager feel that since they secure and make use of watchful examinations, they will end up being close could be standard, stay hanging on for two or three occupations, in any case it doesn’t work while exchanging Forex. Forex exchanging joins holding up and redesiging exchanges that are much risks. These exchanges advantage with less work.

Programming fashioners and Forex Expert Teachers would have you see as great ‘ol encompassed that there is a couple secured power producing the business center than one can unequivocally abuse. Costs are set by individuals. People not the humblest piece continue routinely. In the event that we could imagine the future there would be no business center since we would know a befuddling measure of the costs later on. Forex controlling is a danger. Forex exchanging banks on likelihood, in the event that you can cut your obstructions you can paying little regard to everything have sway on your speculation sponsorships and take home sound perplexing circumstances over the long haul. Exchanging ought to be made on chances not hard to miss focusing on.

Forex Trading Business: Online forex trading business is immediately considered as a rapidly making wing of mindful business. The difficult to miss nature of forex trading makes it obliging to all who have a PC with web office. Not under any condition, for occasion, unmistakable affiliations you don’t have to go to a central business station or a particular area for doing online forex trading business. Money showcase that cutoff focuses twenty four hours a day and seven days a week with no events and working hours is unessential to people from all sides of the world.

Online forex trading business solidifies the purchase of outside cash by an individual or a relationship by using the coin of some other country. Two novel money related gages of two particular countries will get established into this trading of coinage. Additionally, changed into the best and the quick making business on the planet now. The key part in this money trading change will be played by the general sparing cash establishments and picked fates commission shippers.

Online forex trading business begins from Sydney and will spread to each one of the edges of the business world when the business day in each country begins. It help each and every shocked person that circuit banks, cash related foundations, shippers and specialists to trade their budgetary benchmarks with the coinage of various countries when the money related condition finds the open section without a doubt. This business is additionally considered as a prominent way to deal with oversee control direct exchange outside cash as it requires no test to complete the other side.

Considering the epic circumstances that one can advantage related structures a wide number of people all around all through the world are beginning now pulling in closer to endeavor engineered things with online forex trading business. Constant and forex trading offer are close to in the field sorted out to give particular embarking to the general open who wish to place assets into coinage of various countries. Particular territories can be found on the web that gives online instructional activities to the broad pack who needs to take in the forex business. It will offer the bosses of money some assistance with exchanging business part to comprehend the stray bits of Fx trading.

To offer the money related urges some help with contrasting forex trading systems that go about as a marker of moving conditions in like way are open in the forex trading showcase now. It joins both mechanical and manual structures. Whatever be the change that you make use of keeping up this business you will have take in the stray bits of forex trading to esteem the structure for the business and to make the best out of your endeavor.

Utilizing a Free MT4 Platform: Metatrader 4 is the most standard Forex exchanging stage accessible on the web. Metatrader 4 or MT4 for short is utilized by a basic number of vendors and it all around gets the best web exchanging reviews correspondingly as exchanging stages… A few essential pointers, charts, and exchanging gadgets: Metatrader is full with markers, scripts, particular examination instruments and different other additional things to help you to perform your exchanging examination capacity. Neighboring that, they give you particular time compasses, despite a couple money sets to exchange…

The charts from MT4 will permit you to draw support and resistance levels, outline lines, Fibonacci retracements, channels and the sky is the purpose of imprisonment starting there. The decisions are basically unending with Mt4. A champion amongst the most focal purposes of vitality of utilizing Metatrader 4 is the execution of computerization into your exchanging what can connect with you to robotize your exchanges.

Easy to download, find the opportunity to, present, and use: Over 300 base individuals from all on all through the world will give you a free download of Metatrader 4. MT4 comes in the framework for a download that you can show up on the same number of PCs as you might require. Likewise, you can get to your exchanging stage at whatever point and all that is required is 2-3 minutes to set up. Perceiving how to gainfully utilize and exchange with MT4 will take you a few weeks and to offer you some assistance with starting make a point to get Metatrader 4’s client manual from your master.

There are interminable for Metatrader 4: MT4 has its own particular tongue called MQL4 that permits anybody with programming aptitudes to make custom markers and robotized exchanging systems (all around called master accomplice or EAs). There are nearby perpetual on the web, for occasion, robotized embarks to execute a couple of errands, for case, send you an email arranged, put an exchange, make a pop up readied, close an exchange, and on an extremely essential level more.

Overhaul your exchanging aptitudes a solitary penny: The chance to exchange with a demo record that has the strikingly same parts than an ensured live record is incomprehensibly essential! The best part is that most merchants give you a 90 days free trial collection of Metatrader 4 and in the event that you fulfill the 90 days yet in the meantime need to demo exchange you can basically open a totally new record.

Most delegates offer a free record and you can open it with up to: Many Forex online powers will permit you to download a free sort of MT4 other than they will permit you to open a record with as much exchanging additional items as you need. take a shot at exchanging records can be amazingly gainful particularly for those of you who are learners and still need to take a shot at your exchanging aptitudes.

There are two zones that are key for gainful Foreign cash exchanging. In any case, you should affirm you have every one of the essentials down, that you have an accommodating exchanging framework, and an exchanging system. Second, you should ensure you have the best mechanical social illicit relationships to offer you some help with fulfilling your exchanging destinations. I will be posting all the all the all the more fulfilling web exchanging charts in the next days.

Forex Trades Introduction: The region of Forex exchanges has long been accessible since the exposure of strategies to change over a nation’s coin into another nation’s cash. Regardless, the new institutionally accumulated after a watchfulness body set up predeterminations contracts. Turnover that happens in the Forex business division comes to U. S. $ 5 trillion reliably (consider BIS-Bank for International Settlements, in Sept, 2008). This measure of Forex exchanges is 40 x higher if wandered from the rate of cash on such thing prospects trade or whatever distinctive securities exchange every stock trades of any made nation! This proposes the exchanging volume of that size, this Forex exchanges business section is remarkably fluid, and control of trafficking can not be held by just a couple of social events who have epic capital. Coin headways are completely subject to the business section. There are different broad and little players in Forex exchanges, however none of them can control the change of outside trade rates.

As every now and again as could be normal the situation being what it is exchanged exchange is the coin out the made nations like the U. S. dollar (USD), Japanese Yen (JPY), Swiss Franc (CHF), British Pound (GBP), Australian Dollar (AUD) and Euros (EUR). All coinage are exchanged sets, for event EUR/GBP, CHF/JPY and so forth. By then from where I got inclination from the Forex exchanges? In direct, the advantages of this attempt is gotten from the estimation of the refinement when we purchase and offer back the money of the nation concerned. For instance, in April Mike buy Dollars with the change size of JPY 100, – per dollar of U. S. $ 1000. So at the season of securing this coin Amir to pay as much 100, – x 1000 = JPY 100,000 – Then in May, the dollar animated against the Yen to JPY 110, – per dollar, the net point of interest that Amir got when he sold the dollar return is: (110-100) x 1000 = JPY. 10,000, – Easy and direct is not it? Furthermore, in light of the way that the normal time it takes to purchase and offer back the cash being implied is generally close to one month, then the Forex exchanging are named meanders with short-term.

Forex exchanges excludes a physical exchange. Additionally, the more fundamentally in light of the way that it excludes physical exchanging, Forex exchanging can be keep running with structure edge or security (edge exchanging). A valid example in the event that I need to purchase U. S. $ 10,000, then the edge exchanging structure with me enough to spend only 1% connoting U. S. $ 100 as security. Regardless, the purposes of interest I get from the thankfulness (create) the U. S. Dollar is indistinguishable in worth to U. S. $ 10,000 which I got. To an awesome degree key and in light of the way that it excludes exchanging physical structure (scholars don’t hold the cash purchased or sold, just insistence of the exchange basically), then the affirmation given to negligible: just 1% of the aggregate that would be gained.

The cash business is thought to be the greatest fiscal business segment on the planet,

taking care of trillions of dollars worth of trades consistently.

The remote exchange markets isn’t controlled by a single business division exchange,

regardless, incorporates an overall arrangement of PCs and mediators from around the world.

National banks use their tremendous buying and offering abilities to change exchange

rates through their open business practices and generally speaking will do in that capacity not in light of advantage,

yet rather for any number of course of action reasons. Forex delegates go about as business makers as well,

additionally, may post offer and methodology costs for a cash coordinate that shifts from the most

forceful offer in the Forex Market .

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Profit From the Forex Market: In case you are inspecting this article your are either going to meander into FX trade and chasing down frameworks for making purpose of premium or you have been trading Forex for quite a while and you are yet to experience reality of ideal position in Forex; you may even be considering whether anyone ever made trade out the Forex market. Well I have lifting news for you, the Forex business part is truly what you thought at first; it especially valuable; however trading the business segment is not by any schedules the essential way to deal with oversee advantage in the business piece. This article in like manner focuses on the particular surges of pay open from the FX market…. 1. Trade FX physically yourself: the first and the most clear way to deal with oversee advantage from FX is to trade yourself; this however is the hardest structure for making a guaranteed advantage; it may set aside you a touch of time to discover a method that will work brilliantly for you in making solid purpose of hobby. It’s not limitless yet rather it may require you a touch of hypothesis, learning and steady work.

To be a successful shipper you must have a trading structure that make clear net good position reliably; this will thusly take an enormous measure of testing of trading systems on unmistakable trading stages to the social affair at dependably valuable trading structure to make compensation for you. A gainful trading system can either be made or be gotten, whichever way, it ought to be tried over a period compass with a particular picking objective to be asserted as a significant structure.

Masters: These are the certifiable sellers, you feel psyche blowing to trade and system and make advantage from it; your destiny is in your grip and not in the hands of some structure that you are not sure of.

Cons: It requires key try and a tremendous measure of seeing how to connect at an advantageous structure; it can in like way take a huge amount of your time entering, checking and leaving a trade, there are no accreditations of great position; reality arrives are a more huge number of dissatisfactions than victors; genuinely the champs need to eat up upon the washouts.

2. Trade with Forex Robots: Robots are electronic trading systems things being what they are used on a couple no of stages such and met shipper. These are trading structures that can be changed into a coded program all around called a trading robot and you ought to do just to unite the robot to a chart with the predefined parameters; this is more like an affiliation and play trade machine out the occasion that you are using the right robot; when in doubt these robots ought to be taken a shot at virtual private server (VPS) systems recalling the last goal to ensure the robots are up 24 hours to enter or leave any business range opportunity.

Experts: If you get the right robot, with it right setting, it’s more a less money machine for you, in a general sense plug the robot and it begins to play cash for you; Another good thing is that a robot won’t consume your time, it just focal points for you while you rest.

Cons: there more crap robots in the business range than incredible ones genuinely a considerable partition of them are disappointments and succeed with just offers of the crap robots; you need to do an expansive research and testing to get in contact at the right robot; radiant Forex robots could in like way be expensive; some of them are especially questionable to settings and without the right settings even an OK robot could be losing you money; some are also perilous in light of the way that they have conceivable aftereffects of affecting your record; i. e. they have a high risk of ruin.

3. Placed assets into Managed Forex account/PAMM Account: If you would incline toward not to encounter the uneasiness of discovering a suitable trading system or robot, you could basically contribute your money with a genuinely sorted out merchant managing a Forex endeavor store. The base requesting one to join is routinely PAMM accounts; PAMM determines percent circulating affiliation module; you contribute your money with a specialist called a PAMM shipper, he trades for you and takes a percent of the purpose of premium he makes for you. So the accomplishment part here is discovering an invaluable PAMM record to join. A few merchants, for event, Alpari and InstaForex work PAMM system where you can without a lot of a stretch contribute your money with pleasing PAMM specialists.

Pros: If you get a sensible PAMM center individual store chairman, it’s in every way that really matters a without request way for you to make advantage without worry in the Forex market

Cons: you require sufficient resources for some psyche boggling PAMM chiefs, a critical number of them especially the beast ones have high range endeavor whole; another issue is that at times a whole plan strong PAMM operators could change into a looser over night so you stand a danger of losing some or each one of you theory;

4. Be a FX PAMM Trader: essentially as chose above 1 or 2 said above are a perquisite to this system; a PAMM shipper or a Forex save overseer trades other people’s money and take an offer of their elbowroom as pre-agreed; a PAMM center individual will either use his a manual or changed trading structure in appeared in 1 and 2 above; whichever it can’t refrain from being, It must make persisting purpose of enthusiasm for its budgetary forces.

Masters: there is a high impact advantage here in light of the way that the shipper benefits by other people’s money; a few traders really don’t require a base whole for the PAMM go between before he can see other people’s points of interest which proposes a PAMM dealer can advantage with little or none of his own money.

Cons: Some middle people require a high PAMM shippers own money before he can work a PAMM account; you can lose other people’s trade and free reputation out the interim, ghastly reputation is obstacle to whole course of action auditor dependability.

5. Be a FX PAMM Partner: This is a branch structure for a PAMM record used for FX trading; you don’t need to contribute or trade any money for financial forces, you ought to do just to infer researchers into a PAMM vendors’ record and the PAMM representative gives you his own excellent offer purpose of inclination made utilizing a trading commission.

Authorities: This furthermore has high impact conceivable results; in case you derive a high volume researcher, your segments may be genuinely high with zero endeavor from you; this is a near zero peril system in trading, i. e. you simply get an offer of the ideal position and someone else bears each one of the adversities if any. A colossal part operators’ referral once-over is a whole course of action wellspring of good holding up compensation. This is a champion amongst the most secure ways to deal with oversee offer in the Forex purposes of hobby.

Cons: you ought to advance the PAMM account with a particular picking objective to get any referrals. This may cost you trade other than time out light of the way that web advancing has its own specific time and cost.

6. Be a FX Broker Partner: Broker makes their great position, considering all things, from the spreads of a FX trade and commissions in each trade; the dealer points of interest paying little identity to the course of the business piece; Some agents run connection programs and will give you an offer of this commission or spread in any trade executed by any client you suggest them.

Stars: This is moreover a zero threat profiting from the Forex market; you get an offer of the commission or spread whether there is winning or losing trade; if your propose high volume normal vendors, you will have a whole plan wellspring of remaining pay from the volume of trades executed.

Cons: You need to telecast the expert suitably reviewing the finished objective to get a high number of referrals segment merchants; Internet showcasing requires a few theory and money.

7. Forex recognizing quality branch: The seventh way you can benefit by the FX business division is to offer Forex things to embellishments in the Forex market, for event, focus people, FX shippers, researchers, accomplices et cetera. Get a wonderful changing over thing for the business part and you can be taking in broad pay; instances of things your can offer or market are books, tapes, trainings, improvement, trading structures, Forex robots et cetera.

You can either make your own particular things and business segment it yourself or persuade others to market it for you, or in case you don’t have a thing beginning late pursue down an OK changing over thing from various people to plug for them and get branch commissions. Whichever way, you are restricted from the danger of losing in a hostile Forex trade.

Administrators: No danger of losing money from a disagreeable trade the Forex market; with a high changing over thing and essential demonstrat to you can advantage a momentous course of action from offering in the Forex corner

Cons: Success in this framework inside and out depends on upon your web pushing breaking point; the Forex recognizing quality is a hot corner and affirmation is high in this manner making showcasing a touch superfluous; another issue is that web progressing will cost you time and/or trade there out like way exist the danger of low favorable position for showcasing speculation.

