Sunday, November 27, 2016

Calendario De La Fábrica De Forex

15 de enero 2015

Hace seis años introdujimos los primeros datos compuestos del mercado de divisas, fusionando los feeds de varios corredores en un solo precio. Nunca hemos dejado de creer en el valor de los datos compuestos. Es una representación más verdadera del mercado que cualquier alimento individual. Ya lo largo de los años hemos trabajado para incluir más corredores, reducir el retraso de datos a casi cero y hacer que la interfaz sea más fácil y más potente. Estos esfuerzos han culminado en el desarrollo del nuevo escáner de mercado:

El escáner es nuevo desde cero. Funciona con nuestro nuevo motor de agregación de datos, MDA. Que recoge y calcula los precios de las puntuaciones de los principales corredores de divisas con prácticamente ningún retraso.

La interfaz cuenta con gráficos en tiempo real, análisis de propagación e incluso tarifas de intermediarios individuales. Y todo se actualiza automáticamente cuando & # 8216; Live & # 8217; está chequeado:

Lo mejor del escáner es su flexibilidad. Puede cambiar las monedas mostradas, las métricas rastreadas, los colores utilizados e incluso el nombre del bloque:

El escáner es parte del producto Market y, a partir de hoy, se agregó como bloque predeterminado en la página principal. Recuerde, puede ajustar la posición del bloque con la nueva función de disposición de página.

Esperamos que el escáner tiene un impacto positivo en su comercio! Si tiene alguna pregunta o sugerencia, asegúrese de comentar o de contactar con nosotros & # 8212; Siempre estamos interesados ​​en la retroalimentación de ustedes!

Publicado por David, Forex Factory Gerente General

Acabamos de lanzar una función que le permite personalizar el diseño de las páginas FF. Los controles para organizar un bloque aparecen cuando se cierne sobre su cabecera:

Su página web es especialmente flexible. Los bloques se pueden mover, quitar y agregar. Incluso puede tener varias instancias de bloque, lo que le permite hacer cosas como tener dos calendarios con diferentes filtros aplicados.

Para agregar un bloque a su página de inicio, vaya a su página nativa (por ejemplo, el bloque de & # 8216; Posiciones & # 8217; es nativo de la página Trades) y haga clic en el icono de copia a inicio:

Ahora que tiene tanto control sobre sus páginas, asegúrese de estar familiarizado con la página & # 8217; Default & # 8217; En el pie de página & # 8212; Se restablece la página de nuevo a la configuración predeterminada y configuración.

Para obtener más información sobre cómo funciona el arreglo de páginas, lea la guía del usuario. Y recuerde que no hemos terminado con esta función & # 8212; Estamos trabajando para que todos los bloques se añadan a su página de inicio, y permitiendo el arreglo en todas las páginas. Si tiene alguna sugerencia, háganoslo saber.

Publicado por Scot, Forex Factory Senior Developer

Acabamos de lanzar un encabezado mejorado para el sitio web! El nuevo diseño aumenta el contenido por encima del doblez y hace que los enlaces más importantes sean accesibles desde cualquier pantalla.

El encabezado aumenta el contenido por encima del doble (es decir, el contenido mostrado en la pantalla inicial) en 80 píxeles, lo que puede no parecer mucho, pero con el tiempo se ahorrará a los usuarios activos horas de desplazamiento. Para ilustrar la ventaja, las imágenes de abajo muestran 300 píxeles de altura antes y después del rediseño & # 8212; Observe cuántos eventos más del calendario están mostrando ahora:

Otra gran ventaja de la nueva cabecera es que & # 8222; palos & # 8222; Todos los principales elementos de navegación a la parte superior de cada página. Mientras que el viejo diseño mantuvo los acoplamientos del producto pegados, el nuevo diseño también pega su username, acoplamiento del logout, tiempo del sitio, y la entrada de la búsqueda. Todos los enlaces principales ya están disponibles desde cualquier lugar del sitio web, por lo que es más fácil llegar a donde quieres estar.

Esperamos que les guste el nuevo diseño! Si encuentra algún error o tiene comentarios, nos encantaría saber de usted & # 8212; Por favor comente o póngase en contacto con nosotros.

Publicado por Scot, Forex Factory Senior Developer

Acabamos de regresar de FXIC en Nueva York & # 8212; Fue un evento fantástico! Nos reunimos con un montón de colegas y aprendimos un montón de los excelentes oradores. ¡Y regalamos 500 camisetas de fábrica de Forex!

Aquí hay una foto de nuestra tripulación de tierra jugando en la sala de exhibición.

Gracias al equipo de Shift Forex por la oportunidad de patrocinar la conferencia!

Publicado por David, Forex Factory Gerente General

2014 marca diez años de funcionamiento para la fábrica de Forex! Gracias a todos los comerciantes y anunciantes que nos apoyaron durante la década & # 8212; Forex Factory evolucionó de un pequeño foro a un conjunto completo de productos de los que dependen más de un millón de comerciantes, y no habría sido posible sin su apoyo y fe en nosotros.

Camiseta grande de la camiseta

Estamos regalando miles de camisetas American Apparel de alta calidad para celebrar nuestro diez aniversario. Nuestro objetivo es dar una camiseta gratis (con envío gratuito a todo el mundo!) A todos los que han contribuido positivamente a Forex Factory.

Cada miembro de Forex Factory que tenga un ranking de MIRS recibirá automáticamente una camiseta gratis. Si eres uno de los 1.900 miembros clasificados, en los próximos días verás un bloque en la parte superior de tu perfil donde puedes ordenar tu camiseta:

También estamos recibiendo solicitudes de cualquier miembro que haya hecho una contribución positiva a Forex Factory & 8212; Si usted es uno de ellos, háganoslo saber!

Clientes y colegas de la industria: en las próximas semanas estaremos enviando un montón de camisetas y nuestro patrocinio de FXIC el 20 de junio incluye dar camisetas a todos los asistentes (¡esperamos verlos allí!) .

Mirando hacia atrás a través de la década

Forex Factory ha crecido orgánicamente tanto como empresa como sitio web. Ha sido una evolución lenta con un crecimiento constante, resultando en una infraestructura fortificada que está construida para durar. Mientras Forex Factory ha pasado por muchas fases, y el camino hacia adelante a veces era ventoso, dos cosas han sido consistentes a lo largo de los años: la mejora constante y un enfoque en proporcionar información de alta calidad a los comerciantes.

2004 & # 8212; Forex Factory se lanza como un foro forex centrado en el comerciante, utilizando el software vBulletin de stock y operado por moderadores voluntarios.

2005 & # 8212; La versión rudimentaria del producto Calendario se lanza con características innovadoras. Se convierte en tan popular que el tráfico se derrama en los foros, bola de nieve en un área de debate animado.

2006 & # 8212; Forex Factory se convierte en un negocio comercial viable, abriendo una pequeña oficina y haciendo algunas contrataciones clave. Los ingresos por publicidad crecen rápidamente.

2007 y # 8212; Los accidentes diarios de picos de tráfico son la norma, y ​​los hackers bajan el sitio web durante una semana consecutiva. El equipo de desarrollo se centra en la consolidación de la base de la página web.

2008 & # 8212; La base de código y la infraestructura del sitio web están estabilizadas. Se añaden funciones y funciones más innovadoras al Calendario.

2009 & # 8212; Se inicia el blog de Forex Factory y se lanza la primera versión del producto Market. Forex Factory se convierte en el sitio web más vendido de forex.

2010 & # 8212; Las operaciones de Forex Factory están centralizadas en la nueva sede de Tampa. El desarrollo comienza en el Explorador de Comercio.

2011 & # 8212; El nuevo producto y la funcionalidad de búsqueda se rediseñan. Se lanzan los productos Trade Explorer y Trades.

2012 & # 8212; El logotipo de la fábrica de Forex y el frontend son rediseñados. Se amplía la infraestructura publicitaria y se lanza el producto Brokers.

2013 & # 8212; El producto del foro se rediseña y se modernizan los perfiles de los miembros. El MIRS reemplaza a los deudores y se amplía la sede.

2014 & # 8212; Forex Factory cumple diez años! Varios proyectos emocionantes están en desarrollo & # 8230;

Cuando se inició Forex Factory

Las cosas fueron un poco diferentes cuando se inició Forex Factory. Aquí hay algunos recordatorios del mundo en el que el sitio web nació & # 8230;

Hace diez años Greenspan, Trichet, King y Fukui lideraban los bancos centrales:

Cinco países tenían una economía más grande que China (ahora sólo una):

La burbuja inmobiliaria empezaba a tomar forma:

Y el franco suizo era mucho menos valioso:

Firefox lanzó la versión 1.0:

Facebook acaba de comenzar:

Y un sitio web llamado Forex Factory hizo un embarazoso debut:

¡La primera década de Forex Factory ha sido toda la aventura! Estamos trabajando duro para asegurarnos de que el siguiente es igual de exitoso, y apreciamos su continuo apoyo a medida que avanzamos hacia adelante. ¡Aquí están los próximos diez años de Forex Factory & # 8217; s!

Publicado por David, Forex Factory Gerente General

Hemos ajustado la configuración de pantalla predeterminada para los bloques Foro y Noticias en la página principal. Los bloques de Foro ahora incluyen todos los foros con hilos clasificados de varias maneras (un cambio de enfocar cada bloque en un único foro), mientras que los bloques de Noticias sólo tenían un par de ajustes menores a su configuración.

Creemos que estos cambios mejoran el descubrimiento de contenido y hacen que el diseño sea más apropiado para la página de inicio, pero si no te gusta, puedes volver al diseño antiguo ajustando la configuración de cada bloque. Haga clic en el título de un bloque para mostrar su configuración:

También creamos un acceso directo temporal para volver a los ajustes antiguos & # 8212; Simplemente haga clic en & # 8216; Legacy Defaults & # 8217; En el pie de la página principal y volverá a los valores predeterminados anteriores:

Esperamos que les gusten los cambios y agradecemos sus comentarios.

Publicado por Scot, Forex Factory Senior Developer

1 de diciembre de 2013

Hace unos seis años se implementó el sistema de garantías para ayudar a identificar a los miembros creíbles. La idea era que los comerciantes pueden encontrar información de calidad más rápido cuando hay un indicador visible de la credibilidad del cartel y, si bien nunca fue un sistema perfecto, ahorró a los comerciantes innumerables horas colocando un icono junto al nombre de usuario de Miembros avalados.

Todavía creemos en la idea detrás del sistema de aval, pero está claro que la fábrica de Forex ha superado. No sólo el sistema se basa en los niveles codificados (por ejemplo, 11 vales asigna el rango superior, 4 vales permite dar fe de los demás), pero se está convirtiendo en un indicador más débil de la calidad del contenido a medida que crece la membresía.

Hoy estamos felices de anunciar el reemplazo del sistema de garantías & # 8217; s; El Sistema de Clasificación de Impacto de los Miembros (MIRS). Aquí funciona cómo funciona:

La fórmula MIRS es 100% transparente, permitiendo que el sistema sea auditado por cualquier persona que esté dispuesta. La fórmula de clasificación detallada se puede encontrar en la guía del usuario.

La estructura de MIRS tiene muchas ventajas sobre el sistema de aval. Es más sencillo porque se basa en la funcionalidad de suscripción existente, en lugar de depender de una acción adicional del usuario (por ejemplo, hacer clic en un botón de confirmación). Es más democrático porque permite que casi todos los miembros afecten la clasificación, en lugar de sólo aquellos que tienen cuatro vales. Es más escalable que la comprobación porque la fórmula considera el tamaño actual de la membresía en lugar de los niveles codificados, y es más adaptable porque el rango disminuye a medida que los suscriptores de los miembros se van inactivos.

Mientras que MIRS y el sistema de clasificación de los miembros de rango similar, hubo algunas diferencias que se destacaron cuando comparamos los dos sistemas:

MIRS generalmente asigna un rango más alto a los miembros con actividad reciente, mientras que la comprobación no era sensible a la última fecha de actividad.

MIRS acredita a los miembros que tienen retroalimentación positiva de Trade Explorer, mientras que la aceptación rara vez incluye miembros que no son miembros de la lista.

MIRS rápidamente clasifica a los nuevos miembros que publican información de alta calidad, mientras que la respuesta fue lenta para reaccionar debido a la pequeña población de votantes & # 8221; (Es decir, sólo aquellos con cuatro vales).

Ningún sistema es sin limitaciones, pero después de poner un montón de pensamiento, investigación y análisis en él, estamos confiados MIRS no sólo hará que el contenido de calidad más fácil de identificar, sino también aumentar la calidad general de la información publicada en la fábrica de Forex . En los próximos meses estaremos monitoreando el sistema de cerca, y haremos los ajustes necesarios. Por favor, háganos saber si usted tiene comentarios!

Publicado por Twan, Forex Factory Trader Relations

28 de noviembre de 2013

Nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de los Miembros. Una nueva página que le permite encontrar y descubrir fácilmente a los miembros de Forex Factory que le interesan. Es parte de nuestra iniciativa para facilitar el descubrimiento de contenido, y promueve la meta de una manera grande!

La página incluye estadísticas de pertenencia, un feed maestro de la actividad miembro más reciente y una lista configurable de miembros. La lista proporciona tres herramientas principales para descubrir miembros & # 8230;

Una vez que se domine la funcionalidad, podrá encontrar rápidamente miembros que compartan su enfoque de negociación, descubrir miembros que publiquen contenido valioso o localizar a un comerciante para ayudarle con un problema específico & # 8212; Y usted probablemente encontrará innumerables otros usos!

Ah, y si se está preguntando sobre los impactos & # 8217; Iconos ubicados donde normalmente se encuentran los iconos de confirmación & # 8230; La explicación viene muy pronto.

Si tiene comentarios o se encuentra con cualquier error, por favor háganoslo saber.

Publicado por Scot, Forex Factory Senior Developer

De acuerdo con Alexa. ¡Forex Factory se ha dividido en los 1.000 sitios web más traficados del mundo!

No podemos decir si nos quedaremos aquí, pero estamos emocionados de haber alcanzado esta marca por primera vez. A todos los comerciantes que nos han llevado hasta aquí: su lealtad es muy apreciada, y se corresponderá con un compromiso continuo para apoyar su búsqueda de beneficios.

A nuestro leal saber y entender, Forex Factory es el primer sitio web relacionado con la divisa que rompe los primeros 1.000, por lo que este hito dice tanto sobre Forex Factory como sobre la industria de la divisa en su conjunto. Dadas las recientes tendencias IPO y M & # 038; A, todas las señales apuntan a una industria que es más grande y más fuerte que nunca.

Por cierto, reconocemos que Alexa rango es una métrica imperfecta. Sin embargo, es posiblemente el sistema de clasificación más creíble para el tráfico mundial y tiende a ser el punto de referencia más citado.

Publicado por David, Forex Factory Gerente General

26 de septiembre de 2013

Forex Factory sigue creciendo después de casi diez años! Estamos sentados en máximos históricos en cada métrica clave, ¡y nuestro equipo nunca ha sido más fuerte!

Acabamos de terminar la construcción en nuestro nuevo centro de desarrollo en Tampa, y estamos buscando para el personal con los mejores ingenieros web en la ciudad. Si usted es un desarrollador de LAMP de primera clase que desea trabajar para una empresa enfocada en productos, le recomendamos que solicite la posición de ingeniero de sitio web.

También estamos buscando un profesional de ventas con experiencia en publicidad en Internet. Forex Factory vende publicidad de pantalla directamente a una base de clientes en todo el mundo, por lo que la posición requiere de un importante viaje internacional para conocer a los clientes & # 8217; necesariamente. Por favor, solicite la posición de representante de cuenta si esto suena como la posición correcta para usted.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en contactar con nosotros.

Publicado por Jan, Forex Factory Recursos Humanos

Bienvenido a Forex Factory Trading

En Forex Factory Trading le damos la bienvenida a nuestro sitio web recién rediseñado. Hemos tenido mucho cuidado de actualizar y mejorar toda la información de este sitio y continuaremos trabajando agresivamente en la actualización del sitio para mantenerlo mejor informado sobre Forex y la industria de opciones binarias y para proporcionar información esencial de una manera fácil de usar.

Calendario económico

Calendario Económico en Tiempo Real proporcionado por Investing. com.


Descargo de responsabilidad: Cualquier asesoramiento o información en el sitio web Forex Factory Trading es Asesoramiento General Solamente & # 8211; No toma en cuenta sus circunstancias personales, por favor no negociar o invertir basándose únicamente en esta información tanto en forex como en opciones binarias. Al ver cualquier material o usar la información de este sitio, usted acepta que se trata de material de educación general y no mantendrá ninguna persona o entidad responsable por pérdidas o daños resultantes del contenido o asesoramiento general proporcionado aquí por Forex Factory Trading, & # 8217 ; S empleados, directores o compañeros de trabajo. Futuros, opciones binarias, y el comercio de divisas al contado tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de opciones de futuros y binarios. No intercambie dinero con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Este sitio web no es una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros, spot forex, opciones binarias u otros productos financieros. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en cualquier material en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Advertencia de alto riesgo: Las operaciones con divisas, futuros y opciones binarias tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también grandes riesgos potenciales. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos de invertir en forex, futuros y opciones binarias y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para operar en estos mercados. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, no negocie con dinero prestado o dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. No asumiremos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información. Recuerde que el desempeño anterior de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Un gráfico o una serie de páginas que muestren los días, semanas y meses de un año en particular, o que proporcionen información estacional particular

Un sistema de cronometraje que define el inicio y la longitud y las divisiones del año

Una lista o registro de eventos (citas o eventos sociales o casos judiciales, etc.); "Te tengo en mi calendario para el próximo lunes"

Un sistema mediante el cual se fijan el comienzo, longitud y subdivisiones del año

Entrar en un calendario

Una persona, grupo o institución que produce una gran cantidad de algo en forma regular o en un corto espacio de tiempo

Lyoko () es un mundo virtual de ficción en la serie de televisión animada francesa Code Lyoko.

Un edificio o grupo de edificios donde los bienes son fabricados o ensamblados principalmente por máquinas

Una fábrica (anteriormente manufactory) o una planta de fabricación es un edificio industrial donde los trabajadores manufacturan mercancías o supervisan las máquinas que procesan un producto en otro.

Un establecimiento para comerciantes que realizan negocios en un país extranjero

Una planta consistente en uno o más edificios con instalaciones para la fabricación

El mercado en el que los participantes pueden comprar, vender, intercambiar y especular sobre divisas. Los mercados de divisas se compone de bancos, empresas comerciales, bancos centrales, empresas de gestión de inversiones, fondos de cobertura, y los corredores de la divisa al por menor y los inversores.

El mercado de divisas (forex, FX o mercado de divisas) es un mercado financiero de venta libre en todo el mundo para el comercio de divisas.

El mercado de divisas (también conocido como "forex" o "FX") es el lugar donde las monedas se negocian. El mercado de divisas en general es el mercado más grande y más líquido del mundo, con un valor negociado promedio que supera los 1,9 billones de dólares por día e incluye todas las divisas del mundo.

Este calendario se enmarca en un marco del flotador clasificado apenas un pedacito más grande que el calendario. Proporciona un lugar atractivo para colgar un calendario mientras lo protege. Mucho mejor que sólo pegar un calendario en un clavo en la pared!

No todo esto está en mi bolsa de hombro, pero daamn: X Tal vez voy a dejar la casa de la cámara de vídeo.

Calendario Económico: Hoy

El calendario económico de ForexLive puede ayudarle a obtener una mejor perspectiva de eventos de noticias forex que podrían afectar su comercio.

Los indicadores económicos de los datos y el sentimiento del humor cambian a menudo así que permanezca informado comprobando nuestro calendario económico de la divisa diario. Los movimientos de los pares de divisas del FX ocurren rápidamente así que consiga saber el calendario económico semanal diario y de divisas para anticipar tendencias del mercado. Nuestras noticias en tiempo real y actualizaciones de análisis, comentarios y artículos en Forex pueden ayudarle a interpretar las noticias de datos económicos para que pueda aprovechar los patrones de análisis técnico a medida que cambian con el sentimiento del mercado forex. Manténgase familiarizado con el calendario económico y noticias forex de los bancos centrales, la política y los eventos locales que pueden afectar los pares de divisas del país que el comercio.

No te lo pierdas.

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (s)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

Cómo ver Touch / Click en cualquier lugar para cerrar

Indicador de Calendario de Fábrica de Forex

Con la generosa cooperación de la gente en ForexFactory, he creado un indicador que le dirá cuántos minutos hasta el próximo evento de noticias relevantes (o dos). Normalmente leo el grupo de Yahoo MetaTrader_Experts_and_Indicators, donde ya se ha publicado. Pero sólo es apropiado que se publique aquí también.

Para usarlo, debe activar las Importaciones de DLL en sus opciones de plataforma de Metatrader, ya que llama a un archivo DLL para obtener su zona horaria, así como otra para leer la página web de ForexFactory para obtener información de noticias. (Ten en cuenta que escribirá archivos. XML a tu carpeta de expertos / archivos). El indicador tiene ajustes para que pueda filtrar (o en) anuncios de noticias de alto, medio o bajo impacto, así como aquellos con la palabra "Habla" en ellos. Usted puede tener que mostrar los minutos hasta (e información sobre) el próximo anuncio, o los próximos dos. Y puede ajustar los colores del texto.

Sólo tiene que aplicarlo a su gráfico, establecer las opciones deseadas, y le dará información de anuncios relacionados con cualquiera de las monedas en el par en el gráfico.

El indicador también se puede llamar desde una EA utilizando la llamada iCustom. Accediendo a la memoria intermedia 1, índice 0, puede obtener los minutos hasta el evento pasado más reciente (por lo que los minutos serán negativos o cero) o utilizando el búfer 1, índice 1, minutos hasta el siguiente evento de noticias (positivo o cero). Si desea utilizar esta función y necesita más información, puedo publicar una muestra más detallada.

3 comentarios:

Cuenta de comercio de divisas Singapur es un mercado interbancario que fue creado en 1971, cuando el comercio internacional pasó de los tipos de cambio fijo a flotante. Su enorme volumen y fluidez hizo que el mercado Forex fuera el mercado financiero más grande y significativo del mundo, con más de 4 billones de dólares negociados diariamente.

Gracias por el blog agradable. Debido al mal desempeño del mercado de valores, ha habido un mayor interés en divisas. Por lo tanto, ha aumentado la necesidad de la gestión profesional de activos de divisas. Los mercados iBank es una empresa de trading forex bien informada que busca sólidos ingresos en inversiones con gran estabilidad.

Buscando un calendario de Forex. Aquí usted va, compruebe hacia fuera nuestro calendario económico en tiempo real de la divisa que se llama a veces calendario de la noticias del forex también.

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Calendario de la fábrica de Forex


Esta herramienta droide sencilla sólo muestra el calendario económico semanal del sitio de la fábrica de Forex (http://www. forexfactory. com).

Problemas conocidos: 1. El zoom no funciona tan bien como en los navegadores web. Recuerde que esto es sólo una herramienta droide simple;)

Por favor, no dude en enviarme un correo electrónico en caso de cualquier sugerencia de mejoras en la herramienta o para los informes de errores.

Por favor, haga clic en los anuncios al menos una vez al día si ha disfrutado de esta aplicación :)

Advertencia: Dado que esta aplicación depende de los datos proporcionados por el sitio de Forex Factory, estará funcionando correctamente siempre y cuando ese sitio continúe haciendo que los valiosos datos estén disponibles libremente y en el mismo formato.

Consulte http://www. forexfactory. com/legal. php#terms_of_use para obtener información legal, incluidos los derechos de autor y los términos de uso de la información que muestra esta aplicación.

Cambios recientes: 1.11.0 - Añadido vistas para las semanas anteriores y siguientes.

Esta herramienta droide sencilla sólo muestra el calendario económico semanal del sitio de la fábrica de Forex (http://www. forexfactory. com).

Problemas conocidos: 1. El zoom no funciona tan bien como en los navegadores web. Recuerde que esto es sólo una herramienta droide simple;)

Por favor, no dude en enviarme un correo electrónico en caso de cualquier sugerencia de mejoras en la herramienta o para los informes de errores.

Por favor, haga clic en los anuncios al menos una vez al día si ha disfrutado de esta aplicación :)

Advertencia: Dado que esta aplicación depende de los datos proporcionados por el sitio de Forex Factory, estará funcionando correctamente siempre y cuando ese sitio continúe haciendo que los valiosos datos estén disponibles libremente y en el mismo formato.

Consulte http://www. forexfactory. com/legal. php#terms_of_use para obtener información legal, incluidos los derechos de autor y los términos de uso de la información que muestra esta aplicación.

Cambios recientes: 1.11.0 - Añadido vistas para las semanas anteriores y siguientes.

Navegadores calendario advertencia correctamente datos depende mostró droid económico fábrica forex libremente http información sólo menos legal por favor simple sitio terms_of_use herramienta valioso semanal trabajo


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Por primera vez le estamos ofreciendo la posibilidad de negociar en Interbank Spreads

Como titular de la cuenta HotForex ZERO Spread, recibirá RAW, Super-Tight Spreads de los principales proveedores de liquidez con NO markups! La cuenta ofrece una estructura basada en comisiones muy transparente y las comisiones empiezan con un bajo USD 0.04 por lote de 1K.

HF Cuenta Social

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Inteligencia competitiva

Métricas de lealtad Vea cuánto los visitantes de un país permanecen comprometidos con el tiempo. Basado en las estimaciones mensuales de visitantes únicos, visitas y páginas vistas en cada país en el que se encuentren disponibles esas métricas. Basado en estimaciones únicas del visitante Visitas por visitante Plan avanzado solamente Vistas de página por visita Plan avanzado solamente Vistas de página mensuales por visitante Plan avanzado solamente

Métricas de lealtad Vea cuánto los visitantes de un país permanecen comprometidos con el tiempo. Basado en las estimaciones mensuales de visitantes únicos, visitas y páginas vistas en cada país en el que se encuentren disponibles esas métricas. Basado en estimaciones únicas del visitante Visitas por visitante Plan avanzado solamente Vistas de página por visita Plan avanzado solamente Vistas de página mensuales por visitante Plan avanzado solamente

Métricas de lealtad Vea cuánto los visitantes de un país permanecen comprometidos con el tiempo. Basado en las estimaciones mensuales de visitantes únicos, visitas y páginas vistas en cada país en el que se encuentren disponibles esas métricas. Basado en estimaciones únicas del visitante Visitas por visitante Plan avanzado solamente Vistas de página por visita Plan avanzado solamente Vistas de página mensuales por visitante Plan avanzado solamente

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Datos de este sitio disponibles en el plan Avanzado. Actualizar para ver

Geografía de la audiencia

Tiempo diario en el sitio

Cuán comprometidos están los visitantes de este sitio? Las métricas de interacción le ayudan a entender qué tan interesados ​​están los visitantes de un sitio con el contenido del sitio. Las métricas se actualizan diariamente en función de los últimos 3 meses.

Tasa de rebote (%) Porcentaje de visitas al sitio que consisten en una sola vista de página.

Vistas de página diarias por visitante Estimación de vistas de página únicas diarias por visitante en el sitio.

Tiempo Diario en el Sitio Tiempo estimado diario en el sitio (mm: ss) por visitante al sitio.

De dónde vienen los visitantes de forexfactory. com?

Buscar tráfico

Qué porcentaje de visitas a este sitio proviene de un motor de búsqueda?

Buscar tráfico El porcentaje de tráfico, gratuito y pagado, que llega a este sitio desde un motor de búsqueda en los últimos 3 meses, actualizado diariamente. El número de cambio muestra la diferencia con respecto al período anterior de 3 meses.

Principales palabras clave de los motores de búsqueda La tabla muestra las principales palabras clave que enviaron tráfico a este sitio desde los principales motores de búsqueda en los últimos 6 meses. La lista se actualiza mensualmente.

Sitios de Upstream Los sitios de Upstream son sitios que la gente visitó justo antes de visitar este sitio. Tenga en cuenta que esta lista no es lo mismo que las referencias de sitios en sentido ascendente. No hay necesariamente un vínculo entre el sitio de arriba y este sitio.

Sitios ascendentes

Qué sitios visitó la gente inmediatamente antes de este sitio?