Successful Forex Trading: A forex exchanging robot is a structure written in the MQL-4 programming vernacular with the last center of robotizing exchanging positions on MetaTrader4 stage. As a juvenile in real cash exchanging you can’t simply begin to exchange a business zone you don’t have much thought concerning. Don’t conviction the perplexity continuing around that you can get a robotized structure and be making advantage quickly. Forex is a particularly lucrative business at any rate you need to mull over and welcome this business division before you impact into it.

Various shippers and exchanging structure coordinators are urging new masters to begin forex business with the cases that their endeavor would be copied in a brief time compass. Truly 90% of new powers lose their essentialness for the first week of exchanging.

By what means would you have the capacity to be a touch of 10% beneficial vendors?

Picked underneath are 9 tips that can offer you in making entire give some help with advancing while inquiring about different streets as to money exchanging interestingly.

1) Get a balanced exchanging structure or Expert Advisor that gives client maintain talk. Despite the course that there are frameworks out there you can get dependably yet endeavor to get a mechanized exchanging structure that offer client get-together and fit client sponsorship with the target you should have a thought as to the issues and challenges particular clients are going up against.

2) Pick a structure before register with a powers. Amassed robotized structures exchange unmistakable exchange matches out like way unmistakable stage merchants with specific spreads. Having known the forex exchanging framework to utilize you can now glance around for the respectable shipper.

3) Pick an enable that offer free MetaTrader4 exchanging stage and it is overseen by the best power.

4)Make without solicitation you comprehend partition in spreads. Two or three dealers offer variable spreads relying upon business part circumstances while some offer balanced spread.

5)Micro packs are sensible framework for beginning with another Expert Advisor. Unmistakable traders with separating part sizes, on an uncommonly key level there are standard humbler than anticipated and cut back scale bunches. Guarantee you perceive contrasts in parts and pick more humble scale pack on the off chance that you are exchanging with irrelevant capital.

6) Open a demo account. About all forex vendors offer a demo address practice, it regards demo exchange another structure first.

7) Understand how to utilize MT4 stage. Ensure you see how the exchanging stage works so you can present and set your robotized framework without mess up.

8)Begin to exchange with little danger. Ensure you have the ideal learning of every pip that your new structure will exchange for each money sets.

9) Don’t be enabled. Do whatever it takes not to change or raise your risk coherently that proposed levels for the forex robot you are utilizing.

Exchanging forex can be repaying on the off chance that you have unbelievable exchanging structure and see some individual that could lead you in right course to keep up a basic partition from the trap of the business division.

Forex Trading With Expert Advisors: A Forex Expert Advisor (moreover know by distinctive names, for instance, Forex Trading Robot, EA, MT4 EA, Automated Forex Trading Software) is a mechanical trading structure written in the MQL-4 programming lingo and proposed to motorize trading practices on the MetaTrader4 stage.

Numerous authorities and structure planners are drawing new merchants into trading the Forex market with instances of twofold digit or higher returns in a short space of time by using MetaTrader4 customized trading systems, called Expert Advisors. Really 95% of new specialists lose their trading bank in the first couple of months. By what means would you have the capacity to ensure that you are a bit of the productive 5%?

Here are 10 tips that can offer you some help with accomplishing rapid accomplishment when first starting off as a Forex dealer.

Get to know the Forex market. You can’t in any capacity, shape or frame plan to adequately trade a business area that you don’t get it. Do whatever it takes not to listen to all the development that “novices” can buy a customized system and be productive immediately. The Forex is a to a great degree stimulating market anyway you need to examine and get some answers concerning this mammoth before endeavoring to trade it.

Purchase a fiscally available Expert Advisor (customized trading system) that offers a customer reinforce dialog. There are structures that you can get to no end, yet if you are just starting you should consider getting as a system that gives extraordinary customer backing besides offers a customer examination where you can read about the issues and the courses of action experienced by related merchants.

Pick the structure before you pick the master. Different Expert Advisors trade on particular money sets and unmistakable merchants offer unmistakable spreads. When you know absolutely what and how your structure will be trading, you can then search for the best mediator.

Pick an authentic trader who offers the MetaTrader4 trading arrange free. There a genuinely numerous merchants now offering MT4, yet some are more true blue than others. Simply pick a controlled middle person. Customer social affairs every now and again contain dialogs on merchant execution.

Make sense of how to use MetaTrader 4. Try to totally familiarize yourself with the trading organize so you can set up your Expert Advisor up precisely and not make silly parameter botches. As a last resort, read the manual.

Know the qualification amidst modified and variable spreads. A couple of masters offer adjusted spreads and are ordinarily publicize makers. Diverse sorts of delegates, as ECN mediators, offer variable spreads. Guarantee you appreciate the effect this has on how your particular system trades as it can altogether influence your benefits.

Investigate diverse parkways with respect to littler scale bundles when softening up another structure. Masters offer an extent of bundle sizes – there are standard littler than ordinary and scaled down scale parts. Have without question you know the impact before you trade and pick only a scaled down scale part account if you have a bit of trading bank or are essentially starting with another structure.

Open a demo account. Most if not all mediators will offer a demo record which you can sharpen with before betting bona fide money. If you are trading another structure or are new to trading it is a brilliant thought to strive for a period on a demo account first.

Start trading with little peril. Ensure you appreciate the estimation of each pip for the money pair(s) you trade your new structure. There are pip number crunchers available on the Internet that will give this information quickly to you.

Never get greedy. Never raise your threat over the endorsed levels for the system you are trading. The customer social affairs are every now and again an average wellspring of evaluate on risk levels for a particular structure.

Trading the Forex News and Making. A reason that forex exchanging has made (and is developing) so verifiably got a handle on is in light of the way that the business parts are open 24 hours a day. While an individual nation’s stock and security markets are affected for the most part by the monetary news of that nation, the remote trade markets are impacted by the cash related news of different nations.

Since the forex markets are open 24 hours a day and since nations discharge their fiscal information for the time period of the day, shippers who can essentially exchange in the midst of the night or early morning can regardless of experience the tremendous business range moves that happen around cash related news discharges.

The key concern you need to consider while exchanging news is the massive inspiration that happens. Every so often a money pair can move 50 pips in one course in 2 minutes, and after that turn and move 200 pips the other course all through the running with 15 minutes. You, as a news shipper, ought to vigorous, fit, and fit for giving this stunning unpredictability while so far profiting.

There are a few keys to exchanging the news decidedly that you should learn and hone in a demo account before you ever try this with great ‘ol molded cash.

1. You should see which coin sets to exchange

Since 90% of forex exchanging unites the U. S. dollar, you undeniably need to concentrate on U. S. news discharges. This comprehends you need to exchange cash related fundamentals like the EUR/USD, USD/GBP, AUD/USD, USD/CAD, and so on. As a further gratefulness, you need to concentrate on the cash join that has the most liquidity (i. e. the capacity to get in and out when you require), and that would be the EUR./USD.

2. You require an exchanging method of reasoning that works and is repeatable

A champion amongst the most exceedingly shocking approaches to manage direct exchange the news is to enter the business division before the news is discharged or quickly after the discharge. This is the time when the follower and insatiable sellers exchange, and you need to take cash from them, not exchange with them.

That being the situation, you can utilize two news exchanging rationalities.

At regardless, straddle the business division with territory orders. This translates when the business division hits your chase down worth, an exchange will genuinely be opened. You then scratch off the other inquiring. This rewards you to get into the business zone when you need to get in, not when the business part gives you get to.

Second, you can sit tight for the irregularity to blur away and after that enter an exchange. Unmistakably, you won’t not advantage as you would in the event that you got favored, entered the exchange before the news, and the business division happened to go your bearing. In any case, by holding up, you add to your chances of being valuable which, in the entire strategy, will advantage.

Forex For Trends: The remote trade is a decentralized and, things being what they are, unregulated exchanging venue, where national coinage are exchanged for one another. Despite the nonappearance of union that most exchanging business tries action among traders and specialists all through the world, there is one spot where they all come to get most recent data, samples, and speculations in the space of Forex. Forex Factory is the name of this site gave absolutely to Forex. It is the world’s most obvious spot to exchange on the Foreign Exchange. It combines a timetable that can be utilized to anticipate purchases and offers, an extraordinarily dynamic social gathering with diverse subjects unending, and a news association.

The Forex Factory takes after the samples that will affect a country’s cash by taking after the get ready plant sorts out that begin from that nation. In a really tangled scientific proclamation, the record can find how sorts out stock and things mean future harsh materials required so as to make the things. This taking after technique takes a gander at each development in the gathering process the division to a paycheck in an authority or consecutive development framework specialist’s pocket.

The impact on the Forex business part is certain about the grounds this sort of action impacts the estimation of cash. The Forex creation line examination then puts the greater part of this data into the sort of an estimate, or timetable. The Forex logbook is then a spot where budgetary powers come to take a gander at this information, and make their figures for colossal premiums in a national cash. The more plant requests a nation has, the more it will be passing on inside of the not so distant future. The more work there is in that nation, the more the representatives ought to spend on stock and associations once they are paid by the plants. This will make the prospects for the not too far-removed fate of the nation look brighter, and in this way an all the more respectable attempt opportunity.

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Dear Forex Trader, If you’re like me, your journey to a state of trade-readiness – being able to risk real dollars in a real trading account with confidence – proved to be a learning curve and a half. Tons of different ideas, concepts, theories, and tools, any one of which can be arduous to learn, all of which put together can be downright confusing at times. In my early years as an aspiring trader I managed to make every single mistake imaginable (some of which I’d be downright embarrassed by today!) – trying to figure out how to put it all together.

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You may be happy with whatever trading style you’ve cobbled together for yourself, making 20 or 50 pips here or there. But have you ever wondered whether there’s an analytical approach that really helps you see what’s going on more clearly across multiple timeframes, in a way that can help you qualify the character of a setup and target not just some arbitrary scalping target but much more of what the market is leaving on the table?

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My name is Frank Paul, creator of Forex Master Blueprint. I’ve been a learning facilitator at Forexmentor since 2007 having authored several other resources during that time, including Fast Track to Forex, Forex Profits with MACD and Forex Profits with COT, all of which have been extremely well received by many hundreds of aspiring traders like yourself. Perhaps more importantly, I’m a career trader, and to earn and keep that particular job title – for both myself and my family – I have to maximize profit and minimize risks intelligently. Every single time I sit down to trade.

In this richly illustrated resource you’ll learn how to…

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1 – Intro Module: What’s Included and How to Use It 6:00 2 – How Inter-Market Correlations Can Help You 19:00 3 – Using the Excel Risk Management Model 21:00 4 – Buying the Dips, Selling the Rallies 26:00 5 – Reading COT Net Positions Data Simply and Effectively 40:00 6 – Outlining Wave Structure with Swing Points 31:00 7 – Hunting Down Old Highs & Lows on Your Chart 32:00 8 – How to Use the Extended Range Pivot Calculator 24:00 9 – An Introduction to SMI (Stochastics Momentum Index) 41:00 10 – Fibonacci Retracements, Multiples and Time Intervals 30:00 11 – The Wave Principle: Trading Impulse Patterns 28:00 12 – Moving Averages: Working EMAs and MACD Together 29:00 13 – What a Top-Down Analysis Looks Like (From Scratch) 55:00

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Analysis: BNY Mellon wrings hands over future of forex

By Tim McLaughlin

BOSTON (Reuters) - Over the past three years, the foreign exchange franchise at Bank of New York Mellon Corp ( BK. N ) has been challenged by unhappy clients who want more transparent pricing and by the advent of electronic trading.

This one-two punch threatens to undermine the most lucrative trades at the custody bank, which is also feeling the pressure from what one executive described as the "State Street effect."

BNY Mellon is battling to preserve a foreign exchange franchise that once generated 20 times more in sales margin on non-negotiated trades than ones routed through a competitive electronic platform, according to internal company email made public this week.

Those trades, also called standing instruction trades, are at the center of a number of lawsuits filed against No.1 custody bank BNY Mellon and No.3 State Street Corp ( STT. N ).

A July 2010 email distributed among BNY Mellon executives reveals it preserved its forex profit margin partly because it was less transparent than rivals.

"Another way to say this is that BNY Mellon is late to the transparency space," Bob Near, a BNY Mellon forex executive, wrote in the email.

William Galvin, the top securities regulator in Massachusetts, put a spotlight on BNY Mellon's internal handwringing when he made public a number of email exchanges among the bank's top forex executives.

The disclosures coincided with Galvin's accusation that BNY Mellon overcharged the state pension by $30.5 million on a decade's worth of forex trades.

BNY Mellon denied any wrongdoing. A spokesman said the bank provides all clients with a valuable service at competitive prices and any suggestion otherwise is simply wrong.

Nevertheless, the central challenge for BNY Mellon and other custody banks is how to preserve profit margins on a decreasing number of forex trades that U. S. public pension funds allow to be executed without any price negotiation.

Total forex accounted for $221 million, or 6 percent, of BNY Mellon's third-quarter revenue. Forex trading is typically tied to the work the banks do as financial custodians, which entails recordkeeping, securities lending, mutual fund accounting and asset valuations.

But now, standing instruction trades are being challenged in the courts and the marketplace. During the first nine months of 2009, BNY Mellon's sales margin on $149 billion in standing instruction trade volume was 23.75 basis points, or 0.24 percent, internal email shows. In sharp contrast, $653 billion in trade volume on the company's electronic platform generated a sales margin of just 1.2 basis points, or 0.01 percent.

When standing instruction trade volume drops, BNY Mellon's global forex sales team has to capture trillions of dollars more in volume to make up for revenue loss, Jorge Rodriguez, a senior executive, said in one of the internal emails made public.

Michael Trotsky, executive director of the $46 billion Massachusetts pension fund, said he is urging his investment managers to do more negotiated trades with BNY Mellon to lower expenses. The State Universities Retirement System of Illinois, which has about $15 billion in assets, asked custody banks if they are willing to provide time stamps on trades for better price transparency, according to an October request.

Meanwhile, BNY Mellon's senior executives say publicly that there is nothing wrong with the bank's pricing or transparency on the standing instruction trades that have sparked controversy. The bank said fund managers value the work custody banks do on standing-instruction trades because they shoulder risk and administrative hassle.

BNY Mellon and State Street steadfastly deny they overcharged on standing instruction trades. These trades typically are less than $1 million and are all the more profitable when they involve restricted currencies. California brought a civil action against State Street in 2009, sparking subsequent lawsuits from other states.

Each morning, custody banks publish a guaranteed range of prices for standing instruction trades. Clients can opt out and take their trade to a third-party broker and get what usually is a better price.

Galvin's complaint, for example, says BNY Mellon's standing instruction program contained hidden mark ups on trades. The bank disagrees, saying the program offers attractive prices on small trades that are assigned wholesale rates that are better than what clients could otherwise get through third-party forex providers.

Standing instruction trades produce higher margins because there are more services involved, including assuring settlement so the client is not left exposed to an unfavorable currency swing.

"The reason (standing instruction) looks like a sausage factory in operation, and the reason for how we price it and trade it, is the significant difficulties surrounding processing," BNY Mellon executive David Almeida wrote in February 2010 email.

BNY Mellon has discussed "revenue neutral" pricing options while questioning whether fixed-rate pricing models are too vanilla to account for the number of intricacies associated with each currency market, according to internal email discussions.

In a July 2010 email, BNY Mellon executive David Green offered a solution to preserving forex revenue.