Enlaces relacionados Éstos son sitios que están relacionados con este sitio de alguna manera. Por ejemplo, reciben tráfico de palabras clave similares, tienen un público similar o se citan frecuentemente en páginas web. Aprende más.

Otros sitios de propiedad Estos son otros sitios con el mismo propietario registrado que este sitio.

Sitios con nombres similares Hay nombres de dominio que son similares a este sitio.

Categorías con sitios relacionados Estas son las categorías en las que se encuentra este sitio. Haga clic en la categoría para explorar otros sitios de esa categoría.

A dónde van los visitantes a forexfactory. com?

Porcentaje de visitantes

La tabla muestra los subdominios superiores para este sitio ordenados por el porcentaje de visitantes que visitaron el subdominio durante un mes. Tenga en cuenta que los porcentajes pueden sumar más del 100% porque un visitante puede visitar varios subdominios durante el mes.

Qué tan rápido se carga forexfactory. com?

Lento (2.26 Segundos), 67% de sitios son más rápidos.

El tiempo de carga de un sitio web es el tiempo medio que tarda en cargar páginas de ese sitio en los navegadores web de los usuarios reales.

Alexa toma la mediana de todos los tiempos de carga de páginas que observamos para un sitio y luego lo compara con la misma cifra para todos los demás sitios. Por ejemplo, un sitio en el percentil 98 (muy rápido) tiene un tiempo de carga mediano más rápido que el 98% de todos los sitios medidos, mientras que un sitio en el percentil 2 (muy lento) carga más rápidamente que sólo el 2% de todos los sitios y es Más lento que el 97% de todos los sitios.

El tiempo de carga de una página individual es el tiempo que tarda en cargarse el DOM (la estructura de la página). Esta vez no incluye el tiempo para cargar todas las imágenes y hojas de estilo, por ejemplo.

La métrica de tiempo de carga se actualiza mensualmente.

Dónde puedo encontrar más información sobre forexfactory. com?

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Aquí hay algunas sugerencias para su primer post.

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Haga algunos cambios en esta página. Y luego pulse la vista previa de la derecha. Siempre puede obtener una vista previa de cualquier publicación o editarla antes de compartirla con el mundo.

El desempeño mucho más que hay en ese país, mucho más el personal tendrá que desembolsar en productos y soluciones cuando son compensados ​​por las fábricas. Esto hará que los clientes potenciales para el largo plazo del país parecen más brillantes, y por esa razón una oportunidad de inversión más digno.

Los desarrollos previstos por el calendario de la fábrica de Forex puede mostrar problemas económicos, y apuntará a la ruta de los cargos de los artículos y soluciones irán. Los analistas utilizan estos detalles para preparar información para los comerciantes que pueden pronosticar el desarrollo de un precio de divisas y el aspecto en factores como los cargos de fascinación y otros indicadores de información financiera y política en el calendario de pronóstico.

El optimismo mejorado en torno a un impulso en la nómina aumentará la expectativa de un individuo. Cuál es el lugar más adecuado para hacer inversiones sus ganancias elevadas? El calendario de la fábrica de la divisa suministra la evaluación para las táctica importantes de la inversión global. Un comercio normal de tres billones de dólares en la industria de divisas entrará en la cabeza de un ser humano en cualquier momento que piensa en una inversión. Mercado de divisas de comercio actual es la industria más comercializada en el mundo entero. Contrariamente a otros mercados financieros, un operador de comercio de divisas puede reaccionar de inmediato a las variaciones de la industria en cualquier momento.

La tasa de las monedas en el mercado de divisas a menudo se mueve en las tendencias. Una tendencia ocurre en una industria del fx debido a los predicaments económicos y al movimiento de fondos internacional. La tasa de interés de varias monedas se representa de modo que un comerciante interesado en tener el comercio puede obtener ventajas. Factores de conocimiento como la volatilidad del comercio que se puede predecir, la rapidez y el precio al que una divisa es vulnerable, etcétera. Apoyaría a un comerciante para sobresalir en el mercado fx. Calendario de la fábrica de Forex está preparado por grupos de analistas de investigación competentes y bien informados. Revisan las pruebas, se adhieren a la información más actual, las tendencias y consultar a otros comerciantes experimentados, antes de preparar el calendario.

El gasto de comercio de divisas está aumentando como una táctica de gastos importante en todo el mundo debido a los servicios proporcionados por una variedad de alta calidad en la compra y venta de empresas en Internet. Ofrecen diferentes respuestas comerciales con aplicaciones mucho más seguras, eficaces y manejables. Predecir los problemas de la industria de la divisa es el desafío más importante para todos en los negocios netos. Calendario de la fábrica de Forex es fiable debido a la profundidad del examen científico realizado en el mercado por los especialistas. Calendario de la fábrica de Forex es una de las herramientas más baratas que pueden ayudar a ver el movimiento del mercado de la manera correcta.

Está buscando las mejores predicciones de fábrica de FX según lo votado por los miembros de la fábrica de Forex? Si no está familiarizado con la fábrica de Forex, es actualmente el foro de Forex más conocido en línea ahora, ofreciéndole información actualizada sobre casi cualquier cosa asociada a Forex.

1 altamente eficaz hilo en el que los carteles han enviado grandes datos sobre una base cotidiana es el hilo de Forex predicciones.

Forex trading Predicciones son un software que cada comerciante de divisas trata de comprar cuando se negocia en numerosos pares de divisas. Convertirse en capaz de predecir la industria, obviamente, hacer que el juego de comercio de Forex un darn vista mucho mucho mucho más fácil.

Calendario de la fábrica de Forex

Esta herramienta droide sencilla sólo muestra el calendario económico semanal del sitio de la fábrica de Forex (http://www. forexfactory. com).

Cambios recientes: 1. Una pequeña optimización para las versiones de ICS y JB para Android. 2. Muestra el desplazamiento hasta el día actual. 3. Ajuste de la pantalla para pantallas más grandes.

Problemas conocidos: 1. El filtrado no funciona todavía. 2. Es necesario actualizar la pantalla un par de veces para un mejor ajuste de la pantalla en el primer uso :(

Por favor, no dude en enviarme un correo electrónico en caso de cualquier sugerencia de mejoras en la herramienta o para los informes de errores.

Por favor, haga clic en los anuncios al menos una vez al día si ha disfrutado de esta aplicación :)

Advertencia: Dado que esta aplicación depende de los datos proporcionados por el sitio de Forex Factory, estará funcionando correctamente siempre y cuando ese sitio continúe haciendo que los valiosos datos estén disponibles libremente y en el mismo formato.

Consulte http://www. forexfactory. com/legal. php#terms_of_use para obtener información legal, incluidos los derechos de autor y las condiciones de uso de la información que muestra esta aplicación.

IPhone, iPad 用户也 可以 到应用 汇 IOS 站点下载 Fábrica de Forex CalendarIOS 版.

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Mejores aplicaciones como Forex Factory Calendar Apps


# 1. Acciones, Forex, Futuros & amp; Noticias - # 1 clasificado para invertir la aplicación. # 1 para los comerciantes activos. # 1 para los mercados financieros. # 2 para la herramienta de comercio.

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- "Trade Forex from your smartphone or tablet! MetaTrader 4 is the world's most popular Forex trading platform. Choose from hundreds of brokers and thousa.

- "Forex Calendar Notifier is handy and cool looking reminder for all events in economic calendar (PRO version - but you can try TRIAL for 2 weeks before.

- "Forex News Real-time coverage of the most relevant movements of the most traded pairs, economic datareleases and macro-economic news that affect curren.

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- "GET RICH QUICK? THINK AGAIN! Do you know 99% of forex trader are loser? Do you know 1% winner think trading is boring as a job? Want to know why 99% trade.

- "Forex Calendar Notifier is handy and cool looking reminder for all events in economic calendar (2 weeks TRIAL). Be always informed, see actual values/r.

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This simple droid tool just displays the weekly economic calendar from the Forex Factory site (http://www. forexfactory. com).

Recent changes: 1. Filter settings have been fixed (thanks Twee).

Known issues: 1. It's needed to refresh the screen a couple times for better display adjustment in the first use :(

Please feel free to email me in case of any suggestions for improvements on the tool or for bug reports.

Please click on the ads at least once a day if you enjoyed this app :)

Caveat: Since this app depends on data provided by the Forex Factory site, it will be working correctly as long as that site continues to make that valuable data available freely and in the same format.

Please refer tohttp://www. forexfactory. com/legal. php#terms_of_usefor legal information, including the Copyright and the Terms of Use of the information displayed by this app.

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- Aptoide Anti-Malware platform анализирует запущенные приложения и работает с потенциальными угрозами в магазинах.

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Use the Forex Economic Calendar on Your Charts with this Free App

Using DailyFX. com, traders can view all of the top economic news releases sorted by importance and currency pair. It is little surprise to note that the calendar is consistently one of our most popular pages.

Looking for forex news directly on your charting package and—better yet—on your charts?

Using a very useful tool for FXCM’s Trading Station Desktop. you can now show the same information on the same charts you use to trade.

If you do not already have Trading Station Desktop on your computer, go to the FXCM Trading Station Desktop page and download the platform. Once you have installed the platform, visit the page for the FREE DailyFX Forex News add-on on FXCMApps. com.

Go through the “Purchase” process and download the self-installing file for the add-on. Remember that the indicator is free to use and download and you will not be charged.

When prompted, you may click “Open” file and click on the “DailyFX News” carpeta. Find the file named “setup. exe”, run it, and follow prompts to complete installation.

Once installation is complete, open the FXCM Trading Station Desktop. If it is already open, you will need to close and re-open it so as to ensure the add-on installs properly.

The “DailyFX News” Indicator is now available through Marketscope charts built into Trading Station Desktop, To open Marketscope from the Trading Station Desktop, click on “Charts->Open Marketscope” or simply hit Ctrl+M:

You should be greeted by a chart similar to that seen below. From here we want to click on “Add Indicator” to our chart.

If not already familiar with the wealth of built-in indicators for Marketscope charts, feel free to take a look around to see all of the resources available to you. Type in “DailyFX” to the search bar and the DailyFX Economic Calendar add-in should be highlighted. Click “OK”:

From here you can determine exactly which economic data releases you would like to show up on your chart. There are four inputs available for the indicator, as seen and explained below:

All instruments: This input determines which events are shown on the chart. If “All instruments” is set to “Yes”, the chart will show economic data releases for all 9 countries available on the DailyFX economic calendar. If it is set to “No”, the indicator will automatically detect which currencies are in the currency pair and select only those two.

Note. If “All instruments” is set to “No” on a non-currency pair (e. g. SPX500, USOil), the indicator will turn up blank.

Importance of news to show: This input uses the “High/Medium/Low” importance filter available on the DailyFX Economic Calendar to determine which events get shown on the chart. If set to “Medium or above”, only those events marked “Medium” or “High” on DailyFX. com will be shown. If the input is set to “High only”, it will restrict it to top-rated events from the DailyFX calendar. “All news” shows “High”, “Medium”, and “Low” news events.

Refresh news automatically. This input determines whether the chart will automatically refresh calendar events as news is released. If it is set to “Yes”, it will automatically poll the DailyFX. com data at the pre-set interval.

Refresh news in the specified time. If “Refresh news automatically” is set to “Yes”, this input determines the frequency at which the Trading Station Desktop polls the DailyFX economic calendar.

Note. lowering the refresh interval will use more data and may slow down the performance of your Trading Station Desktop application. This may be especially true on slow internet connections and older computer hardware.

Once all settings have been selected, you may either “Set as Default” or simply hit “OK” to see the DailyFX Economic Calendar items populate on the chart.

When prompted, select the “DailyFXCalendar” Indicator and hit “OK”. A chart like that shown below will show a series of numbers highlighted in Green or Red.

If you place your cursor over these numbers, it will tell you which economic news event occurred at that time or will occur in the future. By default, Green numbers indicate that the economic data release was better than expected or is expected to improve in the future. Red numbers tell us that the event was worse than forecast or is expected to worsen in the future.

We hope that you find the DailyFX Calendar Indicator helpful in your trading. If you are interested in downloading further indicators and automated trading strategies, see the articles and webinars below:

View Previous Articles on Add-Ons and Strategies for Trading Station Desktop

--- Written by David Rodriguez, Quantitative Strategist for DailyFX. com

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Economic Calendar

FX Empire - La empresa, los empleados, las subsidiarias y los asociados, no son responsables ni serán responsables conjunta o solidariamente por cualquier pérdida o daño como resultado de la confianza en la información proporcionada en este sitio web. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no necesariamente se proporcionan en tiempo real ni es necesariamente precisa. FX Empire puede recibir compensación de las compañías que aparecen en la red.

Todos los precios son proporcionados por los creadores de mercado y no por los intercambios. Como tales precios pueden no ser exactos y pueden diferir del precio de mercado real. FX Empire no asume ninguna responsabilidad por las pérdidas comerciales que pueda incurrir como resultado del uso de cualquier dato dentro del FX Empire.

FX Empire © 2016

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This simple droid tool just displays the weekly economic calendar from the Forex Factory site (<a href="https://www. google. com/url? q=https://www. google. com/url? q%3Dhttp://www. forexfactory. com%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNHWR_3FTpiu2Oi2gl_7yHibFzi3Uw&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNFnOKlA1WzhpHTQmnVlz-dBuMAB4w" target="_blank">http://www. forexfactory. com</a>).

Known issues: 1. Zoom does not work as well as in web browsers. Please remember that this is just a simple droid tool ;)

Please feel free to email me in case of any suggestions for improvements on the tool or for bug reports.

Please click on the ads at least once a day if you enjoyed this app :)

Caveat: Since this app depends on data provided by the Forex Factory site, it will be working correctly as long as that site continues to make that valuable data available freely and in the same format.

Please refer to <a href="https://www. google. com/url? q=https://www. google. com/url? q%3Dhttp://www. forexfactory. com/legal. php%2523terms_of_use%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNFWZlhqAZnEthgmIf_agpyro27WGA&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNEPf3CAk-dq6U5iMI19mDm0ZoG2KQ" target="_blank">http://www. forexfactory. com/legal. php#terms_of_use</a> for legal information, including the Copyright and the Terms of Use of the information displayed by this app.

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Forex Blog

July 16, 2013 (Last updated on February 9, 2016) by Andriy Moraru

According to a rather old poll. more than a half of this blog’s readers use economic calendars in their trading. There is no surprise in this as even traders driven mainly by technical analysis usually consult possible fundamental news disruptions before placing any orders. Some years ago, there was no big selection of the Forex economic calendars and the choice was limited. Nowadays, many FX websites feature some kind of calendar. Unfortunately, many of them are just widgets loaded from some original source calendars. In some cases, they are more complex licensed scripts, but still offering the same content and functionality as the prototype calendar.

As a more recent poll on this blog has shown, many traders prefer Forex Factory and DailyFX calendars. The thing is that poll did not include three other important primary calendars ( InstaForex . BabyPips. com and InstaForex ). It has also shown that the some traders use calendars on third-party websites powered by one of the source calendars.

One of the main aims of this post is to provide an in-depth review of the calendars in order to find out whether currency traders really choose the best option among financial calendars or just go with what is popular.

The List

I have chosen 10 most popular calendars to research. The list of original Forex calendars reviewed in this article consists of the following sites:


Lo esencial

All financial calendars look alike. They consist of a list of events with respective date and time. For each event, there is a forecast value, previous value and the actual value. Additional columns may also be present, such as, for example, impact, which represents the measure of market volatility usually caused by the event. In fact, of all the calendars, only Yahoo! Finance lacks the impact column.

FXOpen has a minor problem in its interface. When actual data comes out less than forecast, it is colored red; when the data is greater than forecast value, it is colored green. It does not matter if the lesser number is better for a given indicator (e. g. unemployment rate). Can be quite misleading if glancing through the data quickly:


For the sake of compactness and speed of viewing, the websites often use some special icons, symbols and abbreviations. Sometimes, it can be hard to understand the meaning of the codes and symbols used throughout the calendar. That is why, a legend can be quite useful. The following calendars use a legend to help their visitors: Forex Factory . FXstreet. com . Investing. com . ForexSpace and BabyPips. com .

Images/Currency Codes

There are three main ways to display the country/currency designation of a financial calendar event: currency ISO code, country flag, country ISO code. The most popular way is using currency ISO codes:

Forex Factory displays only 3-letter currency ISO codes.

DailyFX shows only country flag images.

FXstreet. com displays a country flag followed by a 3-letter currency ISO code.

Yahoo! Finance is the only calendar to display exclusively 2-letter country ISO codes.

Investing. com uses the same display method as FXstreet. com — flag + ISO code.

ZuluTrade displays only 3 letter currency ISO codes.

ForexSpace has both flags and currency ISO codes.

InstaForex shows only country flags

BabyPips. com displays only 3 letter currency ISO codes.

FXOpen displays only 3 letter currency ISO codes.


Apart from providing the basic data related to an event: actual, forecast, previous and (optionally) revised values, some calendars offer more information and details on their releases:

Forex Factory offers the following additional details for each event: original source, detailed explanation for traders, release schedule, alternative names, past history, related news and link to the latest release.

DailyFX — only basic description and link to dedicated page with more information about the event.

FXstreet. com offers basic description, related news, history, market impact chart (see Extra Features ), link to dedicated page and link to the latest release.

Yahoo! Finance shows only link to dedicated page, which is not very informative.

Investing. com — basic description, indicator history, link to the latest release.

ZuluTrade — no further details offered.

ForexSpace offers detailed explanation and release schedule. Unlike other calendars, reloads the calendar page on event details opening, which can be rather annoying.

InstaForex — only basic event description.

BabyPips. com displays the following: detailed explanation, release frequency, history chart, market impact chart (see Extra Features. the same as on FXstreet. com ). Unfortunately, it all shows up in a popup window with an ad.

FXOpen — nada.

Graphs and Charts

Best Forex calendars display some history charts based on the previous releases of a given macroeconomic indicator. It can be very useful when you conduct some research on fundamentals. Different calendars use different technologies to show these charts and allow different levels of interaction with them:

Revisions Explained

Sometimes, when a new macroeconomic report is released, the values from the previous report on the same indicator are revised. Most calendars display these revisions in a form of the new values and changed color. Some calendars go beyond that and add revision explanation, displaying both unrevised and revised values for traders’ convenience. Forex Factory . FXstreet. com and Investing. com do so.

DailyFX . InstaForex . BabyPips. com and FXOpen display revised values only. DailyFX also marks revised values with a different color (red for downward revisions, green for upward revisions).

Yahoo! Finance and ForexSpace do no display any revisions at all.


Calendar filters offer quick and easy way to sort out unneeded events and let you focus on something you are interested in. There are three main types of filters supported by nearly every calendar:


Impact strength

Event type

Here is a more detailed view on what each calendar has to offer in terms of custom event filtering:

Forex Factory supports all three basic filters. There are 9 currencies to filter by: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, USD.

DailyFX does not support filtering events by type, but there is impact and currency filter. The same 9 currencies are in the filter: EUR, USD, JPY, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, NZD, CNY.

FXstreet. com — in addition to widely available impact and type filter, they also offer browsing events by keyword. They use country filters instead of currency filters. There are 41 countries and 1 monetary union in total: Expand the full list of countries Minimize the full list of countries

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, EMU (European Monetary Union), Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, United States.

Yahoo! Finance — the only supported filter is country-based. There are 23 countries and 1 monetary union in total: Expand the full list of countries Minimize the full list of countries

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Eurozone, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

Investing. com — similarly to FXstreet. com . this calendar allows keyword filtering of the event list. There are 70 countries and 1 monetary union in the country filter: Expand the full list of countries Minimize the full list of countries

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Euro Zone, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territory, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam

ZuluTrade — similarly to DailyFX . there is no event type filter. You can use impact filter combined with currency filter. The latter supports 9 normal currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, NZD, CHF, CNY; and 1 original “currency” & # 8212; Global, which is a special filter for events that can hardly be related to one single currency (e. g. World Economic Forum in Davos).

ForexSpace lacks the type filter but offers impact and country filter. Unfortunately, the filter resets itself when time period is updated. ForexSpace offers a list of 210 countries and 1 monetary union to filter the events. Apparently, they just list every existing country and the eurozone. It does not mean that they report all the events related to all these countries: Expand the full list of countries Minimize the full list of countries

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Amercian Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, European Union, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau. Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of), Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria Arab Republic, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zambia, Zimbabwe

InstaForex — no impact and type filter, but there is a simple “Only important events” checkbox to show only those events that have been marked as important by InstaForex. They support 17 countries and one monetary union. The filter resets on calendar period change. Expand the full list of countries Minimize the full list of countries

Australia, Germany, Japan, Eurozone, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, Sweden, France, China, Belgium, Greece, Mexico, Spain.

BabyPips. com — they lack the type filter, but offer impact and the unique trading session filter, The usual set of 9 currencies is present: EUR, USD, JPY, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, NZD, CNY.

FXOpen — calendar can be filtered the same ways as with ZuluTrade — by impact and by currencies (9 real currencies and 1 Global “currency”): EUR, USD, JPY, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, NZD, CNY, Global.

It is important to note that while news from eurozone member-states (e. g. France) influence euro’s performance, in filters, they are usually listed separately from the eurozone (EMU). The latter provides events related to the currency union as a whole.


As all the Forex calendars are date/time based, it is really important to allow traders synchronize or at least clearly see the active timezone for the event release schedule. Different calendars solve this problem differently:

Forex Factory can synchronize timezone and remember it using cookies or member profile (registration is required). Their default timezone is US EST.

DailyFX defaults to GMT, and the timezone can be modified but it cannot be saved.

FXstreet. com default is GMT and you have to sign in to change it. Of course, in order to sign in, you have to register first. This does not look like a very friendly approach to me.

Yahoo! Finance default is EST/EDT and cannot be changed at all.

Investing. com default is EST/EDT and can be changed but not saved without registration.

ZuluTrade detects your system timezone settings (good idea). Can be changed and saved to cookies or user profile.

ForexSpace uses GMT/BST timezone by defailt. It cannot be customized, which is a really bad idea.

InstaForex default is GMT+2. Can be customized and is automatically saved via cookies.

BabyPips. com detects your system timezone settings. Can be customized and saved to cookies only; it is not connected to your forum member profile at BabyPips. com .

FXOpen default is GMT. Can be customized and is saved via cookies. They offer no Daylight Saving Time adjustment.

Time Browsing

Although you will see the list of today’s event immediately upon loading any calendar’s webpage, chances are that sometimes you will need to browse either back into the past to see some previously released reports or forward into the future to get yourself prepared for the next releases. All calendars offer some way to browse through time, but they do it quite differently:

Start of the Week

The absolute majority of calendars use Sunday as their starting day of the week. The only two exceptions are FXOpen and InstaForex ; weeks start on Mondays with them. It is worthy to note that Forex Factory allows week start customization — you can set any weekday and save it via cookies or in your user profile if you are registered.


The following calendars use auto-updating feature to show you event values in real-time without requiring visitors to refresh the webpage:


Some calendars react to the news releases faster than others. Other calendars are so slow that they lag behind others significantly. Yahoo! Finance . DailyFX and InstaForex calendars are notable for their delays in event reporting.


It might seem strange, but only one calendar out of 10 described here uses sounds to interact with traders. FXstreet. com has a rather unique feature — event notifications with sound that can be turned off. Surprisingly, other calendar websites completely omit this simple add-on.

Loading Speed

This metric has been compiled using WebPagetest website performance test using 6 different geographical locations: US East Coast (Dulles, VA, USA), US West Coast (San Jose, CA, USA), South America (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Europe (London, UK), Asia (Tokyo, Japan) and Oceania (Sydney, Australia). The table below summarizes the calendar website load times for all 10 calendars as accessed from all 6 geo points. The average load time is also given. All values are given in seconds:

As seen from the table, the unrivaled leader in calendar loading speed is FXOpen . It is easily explained with the fact that their calendar loads in a separate page without any ads or other “heavy” page elements. Yahoo! Finance loading speed from the US West Coast can also be noted as quite fast. DailyFX and FXstreet. com follow FXOpen in average load speed. Investing. com is a definite loser, showing the slowest time everywhere except for the East Coast of the USA. You probably also would not want to use InstaForex calendar in South America.

Number of Events

If you are a news trader, you probably want to be able to trade on as many events as you deem important. As a general rule, the more events are present in the calendar the better. You may get rid of the unneeded events using the filters but you cannot add more events if the calendar does not support them. I have extracted the number of events for 4 major currencies (EUR, GBP, JPY, USD) presented by each of the 10 researched calendars for the month of June 2013. Comparing these numbers will give you a basic idea of calendars’ completeness:

The leaders are FXOpen . DailyFX . FXstreet. com and ZuluTrade — they all show more than 450 events for the selected month. ForexSpace and InstaForex are definite outsiders with less than 200 events on their calendars.

It is important to note that these values depend greatly on the number of the different Eurozone countries and their related events. The difference also follows out of the detailization level. Some calendars list month-to-month. year-to-year and/or seasonally (un)adjusted values as separate events.

Forecast Accuracy and Similarities

Some calendars demonstrate similarities in their forecasts, suggesting the use of a shared data source. Actually, there is no pair of calendars with exactly the same forecasts on all groups of events among the 10 researched ones. Some calendars share the same forecasts for the US events, some — for the European events, others — for something else, but there are no completely matching forecasts on all events.

The accuracy of the forecasts varies. All calendars make errors when forecasting some macroeconomic indicators and, usually, the sign of the error is the same across all the calendars; the absolute value differs only slightly. I have used ‘US Non-Farm Payrolls’ as reported from August 2012 through July 2013 (12 values in total) to compare the average errors of all calendars studied in this article. The metric has been chosen because of its popularity and influence in currency trading. The averages are calculated using absolute values of the errors:

By the way, FXstreet. com . BabyPips. com and FXOpen correct their past “Actual” data according to latest revisions, so what you see in the “Actual” column is not the value that was released on that date, but the latest value for that period known as of now.

The table shows that the best forecast accuracy is achieved by four calendar websites: FXstreet. com . Yahoo! Finance . Investing. com and ZuluTrade . It is also evident that they use the same source for the forecasts related to the US non-farm payrolls reports. ForexSpace has been using the same source until December 2012. The second most accurate source is Forex Factory . The least accurate in terms of non-farm payrolls prediction is DailyFX . InstaForex is missing the NFP events for two of the last 12 months, so its average accuracy cannot be calculated with enough precision for comparison.


When your native language is not English, it may be hard to navigate quickly through an English interface of a calendar or browse the events, or, especially so, to read their descriptions in English. That is why, some of the top 10 calendars offer translations to other languages.

Forex Factory offers no translations at all.

DailyFX . French, German, Greek, Arabic, Chinese (Traditional). In most languages, only basic interface and event titles are translated; details and descriptions are not translated.

FXstreet. com . Japanese, Russian, Italian, Turkish, Spanish, French, German, Vietnamese, Japanese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Catalan, Chinese (Traditional), Arabic, Hungarian, Korean. All translations are complete and accurate.

Yahoo! Finance does not offer translated versions of their calendar. Which is quite surprising, considering the popularity of various Yahoo! services in non-English speaking world. It might be that I just could not find those other language versions.

Investing. com . German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Turkish, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Japanese. All translations are complete and accurate.

ZuluTrade . Russian, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), German, Spanish, French, Polish, Arabic, Czech, Danish, Greek, Persian, Finnish, Hebrew, Croatian, Hungarian, Korean, Malay, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Serbian, Swedish, Thai, Vietnamese. Only interface is translated; event titles are not.

ForexSpace supports only English language.

InstaForex has a Russian translation of interface, event titles and descriptions.

BabyPips. com does not have any translations available. It looks like the popular forums prefer to stay away from the international audience.

FXOpen features only Russian translation and it is only of the calendar’s interface.

As you can see, FXstreet. com and Investing. com are clear leaders here, offering many popular languages with a very high level of quality. ZuluTrade can also boast an extensive list of translations, but the problem is that it is only interface that gets translated, which cannot be called a huge advantage.

Extra Features

Some calendars offer unique features and analysis tools for traders. Here is the list of them:

Forex Factory — not a big feature, but they list the current interest rates of the world’s central banks on the calendar.

DailyF X — another minor feature — a quick link to central bank calendar for a year.