"You come up with a revenue neutral model that is transparent and clear and you market the program as if you just figured out how to slice bread," Green wrote.

(Reporting by Tim McLaughlin in Boston; Editing by Matthew Lewis and Tim Dobbyn)

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Her er ingen procentvise tab eller gevinster målt op imod aktivet, har du bare lidt ret – ja, så har du ret. Om dine udsving er 1 % eller 10 % spiller ingen rolle i forhold til afkastet for positionen, gevinsten er aftalt på forhånd – med binær optionshandel møder du ingen ubehagelige overraskelser.

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Mastering one’s emotions is the single most essential factor in determining whether or not you become a consistently successful Forex trader. This article will provide you with some useful insight into how you can start mastering your emotions and get on the track to success ful Forex trading …

Successful forex trading depends upon a trader’s ability to consistently make decisions that are completely uninfluenced by emotion. When interacting with the market most traders become influenced by how they are feeling, it is overcoming this mistake of letting our feelings about the market influence our trading that fosters a successful trading mindset.

This article is going to give you an awareness of the biological similarities that we humans share which allow us to both commit emotional trading mistakes as well as overcome them with the proper training and information. Without down-playing the significance of the psychological difficulties that are an inherent aspect of forex trading, we are going to provide you with some concrete insight into why all of us have the potential to become successful forex traders by explaining the commonality of our brain functioning, as well as some tips on how you can attain this seemingly elusive trading success.

Battle of the Brains

In the world of evolutionary biological psychology, it is a well known fact that the frontal lobe of our brain is the newest area of the brain and also the part that is responsible for giving us the ability of complex reason and planning. Our older brain structures that evolved to serve us well in the era of early human existence are essentially designed for fight or flight functions, which served us very well for thousands of years, and still do for some aspects of modern day life. However, it is also these same fight or flight brain structures that give us problems while trading the markets.

The reason our fight or flight brain structures cause us problems while trading is because they induce emotion-based, or feeling-based trading. The issue here is that it is nearly impossible to think objectively and logically when your body is primed for action, your adrenaline is pumping and you are in fight or flight mode. When we have money on the line in a trade, it is a very delicate situation that can easily lead our fight or flight brain to flare up, and essentially over-ride our frontal lobe intellect and reasoning. Our older brain structures and nervous system are wired to work in such a way that they can override the objective and deeper thinking parts of our brain in case we get into danger and literally don’t have time to “think”. For example, if you accidentally put your hand on a stove burner that you mistakenly thought was turned off, you aren’t going to stop and think about what you are doing, you are instantly going to pull your hand away and probably scream without even thinking about it.

As Forex traders, we need to be aware of these basic concepts of how our brains work because once we get into the cycle of emotional or “fight or flight” trading, there is really no escape until you lose all or most of your money and “snap” out of the emotional trading cycle.

Trading success is about mind and emotional control

Traders are often told they need to control their emotions to achieve success. While this is well and fine, most people that preach this gospel never really tell traders HOW to do this. Different situations require different techniques for controlling one’s emotions. Since trading involves having your money on the line and it possibly going up and down, for and against you, before the trade ultimately plays out, it is critical that you not allow yourself to be influenced by this natural ebb and flow of market movement once you enter you trade. Even IF you manage your risk extremely consistently and only risk a tiny portion of your account on each trade, if you sit there and watch your trade play out after you have executed it, you are probably going to induce your “old” brain and begin to feel emotion.

This is why you need to plan your trades thoroughly before entering them, leave no stone unturned, cover all your bases prior to putting your money on the line, and then let the trade play out with minimal involvement. The primary way to avoid trading with the “old” more primitive fight or flight brain structures, and make sure that you trade with the “new” objective thinking frontal lobe part of the brain, is to make 100% certain you plan out your trade before you enter it.

You essentially have to “outsmart” your own brain by realizing and accepting the fact that you will never be MORE objective and logical than when you are NOT in a trade, therefore this is the BEST time to plan your trade out. Staying in this objective mindset as much and as long as possible is what makes a trader consistently profitable. Since your trading accuracy directly depends on your ability to remain objective when making forex trading decisions. and objectivity is a function of planning your trades before entering them and NOT looking at them for hours on end as they unfold, it goes to reason that there is an inverse correlation between time spent looking at the markets and trading success. Meaning, assuming a certain basic level of Forex trading knowledge, spending increasing amounts of time beyond this level, either analyzing market variables or watching your trades play out, will cause you to lose money over time.

Simple vs. Complex Trading

Above and beyond planning your trades before you enter them and not meddling with them after wards, the next biggest contribution to remaining objective and thinking with your more advanced frontal lobe while trading is to use a simple trading method. Many Forex traders do themselves a huge disservice by trying to use overly complicated trading systems that cloud up their charts with lagging indicators or trading software programs. Once you start to become confused or frustrated with your trading method you greatly increase the probability of trading emotionally and becoming less objective, and thus losing money. It is critical that as Forex traders we do everything within our power to think clearly while making trading decisions and not elicit our fight or flight brain structures.

The best method to maintain such simplicity and clarity while trading is price action. When we use simple price action setups to trade the market we are giving ourselves a much greater chance at remaining objective and calm and thus, profitable. Choosing to learn how to use price action setups on a simple plain vanilla price chart is a decision that you can make which will greatly increase the likelihood of you not falling into the trap of emotional trading mistakes. The other aspect is that you learn to “set and forget” your trades, which means you plan them out before entering them and do not attempt to unnecessarily meddle with them afterwards. We all have the ability to make these decisions, this is the good part, it is up to you whether or not you choose to make them, and apparently most traders don’t. So the first thing you can do to set yourself apart from the crowd of losing traders is to secure an education in a simple yet effective trading method like price action, to learn more, checkout my price action trading course .

This is a very important article so we really need to try to wrap our brains around it – no sarcasm intended. By simply back-testing using strategies such as price action, it’s apparent that if you had followed the protocol of price action, you would have been successful a majority of the time.

It’s our primitive brain that “reacts” when the market starts to move against us. We reason that if we pull out now, we can save 50% of our trading capital per that trade. But again, if you go back to that particular trade a few weeks later, you will see 9 times out of 10 that the trade would have gone in your favor had you had the resolve to stay in it.

This is an ongoing saga for me.

Thanks Nial. To date that has been my biggest problem. Intefering with my trades and moving my stops. Even today I got two breakeven trades when I could have gotten 150 pips if I had just set and forget the trades and not move my stops.

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n this study I have attempted to go back to the very basic elements of price – open, close, high, low, daily range, daily change – and attempted to analyse these phenomena statistically.

Latter I discuss my conclusions and possible ways in which they can be used in trading.

The study was undertaken using the EUR/USD pair, using daily data only.

In total 2594 days were included.

Initially these were categorised into 3 classifications: up days, down days and unchanged days. The results are below:

Total up days = 1319

Total down days = 1260

Total unchanged days = 15

This leads to a percentage breakdown as follows:

Up days as a percentage of all days = 50.85%

Down days as a percentage of all days = 48.57%

Unchanged days as a percentage of all days = 0.58%

Sequences of days

Another phenomenon which was studied was sequences of the same type of day occurring uninterrupted in a row. Below is a list of the sequences for up days, the number of times they occurred in the sample and the total number of days in brackets.

2 in a row occurred 178 times (356 days)

3 in a row occurred 89 times (267 days)

4 in a row occurred 40 times (160 days)

5 in a row occurred 13 times (65 days)

6 in a row occurred 9 times (54 days)

7 in a row occurred 4 times (28 days)

8 in a row occurred 2 times (16 days)

9 in a row occurred 1 time (9 days).

The table below compares clustering in the data to what might be expected from a random sample:

The first column shows the length of the sequences studied. The second column shows the ‘Discrete Frequency’ of the clustering, which is the number of separate individual incidences of the sequence occurring.

The ‘Total Frequency’ column is a sum of the discrete incidences and also the number of times the sequence occurred within a larger sequence – for example when 2 up days in a row repeated twice, once after each other within a longer sequence of 4 up days in a row. ‘Probability’ represents the random chance of the sequences occurring using the base chance of an up day happening, which was 50.85%. Finally ‘Probable Frequency’ uses the empirical probability of the previous column to calculate the number of times the sequences should have occurred randomly within the data. From single days to 2 or more. The number of single up days which extended to 2 or more up days was also analysed. Below are the calculations: 362 up days occurred on their own and were not followed by a further up day. Another 337 days – that is one for each cluster longer than 1 day were also not followed by a further up day as they completed the sequences ie they constituted the final day of a sequence. In total this gives 699 up days which were not followed by another up day. This leaves 1319 – 699 = 620 up days which were followed by another up day. This means that 47% of up days were followed by one or more further up days in a continuous sequence, and 53% were not. 2 day sequences which led to 3 or more days in a row The data was also analysed to check how many of the 2 in a row up days were followed by a further up day. Total number of 2 in a row or more days = 337 The 2 in a row days which failed to become 3 in a row days = 178 Therefore those which extended = 337 – 178 = 159 In percentage terms = 47.2% of 2 in a row up days led to 3 or more up days and, 52.8% of 2 in a row up days did not extend to 3 or more up days in a row. Distribution according to Change The change in price during a day was analysed. This was the difference between the opening price and the closing price. The results were rounded up and down in order to allow them to be categorised and analysed more easily. This process is described as ‘binning’. In this case the percentage change was rounded up or down to the nearest first decimal place. The results are shown in the study below. The x-axis at the bottom shows the percentage change in the day and the y axis the number of occurrences of days with that level of change.

Forex Info!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Greetings to all traders around,

Here are some other links to trading material for you bellow. Feel free to download ! Turn off download managers if you are using them (seems like this site doesnt support it)

Most files are compressed (RAR or ZIP) so unpack before reading. If you don't have uncompression program (WinRar) you can download it from here (http://www. rarlab. com/rar/wrar351.exe ) For multi-part books, first download all parts to your computer and then uncompress them!

Good trading to all !

http://www. loombo. com/dl/5274 - Day Trading Patterns and Swing Trading - Part 1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5275 - Day Trading Patterns and Swing Trading - Part 2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5276 - Day Trading Patterns and Swing Trading - Part 3 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5277 - Day Trading Patterns and Swing Trading - Part 4 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5278 - Day Trading Patterns and Swing Trading - Part 5 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5279 - Day Trading Patterns and Swing Trading - Part 6 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5280 - Day Trading Patterns and Swing Trading - Part 7 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5281 - Day Trading Patterns and Swing Trading - Part 8

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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Trading E-Books #3

Greetings to all traders around,

Here are some other links to trading material for you bellow. Feel free to download ! Turn off download managers if you are using them (seems like this site doesnt support it) Most files are compressed (RAR or ZIP) so unpack before reading.

Good trading to all !

http://www. loombo. com/dl/5236 - Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5237 - Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5238 - Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. part3 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5239 - Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. part4 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5240 - Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. part5 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5241 - Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. part6 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5242 - Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. part7 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5243 - Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. part8 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5244 - Trading and Investment - Applied Quantitative Methods http://www. loombo. com/dl/5245 - Trading for a Living. part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5246 - Trading for a Living. part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5247 - Trading for a Living. part3 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5248 - Trading for a Living. part4 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5232 - Day Trading - Cardinal rules http://www. loombo. com/dl/5233 - Fibonacci Trading Strategies and Applications part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5234 - Fibonacci Trading Strategies and Applications part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5235 - Forex trading - Avoiding mistakes

Trading E-Books #2

Greetings to all traders around, Here are some other links to trading material for you bellow. Feel free to download ! Turn off download managers if you are using them (seems like this site doesnt support it) Most files are compressed (RAR or ZIP) so unpack before reading.

Good trading to all !

http://www. loombo. com/dl/5099 - Contrarian Investment Strategies - part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5100 - Contrarian Investment Strategies - part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5101 - Contrarian Investment Strategies - part3 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5102 - Contrarian Investment Strategies - part4 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5103 - Contrarian Investment Strategies - part5 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5066 - Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies http://www. loombo. com/dl/5067 - Farley - The Master Swing Trader http://www. loombo. com/dl/5068 - FOREX MANUAL IN ENGLISH http://www. loombo. com/dl/5069 - Forex Report - Predicting Price movement http://www. loombo. com/dl/5070 - Hidden_Divergence http://www. loombo. com/dl/5104 - Ultimate Trading Guide - part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5105 - Ultimate Trading Guide - part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5106 - Ultimate Trading Guide - part3 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5107 - Ultimate Trading Guide - part4 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5109 - Ultimate Trading Guide - part4 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5108 - Trading Market Handbook - part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5110 - Trading Market Handbook - part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5111 - Trading Market Handbook - part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5072 - Jones Money Management http://www. loombo. com/dl/5073 - Currency trading strategies http://www. loombo. com/dl/5075 - Mathematics of money management http://www. loombo. com/dl/5076 - Forex Trading Sure Fire http://www. loombo. com/dl/5077 - Trading strategies I http://www. loombo. com/dl/5078 - Trading strategies II http://www. loombo. com/dl/5079 - Money Management Strategies for Serious Traders http://www. loombo. com/dl/5080 - Monthly moving Averages an effective investment tool http://www. loombo. com/dl/5081 - Multi Dimensional Trading

Trading E-Books #1

Greetings to all traders around, Here are some other links to trading material for you bellow. Feel free to download! Turn off download managers if you are using them (seems like this site doesnt support it)Most files are compressed (RAR or ZIP) so unpack before reading. Good trading to all !

http://www. loombo. com/dl/5047 - 18 Trading Champions Share Their Keys to Top Trading Profits http://www. loombo. com/dl/5048 - 123 Trading System http://www. loombo. com/dl/5049 - Arps, Jan L - Surfing The Market Waves - The Swing Trader's http://www. loombo. com/dl/5082 - The Complete Day Trader Vol I. part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5083 - The Complete Day Trader Vol I. part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5084 - The Complete Day Trader Vol II part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5085 - The Complete Day Trader Vol II part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5052 - Bigalow, Stephen W - Big Profit Patterns Using Candlestick http://www. loombo. com/dl/5053 - Bortucene Macy - The Day Trade Forex System http://www. loombo. com/dl/5054 - Branch, Ben - The Predictive Power of Stock Market Indicator http://www. loombo. com/dl/5055 - Bressert, Walter - Intraday Timing for Low Risk Swing Tradin http://www. loombo. com/dl/5086 - CBOT - A Six-Part Study Guide to Market Profile. part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5087 - CBOT - A Six-Part Study Guide to Market Profile. part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5088 - CBOT - A Six-Part Study Guide to Market Profile. part3 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5057 - Chan, Jegadeesh Lakonishok - Momentum Strategies http://www. loombo. com/dl/5058 - Technical Analysis - How to Develop and Implement http://www. loombo. com/dl/5059 - Clayburg, John - Pinpointing Entry Exit Points. zip http://www. loombo. com/dl/5060 - Intra-Day Trading Strategies, Proven Steps to Sucess http://www. loombo. com/dl/5061 - Crisp, Mark - 123 Trading Signal http://www. loombo. com/dl/5062 - Daytrading University - Advanced Daytrading two-day seminar http://www. loombo. com/dl/5089 - Daytrading University Trading Course. part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5090 - Daytrading University Trading Course. part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5091 - Daytrading University Trading Course. part3 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5092 - Daytrading University Trading Course. part4 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5093 - Daytrading University Trading Course. part5 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5094 - Daytrading University Trading Course. part6 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5115 - Daytrading University Trading Course. part7 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5095 - Day trading options part1 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5096 - Day trading options part2 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5097 - Day trading options part3 http://www. loombo. com/dl/5098 - Day trading options part4

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Post edited 2:46 pm – May 15, 2011 by SneiveN

I have a Fisher indicators based signals, send to me by one of my mates, but the lack of information about the system makes me crazy. I got it over the weekend, so personally haven't seen it in live action, waiting for market to open, but past performance is stunning, I know there is not many ppl active here, but I'll give it a try.

So there are the 3 files you need

You use it on M1 or M5, but I think if the system works all time frames can work with this setup. Personally I've been checking on M5.

The things I came up with, its not a rocket science, but you buy when indicators are both same color, and sell when one changes, I find that you can get about 20 pips straight, or put trailing stop, there is another option, watch the chart, and close position as I mentioned about colors. The only thing I don't know is does these indicators overpaint or not, but I'll wait till tonight when market opens, and I'll have much better picture abut it, but past performance is just stunning…

Also I've noticed, that if the upper signal remains in one color, but the other one changes, then you also can enter with T/P 10-15-20 pips when colors match again.

There is USDCHF May 12 3:00PM – May 13 3:00AM (12h) and profit is not that bad 100 pips in 3 trades. I really want to see this in real time.

Post edited 1:37 am – May 16, 2011 by SneiveN

Ok, since this FYV2 indicator is not repainting, and it's been 2 hours in close look up in 4 pairs, I have some few notes I made to myself. I was going to edit my first post but since I cant, please replace my #1 post with the quote below.

I have a Fisher indicators based signals, send to me by one of my mates, but the lack of information about the system makes me crazy. I got it over the weekend, so personally haven't seen it in live action, waiting for market to open, but past performance is stunning, I know there is not many ppl active here, but I'll give it a try.

So I got it for 2 hours live and have some ideas, how to work with this system, it's not complete, but just a first feel, it's nice to see, that it's actually gives you a signal to open and close positions, and you are welcome to place you opinions.

So there are these 2 files you need

You use it on M1 or M5, but it works with this setup on M30 and up time frames, with less signals, but more accurate signals. Personally I've been checking on M5, but I've noticed more signals on M1, but it depends on market conditions, and spred.

If you decide to give this system a try, then the thing is simple, you enter a long when both indicators have 1 blue bar and you need to wait that 2nd bar is blue and increasing, and close when one of them becomes white(lower indicator is more common to change fist), there is an option depending on market, you can trade again if the upper indicator remains the same blue, and the lower one becomes blue again, that's another signal to buy, BUT make sure both indicator bars are increasing, by meaning this, if lower indicator bars are blue and increasing but upper blue ones are decreasing, I would recommend to waiting another signal. But making another buy is just optional. You can do how you feel..

There is a screen USDCHF M5 10:35AM – 17:45PM (7h15m), how it should be done, and these 2 long trades made about 115 pips

With short trades is the same as long, just vice versa.

Pardon my English, it's not my native language, AND I do not say that this system is going to make you rich, nor makes profit, but you demo it, and see how it goes, if you feel it's worth trying, it's your choice. I'm going to use it in FX trader competition, since I need to get from $5k to at least $50 in 2 weeks to get in at least top5, my goal is M1-5 charts, and that's why I was researching this system… Hope you like it, and hope to hear some feedback..

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Forex Regulatory Agencies

Posted on May 4, 2015 by George Milios

Forex regulatory agencies across the globe are your best allies in order to avoid all sorts of forex fraud or to try and rectify the situation once you have fallen victim of a forex related scam. This is because the majority of individuals and companies offering investments to the public are subject to some sort of regulation—and may even be subject to multiple regulation. To avoid being scammed when trading forex online you should choose to do so through entities that are regulated. To know if an entity is regulated or not your safest bet is to verify this through the pertinent regulating/watchdog authority in your jurisdiction.

All such authorities can give you access to the update lists of regulated entities in their jurisdiction, will most also have blacklists of fraudsters and scammers that you should avoid. Also, they have complaints procedures into place as well as mechanisms thorough which your online forex trading related disputes can be effectively addressed and settled.

Below you can find who these authorities are and how you can contact them in a wide selection of countries and jurisdictions. Although extensive the list is not exhaustive, so in case you cannot locate the authority for your location, feel free to contacts us and we will be happy to point you to the right direction regarding who to contact.

If you live in the U. K. the two regulatory bodies you can resort to are the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).

The goal of the FCA is to protect consumers, ensure industry stability, and promote healthy competition in the financial services industry through the regulation of financial advisers, asset managers, or any firm not covered by the PRA. The FCA website is http://www. fca. org. uk

The PRA is a part of the Bank of England, and its main role is to promote a healthy UK financial system through the regulation and supervision of banks, credit unions, major investment firms, and insurers. The PRA website is http://www. bankofengland. co. uk/pra

The Danish FSA, also known as Finanstilsynet is charged with supervising financial activities in Denmark with particular emphasis on protecting investors and preventing market abuse. Their website is http://www. dfsa. dk/en. aspx

The overseer of financials in Switzerland is the Federal Department of Finance or FDF, whose website is http://www. efd. admin. ch/index. html? lang=en. However, it is the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority or FINMA that regulates the banks, securities dealers, and stock exchanges and it can be reached via its website http://www. finma. ch/e/Pages/default. aspx. Moreover, for the French speaking part of Switzerland, there is also the Association Romande des intermediares financiers or ARIF, whose website is http://www. arif. ch/en/index. htm.

All futures and securities-related activities in Hong Kong are monitored by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), whose website is http://www. sfc. hk/sfc/html/EN/index. html

In Australia, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) regulates companies, financial markets, and financial service organizations as well as insurance, and credit, aiming to maintain fairness in the market environment. The ASIC website is http://www. asic. gov. au/asic/asic. nsf

Cyprus is a popular jurisdiction and home to many online retail forex and binary options brokers. The country’s regulator is the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and its website is www. cysec. gov. cy

In Malta the forex industry is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority, whose website is www. mfsa. com. mt.

In Luxemburg the forex market is overseen by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), whose website is http://www. cssf. lu/en/

The French regulator is the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). AMF is very active and very vocal especially in educating and protecting investors and it often publishes blacklists of unlicensed brokers. The AMF website is http://www. amf-france. org/en_US/.

U. S. Regulatory Agencies

In the United States the main regulator is the Commodities Futures Trade Commission (CFTC), whose mission is to protect market users and the public from fraud, manipulation, and abusive practices related to the sale of commodity and financial futures and options. The CFTC’s Website is http://www. cftc. gov/index. htm. while if you want to file a complaint or report suspicious activities, you can do it from here: http://www. cftc. gov/consumerprotection/redressreparations/index. htm

Moreover, if you will in the USA you can also contact another pertinent body, the National Futures Association (NFA), whose aim is to ensure the integrity of the futures industry, protect market participants and enforce that its members meet their regulatory responsibilities. The NFA’s website is http://www. nfa. futures. org/index. asp.

Sobre el Autor

George Milios is the founder of BinaryOptionswire. com, the binary options and forex news portal which is dedicated to providing you with all the information you need to successfully trade.

May 4, 2015 - 11:15 am

International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement - IFEMA

DEFINITION of 'International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement - IFEMA'

An agreement set forth by the Foreign Exchange Committee that reflects the best practices for transactions in the foreign exchange market. IFEMA was published in 1997 and sponsored by the British Bankers Association, Canadian Foreign Exchange Committee and the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market Practices Committee.

BREAKING DOWN 'International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement - IFEMA'

IFEMA is a standardized agreement between two parties for the exchange of currency. The agreement covers all facets of the transaction, providing detailed practices on the creation and settlement for a forex contract. In addition to the terms of a contract, IFEMA explains the consequences of default, force majeure or other unforeseen circumstances.

Thread: John Bartlett - Scalping the Forex

John Bartlett - Scalping the Forex

John Bartlett - Scalping the Forex

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Brand New for 2008/2009 - Scalping the Forex - On the CD, which was recorded during the worst financial crisis in most peoples living memory, I show how despite any situation you could expect to aim at a return of 5% per week. Not only is this a realistic target for you (dependent on your bank), it is totally under your control and fully achievable.

There are no gimmicks, magic formulas, secret equations, Fibonacci, Gann, Elliott waves, specialised indicators or other hyped up rubbish; Scalping is a skill which I teach you step by step in 12 different sections lasting nearly six hours. You will see me teaching a “live” class in one section, in another I lay down strict trading rules, I teach you the mindset and how you get into the “Zone” I give you a live presentation section in which I trade on just 3 days in a week make 8 trades (7 winning and one losing) and make a return of £1,000 from a bank of £10,000 Tax free, and the total actual time in the trades was less than one hour. The max risk on any trade was 2.5% of my capital. Your shown the importance of financial record keeping and analysing your trading. You are taught the importance of targets and running you’re trading like a business

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Corredor de Forex

The forex market is all about trading between countries,

شاهد وحمل الفليم

the currencies of those countres and the timing of investing in certain currencies. The FX market is trading between counties, usually completed with a broker or a financial company. Many people are involved in forex trading, which is similar to stock market trading, but FX trading is completed on a much larger overall scale. Much of the trading does take place between banks, governments, brokers and a small amount of trades will take place in retail settings where the average person involved in trading is known as a spectator. Financial market and financial conditions are making the forex market trading go up and down daily. Millions are traded on a daily basis between many of the largest countries and this is going to include some amount of trading in smaller countries as well.

From the studies over the years, most trades in the forex market are done between banks and this is called interbank. Banks make up about 50 percent of the trading in the forex market. So, if banks are widely using this method to make money for stockholders and for their own bettering of business, you know the money must be there for the smaller investor, the fund mangers to use to increase the amount of interest paid to accounts. Banks trade money daily to increase the amount of money they hold. Overnight a bank will invest millions in forex markets, and then the next day make that money available to the public in their savings, checking accounts and etc.

Commercial companies are also trading more often in the forex markets. The commercial companies such as Deutsche bank, UBS, Citigroup, and others such as HSBC, Braclays, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan Chase, and still others such as Goldman Sachs, ABN Amro, Morgan Stanley, and so on are actively trading in the forex markets to increase wealth of stock holders. Many smaller companies may not be involved in the forex markets as extensively as some large companies are but the options are stil there.

Central banks are the banks that hold international roles in the foreign markets. The supply of money, the availability of money, and the interest rates are controlled by central banks. Central banks play a large role in the forex trading, and are located in Tokyo, New York and in London. These are not the only central locations for forex trading but these are among the very largest involved in this market strategy. Sometimes banks, commercial investors and the central banks will have large losses, and this in turn is passed on to investors. Other times, the investors and banks will have huge gains.

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Set and Forget automated Forex Machine

developed by Engelsby Consult.

This is an extreme easy and very secure “ State of the Art ” forex robot for people with little knowledge about forex trading and for experienced traders as well.

This robot is especially secure because it is completely immune to News triggers and big market corrections that normally cause forex robots to collapse or whip out the account completely. This fact is achieved by the combination of a unique strategy and the advanced programming together.

It simply waits for the right moment and the opportunity to put in the best shot in the marked and closes the trade very fast again. This pattern goes on over and over again day and night. This robot is build to run 24 hours 5 days a week and should not be stopped or intervened by humans.

Because of its unique strategy it can be run successfully on micro account with as low as 50 EUR.

Forex Hot Shot has a different kind of approaches than usual robots.

Administración del dinero

Martingale with Two Channel technology

Spread filter

Very high Security level

Consistent gain every week

Normal activity is 3 to 5 trades every day

A User friendly and Top Security, Low Budget Forex Expert Advisor for Metatrader 4

This Expert Advisor is thought as a low budget robot that can build up accounts for something greater and even more profitable systems. It is complete immune to News and Market corrections and because of that it is highly secure.

Because of the low risk it is a truly “ Set and Forget ” robot which applies to people with no or little knowledge of Forex.

It applies to people there don’t have too many money. I recommend a 300 USD/EUR micro accounts, but I used it on real account as low as 50 EUR. I even tried with a 15 EUR account but it was very difficult. People with big accounts can just turn up for the lot sizes.

It is active with about 3 to 5 trades every day and a win/loss ratio about 66% and in bad weeks it is about even.

Like any good system there are some weeks with small losses, but it catches up very fast again. It does use Martingale but in a very controlled and limited way.

The Martingale system is used together with Money Management to insure everything doesn’t go wrong. This martingale feature can be turn off and it will still make profit, But it takes longer time to build an account up.

As a consistent Expert Advisor, it doesn't make a lot of money/pips but it makes money/pips very consistently. As a matter of fact it makes money almost every day.

All that above makes it a very good robot that is superior and unique to most other robots on the market.

Beyond that I’m a very reliable person who don’t want to sell anything there doesn’t work. I don’t want to promise people something they don’t get.

I want to tell customers exactly what they get and paid for and that’s it. I am running a serious business with support of customers also after the sale. And I'm only satisfied with happy customers.

If people don’t like the product they can just get there money back even after two month money back guarantee period.

You have all of 60 days to evaluate this automated forex software and to see if it is right for you.

You will get your money back without any questions if during these first 60 days you are not satisfied whatever the reasons are!

What do you get after your purchase?

Access to 1 Live account and Unlimited Demo Accounts

Access to private Members Area

Installation files

Detailed User Guide

Lifetime Updates for download in Members Area

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Support if you have questions and help with installation

You have the guarantee of accurate operation and the benefit of complete service and future updates only by buying the original product.

After purchase, once your payment is confirmed, you will receive an e-mail message containing your username and member access password. Then you can access the member area and download the expert advisor and all the files from the downloads area. You can also activate your copy of the EA thereafter.

Disclaimer U. S. Government Required Disclaimer – Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Entender claramente esto: La información contenida en este curso no es una invitación para intercambiar ninguna inversión específica. Negociación requiere arriesgar dinero en la búsqueda de ganancias futuras. Esa es tu decisión. No arriesgues dinero que no puedas perder. Este documento no tiene en cuenta sus circunstancias financieras y personales. Está destinado únicamente a fines educativos y NO como asesoramiento individualizado de inversión. Do not act on this without advice from your investment professional, who will verify what is suitable for your particular needs & circumstances. Failure to seek detailed professional personally tailored advice prior to acting could lead to you acting contrary to your own best interests & could lead to losses of capital.


By using Forex Hot Shot EA, you acknowledge that you are familiar with these risks and that you are solely responsible for the outcomes of your decisions. No asumimos responsabilidad alguna por cualquier pérdida directa o consecuente derivada del uso de este producto. It's to be noted carefully in this respect, that past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance.

Forex EA Robot – Universal Trading System Software [Stable Profit]

Forex EA Robot – Universal Trading System Software [Stable Profit]

Forex EA Robot – Universal Trading System Software Download:

This time we would like to introduce you with one of our developers 3 years work – UniTrade v1.9 Forex EA Robot + memory file system. This Forex EA Robot – it’s like all in one. It’s a trading monster, with vast options of properties. With this complex software you can trade any style you want, any time you want, and control money management the way you want! Everything is automated and has memory!

With this Forex EA Robot can trade in many ways using such Entry Points as: Macd, Rsi, Moving Average, Candle Directions, Candle counting. You can adjust money management control the way you want as well, and have full control of the risks.