FXstreet. com — OlsenScale charts to measure market activity following the event. Dedicated country and event pages for more information. Sound alerts for event notifications.

Yahoo! Finance — none.

Investing. com — a quick link to the yearly holiday calendar.

ZuluTrade — important upcoming events get highlighted and have additional display at the top of the list.

ForexSpace — forecast explanations with range of forecasts from different analysts.

InstaForex — SMS subscription to notifications about the calendar events.

BabyPips. com shows 4 major trading sessions: London, New York, Sydney, Tokyo.

FXOpen — there are no ads or any other distracting elements on the page with the calendar.

Exporting and Printing

If you want to work with the calendar away from the original website or just print it out to add your own marks and notes, then you probably want to use a calendar that supports either a print-friendly view or an option to export the current view into some external print-friendly format:

Forex Factory offers only a print-friendly view for its calendar.

DailyFX supports exporting to PDF, XLS and CSV files.

FXstreet. com allows export to CSV, iCalendar and Google Calendar.

Yahoo! Finance — none.

Investing. com — none.

ZuluTrade — none.

ForexSpace — none.

InstaForex — none.

BabyPips. com — only allows forming a print-friendly view.

FXOpen — none.


To conclude the information presented above, I would like to state that while there is no perfect calender (all calendars lack some features present in others), you probably do not need a perfect one. Trading needs vary from trader to trader and you will likely find everything (or nearly everything) you need in one, two or maybe three calendars reviewed here. Here follow some of the conclusions drawn from all the research conducted above.

Forex Factory is the right calendar for you if:

You want detailed revision explanations.

You need a lot of extra information on releases.

You want history charts with actual/forecast/revised values in them.

You want to be able to print your calendar view.

You do not need a lot of events.

You can read English well.

You want to use DailyFX if:

You need as many events as possible.

You often need to consult central bank calendar.

You sometimes need to export calendar views to PDF, XLS or CSV files.

You do not care much for the forecast accuracy.

You do not mind delays in calendar data updates.

The reasons to use FXstreet. com calendar are:

You want detailed revision explanations.

You want calendar page to auto-update to see the latest values.

You need sound notifications of new events arriving.

You want to filter events by keyword.

You want to see a lot of further details (including OlsenScale market reaction charts) on each event.

You need to be able to export your calendars to CSV, iCalendar or Google Calendar.

You want one of the best accuracy levels in forecasts.

You need Catalan or Indonesian translations.

You do not mind registering to be able to save your timezone settings.

You can tolerate annoying ads.

Yahoo! Finance calendar can be good for you if:

You want to see events for an arbitrary period of time.

Forecast accuracy is of high priority to you.

You are based in US West Coast and calendar load speed matters to you.

You can work with crippled filtering.

You do not care much about the delays in calendar data updates.

You feel OK about not seeing any revisions for the reported indicators.

You can read English well.

Switch to Investing. com if:

You want detailed revision explanations.

You want calendar page to auto-update and always show the latest values.

You want to filter events by keyword.

You want to see events for an arbitrary period of time.

You need a handy link to calendar of market holidays in various countries.

Forecast accuracy is one of your priorities.

You would neither print nor export your calendar view.

You do not mind very low page loading speed (unless you access it from the US East Coast, in which case the load speed is just mediocre).

You can tolerate a lot of ads on the calendar page.

ZuluTrade might turn out a good calendar for you if:

You need automatically updating event list.

You want the most convenient timezone control option ( auto-detection + customization savable to cookies).

You want to be able to quickly focus on important events.

Forecast accuracy is of high priority to you.

You can live without event type filter.

You are OK with a strictly capped maximum number of events displayed even when long time period is selected.

You do not need any additional details or charts for the events.

You would neither print nor export your calendar view.

You need some exotic translation (Danish, Croatian, Persian, Malay, Norwegian, Slovenian, Serbian, Thai) and the fact that it is only interface that gets translated does not bother you.

ForexSpace will suit your needs if:

You want forecast ranges instead of simple one value forecasts.

You feel OK about not seeing any revisions for the reported indicators.

You do not mind not being able to change your timezone settings from the default GMT/BST.

You can work without event type filter.

You do not care for learning to use their illogical week-switching interface.

You can be satisfied with being able to see only few events.

You plan to neither print nor export your calendar view.

You can read English well.

Go for InstaForex if:

You want to be able to subscribe to event notifications via SMS.

You do not care much about the delays in calendar data updates.

You are OK without type and impact filters.

You are not from South America, otherwise you will have to wait for some time for the calendar to load.

You can be satisfied with being able to see only few events.

You plan to neither print nor export your calendar view.

You do not care for your calendar’s forecast accuracy rate.

You read either English or Russian.

Bookmark BabyPips. com as your calendar of choice if:

You need trading session filter for events.

You want a lot of additional information for each event.

You want history charts with actual and forecast values in them.

You want to be able to print your calendar view.

You are OK without event type filter.

You do not mind the fact that further event details are loading in a pop-up window with an ad.

You can read English well.

You want to be able to easily select any time period for events display.

You want extremely fast-loading calendar from any geographical location.

You need to follow as many events as possible.

You cannot stand ads in calendars.

Poor interface decisions does not bother you.

You do not need type filter for events.

You plan to neither print nor export your calendar view.

You can read English well.

I hope this research will serve you well and will help you choose one or two Forex calendars for everyday use and probably even one more calendar to check from time to time when your regular one fails. It is a great way to augment your fundamental analysis techniques.

If you would like to share more information on how you use Forex calendars or why do you use some particular website, please do so using the commentary form below.

How to set up your Forex Factory Calendar filter for news events by Cynthia of Day Trade Forex.

How to set up your Forex Factory Calendar filter for news events by Cynthia of Day Trade Forex. Visit the products page to see her trading systems and recommended trading tools: http://www. daytradeforex. com/products. htm

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1 thought on “How to set up your Forex Factory Calendar filter for news events by Cynthia of Day Trade Forex.”

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The prevalence of volatility in this sector suggests that these applications become indispensable. Traders will also enjoy the pace and accuracy of the effects which they receive as a consequence of doing work in this system. It is feasible to create a product for excellence by way of shared expertise and a variety of guidelines which arrive as portion of the deal.

There is a workforce of knowledgeable and licensed analysts who are accountable for verifying this software. That signifies that you get reducing edge technological know-how in a format which is understandable to most folks. Some of the items which are checked include information, market studies and expert views. Quite a few companies count on these metrics in purchase to provide sustainable providers.

Handling your portfolio with a minimum of work Protection is clearly a person of the issues that are expressed by the men and women who would like to be element of this sector. The Forex factory examination then puts all of this data into the type of a forecast, or calendar. The Forex calendar is then a place in which investors come to search at this info, and make their forecasts for major investments in a national currency. The far more factory orders a nation has, the far more it is likely to be creating in the in close proximity to long term. The additional work there is in that region, the more the workers will have to spend on merchandise and providers after they are paid by the factories. This will make the potential clients for the in the vicinity of potential of the place look brighter, and consequently a additional deserving investment option.

The trends forecasted by the Forex factory calendar can indicate financial problems, and will stage to the course the selling prices of products and companies will go. Analysts use this info to put together details for traders that can forecast developments in a forex rate, and element in issues like fascination rates, and other economic and political news indicators into the forecast calendar.

I’m positive if you have been close to foreign exchange buying and selling for even the slightest bit of time, you’ve almost certainly been on the Forex Factory discussion boards. Needless to say, they are the most well-known on the world-wide-web. They are run incredibly effectively and there are many threads that you can study. If i could offer you some advice, I would recommend that you really don’t overdo it. What I signify by this is that you don’t devote hrs a day on it.

When I was a beginner, I must have visited each solitary foreign exchange forum on the world wide web. You know what it gave me? A headache. How could it not??

Indicators are inherently lagging. If you want to uncover out what has currently took place in the market place, you observe indicators. If you want to locate out what will take place, you find out how to interpret value motion.

I do not want to audio as if I am insulting the message boards on Forex Factory (or any other site for that matter). I’ve just witnessed very first hand how it can make traders far too apathetic.

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Related Article. Smart Forex Factory Calendar App for Android

Create reminder for economic news listed in forexfactory. com

Forex factory - For traders, forex factory certainly is already very familiar. This is a website about forex which contain information about the particular news or it could be called the release of the data from a given country's economy. This site was first present in March 2004 and the first time is an online forex forum for traders from various countries to discuss about the foreign exchange.

A brief history of ForexFactory. com

Forex calendar on this site recently appeared in 2005 and is currently widely used by traders around the world. Forex calendar on the website forex offers a complete set of data including data prediction and influence posed on price movements on the forex market. In 2007, forex factory sites back showing the latest forex news IE site but not as perfect as the moment. Forex news we can see now is a feature that was issued in 2011. In 2009 features the most recently issued is a Market with a variety of benefits to traders. Features of the Market supported by other features such as charts, broker quotes, composite quotes, and sessions. The combination of these features makes the fourth Market Data System on the forex site is capable of producing the data.

In 2011, the site was back on perfecting its services by issuing facilities trade Explorer features that can help traders analyze the performance of your trading history. Later the same year, this forex site re-issue facilities trades, i. e. features that can collect realtime transaction activity of the member of the forex factory features that utilize trade Explorer. Other features are also issued by the leading forex site at in 2011 are brokers, namely a facility to help traders find a regulated brokerage and legal. Along with the rapid development of technology, you can used the smartphone so it's easier to connect with Forex Factory Calendar. If you are android users can get it at google play store .

Features Smart Forex Factory Calendar

Create reminder for economic news listed in forexfactory. com


User can customize buffer before news release, default is 2 minutes

Use differentiable notification sound instead of default system notification sound

User can add all news on the list as reminder. User can use filter to specify type of news to be listed(e. g. according to importance, currency)

Currency Investing Details – Forex Factory Calendar

Factory Forex trading seems to advances that will have a real impact in a country following factory manages starting from that country. In a rather complicated recipe, the file can determine how manages to articles and provisions means not so distant oil assets required in purchase to make objects. This testing methodology appears on every stage in the generation test the distance a check in the pocket of a worker or factory worker.

The result of the division of foreign trade is clear, basically arguing that this type of activity does not influence the cost of cash. The evaluation of the badge factory then puts most of this data in the class of a manometer, or logbook. The Fx-book date is then a region of traders landing spot to look at this information and make their essential interests numbers one through the country’s currency. Most factory orders a nation has much more to be done in the future in close proximity. The significantly more work in the country, plus representatives will pay in shares and agreements when priced production lines. This will cause imminent for the region in the not so distant location customers seem to be brighter, and therefore a more commendable option now.

Estimates by the factory trade date-book Forex patterns can show budgetary issue, and will stabilize at current commodity charges and organizations will go. The researchers used these data to obtain data from lists and realities for traders who can guess advances in a cash rate, and the segment on things like interest rates and other markers related to money and politics news estimate the log book.

The most prominent of good faith about an improvement in finance will increase the desire of a person. What is the most appropriate place to contribute to increased income? Remote factory trade-book conveys date research approaches international mandatory risk. A basic exchange of $ 3.2 trillion in foreign trade business sector enters the thoughts of one person every time you think speculation. Fx current business sector is the most traded shopping center in the world. Instead of other temperate markets, forex trader can react immediately to market varieties whenever.

The monetary forms by industry reliable Forex market moves in patterns. A pattern that happens in a business sector current currency account of two monetary circumstances and development of cash worldwide. Advances are used as part of the current currency business sector to perceive the course of the charges in a mall distance trade. Hours investigates various specialized factory Fx indicators and may provide future enhancements in a mall in foreign trade. This would help a forex broker to inspire the decisions of the business sector share in the most perfect condition.

Forex factory date-book is prepared using basic audit of the mall. It gives a comprehensive watch the mall. Interest expense for different monetary rules talk about what a transmit intrigued exchange trader can get positive views. Rating parties as instability of exchange that can be provided, speed and the speed at which a box is so vulnerable. Want to help a runner to exceed expectations in the foreign trade market. Factory programming Forex trading is prepared by expert groups of talented and experienced test.

Any successful forex trader needs constant access to information currency trading. World events, fiscal reports, financial index state changes, interest rate changes these fx news is critical for the Forex trader to know.

not necessarily have to be able to predict the news and do not have to spend hours studying statistics in order to work on what is likely to mean the next financial report. Naturally, if you can do that, you could have a big advantage in the currency market, but most of us are not interested or knowledgeable enough to make the best use of our time in this way. Currency trading from the perspective of fundamental analysis is not the popular choice of the average trader type retail forex.

But even if you prefer technical analysis, based on charts and indicators for their predictions of movements in prices as traders selling most probably, no, you should not ignore the economic and General news. It is still vital to know what events are happening in the world and when. In fact, the less you know about the economy, the more important it is to stay on schedule news forex trading so that you can keep well out of the market at the time of the most important news is about to break. There is a very good economic news resource on the website forex factory it gives an overview of financial news events that happen in the world in a calendar format which is free to see.

Since the Forex market involves countries around the world that are found in many different time zones, you can be sure it’s not something that happens somewhere almost any time of day or night. However, some of these events will be more important in causing price fluctuations than others. Because of the importance of the US dollar in the foreign exchange market, all traders have to look for big announcements in the US. Even if trade a pair cross as the EUR / GBP could be affected.

Then of course you need to see ads from any country whose currency you are trading. For example, if you are trading the EUR / GBP and EUR / JPY, which will have to be aware of the ads through Europe and Japan as well as Britain and the US.

Fortunately, it’s easy to stay informed. Many brokers offer forex news alerts and similar services. You can also find this in other places on the Internet. You can view a calendar of currencies to ensure that the next major financial results or announcements must. You can transfer this to your own desktop calendar or subscribe to a service that will send alerts to your desktop.

In fact, if you are interested in finance and economics of this type of information can be addictive. You may find that reading through blogs and forums forex financial trading for much of the time available each day. So do not take it too far. Remember, everything in order to keep up with news about currency trading is to allow you actually get online and trade armed with the information that has been gathered from forex trading news information feeds.

Currency Investing Details – Forex Factory Calendar

Factory Forex trading seems to advances that will have a real impact in a country following factory manages starting from that country. In a rather complicated recipe, the file can determine how manages to articles and provisions means not so distant oil assets required in purchase to make objects. This testing methodology appears on every stage in the generation test the distance a check in the pocket of a worker or factory worker.