For more Forex EA Robots visit our website http://fxsharerobots. com/forex-ea-robots-2/ Check out our download section, we have more stable versions to download for free. Come visit and try them out!

Forex EA Robot – Universal Trading System Software [Stable Profit]

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8 thoughts on “ Forex EA Robot – Universal Trading System Software [Stable Profit] ”

Great EA, lots of settings. One thing I like the most, that it does have memory, so you never lose your settings when platform crashes or you lost connection with the server! Thanks guys

This time we would like to introduce you with one of our developers 3 years work – UniTrade v1.9 Forex EA Robot + memory file system. This Forex EA Robot – it’s like all in one. It’s a trading monster, with vast options of properties. With this complex software you can trade any style you want, any time you want, and control money management the way you want! Everything is automated and has memory!

This time we would like to introduce you with one of our developers 3 years work – UniTrade v1.9 Forex EA Robot + memory file system. This Forex EA Robot – it’s like all in one. It’s a trading monster, with vast options of properties. With this complex software you can trade any style you want, any time you want, and control money management the way you want! Everything is automated and has memory!

Hey, really cool thing about the memory, it works fine. Only one questions, where are the memory files located? I need to clean them up after testing and running on different pairs..

Running on live already! Almost no loses, goes smoothly. Just need to find the settings that fits your currency pair and back test it before you run it! Memory system works fine. )

Can I select entry points and turn off auto money management?

How to turn on that graphics display that shows all the trading details?? tnx

Admin Trial 13 comments

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List of Regulated Forex Brokers

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Are you looking for a new forex broker? Do you need a loyal company that you can trust? You’re on the right track. This is a vast list of regulated forex brokers available in the market. You will find this list incredibly helpful for researching companies, helping you choose the right broker for you. From the largest international firm, to small one-of-a-kind firms, all are listed here to meet your needs. This list of regulated forex brokers is not in any specific order or sequence. I get NO commissions and I am NOT affiliated with any of these brokers. This list is the outcome of my own research. CMS Forex Minimum account size $200 Leverage up to 400:1 Spreads as low as 1.4 pips Year of company’s foundation: 1999 Headquarters: 80 Cannon Street, 3rd Floor, London, EC4N 6HL (UK) – 350 Fifth Avenue Suite 6400 New York, New York 10118 (US) Country: United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)20 3026 4019 Fax: +44 (0) 20 3070 0400 E-mail: info@cmsfx. co. uk FreePhone: 1 (866) 51-CMSFX CMS uses their proprietary VT platform Fax: +1 312 981 5050 E-mail: clientservices@igmarkets. com FreePhone: 866 748 1341 FXDD Minimum account size $250 Leverage up to 200:1 Spreads as low as 2 pips Year of company’s foundation: 2002 Headquarters: 75 Park Place 4th Floor New York, NY Country: United States Phone: +1.212.791.3950 Fax: +1.212.937.3845 E-mail: Sales@fxdd. com FXDD uses the MT4 trading platform Forex | Forex Trading | Currency Trading | Forex Broker FXDD FXDD – 24hr customer support, tight spreads, 100:1 leverage on standard accounts and 100:1 leverage on mini accounts. Forex Club Minimum account size No minimum deposit Leverage up to 100:1 Spreads 3-5 pips Year of company’s foundation: 2005 Headquarters: 1200 South Avenue, suite 203, Staten Island, New York Country: United States Phone: 1.800.871.3809 Fax: 1.718.477.3719 E-mail: info@fxclub. com FX Club uses their own proprietary trading platform Forex, Forex Trading, Currency Trading, Forex Broker – FXClub Online 24-hour forex trading with Forex Club. Open a live forex account for as low as $10. Free forex education and practice. GOMarkets Minimum account size No minimum deposit Leverage up to 500:1 Spreads as low as 0.5 pips Year of company’s foundation: 2006 Headquarters: Level 16, 114 William St, Melbourne, VIC Country: Australia Phone: +61396703055 Fax: +61396021440 E-mail: info@gomarketsaus. com FreePhone: US: 877 778 2715 / AUS: 1800 88 55 71 / Go Markets uses the MT4 trading platform Online Forex Trading | MetaTrader 4 Brokers – GO Markets Go Markets are online forex trading brokers based in Melbourne, Australia offering a range of forex currency trading accounts using the MetaTrader 4 platform

GFT Minimum account size $250 Leverage up to 400:1 Spreads as low as 1 pip Year of company’s foundation: 1997 Headquarters: 4760 Fulton Rd. suite 201, Ada Michigan 49301. Country: United States Phone: +1 616-956-9273 Fax: +1-616-974-3682 E-mail: info@gftforex. com FreePhone: 800.465.4373 (toll free) / 616.956.9273 (international) / GFT uses their own proprietary trading platform http://www. gftforex. com/ Start forex trading risk-free with a complimentary practice account from GFT. Start trading today on our Mobile, Web and Desktop forex trading software. FXCM ( forex capital markets )

Is currently being sued and investigated by many law firms for many different things including racketeering and breaking several FTC rules and regulations. http://www. businesswire. com/news/home/20110217007153/en/Law-Offices-Howard-G.-Smith-Announces-Investigation http://www. thestreet. com/story/11013461/1/kahn-swick-amp-foti-llc-and-former-louisiana-attorney-general-announce-investigation-into-fxcm-inc-8211-fxcm. html Minimum account size $25 Leverage up to 100:1 Spreads as low as 1 pip Year of company’s foundation: 1999 Headquarters: Financial Square 32 Old Slip, New York, NY 10005. Country: United States Phone: +1.212.897.7660 Fax: +1.212.897.7669 E-mail: info@fxcm. com FreePhone: 888-503-6739 FXCM uses the Tradestation and the MT4 trading platform Forex Trading | Forex | Forex Broker | Currency Trading | FXCM Forex Trading – 24 hour online forex trading with No Dealing Desk, spreads as low as 1 pip, trading from charts, and live support.

Saxo Bank Minimum account size $2,000 Leverage up to 100:1 Spreads 2-3 pips Year of company’s foundation: 1992 Headquarters: Philip Heymans Allé 15, DK-2900 Hellerup Country: Denmark Phone: +45-39-77-40-00 Fax: +45-39-77-42-00 E-mail: info@saxobank. com Saxo Bank uses their own proprietary trading platform Forex Trading Online | Trade FX, CFDs, FX Options at Saxo Bank Saxo Bank offers forex trading on 155+ FX crosses, plus CFDs, FX Options, Futures, ETFs and now, one of the worlds most complete Equity trading platforms.

ACM online trading services Minimum account size $2,000 Leverage up to 100:1 Spreads as low as 0.9 pips Year of company’s foundation: 2002 Headquarters: 50 rue du Rhône, 1204 Geneva. Country: Switzerland Phone: +41 22 319 22 00 Fax: +41 22 319 22 01 E-mail: support@ac-markets. com FreePhone: http://www. ac-markets. com/forex-broker/acm-call-back. aspx AC Markets uses their own proprietary trading platform Online Forex Trading | Currency Trading | ACM Trade Forex with ACM at unbeatable conditions. Spreads as low as 0.9 pip, guaranteed fills, one-click execution and 24/7 support. Free $100’000 Practice Trading Account.

MIG Bank Minimum account size $2,000 Leverage up to 500:1 Spreads from 0.5 pips Year of company’s foundation: 2003 Headquarters: 14, route des Gouttes d’Or 2008 Neuchâtel Country: Switzerland Phone: +41 32 722 81 00 Fax: +41 32 722 81 01 E-mail: info@migbank. com FreePhone: +800 644 000 00 MIG Bank uses their own proprietary trading platform www. MIGBANK. com MIG BANK is a Swiss investment bank specializing in FX brokering services to clients in over 120 countries worldwide.

Advanced Markets Minimum account size $2,500 Leverage up to 100:1 Spreads are variable Year of company’s foundation: 2006 Headquarters: 11325 N. Community House Rd. Suite 425 Charlotte, NC 28277 Country: United States Phone: +(704) 544-9446 Fax: +(704) 544-9374 E-mail: support@amifx. com FreePhone: (866) 904-2993 Advanced Markets uses their own proprietary trading platform www. advancedmarketsfx. com/ Advanced Markets provides individual and institutional FX traders totally transparent trading access to the forex market. City Credit Capital Minimum account size $1,000 Leverage up to 100:1 Spreads 3-5 pips Year of company’s foundation: 2001 Headquarters: Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1HQ Country: United Kingdom Phone: 0044 – (0) 20 7614 4600 Fax: 0044 – (0) 20 7614 4703 E-mail: customerservice@cccapital. co. uk Uses their own proprietary trading platform City Credit Capital (Labuan) Ltd. City Credit Capital is about empowering you, the trader, with the tools you need. Currency Trading For Dummies Amazon Price: $11.29 List Price: $24.99 Set of 50 DIFFERENT WORLD BANK NOTES, UNCIRCULATED, MINT LOT! Amazon Price: $10.99 Essentials of Foreign Exchange Trading Amazon Price: $39.95 Currency Trading For Dummies Amazon Price: $11.29 List Price: $24.99 Currency Trading For Dummies® Amazon Price: $24.99 FOREX Best Selling Trading Robot – Trade Currency online 24 hours a day with the same system the Pros use to scalp the market. Fully automated – No programming required – Plug & Comercio. Make Money from home with No stress Amazon Price: $95.00 List Price: $175.00 Alpari Minimum account size $200 Leverage up to 500:1 Spreads from 1.6 pips Year of company’s foundation: 2004 Headquarters: 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AB, UK Country: United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)20 7426 2800 Fax: +44 (0)20 7426 2801 E-mail: info@alpari. co. uk Alpari uses the MT4 trading platform. Alpari – Forex trading (FX) – Online currency trading Official Alpari Global website. Foreign exchange – Trade Forex (FX) online. dbFX Minimum account size $5,000 Leverage up to 100:1 Spreads 2-4 pips Year of company’s foundation: 1870 Headquarters: Taunusanlage 12 60325 Frankfurt am Main (for letters and postcards 60262) Country: Germany Phone: 1-212-710-9000 Fax: 1-212-710-9001 E-mail: info@dbfx. com FreePhone: 1-888-363-DBFX (3239) dbFX uses their own proprietary trading platform. www. dbFX. com Start trading forex today with a free $50k demo with Deutsche Bank’s online forex trading platform. Low spreads, fast execution and award winning research. IG Markets Minimum account size No Minimum to open Leverage up to 700:1 Spreads as low as 1 pip Year of company’s foundation: 1974 Headquarters: USA: 311 South Wacker Drive, Suite 2650, Chicago, IL 60606 Country: United States Phone: +1 312 981 8020 Fax: +1 312 981 5050 E-mail: clientservices@igmarkets. com FreePhone: 866 748 1341 IG Markets uses their award-winning PureDeal platform www. igmarkets. com Efficient forex trading with IG Markets. You can trade fx online with our award-winning trading platform. 24-hour fx trading on a range of markets.

Forex. com Minimum account size $250 Leverage up to 200:1 Spreads as low as 0.9 pips Year of company’s foundation: 1999 Headquarters: Bedminster One 135 US Highway 202/206 Suite 11 Bedminster, NJ 07921 Country: United States Phone: +1 908-731-0750 Fax: +1-908-731-0701 E-mail: info@forex. com FreePhone: Toll Free: 877-367-3946 (US & Canada) Forex. com uses the MT4 platform www. forex. com To trade the Forex market effectively, you need the right guidance and resources, that’s where FOREX. com can help. 5 days a week online forex (4x, FX) currency and spot metals trading, spreads as low as 1 pip, trading from charts, and live support. InterbankFX Minimum account size No minimum to open Leverage up to 400:1 Spreads 2-3 pips average Year of company’s foundation: 2001 Headquarters: 3165 E Millrock Drive, Ste 200, Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Country: United States Phone: +1-866-468-3739 (Int Fax: +1-212-884-0609 E-mail: help@interbankfx. com FreePhone: 866-468-3739 Interbank uses the MT4 platform Interbank FX: Forex Trading Software, Currency Trading Online, Forex Broker Forex trading software from Forex broker Interbank FX. Our award-winning, online Forex trading software has expert trading tools, real time currency trading, and live support. Easy-Forex Minimum account size $200 Leverage up to 200:1 Spreads 2/3/5/7 and tailor made spreads on specific currencies Year of company’s foundation: 2001 Headquarters: Griva Digeni 1 Ave, Kriel Court, 3035 Limassol. Country: Cyprus Phone: +357-25-828899 Fax: +357-25-817783 E-mail: info@easy-forex. com FreePhone: 1-877-532-7939 Easy - Forex allows you to trade with the MT4 platform. http://www. easy-forex. com Trade forex online with Easy-Forex web based platform & revolutionary tools: see what other traders are doing, use the trade controller for visual trading.

Oanda Minimum account size No Minimum Leverage up to 50:1 Spreads as low as 0.5 pips on the EUR/USD (http://fxtrade. oanda. com/why/spreads/comparison) Year of company’s foundation: 1996 Headquarters: 140 Broadway, 46th Floor New York, NY 10005 Country: United States Phone: 1 877 OANDA FX Fax: 1 212 208 4356 E-mail: frontdesk@oanda. com FreePhone: 800.465.4373 (toll free) / 616.956.9273 (international) / Oanda uses their own proprietary trading platform and is beta testing a MT4 with the best spreads possible! OANDA – Forex Trading and Exchange Rates Services The currency site provides free exchange rates information, currency tools, and low-cost forex trading. Pick the best forex broker for you. Choosing a broker is a task requiring caution. Although almost all brokers are regulated, you should check their experience in this particular business. So check their background and related information about them. Check their contact system by calling or mailing them so that you know more about their response towards their clients. No matter how good your spreads are, you can certainly need them in case of any difficulties in future. So the emergency response system is crucial. Choose the kind of broker who can provide you with stability and not leave you with the threat of closing their business without any pre-warning. So carry on your research on the pro’s and con’s of the brokers until you find the broker that best suits your style, that you should give the utmost priority.

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Thread: 3rd Annual Forex And Options Superconference

3rd Annual Forex And Options Superconference

Here’s Your Chance To Discover ‘Little-Known’ Stock, Options & Forex Trading Investment Strategies

That Could Give You Lifetime Financial Security… If You Qualify! “Read On To Find Out How You Can Be

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For the third year in a row, Options University is proud to sponsor our annual Investing and Trading

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Forex trading strategy #2 (Slow moving averages crossover)

Submitted by User on December 28, 2007 - 20:04.

my advice: use SMA/EMA crossovers to OPEN the position, then use MACD and Zero-Lag MACD to CLOSE the position. Relying on the SMA/EMA crossovers for CLOSEing will lose you a lot of money - they're just way too slow in reacting to the market so their signals are always generated way beyond the optimum exit point. MACD indicators for me have proven far more timely and reliable. To test this, just backtest this strategy on historical data and you'll see what I mean.

Submitted by robert on April 16, 2008 - 13:22.

Is it Possible for example to use EMA as a way to enter into a position since it provides us with information on what is currently happening with the market and use SMA to predict future price trend.

Submitted by Edward Revy on April 20, 2008 - 13:56.

In general, the output seen on the charts after smoothing out the price with same period EMA and SMA is quite similar.

But I probably see your point. If to compare setups from simple system #1 and #2 (where both screen shots use the same data) we may see that they suggest different times for entries and exits.

Therefore, I support your idea about taking entries and exits with different smoothing factors: it sounds good and should be tested.