The result of the division of foreign trade is clear, basically arguing that this type of activity does not influence the cost of cash. The evaluation of the badge factory then puts most of this data in the class of a manometer, or logbook. The Fx-book date is then a region of traders landing spot to look at this information and make their essential interests numbers one through the country’s currency. Most factory orders a nation has much more to be done in the future in close proximity. The significantly more work in the country, plus representatives will pay in shares and agreements when priced production lines. This will cause imminent for the region in the not so distant location customers seem to be brighter, and therefore a more commendable option now.

Estimates by the factory trade date-book Forex patterns can show budgetary issue, and will stabilize at current commodity charges and organizations will go. The researchers used these data to obtain data from lists and realities for traders who can guess advances in a cash rate, and the segment on things like interest rates and other markers related to money and politics news estimate the log book.

The most prominent of good faith about an improvement in finance will increase the desire of a person. What is the most appropriate place to contribute to increased income? Remote factory trade-book conveys date research approaches international mandatory risk. A basic exchange of $ 3.2 trillion in foreign trade business sector enters the thoughts of one person every time you think speculation. Fx current business sector is the most traded shopping center in the world. Instead of other temperate markets, forex trader can react immediately to market varieties whenever.

The monetary forms by industry reliable Forex market moves in patterns. A pattern that happens in a business sector current currency account of two monetary circumstances and development of cash worldwide. Advances are used as part of the current currency business sector to perceive the course of the charges in a mall distance trade. Hours investigates various specialized factory Fx indicators and may provide future enhancements in a mall in foreign trade. This would help a forex broker to inspire the decisions of the business sector share in the most perfect condition.

Forex factory date-book is prepared using basic audit of the mall. It gives a comprehensive watch the mall. Interest expense for different monetary rules talk about what a transmit intrigued exchange trader can get positive views. Rating parties as instability of exchange that can be provided, speed and the speed at which a box is so vulnerable. Want to help a runner to exceed expectations in the foreign trade market. Factory programming Forex trading is prepared by expert groups of talented and experienced test.

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Forex factory market profile

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Any successful forex trader needs constant access to information currency trading. World events, fiscal reports, financial index state changes, interest rate changes these fx news is critical for the Forex trader to know.

not necessarily have to be able to predict the news and do not have to spend hours studying statistics in order to work on what is likely to mean the next financial report. Naturally, if you can do that, you could have a big advantage in the currency market, but most of us are not interested or knowledgeable enough to make the best use of our time in this way. Currency trading from the perspective of fundamental analysis is not the popular choice of the average trader type retail forex.

But even if you prefer technical analysis, based on charts and indicators for their predictions of movements in prices as traders selling most probably, no, you should not ignore the economic and General news. It is still vital to know what events are happening in the world and when. In fact, the less you know about the economy, the more important it is to stay on schedule news forex trading so that you can keep well out of the market at the time of the most important news is about to break. There is a very good economic news resource on the website forex factory it gives an overview of financial news events that happen in the world in a calendar format which is free to see.

Since the Forex market involves countries around the world that are found in many different time zones, you can be sure it’s not something that happens somewhere almost any time of day or night. However, some of these events will be more important in causing price fluctuations than others. Because of the importance of the US dollar in the foreign exchange market, all traders have to look for big announcements in the US. Even if trade a pair cross as the EUR / GBP could be affected.

Then of course you need to see ads from any country whose currency you are trading. For example, if you are trading the EUR / GBP and EUR / JPY, which will have to be aware of the ads through Europe and Japan as well as Britain and the US.

Fortunately, it’s easy to stay informed. Many brokers offer forex news alerts and similar services. You can also find this in other places on the Internet. You can view a calendar of currencies to ensure that the next major financial results or announcements must. You can transfer this to your own desktop calendar or subscribe to a service that will send alerts to your desktop.

In fact, if you are interested in finance and economics of this type of information can be addictive. You may find that reading through blogs and forums forex financial trading for much of the time available each day. So do not take it too far. Remember, everything in order to keep up with news about currency trading is to allow you actually get online and trade armed with the information that has been gathered from forex trading news information feeds.

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The forex factory forum forex factory calendar

When posting a new thread, try to make the title reflect the thread's subject. Does the trend in Tokyo carry into London? What committment are you going to make and why. While non-trading topics will naturally be mixed into discussions, the foundation of every discussion and debate should be related to forex trading. To keep the data current, Forex Factory's servers and automatically connect to your account every few minutes to grab any new data.

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If you are going to break the rules, its preferable to do so to take profit when it is staring you in the face, than doing something stupid like cancelling a stop loss. What do you think of my reasoning? Pretty shitty 100 pip profit vanished on Tuesday. When posting a new thread, try to make the title reflect the thread's subject. This struck me as having very much to do with trading, at least the way I do it. There are no posts to display for these settings. Show Category All News Breaking News Fundamental Analysis Technical Analysis Entertainment News Forex Industry News Educational News Display Format Stories Large Stories Comments Text preview Sort By Latest Hottest Last Commented Most Commented Most Viewed Sort Period Last 12 Hours Last 24 Hours Last 48 Hours Last 7 Days Last 30 Days Only show comments from members ranked at least: Subscriptions Off Only show comments from members you are forex market hours india time to You must be a member to have member subscriptions. No bickering While trading-related debate the forex factory forum forex factory calendar encouraged, members should not engage in mindless arguing, battling, or trolling. Forex Factory does not support this browser.

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This helps keep the rankings current by discounting the affect of inactive members. The amount of trading-related sentences a member posts must far outweigh the non-trading sentences. Ranking Formula The MIRS formula is completely transparent. However, in an over-the-counter market like forex there's no such information provided. Merlin what is your take on adjusting the stops? Started by 1,079 replies Dear friends, The only rule I have for being a part of this thread is that you must be respectful and kind to others. Privacy Permissions In your Trade Explorer's you can specify who can view it. Frequent Questions Why is my synchronized time one hour off? For look-back periods of 'Last 6 Hours' or shorter, change is calculated by comparing the current bid to the closing bid of the 1M bar X minutes ago i. As long as your posts and username do not reveal your identity, your activity on Forex Factory will never be connected to you personally. Enter your details below and we will send you primi passi trading binario hibrido significados email once a week letting you know the latest.

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For example, if your Trade Explorer is set to GMT+2, periods such as 'Today' and 'This Month' will show the same GMT+2-based timestamps to anyone viewing your Trade Explorer. Unresolvable personality conflicts should be managed using the 'Ignore' feature. Here are 8 interesting and amazing facts about Forexfactory not many forex traders know about… FACT 8: Forexfactory Is The 2,643th Most Popular Site In The world does not come close… Need proof of this? Focusing on the pursuit of trading profits will generally have positive effects on your membership, and straying from trading will generally have negative effects. There are hundreds of questions that session data can help answer, here's a few: Does the first hour in London set the session's trend? By merging data from multiple sources, MDA provides a truer price that can be used to benchmark the prices from individual brokers. The forex factory forum forex factory calendar example, if your Trade Explorer is set to GMT+2, periods such as 'Today' and 'This Month' will show the same GMT+2-based timestamps to anyone viewing your Trade Explorer. Trade Explorer Like other blocks, your software per trading binario para be moved around and copied to the Homepage, but it can also be copied to the page, page, and page. Synchronization When creating a Trade Explorer, all historical trading data is imported from your brokerage account.

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Read about members in the forum, or make your way to. Generally, countries should only be referred to in terms of economics or market impact, and with an unbiased financial tone. Members should never show hatred for or be derogatory toward a country or a race of people. Qué puedo hacer para evitar esto en el futuro? Please consult several sources before executing any trade.

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Membaca Calendar Forex Factory - Salah satu referensi dalam melakukan Trading Forex adalah melakukan Analisa Fundamental. Analisa ini bisa dibilang merupakan cara untuk mengetahui berbagai perkembangan perekonomian suatu negara, dimana hal itu mempunyai pengaruh terhadap Nilai Tukar Mata Uang negara tersebut. Banyak website yang menyediakan laman Kalender Ekonomi, dimana pengunjung dapat mengetahui sebuah berita dari berbagai negara yang akan dirilis secara online. Salah satunya Forex Factory.

Bagaimana cara membaca Calendar Forex Factory dan melakukan Transasksi (OP) dari melihat berita yang dirilis tersebut. Caranya sangat mudah, berikut uraiannya :

Pertama lakukan registrasi pada Forex Factory (gratis) agar tidak selalu melakukan setting ulang setiap masuk ke situs tersebut. Setelah registrasi berhasil dan login lakukan setting pada waktu (jam), sesuaikan pada waktu tempat anda berada/jam pada komputer (klik gambar bertanda jam), setelah itu klik Filter lakukan pilihan salah satu pasangan mata uang yang anda tradingkan (USD) dan pada pilihan Impact pilih yang warna merah, kemudian apply filter. Lihat Gambar !

Setelah semuanya berhasil, sekarang anda tinggal melihat jam serta berita yang akan dirilis, seperti contoh berita yang dirilis Amerika (USD), Klik gambar pada kolom Detail pada berita yang akan dirilis, setelah window terbuka perhatikan pada Usual Effect terdapat tulisan Actual > Forecast = Good Currency, ini berarti jika hasil nilai Actual lebih besar dari Forecast, maka mata uang (USD) tersebut akan menguat. Apabila sebaliknya, maka mata uang (USD) tersebut melemah. Contohnya bila yang anda tradingkan EUR/USD, maka lakukan Sell karena USD menguat, dan Buy bila USD melemah. Bisa juga dilihat dari warna tulisan angka pada Actual, jika hijau artinya positif (sesuai dengan perkiraan) dan jika merah artinya negatif (tidak sesuai dengan perkiraan).

Bila pada Usual Effect Actual < Forecast = Good Currency maka lakukan kebalikan dari cara di atas.

Adapun cara yang dilakukan untuk segera mengetahui hasil dari berita yang akan dirilis adalah sebagai berikut :

- Beberapa saat ( 3 menit ) sebelum berita itu dirilis akan muncul lingkaran panah hijau pada actual, jika tidak muncul lakukan refresh atau tekan F5 pada keyboard komputer. Tunggulah sampai jam yang ditentukan pada berita tersebut.

- Tepat pada jam dimana berita itu dirilis lakukan klik pada lingkaran panah hijau tersebut atau bisa juga dengan tekan F5 pada keyboard komputer, maka hasil dari berita tersebut akan tampak.

Forecast = perkiraan hasil dari berita yang akan dirilis. Actual = Hasil dari berita yang telah dirilis.

Warna merah menandakan berita yang akan dirilis mempunyai efek atau dampak yang besar pada mata uang dari negara tersebut. Jangan lakukan Open Posisi pada saat berita baru dirilis karena pergerakan harga biasanya mengalami loncatan / naik atau turun yang sangat cepat, lakukan beberapa menit setelahnya atau setelah pergerakan mulai agak mereda.

Ingat dengan melakukan Analisa apapun tidak menjamin anda akan memperoleh Profit, yang bisa menjamin hanyalah diri anda sendiri. Forex itu sangat bersiko tinggi, hati-hatilah melakukannya.

Using the Forex Factory Calendar

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Экономический календарь Форекс — это наиболее актуальные и весомые экономические события, цифры и факты, которые могут оказать влияние на валютный и финансовый рынок в целом.

Для чего нужен экономический календарь Форекс?

Не владея знаниями о ситуации на рынке Форекс, сложно стать успешным трейдером. Важно иметь доступ к качественной и своевременной информации. Экономический календарь является неотъемлемой частью фундаментального анализа. От верной интерпретации данных, публикуемой в календаре в режиме онлайн, зависит прибыль каждого трейдера. Именно поэтому календарь является одним из самых необходимых инструментов для тех, кто заинтересован в заработке на Форекс.

Работа с экономическим календарем максимально комфортна. Для выбора новостей первостепенной важности можно воспользоваться специальными фильтрами. Воспользовавшись кнопкой «Прогноз», каждый трейдер может делать перспективный анализ рынка на ближайшее время.

Если вы стремитесь к максимально эффективной торговле на Форекс, не стоит пренебрегать новостями, а также не следует ограничиваться только несколькими валютными парами. На динамику того или иного финансового инструмента оказывают влияние множество событий:

- изменение процентных ставок,

- уровень безработицы,

- прирост ВВП,

- объемы розничных продаж,

- индексы инфляции,

- потребительские расходы и пр.

Следите за событиями в новостной ленте, это позволит вам разглядеть нюансы развития той или иной экономической ситуации, а также даст возможность уловить реакцию рынка на нее.

Надеемся, что экономический календарь станет для каждого трейдера помощником и опорой в принятии решений на рынке Форекс.

Currency Trading Information: Forex Factory Calendar

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Calendar/news plotting indicator for MT4

Calendar/news plotting indicator for MT4

I’m posting this in the classified advert forum, even though I don’t stand to benefit financially from the link that follows. I’m simply “playing it safe” largely because I’m new to this forum, and I don’t want to risk breaking the rules or upsetting anybody. I include the link here only because it might be helpful to others. If the moderator staff want to move the post to an “MT4 Indicators” forum, then that’s possibly a more appropriate place.

For anybody looking for an indicator that plots both past and future news announcements on their MT4 charts, without obscuring the price bars: NEW. - Plot News indicator - Page 4 @ Forex Factory

Page down to posts #55, 56 to see screenshots, and then to post #102 for instructions on how to download the latest version. Operational instructions are included both in the manual provided in the download, and in posts in the thread.

This indicator uses the Forex Factory calendar. This is because I’ve been posting on their forum for several months, and their calendar was accessible programatically, and seemed as good as any. I have no financial affiliation with FF, and have no reason to “head-hunt” members for them.

I just hope that people find this news plotting indicator useful. It is offered completely free of charge, but with no express warranties regarding correct performance or future support.

Best wishes David

Moved to indicators forum.

It'd be great if you could attach associated files here so that our friends can download in one click.

Hi Scorpion (and everybody)

OK, no problem, here is the latest version (v1.07) of the Plot_News indicator and FFcal. EXE software.

To install, simply create a new folder on your hard drive and unzip the contents of the attached ZIP into it.