Submitted by User on July 15, 2008 - 22:37.

hi regwards u doing really well i promise u that if ur strategies really work than i will give u royalti

Submitted by User on August 7, 2008 - 04:20.

hello thanks for you free lesson i enjoy it and i will trial it in my live trade. please how can i contact u if i need to get more assistance from you. please you can send me links on how i can contact u for more assistance in my trade. This is my e-mail address dl_wilson2000[at]yahooo[dot]com

Submitted by Edward Revy on August 9, 2008 - 05:13.

Submitted by rg on August 19, 2008 - 16:23.

**Another option would be: after +20 pips you may try moving a stop loss to break even and allow a trade to run freely;**

above what you mean by allow trade to run freely ? thanks rg

Submitted by Edward Revy on August 20, 2008 - 04:37.

By "allow a trade to run freely" I meant that a trade is now going to cost nothing, except the spread (since stop is at break even); therefore it allows us to stop watching it and let it run till we decide to take profits out or get a signal to exit — when 7 SMA crosses 14 SMA.

This book will show you how to find trade and investment opportunities in the financial markets.

The very nature of trading and investing makes it a difficult business. The uncontrollable human emotions that rotate around greed, fear, and hope, are the elements of the human reaction in the markets that form the same repetitive scenarios time and time again.

This book demonstrates how a few relatively straight forward techniques can create a technical plan that will eliminate the emotional element. It will show you how to find opportunities in the market that are ever present and help to prevent trade and investments becoming subject to irrational thinking brought about by heightened emotions during moments of volatile market conditions.

Finding opportunities within the financial markets is about interpreting the price action. This book demonstrates that by observing certain chart techniques, markets that are changing from bullish to bearish and bearish to bullish can be interpreted in light of the change in market sentiment and produce early warning signals. Entry and exit points can then be located and positions that are already in the markets can be monitored for signs of change or weakness. This book will equip you with the skills to create a plan that can be forged and implemented to make the entire process of trading and investing easier.

By reading this book you will be introduced to some of the familiar chart techniques in such a way that it will not take long to understand how best to apply these techniques to your own charts and study them for potential market opportunities. This book does not dwell on the already known signals and techniques but instead concentrates on demonstrating their use and how to confirm the signals with a variety of techniques that have stood the test of time, pulling them together to create a technical picture that visually displays a change in market sentiment and a plan for trading and investing the markets.

These techniques are covered in a step-by-step process through the chapters of the book that include exercises to test your knowledge as the book proceeds. By learning to read charts you too can find great trade and investment opportunities.

Sobre el Autor

Gareth A Burgess has over 10 years experience applying chart techniques to investment analysis creating technical views and strategies and is a dedicated private investor himself. He is founder of the chart workshop (www. chart-workshop. de), a provider of technical views for investors. His current research interests are on moving average based signals from which many trading systems are based today. Burgess studied at the University of Liverpool and the University of Konstanz, Germany, and graduated with honours. Burgess also went on to complete a Masters research degree, M. Phil.

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The most valuable knowledge I have gained from this course is definitely the E75 trading system. This trading method is developed with more than 10 years of professional trading experience of the user. It has helped me identify price movements at the earliest stage to allow me to capitalize and profit by trading with the trend.

1. What Will Users of the E75 Forex Release 2 Trading System Be Able to Learn From This Course?

Firstly, users will learn about the importance of compounding and money management, and how this knowledge can be properly applied to create maximum pips gain and minimize trading risks and losses. Users will also learn how to set optimal take profit and stop losses and the rationale behind why they should set them there.

2. My Experience and Trading Results after Using E75 Forex Trading System

Even though I was very excited when I first saw the potential of this course, I was very cautious at the same time because I generally have a very bad impression of all Forex courses that I have tried before. However, I have now seen how E75 works, and of all the days that I used the E75 method to trade, about 96% if those days were profitable.

3. How Does E75 Forex Release 2 System Make Money and How Is It Different From Most Other Trading Systems?

Most currency trading systems would attempt to wait for a trend to come along before it can read the trend's signals. However, the E75 Method does not work that way. Instead, its analysis methods are not only meant to detect trends but to make money in a sideways market as well.

What’s Underground-Cash – E75 Forex all about?

Quite simply: For a limited period and for a limited number of traders, I am opening up my E75 trading system completely – nothing held back – no details left out.

Selective Forex Trading skillfully outlines author Don Snellgrove’s S90/Crossover: an independently verified technical indicator that has provided traders with the ability to achieve over 100 consecutive Forex trades without a single loss. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just getting started, this approach—which is based on historical resistance and support points within a trading range—can assist you in entering and exiting positions for the greatest profits possible.

Desde la aleta interior

During the early days of the foreign exchange market, banks and other large financial institutions were the primary players in this field. Today, thanks in part to advances in technology, this market has quickly grown into a global electronic network of banks, financial institutions, and individual traders. With a reported volume of over $1.8 trillion changing hands every day, the time to get involved in this exciting global market has never been better.

So how can you capture significant profits from the Forex market? With this reliable resource, author Don Snellgrove—an active Forex trader and educator of traders—will show you how.

Written in a straightforward and accessible style, Selective Forex Trading skillfully outlines the S90/Crossover©: an independently verified technical indicator developed by Snellgrove that has provided traders with the ability to achieve over 100 consecutive Forex trades without a single loss. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just getting started, this approach—which is based on historical resistance and support points within a trading range—can assist you in entering and exiting positions for the greatest profits possible.

In order to clearly understand the methodology described throughout this book—which includes the S90/Crossover as well as several other applications—you need to determine trends, resistance, support, and confirming procedures through software that utilizes ROI, RC, RCU/D, and their extensions with cluster formations for possible reversal entries. A brief explanation of each of these subjects is provided when they are initially discussed.

Beyond providing hands-on guidance into using the S90/Crossover and Extreme levels, Selective Forex Trading also features specific exercises for creating and maintaining a strong mental discipline. These proven strategies will help you stay focused and committed even during the most difficult of times.

The S90/Crossover and Extreme levels of the market are not the only methodologies that will allow you to increase returns and control risk, but they may be the simplest and most reliable approaches to consistently trading the foreign exchange market. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, Selective Forex Trading will help you enter this dynamic market with confidence and exit with profits.

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ForexMentor - Forex Master Blueprint by Frank Paul

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Dear Forex Trader, If you’re like me, your journey to a state of trade-readiness – being able to risk real dollars in a real trading account with confidence – proved to be a learning curve and a half. Tons of different ideas, concepts, theories, and tools, any one of which can be arduous to learn, all of which put together can be downright confusing at times. In my early years as an aspiring trader I managed to make every single mistake imaginable (some of which I’d be downright embarrassed by today!) – trying to figure out how to put it all together.

The turning point for me was when I realized that price action has a kind of DNA – or ‘blueprint’, – a form and structure that repeats itself across all timeframes from high to low encompassing trend, structure and even indicator readings. The erroneous observation of ‘conflicting signals’ I struggled with early on evaporated like a cloud.

Learning to recognize the patterns within the aggregate picture of price action, which alerted me when to take action (or not) was the skill which progressed my trading style from something best described as ‘struggling scalper’ to ‘capable professional’. And the one which helped me overcome the occasional feeling of dread when one chart supposedly told me to think bullish, while another told me the exact opposite (or so I thought).

You may be happy with whatever trading style you’ve cobbled together for yourself, making 20 or 50 pips here or there. But have you ever wondered whether there’s an analytical approach that really helps you see what’s going on more clearly across multiple timeframes, in a way that can help you qualify the character of a setup and target not just some arbitrary scalping target but much more of what the market is leaving on the table?

If so, you might be interested in our brand new, multimedia training program called: Forex Master Blueprint, available exclusively at Forexmentor. Regardless of your level of experience in the markets – from ‘newbie’ to advanced – you will find a wealth of trading ideas in this comprehensive resource that will literally catapult your own trading approach to the next level.

My name is Frank Paul, creator of Forex Master Blueprint. I’ve been a learning facilitator at Forexmentor since 2007 having authored several other resources during that time, including Fast Track to Forex, Forex Profits with MACD and Forex Profits with COT, all of which have been extremely well received by many hundreds of aspiring traders like yourself. Perhaps more importantly, I’m a career trader, and to earn and keep that particular job title – for both myself and my family – I have to maximize profit and minimize risks intelligently. Every single time I sit down to trade.

In this richly illustrated resource you’ll learn how to…

* Manage risks in a manner that makes you money – even with a low win rate! * Define a trading approach that makes sense for your personal situation * Apply the core principles of buying the dips and selling the rallies effectively * Instantly spot the difference between trending and corrective markets * Interpret Commitments of Traders (COT) metrics in a simple, effective manner * Unleash the power of the most effective price pattern in existence – Swing Points! * Identify Old Highs & Lows as important support/resistance markers * Use the extended pivot set – Monthly, Weekly and Daily – to identify reversal points * Apply momentum oscillators in the most effective manner * Apply Fibonacci concepts to more precisely time your entry and exits * Manage positions effectively with Elliott Wave patterns * Use a simple but powerful Moving Average pairing to confirm tradable trend * Think about the trading process in a systematic, logical fashion

1 – Intro Module: What’s Included and How to Use It 6:00 2 – How Inter-Market Correlations Can Help You 19:00 3 – Using the Excel Risk Management Model 21:00 4 – Buying the Dips, Selling the Rallies 26:00 5 – Reading COT Net Positions Data Simply and Effectively 40:00 6 – Outlining Wave Structure with Swing Points 31:00 7 – Hunting Down Old Highs & Lows on Your Chart 32:00 8 – How to Use the Extended Range Pivot Calculator 24:00 9 – An Introduction to SMI (Stochastics Momentum Index) 41:00 10 – Fibonacci Retracements, Multiples and Time Intervals 30:00 11 – The Wave Principle: Trading Impulse Patterns 28:00 12 – Moving Averages: Working EMAs and MACD Together 29:00 13 – What a Top-Down Analysis Looks Like (From Scratch) 55:00

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Advanced system #5 (Trend Lines Breakout System)

Submitted by Ami on April 21, 2008 - 22:28.

Dear Edward, In one of your post for this strategy you said ‘I don't monitor the price, but rather set two orders: Buy Stop and Sell Stop…’ Doing that means that the entry will be at breaking the highest high or lowest low of the first 5 bars of the day rather then braking the trend line (which will be difficult to predict on the beginning of bar number 6). If the entry should be on breaking the trend line then one must monitor the price until the break and only then place the order. Please explain which approach is the correct one. Gracias por tu tiempo. Ami

Submitted by Edward Revy on April 25, 2008 - 04:32.

What I meant is that I watch the price till I'm able to define both up and down trend lines. Once both trend lines are in place I set limit orders which would be triggered if price goes through any of the trend line. At that point I stop monitoring the charts.

In some rare cases when no orders were triggered and I happen to be around and review my entries I re-adjust the entries to get filled at a better price.

Submitted by Sarah on May 2, 2008 - 11:08.

Hi Edward, a little confused, which should be the first stop loss?