Then copy the following files into your C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators\ or C:\Program Files\ vendor name \experts\indicators\ folder: Plot_News. MQ4 Plot_News. EX4 Sessions. MQ4 Sessions. EX4

You may want to create an icon for FFcal. EXE on your desktop, and/or have it running permanently in a window, so that you can make changes whenever desired.

To get started quickly, run FFcal. EXE, press F5, ensure that the “Path\name of output (News. CSV) file” is set to C:\Program Files\ vendor name \experts\files\news. csv and then press Enter. Then attach the Plot_News indicator onto your MT4 chart(s), and hopefully… voila!

The “Events History” database comes populated with news announcements back to 1 Jan 2006. However, depending on your MT4 time zone, and relative to your daylight saving time, the times may need adjusting.

The two Word documents in the ZIP are fairly comprehensive instruction manuals. However, please feel welcome to post any questions or suggestions in this thread, and I’ll do my best to answer them.

I must point out that while I have firewalls and AVG anti-virus operating on my PC config, by downloading and running the software, you agree to do so AT YOUR OWN RISK . My config allows testing on Win-98 and Win-XP Pro only.

Best wishes David

Forex Factory Calendar-Currency Trading Information

Forex Factory Calendar-Currency Trading Information

Any doing well foreign talk trader needs constant access to currency trading in sequence. World procedures, fiscal reports, fiscal key status changes, hobby rate changes all of these fx news items are important used for the forex trader to know.

You prepare not necessarily need to be able to predict the news and you prepare not contain to throw away hours studying geometric returns in order to production given away come again? The after that fiscal state is likely to mean. Naturally if you can prepare so as to, you possibly will contain a mammoth gain in the forex sell place, but as a rule of us are not interested or knowledgeable sufficient to tell somebody to greatest work of our generation in this way. Foreign talk trading from the perspective of fundamental analysis is not the widespread well-chosen of the ordinary retail type forex trader.

But even if you favor technical analysis, relying on charts and indicators used for your predictions of cost activities as as a rule retail traders probably prepare, you be supposed to not ignore the monetary and wide-ranging news. It is still most important to know which procedures are incident in the humanity and once. In vogue statement, the not as much of you know going on for economics, the more crucial it is to be aware of the currency trading news calendar so so as to you can keep well given away of the sell by the generation once major news is going on for to break. There is a very gain monetary news resource by the Forex Factory snare put which gives an overview of the fiscal news procedures incident in the humanity on a calendar format which is unbound to observation.

Since the forex sell involves countries from all around the humanity so as to are in many diverse generation zones, you can be positively so as to nearby is something incident somewhere pretty much slightly generation of period or night. However, various of these procedures will be of more meaning in causing cost fluctuations than others. Because of the value of the US dough in the forex sell, all traders need to watch used for major announcements in the USA. Even if you trade a obstruct match up such as EUR/GBP you possibly will be affected.

Then of route you need to watch the announcements in slightly kingdom whose currency you are trading. So used for case in point if you are trading EUR/GBP and EUR/JPY, you will need to keep alongside each other of announcements across Europe and Japan as well as individuals from Britain and the USA.

Fortunately, it is very painless to keep manually informed. Many brokers offer forex news alerts and parallel services. You can and discover these elsewhere on the internet. You can consult a forex calendar to check once the after that major fiscal results or announcements are due. You can passing on this to your own desk calendar or sign up used for a service so as to will fling alerts to your desktop.

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Principles of forex factory calendar index

It would put in place requirements including registration, disclosure, recordkeeping, financial reporting, minimum capital and other operational standards. The collection has also been amended, where appropriate, to reflect additional IB registrants, who were not previously required to register to conduct off-exchange retail forex business and now will be. Also, the existing net capital charge with respect to options has been applied to off-exchange retail forex transactions that are options. The provisions of this section shall be applicable to any retail forex transaction. In opzioni binario come funziona instagram sign up other respects, the independent principles of forex factory calendar index accountant shall act in accordance with the provisions of Sec.

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Redesignating paragraphs w 2 through 4 as paragraphs w 3 through 5 and adding new paragraph w 2 ; and g. Accordingly, the Commission believes that it has provided an evenhanded regulatory scheme that will be familiar to industry participants. Revising paragraph b ; and d.

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The rate of currencies in the forex market always moves in trends. A tendency occurs in a foreign exchange market due to the economic situation and international capital flows. Trends are used in the currency market to identify the direction of prices in the currency market. Forex factory calendar examines various technical indicators and can predict upcoming trends in the currency market. This would help a forex trader to make decisions for trading on the market in the best situation.

Forex factory calendar is prepared using fundamental market reports. It gives an overview of the market. The interest rate of the different currencies so represents a trader interested in trading can bring profits. Factors such as the volatility of the exchange would expect, the speed and the rate at which a currency is etc. Vulnerable help a trader to excel in the forex market Understanding. Factory Calendar Forex analyst teams qualified and experienced research is prepared. They review reports, follow the latest news, trends and consult with other experienced traders, before preparing the calendar.

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Latest News

Dovish Fed lowers rate rise expectations; dollar drops March 16, 2016 at 9:05 pm GMT

European Session – Dollar gains on upbeat US inflation report, all eyes now on FOMC March 16, 2016 at 3:34 pm GMT

Sterling extends losses on growth downgrade, shrugging off strong jobs data March 16, 2016 at 2:33 pm GMT

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Forex Calendar

Which are the most powerful upcoming market-moving events? When is a bullish or a bearish trend likely to set in and how will that affect the market?

For traders decision making is all important. Setting up an investment goal and choosing a particular financial instrument to trade on can only bring the expected return on investment if you know what moves the market and when it is the optimal time to enter or exit your trades.

The XM economic calendar provides useful information on upcoming macroeconomic events by means of pre-scheduled news announcements and government reports on economic indicators that influence the financial markets. This will help you not only follow a wide range of major economic events that continuously move the market but also make the right investment decisions. Because market reactions to global economic events are very quick, you will find it useful to know the time of such upcoming events and adapt your trading strategies accordingly.

In both bullish and bearish markets there are opportunities – as long as you know which one is likely to set in and what changes it will bring along. This is where the XM economic calendar will definitely help you.

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With the regular use of the XM economic calendar, you can follow the release schedule of numerous economic indicators and get ready for significant market movements. Economic indicators help you consider trades in the context of economic events and understand price actions during these events. By following indicators for GDP, for instance, or inflation and employment strength, you can anticipate market volatility and gain potential trading opportunities in good time.

Below you can see the most important economic indicators at a glance.

Legal: XM. COM is a trading name of Trading Point Holdings Ltd, registration number: HE 322690, (12 Richard & Verengaria Street, Araouzos Castle Court, 3rd Floor 3042 Limassol, Cyprus), which wholly owns Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd (Cyprus), registration number: HE 251334, (12 Richard & Verengaria Street, Araouzos Castle Court, 3rd Floor, 3042 Limassol, Cyprus).

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20 Forex Sites to Thank and Recommend

In this season of giving, it’s time to thank and recommend forex sites / blogs that are very useful for forex traders. Here are my 20 picks.

With some of these forex sites, I have different kinds of collaboration which I’m happy with, and it’s also an opportunity to thank them. I’ll start with sites that don’t appear on my top 10 forex blogs list, and continue with those that are on the list – sites that regular readers know.

Forex Factory . The largest forex forum has an excellent calendar and a wonderful news section I’m proud to be a member of.

FXStreet . My collaboration with this multi-lingual forex giant is with daily outlooks as well as aggregated weekly forecasts and previews of big events.

Forex Live . Based on a blogging platform and publishing content like a Twitter feed, Forex Live is there for you all the time. They include interbank moves that affect forex, constant news updates and lots more. It’s a great resource which I use daily.

Alphaville . A blog of the Financial Times, Alphaville provides great analysis into macro analysis, helping understand the news behind the news. This sure widens my horizons.

Trading NRG . In a world with everything connected to everything, it’s important to keep up with oil, gas, gold silver. Trading energy does it superbly.

Forex TV . Part of the growth in the industry means it has also video – Forex TV leads this field. I’m happy to collaborate with Julie Sinha and provide commentary on a weekly basis.

NetDania . They have superb charting tools used on many important sites. They are fine tuning the software all the time. I use their graphs on a daily basis.

Currensee . The first forex social network has made huge steps forward in 2010. I truly believe in what they’re doing, and happy to work with them closely.

FXTechStrategy . Mohammed Isah’s technical analysis site covers currencies, precious metals and commodities using many technical tools.

DailyFX Blogs: One of the biggest and widest forex portals has a busy blogs section, which I’m happy to participate in.

Winners Edge Trading . Casey Stubbs does a great job covering EUR/USD. His great posts about trading psychology are very insightful as well. Keep up the good work Casey!

The Forex Articles . James Woodley speaks his mind regarding forex strategies, forex trading ideas and weekly updates on trading. He also gave me the inspiration for this post.

Forex Magnates . Michael Greenberg knows everybody in the industry and brings not only news, but sharp opinions I’ve enjoyed in this turbulent year in the industry.

Francesc Riverola . CEO of FXStreet provides also covers the industry from within, and spices things up with songs and reports about his home town – Barcelona.

Forex Blog . Adam Kritzer brings forex opinions from the world’s second largest economy – China. His long term macro insights are always a god read.

Trading U – Chicago Blog: Jay Norris writes about psychological effects of forex trading, trading patterns, technical analysis and much more.

Forex Blog . Since 2006, the blog has grown into a great site with great resources. Andriy’s weekly technical lines are very useful.

FXPath . James Chen started his own site in 2010 and it looks great. He focuses on straightforward and accurate technical analysis and also provides forex lessons. Chen is clearly an authority in forex.

Currency Thoughts . Larry Greenberg, a veteran currency economist brings forex news from many places all over the world, and in-depth analysis of current events.

Kathy Lien – Head of currency research at Global Forex Trading (GFT). She provides interesting technical and fundamental analysis, forex signals and strategies. A significant part of posts are of her interesting TV interviews.

That’s it. Thank you everybody. I hope I didn’t forget anyone…

I hope you’ve enjoyed Forex Crunch in 2010 and I have lots of plans for 2011.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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I would prefer relative to GMT as this is what is in my previous version and works well. Which files should I copy in my BAT file? The indy has been running correctly for several months now. Hay g? i ngay cho tcb forex factory news indicator toi. 093. Online business ideas retail forex official site reviews Trade Forex with Alpari - the "Company of the Year on the Forex Market". Forex news indicators Data from the ForexFactory weekly calendar is refreshed hourly to catch any mid-week calendar. Download the Download News. Cong ty T? ch? c s? ki? n Hoang Gia - Royal International Event - Gala Dinner t? i Th? o C? m Vien 10 - 2014. Please note that the indy is FREE, and is therefore supplied on an 'as is, take-it-or-leave-it, use-at-your-own-risk' basis. Version 3 no longer works correctly, due to changes in the format of the FF calendar. I'm not looking for a spike trader or anything, just some general logic so if the news isn't looking good it can close some open positions. We would greatly appreciate your feedback or questions concerning the 7 Day Millionaire SCAM. The indicator pulls news data from Forex Factory and plots tcb forex factory news indicator on your MT4 charts. The download is now a separate process in an attempt to reduce overhead on both the user's computer, and the news provider's servers. Read our binary options reviews, make your own assessment tcb forex factory news indicator start binare optionen handeln mit spielgeld coinstar stock binary options on Objective Binary Options Broker Reviews delivered by Professionals. ZIP file to obtain the installer program NewsSetup.

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ForexFactory Economic Calendar

ForexFactory Economic Calendar

I know that a lot of you likes the ForexFactory Economic Calendar and I like it too. So please take look on one of the best calendar - ForexFactoryNews. Komposter is author of this tool and huge respect to him for that, but I had to update the calendar numerous times because of changed their HTML format. Also now it's an indicator instead of EA and I translated it to English.

All settings are described in the code. If you wish to have lines on the chart then please move a bit the button [Lines].

Also please download the FF history files in. rar format, extract and place to experts/files/ForexFactoryNews/History and! LastLoadedWeek. csv in the folder. experts/files/ForexFactoryNews which will be created when you attach the indicator to chart.

2013.03.05 - version 2.2. Now you can change the table width - just change Table_MaxDescription on any other value(eg. Table_MaxDescription = 15) and you will see how it works.

2013.03.15 - version 2.3. Fixed DST issue for EDT.

2013.03.18 - version 2.4. Parameter TimeMode(0-Broker Time, 1-Local Time) added.

2014.06.10 - version 2.5 600+. Updated version for the new MT4.

2014.09.15 - version 2.7 600+. Fixed version for the new MT4.

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This simple droid tool just displays the weekly economic calendar from the Forex Factory site (http://www. forexfactory. com). Recent changes: 1. Fix due to site format change. Known issues: 1. Zoom does not work as well as in web browsers. Please remember that this is just a simple droid tool ;) Please feel free to email me in case of any suggestions for improvements on the tool or for bug reports. Please click on the ads at least once a day if you enjoyed this app :) Caveat: Since this app depends on data provided by the Forex Factory site, it will be working correctly as long as that site continues to make that valuable data available freely and in the same format. Please refer to http://www. forexfactory. com/legal. php#terms_of_use for legal information, including the Copyright and the Terms of Use of the information displayed by this app.

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News Calendar Indicator for MT4

In Forex its good to know when Major news are due. Having an MT4 News Calendar Indicator is a great way to not miss any news and to trade when you actually should not.

Forex is dependent a lot on News releases. There are three types of news which are common. Low impact, Medium impact and High impact news. Each news statement is unique to how much it moves the Forex market. With MT4 news calendar indicator you will be on top of the news releases and you will be able to plan on it, when to trade and when to skip a trade because of the news release.