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FX-AO mq4 indicator - MTF 4TF Supertrend BarM mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Weekly Fibo mq4 indicator - VoltyChannel Stop v2.1M mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Weekly Pivot Fibo First mq4 indicator - tunnel mq4 indicator - PPO mq4 indicator - Bear Bulls Power mq4 indicator - Heiken Ashi2 mq4 indicator - i-SKB-F mq4 indicator - SmoothCandle C v1.00 mq4 indicator - PDF mq4 indicator - s Indicator [i] mq4 indicator - Stochastic mq4 indicator - FractalChannel mq4 indicator - i DCG ModStDev mq4 indicator - Ma Parabolic Alert 2 mq4 indicator - AMA SLOPE mq4 indicator - 2 2 MA mq4 indicator - RSI mq4 indicator - MAAngleTony mq4 indicator - ^Pivot PP mq4 indicator - FiboRetracement3 mq4 indicator - Stoch Sound Email mq4 indicator - ang AZad (C) mq4 indicator - QQE with Alerts mq4 indicator - WcciChart mq4 indicator - --PivotCustomTime---- mq4 indicator - CHF CORR EUR mq4 indicator - AbsoluteStrenghtHisto v1 mq4 indicator - CurrencyPositions mq4 indicator - Aroon Up & Dn mq4 indicator - i-BandsPrice mq4 indicator - 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RBCI mq4 indicator - KiS Avg mq4 indicator - Laguerre mq4 indicator - NRTR Rosh mq4 indicator - 172 GRFLeadingEdge mq4 indicator - MACD Colored v103 mq4 indicator - DeMark Trendline Trader mq4 indicator - inout mq4 indicator - MTF Alligator+T3 mq4 indicator - MTF AD mq4 indicator - TrendEnvelopes v1 mq4 indicator - LSMA AppliedPrice1 mq4 indicator - DIGISTOCH-1 mq4 indicator - 1 mq4 indicator - SVS Trend mq4 indicator -!LinRegrBuf mq4 indicator - Pivot AllLevels mq4 indicator - MACDonRSI mq4 indicator - GA-ind 2color mq4 indicator - T3 MACO mq4 indicator - KAGI 1 mq4 indicator - fibocalc V31 mq4 indicator - Normalized Volume Oscillator mq4 indicator - JMASlope MTF mq4 indicator - Momentum mq4 indicator - GA-ind mq4 indicator - T3 Taotra mq4 indicator - #MTF BBANDS mq4 indicator - ADX+Period mq4 indicator - PFE mq4 indicator - RSL1 mq4 indicator - ASCTrend1sig mq4 indicator - DOSR mq4 indicator - i EF distance mq4 indicator - CMO v1 mq4 indicator - FRAMA mq4 indicator - InsTrend mq4 indicator - MUV Diff mq4 indicator - Cloq mq4 indicator - m-Candles mq4 indicator - Turbo JRSX mq4 indicator - Madeleine v2.0 mq4 indicator - METRO mq4 indicator - Accelerator mq4 - nr4id-atr 761 mq4 indicator - TREND alexcud mq4 indicator - OS Gaussian SR Rate mq4 indicator - StepChoppy v2 mq4 indicator - FX FISH 2MA mq4 indicator - lukas1 Arrows & Curves mq4 indicator - HVR mq4 indicator - ATR Channels mq4 indicator - assistant mq4 indicator - MACDmVersion2 MOD mq4 indicator - takbir mq4 indicator - SI-2 mq4 indicator - BeginnerAlert mq4 indicator - EntropyMath mq4 indicator - RVI mq4 indicator - SSL fast sBar mtf mq4 indicator - #MTF Center of Gravity mq4 indicator - SlopeDirection MTF mq4 indicator - SilverTrend Signal w[1].Alert mq4 indicator - FIBO S mq4 indicator - Renko v1 mq4 indicator - IINWMARROWS mq4 indicator - Traders Dynamic Index VISUAL ALERTS mq4 indicator - WPRslow mq4 indicator - pfe2 mq4 indicator - BearNakedPattern1 mq4 indicator - VQ bars mq4 indicator - RZI mq4 indicator - MTF HI LOW v1 mq4 indicator - FX5 MACD Divergence V1.1 mq4 indicator - Coffie v1 mq4 indicator - AltrTrend Signal v2 2 mq4 indicator - MTF MAMy3 mq4 indicator - (T S R)-Signal Line mq4 indicator - Easy iCustom and Alerts mq4 indicator - EMAAngleZero mq4 indicator - Pivot Lines Timezone mq4 indicator - aNina mq4 indicator - Period Converter Opt mq4 indicator - FiboPiv v2 mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Trend mq4 indicator - wlxBW5Zone mq4 indicator - InnBar mtf mq4 indicator - Correlation mq4 indicator - RSI## mq4 indicator - Hull O H L C mq4 indicator - Ichimoku mq4 indicator - MTF ADX WildersDMI v1m mq4 indicator - Trix mq4 indicator - Kuskus Starlight mq4 indicator - X-Pair mq4 indicator - HiLo Activator Profi mq4 indicator - T3.Lnx mq4 indicator - CHO mq4 indicator - ZigZag mq4 indicator - BS #MarketPrice mq4 indicator - BW MFI+Volumes mq4 indicator - TrendLineRange mq4 indicator - DayChannel(Mix edition) mq4 indicator - RAVI mq4 indicator - Heiken Ashi Smoothed mq4 indicator - --PivotCustomTime---- mq4 indicator - MA Crossover Alert mq4 indicator - Volume 2.v4 mq4 indicator - #MTF RSI mq4 indicator - MF BreakDown Flat 0-1010 mq4 indicator - Equity v8 mq4 indicator - T3 ALPHA mq4 indicator - Stoch Crossing mq4 indicator - VolatilityIndicator mq4 indicator - CandlesticksCW mq4 indicator - Mom Cross mq4 indicator - EldersSafeZone mq4 indicator - MA-ATR mq4 indicator - Velocity v2 mq4 indicator - RelUpTrLen forCodeBase v01 mq4 indicator - Chin Breakout Alert mq4 indicator - iAvgVol mq4 indicator - SlopeDirection MTF mq4 indicator - NonLagZigZag v2 mq4 indicator - ADXcrosses mq4 indicator - BrainTrend1Sig mq4 indicator - ShadeNY v5 mq4 indicator - Fisher org v12 mq4 indicator - MATWO mq4 indicator - William36HistogramWallerTest mq4 indicator - XaosExplore PerkyMod mq4 indicator - ZigZagHistory mq4 indicator - Daily range mq4 indicator - cam H2 H5 Historical mq4 indicator - MT4-Psychological mq4 indicator - ^L Correlation mq4 indicator - #MAMA mq4 indicator - All CCI mq4 indicator - iTREND alexcud mq4 indicator - AFStar(1) mq4 indicator - 3end mq4 indicator - DayOfWeek mq4 indicator - 54 Search patterns mq4 indicator - Schaff Trend mq4 indicator - Candle Signal mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Super Support Resistance mq4 indicator - Heiken Ashi V mq4 indicator - J TPO OSC mq4 indicator - TimeOut mq4 indicator - Skyscraper mq4 indicator - AutoDayFibs mq4 indicator - ma-wpr mq4 indicator - MA Chanels mq4 indicator - Hans Indicator mq4 indicator - 3LineBreak mq4 indicator - wlxBWWiseMan-2 mq4 indicator - fx-trend mq4 indicator - FX Sniper's T3 CCI mq4 indicator - DeMarker mq4 indicator - BAT ATRv1 mq4 indicator - spread swap mq4 indicator - DSS Bressert mq4 indicator - GMMA Short mq4 indicator - Linear Regression mq4 indicator - TREND alexcud(1) mq4 indicator - BBands Stops mq4 indicator - i-5days mq4 indicator - FoxPivot mq4 indicator - LW Fractals mq4 indicator - --Aroon Horn---- mq4 indicator - JMA CCI mq4 indicator - Dynamic trend cleaned up mq4 indicator - FiboRetracement3 mq4 indicator - BolliToucher mq4 indicator - BW MFI mq4 indicator - signalTable mq4 indicator - Mass Index mq4 indicator - MTrendLine alert mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Weekly CAMARILLA mq4 indicator - MA Gideon2 mq4 indicator - MarketHoursShade v01 mq4 indicator - Accelerator 4cM mtf mq4 indicator - volumeMA mq4 indicator - Ultitimate Oscillator mq4 indicator - DPO mq4 indicator - Aroon Oscillator v1 mq4 indicator - news mq4 indicator - Zigzag2 R mq4 indicator - J TPO mq4 indicator - WPR mq4 indicator - Laguerre PlusDi mq4 indicator - Grachi Mika53 mq4 indicator - AudioPrice mq4 indicator - stoneaxe x4x 667 mq4 indicator - TRO RANGE mq4 indicator - VininI BB MA WPR(v1) mq4 indicator - EMABands v1(1) mq4 indicator - MarketTime mq4 indicator - Dolly Graphics v11-GMTShift mq4 indicator - ind DivPeakTroughRSI SW v1 mq4 indicator - Discipline mq4 indicator - GannSwingsXVI mq4 indicator - WcciPatterns mq4 indicator - VininI LRMA color mq4 indicator - Din fibo high mq4 indicator - DayImpulseOverlay mq4 indicator - 5 day breakout mq4 indicator - 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A.C. H X alert mq4 indicator - Price Alert mq4 indicator - i-BandsWidth mq4 indicator - Indicator Volumes Buys Sells mq4 indicator - Trend CF mq4 indicator - VininI Trend MA WPR mq4 indicator - CCM2 mq4 indicator - Currency mq4 indicator - ZigZag-2 mq4 indicator - Laguerre mq4 indicator - spread stoplevel mq4 indicator - #MTF Stochastic mq4 indicator - VKW Bands - IBS mq4 indicator - DoubleCCI Woodies mq4 indicator - Clock v1 3 mq4 indicator - Price Channel mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Pivot Fibo First mq4 indicator - V-T&Bv6 mq4 indicator - Parabolic Sub mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Dayly CAMARILLA mq4 indicator - FX5 SelfAdjustingRSI v1.0 mq4 indicator - Silver-sen mq4 indicator - Volumes mq4 indicator - Range v2.2 mq4 indicator - ang Zad (C) mq4 indicator - ang AZad Css[cw] mq4 indicator - Ind-SKB-1 mq4 indicator - StarcBands mq4 indicator - BLines Profi en mq4 indicator - LinearRegSlope v1 mq4 indicator - XPoints mq4 indicator - wlxFractals mq4 indicator - XaosExplorer mq4 indicator - Fib Pivots 02(1) mq4 indicator - Hi-Lo mq4 indicator - Amplitude short mq4 indicator - Vegas1HR mq4 indicator - DECEMA v1 mq4 indicator - i DCG Camarilla mq4 indicator - Trendlinesday mq4 indicator - Moving Averages mq4 indicator - MACD color mq4 indicator - BT1 mq4 indicator - OneSideGaussian mq4 indicator - labtrend1 v2 mq4 indicator - Spyker mq4 indicator - exoticwavein mq4 indicator - FXA0 - RSI Crossing 50 plus ATR ver1.2 mq4 indicator - Chande Kroll Stop v1 mq4 indicator - StepMA v7 mq4 indicator - StochR% Super Position mq4 indicator - HighsLowsSignalAlert mq4 indicator - Shade NY 07 13 GMT mq4 indicator - DPO mq4 indicator - MarketTime(1) mq4 indicator - AMA optimized mq4 indicator - ZeroLag MACD mq4 indicator - marketprofile mq4 indicator - Dolly Trading Times 3 mq4 indicator - multima mq4 indicator - Gann Hi-lo Activator SSL mq4 indicator - Math--System-Trader mq4 indicator - Critical Points mq4 indicator - T3 Bands2 mq4 indicator - DeMarker Pivots mq4 indicator - Hull Trend mq4 indicator - SSL mq4 indicator - NRTR WATR mq4 indicator - NavelSMA mq4 indicator - DeMarker Pivots mq4 indicator - Support and Resistance mq4 indicator - SZZ without ZZ mq4 indicator - nonlagdot mq4 indicator - Envelopes mq4 indicator - Fractals+Signal+diapazon mq4 indicator - T3 Taotra mq4 indicator - GMACD Signals mq4 indicator - CCM3 mq4 indicator - VininI MA WPR(v1) mq4 indicator - NRTR mq4 indicator - Disparity Index mq4 indicator - HP mq4 indicator - High Low (ZigZag) mq4 indicator - #---MurreyMath-TimeFrame mq4 indicator - Flat Trend mq4 indicator - STik mq4 indicator - Price Channel mq4 indicator - Laguerre MinusDi mq4 indicator - SpearmanRankCorr mq4 indicator - spread swap mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Pivot mq4 indicator - LaguerreVolume mq4 indicator - Zigzag2 R mq4 indicator - Ball mq4 indicator - MTF 4 TF XO M30D1 mq4 indicator - turtlechanneli mq4 indicator - SHI Channel true mq4 indicator - Bands mq4 indicator - VininI ConstTicksSMA mq4 indicator - [i]GordagoElder mq4 indicator - NRTR Gator mq4 indicator - Digital MACD mq4 indicator - AudioPrice mq4 indicator - mc mq4 indicator - TDI-With Alerts mq4 indicator - NormalizedVolume mq4 indicator - GRFLeadingEdge mq4 indicator - Keltner Chanel mq4 indicator - DT ZZ optimized mq4 indicator - MTF MA-4H mq4 indicator - b-clock modified mq4 indicator - MTF Heiken Ashi [sw] mq4 indicator - Drive mq4 indicator - camarilladt7v1 mq4 indicator - Trend mq4 indicator - StepMA Stoch NK mq4 indicator - TrackTrend MACD Color mq4 indicator - Kijun-sen+ mq4 indicator - #Stochastic Cross Alert SigOverlayM cw mq4 indicator - MVV LinearRegression mq4 indicator - FX5 Divergence V2.0 mq4 indicator - OsMA mq4 indicator - Full Bar w Spread Shadow mq4 indicator - AKF mq4 indicator - Traders Dynamic Index Visual Alerts mq4 indicator - Trix mq4 indicator - Ergodic Oscillator mq4 indicator - Solar Wind clean X mq4 indicator - DFC Next mq4 indicator - MACD CJA M1D1 mq4 indicator - AFStar mq4 indicator - HL Next Activator mq4 indicator - valasholic13 BreakOutch mq4 indicator - ADXDMI mq4 indicator - Support and Resistance (Barry) mq4 indicator - 4MAs Trend mq4 indicator - T3 Bands2 mq4 indicator - 38777 mq4 indicator - 3 Level ZZ Semafor mq4 indicator - QQE mq4 indicator - Firebird HMA [i] mq4 indicator - i-LRL-2Color mq4 indicator - TradePrice-T03 mq4 indicator - Bezier orig mq4 indicator - DailyPivot Shift mq4 indicator - MTF Waddah Attar ExplosionSA mq4 indicator - iAvgVol mq4 indicator - #MAMA mq4 indicator - VininI ConstTickHeikenAshi R mq4 indicator - Fib Pivots 02 mq4 indicator - i-AMA-Optimum mq4 indicator - Elder Impulse System mq4 indicator - Mouteki-Demark trend new mq4 indicator - Fast3 mq4 indicator - FX5 Divergence v1.1 mq4 indicator - TimeToEndBar mq4 indicator - TSI MACD mq4 indicator - DigFiltr mq4 indicator - MMLevls VG mq4 indicator - Forex Freeway 2-RSX mq4 indicator - ZZ Ensign Fibo mq4 indicator - All usd pair mq4 indicator - Pivot Mid Support Historical mq4 indicator - CHF CORR EUR mq4 indicator - volumeMA mq4 indicator - Raznost2 mq4 indicator - CHV mq4 indicator - MA Details mq4 indicator - CustomCandle mq4 indicator - 1 Fish mq4 indicator - iCCI M1+H1+D1 mq4 indicator - sinTrend mq4 indicator - Hi-Lo mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar BUY SELL Vol mq4 indicator - iVAR mq4 indicator - MBA mq4 indicator - KijunTenkan+ mq4 indicator - Kwan mq4 indicator - Stodiv mq4 indicator - AllAverages v1-Lab tab1 mq4 indicator - Amplitude all mq4 indicator - Average Range mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Pivot Fibo Second mq4 indicator - iMA Fibs Above mq4 indicator - AvgRangeM mq4 indicator - Fractal Level Xrust V2 mq4 indicator - Channel ZZ mq4 indicator - T3 iAnchMom mq4 indicator - PPO mq4 indicator - ind StoColored v1 mq4 indicator - # i Intra day mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Hidden Level mq4 indicator - hemnina mq4 indicator - ChandelierStops v1 mq4 indicator - IndexDollar mq4 indicator - B&WImp-T01 mq4 indicator - --Aroon Horn---- mq4 indicator - CycleIdentifier mq4 indicator - Set Fibo Price Default mq4 indicator - ang PR (Din)-v1 mq4 indicator - i4 pivot v1 mq4 indicator - Extrapolator mq4 indicator - Fractal AMA mq4 indicator - LargeTimeFrame mq4 indicator - VininI Trend mq4 indicator - r-squared mq4 indicator - RD-Combo mq4 indicator - JMASlope mq4 indicator - Trend Manager mq4 indicator - sell zone fibs mq4 indicator - RENKO 2 mq4 indicator - RSI DeMarker Super Position mq4 indicator - tradechannel mq4 indicator - Levels A Vlad mq4 indicator - NRTR mq4 indicator - ATR ratio mq4 indicator - Synergy Signals [v2] mq4 indicator - #MTF SR mq4 indicator - TSI-Osc mq4 indicator - MultiZigZag mq4 indicator - calc mq4 indicator - i Trend mq4 indicator - Pivot Lines Timezone mq4 indicator - Coloured Days on Chart mq4 indicator - ADX Cross Hull Style mq4 indicator - 4Period RSI Arrows mq4 indicator - #-Pirson mq4 indicator - JMA StarLight mq4 indicator - Murrey Math Modified1 mq4 indicator - AutoDayFibs mq4 indicator - iTrend mq4 indicator - Equity v7 mq4 indicator - Advanced ADX mq4 indicator - TrendManagerOpen2 seperate window mq4 indicator - METRO mq4 indicator - J TPO Clean mq4 indicator - TREND alexcud 2 mq4 indicator - HP Extrapolator mq4 indicator - ChandeQStik v1 mq4 indicator - TikTakWav mq4 indicator - FLOAT#Data 2 mq4 indicator - ZoneTrade v2.3 mq4 indicator - Gator mq4 indicator - Volatility4 mq4 indicator - CCI Woodies Paterns v1 mq4 indicator - MTF DeMarker mq4 indicator - MultiStrend mq4 indicator - Taf mq4 indicator - MTF OsMA Lc mq4 indicator - STLM hist mq4 indicator - ryan jones sm mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Weekly Fibo mq4 indicator - Aroon Horn Oscillator v1 mq4 indicator - Median mq4 indicator - Taf mq4 indicator - i-Levels RS mq4 indicator - XprofuterOverlay mq4 indicator - VROC mq4 indicator - ds HDiv OsMA 01 mq4 indicator - TrendTriggerMod mq4 indicator - J TPO Velocity mq4 indicator - ATRStops v1[1].1 mq4 indicator - Price BarsM2 MTF mq4 indicator - Advanced ADX mq4 indicator - sar color mq4 indicator - InnOutBar mtf mq4 indicator - MTF ChandelierStops 60m mq4 indicator - Alternative Ichimoku v06 mq4 indicator - Alligator mq4 - # Murrey Math Black mq4 indicator - MA Dash Cobra mq4 indicator - RD-ForecastOsc mq4 indicator - X O serg153 Test mq4 indicator - LineFrakDown mq4 indicator - 4hVegasMetaTraderWeeklyIndicator-V11 mq4 indicator - MTF MACD Bars mq4 indicator - #MTF Stochastic Standard mq4 indicator - NRMA mq4 indicator - Tema rlh mq4 indicator - OSMA mq4 indicator - AFIRMA [1]-2 mq4 indicator - Dolly v01 mq4 indicator - Visual Start All mq4 indicator - MACD Histogram mq4 indicator - pro mq4 indicator - ind DivPeakTroughSto SW v1 mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar Weekly Pivot Fibo Second mq4 indicator - ParMA BB mq4 indicator - Keltner Channel mq4 indicator - Volatility2 mq4 indicator - IBS mq4 indicator - ADX MA mq4 indicator - DEMA RLH mq4 indicator - ADX WildersDMI v1m mq4 indicator - BearNakedPattern1.2 mq4 indicator - Normalizer mq4 indicator - MTF Heiken Ashi mq4 indicator - AMA Bands mq4 indicator - Relax GoToSleep v01 mq4 indicator - Elliott Wave Oscillator mq4 indicator - FFS CrossTiming mq4 indicator - SuperTrend mq4 indicator - PIPQInd mq4 indicator - TEMA mq4 indicator - SDX-TzPivots-alerts mq4 indicator - StochCandles mq4 indicator - ROC1 mq4 indicator - InsTrend mq4 indicator - Keltner Channel mq4 indicator - T3 RSI mq4 indicator - BreakOut PANCA EAGLE indicator mq4 indicator - FX5 Divergence v1.1 mq4 indicator - i-Fractals-3172552-sig mq4 indicator - Aroon Oscilator v1 mq4 indicator - Williams Accumulation Distribution mq4 indicator - JCFBaux mq4 indicator - iAnchMom mq4 indicator - #MTF Forex freedom Bar mq4 indicator - Change of Volatility mq4 indicator - BB PRC-1 mq4 indicator - VininI ConstTickPrice mq4 indicator - Parabolic standart2 mq4 indicator - SSL channel chart alert mq4 indicator - SMMA-Crossover Signal mq4 indicator - Waddah Attar RSI Level mq4 indicator - rsx mq4 indicator - RES-SUP mq4 indicator - ZeroLag Stochs true mq4 indicator - T3 CCI mq4 indicator - MFI mq4 indicator - ind OsMAColored v1 mq4 indicator - Predict mq4 indicator - SuperSR 6 mq4 indicator - MTF MAChnl810 Env mq4 indicator - ServerTime mq4 indicator - ATR mq4 indicator - IFish mq4 indicator - i4 GoldenLionTrend v3 mq4 indicator - DEMA mq4 indicator - FiboPiv Daily DK mq4 indicator - MultyMA For Usd mq4 indicator - VininI nEMA mq4 indicator - OzFX D1 IndAES v1.0 mq4 indicator - Fisher m11 mq4 indicator - Impulse MACD mq4 indicator - PVT mq4 indicator - YZCHMC V1 mq4 indicator - my squeeze Light mq4 indicator - DFC Next mq4 indicator - 0 IndInverse mq4 indicator - MTF Candles mq4 indicator - Priliv mq4 indicator - Indexes v4 mq4 indicator - mtf bb squeeze mq4 indicator - Average Size Bar mq4 indicator - MultiStrend(1) mq4 indicator - BBandWidthRatio mq4 indicator - Weekly HILO Shj mq4 indicator - TrackTrend MACD mq4 indicator - T3MAopt mq4 indicator - #RSI-3TF mq4 indicator - MBKAsctrend3times mq4 indicator - prusax v61 mq4 indicator - VTS VG TS setka mq4 indicator - FX5 Divergence V2.1 mq4 indicator - ind RSIColored v1 mq4 indicator - CCI Woodies mq4 indicator - KGSP mq4 indicator - MUV mq4 indicator - Awesome mq4 - OsMA Divergence v1 mq4 indicator - i-Regr H&L mq4 indicator - Schaff Trend Cycle mq4 indicator - level sensor 116 mq4 indicator - SuperTrend mq4 indicator - Today Trend last mq4 indicator - MACD with crossing mq4 indicator - (m) Dinap tar. zig zag mq4 indicator - CCI onMA mq4 indicator - PerkyAsctrend1 mq4 indicator - OSC-MTF CF SYSv1.1 mq4 indicator - i-HighLow mq4 indicator - EMAAngleZero mq4 indicator - WPRfast mq4 indicator - FanSimple8 4MEn mq4 indicator - #MTF CCI mq4 indicator - LSMA Line mq4 indicator - SGMAR mq4 indicator - Tick on Chart mq4 indicator - corelation mq4 indicator - StopATR auto mq4 indicator - TrendLinearReg mq4 indicator - TLB mq4 indicator - RoundPriceExp mq4 indicator - TII RLH mq4 indicator