This are the available settings for MT4 News Calendar Indicator:

Indicator_On: disable or enable the indicator on lower left corner

Display_Min_TF: Show indicator if TF is higher then this setting

Display_Max_TF: Show indicator if TF is lower then this setting

FFCal_Title: Color of MT4 News Calendar Indicator

Low_Impact_News_Color: Low Impact news color to display

Low_Impact_News_On: Enable or Disable Low Impact news in Calendar

Medium_Impact_News_Color: Medium Impact news color to display

Medium_Impact_News_On: Enable or Disable Medium Impact news in Calendar

High_Impact_News_Color: High Impact news color to display

Bank_Holiday_Color: Color of bank holidays

Bank_Holiday_On: Show bank holidays in News

Remarks_Color: Any remark text color

Background_Color_: News Calendar Indicator for MT4 background

Broker_Watermark: Show or Hide Broker watermark

Alert_Minutes_Before: Alert X amount of minutes before news

Offset_Hours: Offset of X hours

Show_USD_News: Show additional USD news to your current chart currency good for correlation pairs

Show_EUR_News: Show additional EUR news to your current chart currency good for correlation pairs

Show_GBP_News: Show additional GBP news to your current chart currency good for correlation pairs

Show_NZD_News: Show additional NZD news to your current chart currency good for correlation pairs

Show_JPY_News: Show additional JPY news to your current chart currency good for correlation pairs

Show_AUD_News: Show additional AUD news to your current chart currency good for correlation pairs

Show_CAD_News: Show additional CAD news to your current chart currency good for correlation pairs

Show_CHF_News: Show additional CHF news to your current chart currency good for correlation pairs

Show_CNY_News: Show additional CNY news to your current chart currency good for correlation pairs

How to install MT4 News Calendar Indicator in MetaTrader 4 / MT4:

Download/Copy/Save the MQ4/EX4 file into your C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators folder (or change the folder to your installation sometimes forex broker name)

Restart your MetaTrader 4 application (assuming it’s currently open) … or Launch your MetaTrader 4 application

On the left hand side, look for the “ Navigator ” window and under the “ Common ” tab, look into the “ Custom Indicators ” section

Locate the indicator which you have just downloaded into the folder stated in Step 1

Drag (Click and drag) the indicator onto the chart

Choose your settings and click OK.

TADA and your done!

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&dupdo; 2016 Forex MT4 EA. Todos los derechos reservados.


Economic Calendar

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Intraday Datos proporcionados por SIX Financial Information y sujeta a condiciones de uso. Datos históricos y actuales al final del día proporcionados por SIX Financial Information. Datos intradía retrasados ​​por necesidades de intercambio. S&P/Dow Jones Indices (SM) from Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All quotes are in local exchange time. Datos de la última venta en tiempo real proporcionados por NASDAQ. Más información sobre los símbolos negociados de NASDAQ y su estado financiero actual. Los datos intradía retrasaron 15 minutos para el Nasdaq, y 20 minutos para otros intercambios. S&P/Dow Jones Indices (SM) from Dow Jones & Company, Inc. SEHK intraday data is provided by SIX Financial Information and is at least 60-minutes delayed. Todas las cotizaciones son en tiempo de intercambio local.

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Admin Demo 73 comments

Page 3- MT4 News Calendar Indicator Platform Tech. FFCal-news-HeadlinesWhite. mq4 47 KB 1,403 download. Nov 8, 2012 am. Best forex broker us residents, Young option traders hedge fund pdf, Trading binary options in australia, Forex factory calendar headlines indicator mt4, Forex. Forex Calendar - highly advanced, famously reliable Forex calendar packed with features and information that helps Forex traders make better decisions.

Page 3- MT4 News Calendar Indicator Platform Tech. FFCal-news-HeadlinesWhite. mq4 47 KB 1,403 download. Nov 8, 2012 am. Calendar. Academic Events. Below are a few upcoming CAES events. To find more, please visit the full version of the Academic Event Calendar. Your browser. Жов. 2012 - повідомлень 20 - авторів 11

Open because it only shows the news headlines of the news relating to that pair. I really like it. FF Calendar Indicator for MT @ Forex Factory. It is a fact that forex economic news move the market, so better you keep an eye on the calendar headlines during your forex trading. This indicator will show the.

Open because it only shows the news headlines of the news relating to that pair. I really like it. FF Calendar Indicator for MT @ Forex Factory. Лис. 2012 - повідомлень 3 - авторів 2

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Forex factory calendar headlines indicator

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News Alerts

Time reading this page: 5 minutes Time installing the indicator: Just a few minutes with our MetaTrader Pro setup

What does it do?

The Analytic Trading News Indicator for MetaTrader overlays up-coming and recent news events relevant to the instrument chart it is added to, with the optional display of all USD news events.

It will display screen alerts and send email alerts at specified times before events, and shows the typical impact of the event, previous and forecast figures - all taken from the data feed provided at forexfactory. com/calendar. php .

Credit for the original version of this indicator goes to DerkWehler and his excellent thread on Forex Factory where you can download his version for free. Our version is simply contains our added display and pip calculation functionality to work better for our needs.

What is it for?

Although we are technical traders, it is the news events that create the volatility we are looking for to find the best trade setups. It is also important to monitor news events when there is an open trade on the relevant instrument.

How do we use it?

By default, we have the news indicator displayed on our S&P 500 chart in the top-left window of all forex, commodity and index profile layouts, to monitor market risk-sentiment and events likely to cause significant price movements.

Then, when we have a trade open on an instrument, we will make sure we have one chart with the news indicator displayed so that we can monitor the price-action that evolves around risk events, to help manage our trades.

News Alert specific settings

In most cases these settings can be left on the default values, although users with different strategies or preferences to our own may want to be able to adjust them.

For most brokers the indicator can automatically calculate the value of a pip using "auto". However, if pips are incorrectly displayed for a broker or instrument you can try "semi-auto" and set the instrument type for the current chart, or you can set to "manual" and specify in a number to how may decimal points the value of a pip is.

If you need to use TradeDPCalcType=manual then here you need to specify the number of decimal places that 1 pip is at. So for a EURUSD price displayed as 0.12345 or 0.1234 the value would be 4, for USDJPY prices displayed as 00.123 or 00.12 the value would be 2.

Setting this value to true will show the pip calculation mode in brackets at the end of the displayed text on the chart to help with diagnosing pip calculation.

For your peace of mind and security we have chosen to use Paypal for all payments on this website. Analytic Trading does not store any payment details.

Analytic Trading provides trading software tools for time-efficient analysis and understanding of the risk and rewards involved in financial trading - because time is more valuable than money. All free information and products are provide as-is and without any warranty whatsoever. Any paid-for services are sold on the strict understanding that any liability is strictly limited to a full and final refund with no compensation for any time, effort or expenses - Caveat Emptor! Of course, we do want to provide the best possible service and all constructive feedback and requests will be received gratefully and, where possible, responded to in a timely manner. Copyright © Analytic Trading 2012 - All Rights Reserved All text, images, design and downloadable content is actively monitored for plagiarism by Copysentry and DMCA protection.


Interesting About Forex Factory Calendar

Foreign exchange Plant is one of the most visited sites by fx traders on the Internet one more thing there is a good reason. Important feature of ForexFactory is their economic calendar, which is a joy to make use of. Forex factory calendar is a thing which is undoubtedly needed by people who are involved in forex trading, videlicet the above-mentioned who are traders. One of the most useful features on Forex Factory Calendar is the 'impact' meter, a color coded chronicle which supports forex traders to assess the impact that the news event is virtual to have on the Foreign exchange market. Foreign exchange factory calendar delivers analysis for the significant investing strategies internationally. The Foreign exchange Factory calendar has a listing of events which are required for the generation of indicators and information for fx trading. What sets the Foreign exchange Factory Calendar Marker losing from the other foreign exchange calendars is its list of greatly experienced economists who work hard to provide a all-inclusive and accurate calendar making it one of the excellent foreign exchange indicator in the market. In Foreign exchange Factory Calendar Stock common options which is generally considered secure.

Forex Factory is 1 of the most attended sites by forex traders on the net and there is a good reason. Fx factory calendar is a thing which is undoubtedly needed by people who are involved in foreign exchange trading, individually those who are traders. In consequence of the foreign exchange factory calendar, it is simple to foresee the coming trend. Forex factory calendar gives analysis for the major investment strategies internationally. The economic calendar is a list of all the hundreds of economic events and messages. Foreign exchange Economic Calendar concentrates on foreign exchange market and world economy reports. What sets the Foreign exchange Factory Calendar Marker missing from the other forex calendars is its list of greatly trained economists who work to give a correct and correct calendar making it 1 of the the best foreign exchange indicator in the market. The Fx Factory Calendar is what innovative that it literally changed the pathway financial calendars are made. The calendar has a plan of the open of economic data which will help fx traders plan their purchase and sell actions.

Forex Factory is 1 of the most joined websites by forex traders on the net and also there is a good reason. Substantial appearance of ForexFactory is their economic calendar, which is a joy to use. Forex factory calendar is 1 of the most useful tool in fx trading. Resulting from the fx factory calendar, it is simple to account the forthcoming trend. Foreign exchange Economic Calendar pays attention on forex market and world economy reports. What sets the Fx Factory Calendar Indicator partite from the other foreign exchange calendars is its agenda of highly experienced economists who work hard to give a correct and accurate calendar making it one of the increased foreign exchange marker in the market. The Fx Factory Calendar is then innovative that it literally changed the course financial calendars are made. In Forex Factory Calendar Supply usual options which is generally considered safe. The calendar has a schedule of the release of economic data which will assist forex traders plan their buy and sell actions.

Important apping of ForexFactory is their economic calendar, which is a joy to use. Foreign exchange factory calendar is a thing which is simply needed by people who are involved in foreign exchange trading, specially those who are traders. With the forex factory calendar, it is plain to guess the forward trend. Foreign exchange factory calendar provides analysis for the major investing strategies internationally. The Forex Factory calendar has a list of events which are needed for the nature of indicators and data for forex trading. What sets the Forex Factory Calendar Indicator needed from the other forex calendars is its register of greatly experienced economists who work to give a accurate and right calendar making it one of the great foreign exchange marker in the market. In Forex Factory Calendar Feed classical options which is generally considered protected. The calendar has a plan of the start of economic data which will help foreign exchange traders plan their buy and sell activities.

Fx factory calendar is one of the most helpful tool in foreign exchange trading. In consequence of the forex factory calendar, it is simple to estimate the prospective trend. 1 of the most helpful features on Forex Factory Calendar is the 'impact' meter, a color coded newsletter which supports fx traders to assess the impact that the news event is probable to exhibit the Fx market. Fx factory calendar distributes analysis for the major investment strategies globally. What sets the Fx Factory Calendar Marker from here from the other fx calendars is its agenda of greatly trained economists who work to provide a all-out and precise calendar making it 1 of the wonderful foreign exchange marker in the market. The Fx Factory Calendar is so innovative that it literally changed the route financial calendars are made. In Fx Factory Calendar Store traditional options which is generally considered secure. The calendar has a schedule of the open of economic data which will aid forex traders plan their buy and sell acts.

Foreign exchange Factory is one of the most attended websites by fx traders on the Internet and is a good reason. Fx factory calendar is a thing which is basically needed by people who are involved in fx trading, especially those who are traders. The Fx Factory calendar has a listing of events which are required for the nature of signs and information for forex trading. Forex Economic Calendar focuses on fx market and world economical system reports. What sets the Fx Factory Calendar Marker needed from the other foreign exchange calendars is its schedule of very trained economists who work hard to provide a all-out and proper calendar making it 1 of the good forex marker in the market. The Forex Factory Calendar is when innovative that it literally changed the course financial calendars are made. In Fx Factory Calendar Store common options which is generally considered safe. The calendar has a plan of the start of economic data which will aid forex traders plan their purchase and sell undertakings.

Fx Plant is 1 of the most visited sites by foreign exchange traders on the Internet and is a good reason. Foreign exchange factory calendar is 1 of the most functional tool in forex trading. Because the foreign exchange factory calendar, it is plain to account the forward tendency. Forex factory calendar gives analysis for the major investing strategies globally. The economic calendar is a listing of all the hundreds of economic events and statements. Fx Economic Calendar focuses on fx market and world financial system reports. What sets the Foreign exchange Factory Calendar Indicator away from the other fx calendars is its schedule of greatly experienced economists who work hard to give a all-inclusive and correct calendar making it one of the prime foreign exchange marker in the market. The Foreign exchange Factory Calendar is what innovative that it literally changed the way financial calendars are made. In Foreign exchange Factory Calendar Feed conventional options which is generally considered secure.


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Forex News Calendar Indicators

Hi everyone. I'd like to share with you two very useful indicators that show you the upcoming forex news releases. One is called FFCal and the other Plot News (version 3.0 - last and final release). You can find them both attached to this post.

Install instructions for Plot News:

1. Download and unzip the News v303.ZIP file into your MT4 folder, unzipping the files within to the relevant sub-folders, and overwriting any existing files of the same name. 2. Restart MT4. 3. Run the Calc Timeshifts. EX4 script if you wish to have the time offsets calculated automatically for you.

For further instructions, additional information, screenshots, release history, etc, please read the 'Operating instructions' document (it's in the ZIP file).

OR you can run the automated install program located in the file.

Install instructions for FFCal:

Copy the FFCal. mq4 file into your MetaTrader 4 "indicators" directory, restart MT4, attach it to the chart.

In order to use it, you need to turn on DLL Imports in your Metatrader platform options, because it calls a DLL to get your timezone, as well as another to read the ForexFactory web page to get news information. (Be aware it will write out. XML files to your expert/files folder).

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5 Shopping Tips for Paris Markets

March 16, 2016 marjorie

It’s getting to be the season when Paris markets are coming into full bloom. Juicy gariguette strawberries and spears of asparagus will soon be widely available, along with cheeses and butter made with milk from animals that have been chomping on young flowers and grasses. At flea markets, summery dresses and scarves start to dominate the racks. Whether you’re shopping…

Santa Fe Farmers’ Market

March 2, 2016 marjorie

I recently visited Santa Fe, New Mexico, to celebrate my friend Carol’s birthday. I thought of it as pure vacation and decided—as a departure from my usual routine—that I’d forego going to a market and instead focus on activities that Carol and others had planned. Besides, I could’ve used extra sleep on Saturday morning. But as soon as Carol described the Santa…

Mardi Gras and the French Connection

February 5, 2016 marjorie

Did you ever wonder about the French connection to Mardi Gras? Mardi Gras means “Fat Tuesday” in French. It’s actually a reference to a single day (the day before Ash Wednesday) and the practice of eating fatty foods before the start of Lent. People often refer to the period from the Feast of Epiphany (or Twelfth Night) on January…

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