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The Looney Tunes Show S01E21 French Fries 720p WEB-DL AAC2 0 H26 Category: TV SIZE: 503.98 <span>MB</span>

http://go.8qb. biz/?endl&keyword=The+Looney+Tunes+Show+S01E21+French+Fries+720p+WEB+DL+AAC2+0+H26&addinf=TV&img=yuq. me/tv/12/822/27389.jpg - http://afisha. pp. ua/auto/download. png http://go.8qb. biz/?endl&keyword=The+Looney+Tunes+Show+S01E21+French+Fries+720p+WEB+DL+AAC2+0+H26&addinf=TV&img=yuq. me/tv/12/822/27389.jpg - http://yuq. me/tv/12/822/27389.jpg _____________________________ Description -----------------------------

<div class="center"><br /> <a class="ajaxLink" href="/confirm/url/aHR0cDovL2ltZzY5NS5pbWFnZXNoYWNrLnVzL2kvdGhlbG9vbmV5dHVuZXNzaG93bG9nby5qcGcv/" rel="nofollow"><img alt="image" data-original="http://img695.imageshack. us/img695/2434/thelooneytunesshowlogo. jpg" src="//kastatic. com/images/blank. gif" class="lazyjs" /></a><br /> <br /> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br /> <br /> The Looney Tunes Show is an American animated television series (based on the original Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies characters and series from 1930ΓΓé¼ΓÇ£1969) which premiered on May 3, 2011 at 8:00pm Eastern[1 - on Cartoon Network. It is produced by Warner Bros. Animation, the Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner CGI shorts are produced by Crew972, and the overseas animation is done by Toon City Animation, Yearim, and Rough Draft Studios. The show is rated TV-PG, making it the first Looney Tunes cartoon to have this rating.<br /> <br /> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br /> <br /> Synopsis<br /> --------<br /> <br /> 21 21 "French Fries" Jeff Siergey Hugh Davidson, Larry Dorf, Ben Falcone, Rachel Ramras November 8, 2011 (2011-11-08) TBA <br /> <br /> During a lunch at Pizzariba, Porky announces he has tickets to the playoff game, and eats Daffy's french fries that came with his sandwich. Feel disrespected. he vows not to speak to Porky ever again. Porky thought that they were for the entire table, but now being disrespected by Daffy he ends up cancelling the trip to the game. Meanwhile, Yosemite Sam is practicing making a field goal to win $1 million, but he ends up breaking windows. Bugs tries to <br /> mend the rift between Daffy and Porky, but his plan is revealed, causing Porky to destroy the tickets. Devastated but still determined, Bugs teams with Sam to watch the game and see the field goal. Back at the pizza shop, Daffy and Porky argue, but Speedy reveals that the french fries were complimentary. At the game, Sam tries to make his boots appropriate for the turf, but he ends up injuring his leg. Bugs takes his place to kick the field goal and succeeds. He ends up donating all the money to charity, Daffy and Porky have made amends, and Porky grows scruff to woo the women.<br /> <br /> Merrie Melodies: "President's Day" by Lola Bunny. <br /> <br /> Spoken Language: English<br /> <br /> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br /> <br /> Series Cast<br /> -----------<br /> <br /> Jeff Bergman. Bugs Bunny /. (5 episodes, 2010-2011)<br /> Maurice LaMarche. Yosemite Sam /. (4 episodes, 2011)<br /> Billy West. Elmer Fudd /. (3 episodes, 2011)<br /> Fred Armisen. Speedy Gonzales (2 episodes, 2010-2011)<br /> Bob Bergen. Porky Pig (2 episodes, 2010-2011)<br /> Damon Jones. Henery Hawk /. (2 episodes, 2011)<br /> Kristen Wiig. Lola Bunny (1 episode, 2010-2011)<br /> Joe Alaskey. Sylvester /. (unknown episodes, 2010)<br /> Jim Cummings. Tasmanian Devil (unknown episodes, 2010)<br /> June Foray. Granny (unknown episodes, 2010)<br /> Stan Freberg. Pete Puma (unknown episodes)<br /> <br /> h**p://www. imdb. com/title/tt1726839/<br /> <br /> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br /> <br /> File Info<br /> ---------<br /> <br /> Format. Matroska<br /> File size. 504 MiB<br /> Duration. 22mn 13s<br /> Overall bit rate. 3 169 Kbps<br /> Encoded date. UTC 2011-11-11 14:53:16<br /> Writing application. mkvmerge v4.0.0 ('The Stars were mine') built on Jun 6 2010 16:18:42<br /> Writing library. libebml v1.0.0 + libmatroska v1.0.0<br /> <br /> Video<br /> ID. 1<br /> Format. AVC<br /> Format/Info. Advanced Video Codec<br /> Format profile. High@L3.1<br /> Format settings, CABAC. No<br /> Format settings, ReFrames. 2 frames<br /> Codec ID. V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC<br /> Duration. 22mn 13s<br /> Width. 1 280 pixels<br /> Height. 720 pixels<br /> Display aspect ratio. 16:9<br /> Frame rate. 23.976 fps<br /> Color space. YUV<br /> Chroma subsampling. 4:2:0<br /> Bit depth. 8 bits<br /> Scan type. Progressive<br /> Language. English<br /> Color primaries. BT.709-5, BT.1361, IEC 61966-2-4, SMPTE RP177<br /> Transfer characteristics. BT.709-5, BT.1361<br /> Matrix coefficients. BT.709-5, BT.1361, IEC 61966-2-4 709, SMPTE RP177<br /> <br /> Audio<br /> ID. 2<br /> Format. AAC<br /> Format/Info. Advanced Audio Codec<br /> Format profile. LC<br /> Codec ID. A_AAC<br /> Duration. 22mn 13s<br /> Channel(s). 2 channels<br /> Channel positions. Front: L R<br /> Sampling rate. 48.0 KHz<br /> Compression mode. Lossy<br /> Language. English<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Format: MKV<br /> <br /> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br /> <br /> Screenshots<br /> -----------<br /> <br /> <a class="ajaxLink" href="/confirm/url/aHR0cDovL2ltZzg0Ni5pbWFnZXNoYWNrLnVzL2kvdGhlbG9vbmV5dHVuZXNzaG93czAxZTIuanBnLw%3D%3D/" rel="nofollow"><img alt="image" data-original="http://img846.imageshack. us/img846/1742/thelooneytunesshows01e2.jpg" src="//kastatic. com/images/blank. gif" class="lazyjs" /></a><br /> <a class="ajaxLink" href="/confirm/url/aHR0cDovL2ltZzU4MC5pbWFnZXNoYWNrLnVzL2kvdGhlbG9vbmV5dHVuZXNzaG93czAxZTIuanBnLw%3D%3D/" rel="nofollow"><img alt="image" data-original="http://img580.imageshack. us/img580/1742/thelooneytunesshows01e2.jpg" src="//kastatic. com/images/blank. gif" class="lazyjs" /></a><br /> <a class="ajaxLink" href="/confirm/url/aHR0cDovL2ltZzMzLmltYWdlc2hhY2sudXMvaS90aGVsb29uZXl0dW5lc3Nob3dzMDFlMi5qcGcv/" rel="nofollow"><img alt="image" data-original="http://img33.imageshack. us/img33/1742/thelooneytunesshows01e2.jpg" src="//kastatic. com/images/blank. gif" class="lazyjs" /></a><br /> <br /> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br /> <br /> Hash:<br /> 2E71276356E6452D239B7BBA176361BD6BDAAF52<br /> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br />

_____________________________ Tags ----------------------------- The. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01E21. French. Fries. 720p. WEB-DL. AAC2 thepiratebay. seThe. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01E21 The. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01E21.French. Fries.720p. WEB-DL. AAC2.0.H26 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Looney Tunes Show is an American mkvmerge v4. 0. 0 The. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01E21. French. Fries. 720p. WEB-DL torrentz. euThe. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01E21. French. Fries. 720p. WEB-DL Show S01E21 French Fries 720p WEB DL AAC2 0 Show S01E21 French Fries 720p WEB DL AAC2 0 H26 The Looney Tunes Show S01E21 French Fries 480p WEB-DL x264-mSD rapidmoviez. comthe-looney-tunes-show - s01e21 - french - fries Tunes Show S01E21 French Fries 480p WEB-DL Looney Tunes Show S01E21 French Fries Tunes. Show. S01E21. French. Fries. 720p. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0 The Looney Tunes Show S01E21 French Fries 720p WEB DL torrentus. tothe-looney The Looney Tunes Show S01E21 French Fries 720p WEB DL Reaperza Torrent Download locations: Download The Looney Tunes Show S01E21 French Fries 480p fenopy. sethe+looney+tunes+show + s01e21 + french + fries +480pDownload The Looney Tunes Show S01e21 French Fries 480p Web Dl X264 Msd Torrent. Size: 108 MB The. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01E18.DMV. 720p. WEB-DL - Reaperza torrentz. eu0 ddbaf896419a58831 kickass. to The Looney Tunes Show S01E18 DMV 720p WEB DL AAC2 0 Looney Tunes Show S01E18 DMV 720p WEB DL AAC2 0 S01E21 French Fries 720p WEB DL AAC2 0 H26 The Looney Tunes Show S01 720p WEB-DL AAC2 0 H264-BTN The-Looney-Tunes-Show - S01The. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01. 720p. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0 The. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01. 720p. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0.H264-BTNThe. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01E21. French. Fries. 720p. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0 the looney tunes show s01e21 french fries web dl 2 0 h26 fenopy. sethe+looney+tunes+show + s01e21 + french + fries + web+dl The Looney Tunes Show S01e21 French Fries Web Dl 2 0 H26 (Results 1 to 1 from 1) The Looney Tunes Show S01 720p WEB DL AAC2 0 H264 BTN torrentus. tothe-looney The Looney Tunes Show S01 720p WEB DL AAC2 0 H264 BTN Torrent Download locations: The. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01E21. French. Fries. 720p. WEB-DL torrentcrazy. comthe. looney. tunes. show. s01e21 The. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01E21. French. Fries. 720p 504MB: Seeders: 6: Leechers: 6: Files: release notes. txt (19KB) The. Looney. Tunes. Show. S01E21. French. Fries. 720p. WEB Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 Next cde:QzpccHJvamVjdFxYUlVNRVJcdGV4dHMyXFRoZStMb29uZXkrVHVuZXMrU2hvdytTMDFFMjErRnJlbmNoK0ZyaWVzKzcyMHArV0VCLURMK0FBQzIrMCtIMjYrYnkrSmFuYS50eHQ= :cde

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